Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Red, White and Blue Kit Day!
Bowties, hair ribbons, orange shoes!
Is this a great country or what?!?






Belo News
May 25, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke damp and cloudy over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman's first thought was, "is it raining?"

The forecast for ride day looked dismal the previous evening and the thought crossed our hero's mind to just cancel the ride and avoid the early morning ruminating over the Shark Radar.

However, much to his surprise, a quick check of radar showed an opening in the weather for at least the morning hours!

Game on!
Brewman sporting his Victory Beer
RW&B Kit!

Sharkman was again, unsure of who would be riding over with hime, but none the less was excited to don his Red, White and Blue kit. Each layer of this our hero's ensemble reeked of patriotism!

From the red, white and blue helmet, to the American flags on his dew rag, to his all American star's and stripes jersey to his blue bib shorts! His USA socks and his red and white riding shoes, our hero was living the Shark Minion Credo that "if you can't be good, look good!" and our hero was looking good!

With his flashing lights, he cut quite a figure on the wet roads over to the start.

Again, no one joined on and Sharkman was feeling the loneliness of the long distance rider.......(hey, does that make the entourage feel sorry? Uh, does it? Where are you guys???) Can we hear a collective ...."Awwwwww...." for our hero? Uh, can we?

Again, he counted cars that passed him on the way over, (and the count doubled since last week (4) as he thought of the glory days when he always had at least one other rider in his Shark entourage......
Brewman fashion error.....
Orange/Black shoes....

As he  passed the Klutch and waved to the early morning group, he noticed Wishbones bike resting against the wall of the Klutch, so he knew there would be at least one other Shark Minion in attendance for Red, White and Blue Kit Day!

As he rolled into the school yard, there was Sasquatch pulling into the start, followed by perfect attendance Brewman and others. Both were in their RW and B Kit, with Brewman filling out his ensemble by having both a Victory Brewing AND a RW and B jersey. The man knows how to rock the holiday weekends!

He did have a small fashion issue with his orange shoes, but the Commissioner let it pass. Sasquatch was rocking it in his USA jersey!

Shortly after, Padre showed up and though he did not have RW and B Kit, he did have a very attractive, yet masculine RW and B Bow Tie! (check photo). He even wore it for the entire ride!!!

Hoosier Boy had his Hoosier Jersey, which is red and white, but was cutting it close with the blue helmet straps. But again, the Commissioner looked the other way.
Reb makes the start!
Well, sort of.....

Bissell Boy arrived with the ever popular Mick Jagger RW and B jersey, always a crowd pleaser.  To shouts of "Gazelle Girl" the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" arrived with her RW and B hair ribbon (check photo)! Shortly after, Stryker Guy returned to the peloton in his RW and B Pedal Kit!
Padre rocking it in his
RW&B Bowtie!

Man, the Nation was looking good!!!

Even Reb showed up at the start, sans any RW and B Kit, as he was taking his son to play baseball and couldn't ride, but did want to try to remember what the start was like!

Oh, the humanity!

Including the Sharkman, there were nine at the start, and though small in number, they made up for it in enthusiasm! Many thought they wouldn't be riding with the weather report, but they were out to celebrate being Shark Minions, as well as our beloved, good old US of A!!!

After the start photo and the obligatory selfie that Sharkman just can't seem to get the hang of, they were off!

As they passed the Klutch, their adoring fans in the Early Morning Koffee Group waved and Andrew came to the door to wish everyone a safe ride.

As the Nation headed past the Klutch, PJ and Hutch jumped on. Then they were eleven!

Sharkman worked the crowd and insured his count as the Shark Nation train headed up toward the first sprint. Not long after, Kid Doster, making his season debut, jumped on, making it 12 riders.
The ever popular Mick Jagger RW&B
Jersey! Bissell Boy rocks it!

Sasquatch and Padre went to the front and did a great job leading out the Sharkman to his honorary sprint,  clocking it at 22. 3 mph this week! The man was on fire!

After the first G crossing, Stryker Guy took the sprint in the run up to the col de Twin Lakes "uncontested" as he stated. He claimed the he likes to get at least one "uncontested" sprint per season! And that folks, is why he is a legend!

The Nation glided up the col de Twin Lakes and past the Northville Church, past Kellogg Korner and through the Kountry Klub section.

Padre and Kid Doster were leading in this section with Sharkman hard on their wheels, hanging on like Wolf King hangs on to a piece of bologna!

After the traditional "sit up" after the turn to the Rt. 43 sprint, Sharkman took off and was soon tracked down by Kid Doster and Padre, however, Sharkman had enough left to take the Rt. 43 sprint! Or did the Kid give it to him?......None the less, it was a victory for America!

Up the col de Norte and through the Holy Rollers, the Nation rode at a pretty good clip considering the past few weeks of Spring Training pace. Padre commented that the group was pretty mellow and Sharkman told him they were all waiting for the final sprint.
Hoosier Boy in his
Indiana Kit with blue helmet strap.

As they passed the Zyckmann Estate, there was the venerable Fabio doing lawn work.

Wait, what? Lawn work? Lawn work? What was he thinking!??

Belo News was going to have some fun with this, but later learned that Fabio/Zyckmann has a virus and will be out for at least two weeks! Oh, the humanity!

Get well soon, Zyckmann!

At the Feed Stop, PJ dropped off and the Nation took the low road, all deciding it was nicely paved and less traveled. They then headed to the Digital Divide, where the pace line formed up.

Sharkman led out and got the show started, but Gazelle Girl was bound and determined to teach the wayward Minion Nation how to do the pace line clock wise, as the wind was coming from the southwest. Though Sharkman was doubtful, Gazelle Girl proved him wrong as she shouted out orders to the Minions to reverse the direction and got the outside line to move up, while the inside line moved back. It actually worked for quite a while until some on the inside line seemed to forget and moved faster than the outside line, not allowing them to move in front.

However, for a while, it was a thing of beauty!
Stryker Guy back in his RW&B Pedal Kit!

Gazelle Girls method to her madness bore itself out when, after the bend in the road just before the final sprint, she popped up near the front and got  a near perfect lead out to her beloved GGG Spot Sprint! It was another victory for America on this Memorial Day Special Edition!

As the Nation headed south to the final sprint, Sasquatch and Gazelle Girl took the lead out.

Sharkman, remembering his being so gassed the week before trying to lead out, sat back and watched the ride unfold. He had remembered that Padre was pretty preoccupied by the sprinting and the old Shark thought that he would try to get his wheel if he could, knowing he would rock it hard to get that sprint.

As Sasquatch and Gazelle Girl got to the final ascent, the Nation started to splinter, and up came Padre.

Sharkman grabbed his wheel and hung on as best he could as the road descended to the finish.

Padre slowly took the speed up as Sharkman looked in his mirror and saw that they had opened up a gap and no one seemed to be following them!
"Gazelle Girl!"
Red, White & Blue Hair Band!

Sharkman thought that maybe, just maybe, he could wait to the last second and come around Padre as they bore down on the finish. He continued to look down at his mirror to make sure that no one was off his left shoulder. That is when it happened....

Just as the old Shark was planning his jump, he heard Kid Doster to his right say, "I guess it is just us...."

Sharkman had been unable to see the swift moving Kid coming up on the inside.

Just as Sharkman was thinking he had the Kid boxed in, Padre started to drift a bit left to counter any move by the old Shark.

As Padre made the move,  Kid Doster came up on the right while the old Shark tried to attack from the left.
Another bad selfie! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman got up to about a half wheel off Padre, almost pulling even, when Padre and Kid Doster put the hammer down and Kid Doster, timing his attack perfectly, edged out Padre with Sharkman on their wheels!

It was another victory for America as the crowds went wild on the champs Le Galesburg!

Average Speed on the day was 18.99 mph, which was a bit of a jump since the previous averages during Spring Season.

The race also began for who was buying the Koffee. With PJ and Hutch dropping off, the numbers were down again and Hoosier Boy and Gazelle Girl, followed by Bissell Boy, led the three way attack to the Klutch, which was almost as furious as the rush to the finish!

However, as the Nation, paparazzi and tofosi arrived at the Klutch, there was Greyhound waiting with a big grin on his face. He was buying and won the final sprint to the Klutch without even riding! Thanks Greyhound! Is this a great country or what!?!
Who is that ghost rider?

Again, the Nation stayed late at the Klutch, enjoying the banter as well as the bottomless kups of koffee.

Sharkman was pleased to learn there was a nice east wind for his ride back to the Shark Cove and that he had enough gas to get there in a respectable time.

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG!

Saturday, June 1, 2019 (How can it be June already!??)

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

Winner of the Koffee Sprint!

The Klutch was rocking!


Belo News
May 29, 2019

Hickory Corners, Mi. - It is well known that Sharkman has been riding two wheels for a very long, long time. One of those two wheeled vehicles is a motorcycle that he dearly loves. He also loves going to the Gilmore Vintage Motorcycle Show and is on June 8 and 9 this year.

June 9 is also Gazelle Girls Birthday AND she rides a motorcycle, and so does Toesetter!

Is this a great country or what!

So if you are a motorcycling Shark Minion, get that bike out to ride with us on Sunday morning, June 9 for the Gilmore Car Museum's 2019 Vintage Motorcycle Weekend followed by a lunch ride up to the Walldorff!

Please let Sharkman know if you are attending! All are welcome!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


30th Anniversary Jersey Day!





Belo News
May 18, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke, cool and dark over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero was beside himself with joy! He was returning to his beloved Shark Minion Nation after being gone for two weeks! Oh, the humanity!
Sharkman does have his jersey on!

It was also 30th Anniversary Shark Minion Jersey day and though he had to cover his dorsal with his famous "flapping" rain jacket, he was still excited.

A bit bummed that his wingmen Yeti Boy, who was suffering from a super bad cold, Reb and Mad Dog were all out of action.

It was the first time in a while he had to make the trip to the start in solo mode.

Amazingly, he realized how surreal it was to ride on wet roads, that early in the morning, all alone. (can we get a collective, "awwwwww..."

Our hero actually counted cars that passed him (2) and entertained himself by trying to find the driest parts of the road!

Our hero has always wondered what it would be like to get to the start and have no one else show up and he was thinking this might be the morning, as the weather was cold and wet.
Brewman with perfect attendance!

As he approached the start, there was not a rider in sight. As he lined up a "selfie" photo with the empty start, in rode perfect attendance Brewman!

The day was saved!

Shortly after, more riders started pouring in!

Sasquatch, Zyckmann aka Fabio, then Bissell Boy, Bull Dog, and Hoosier Boy making their season debuts!

Wishbone filled out the early group and was back, despite his major grievance with last weeks edition of Belo News....more on that later.......(see next story).

Shortly after, Gazelle Girl rolled in with this weeks "other guy," Boatman, to cheers of "Gazelle Girl" and shortly after, Skittles was back, making his season debut! He could have ridden over with our hero, but confessed to oversleeping and having to hustle to the start, just making it in time for the start photo.

Zyckmann, still a bit "ouchy" over what he considers to be "boring" name, showed off his new International, EU, Barcelona license plate for his woodie! Yep, he is starting to promote the name change to Fabio, once again.
Wait...what? a Fabio License Plate?

Man, it ain't easy watching Fabio riding his woodie that early in the morning with a license plate! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman took the obligatory start photo and poor selfie before the sound of "pedals clicking in" rang out across greater Galesburg and the 11 rides pulled out of the station ready to rock the ride.

As train passed the Klutch they commented on how they didn't see the early morning koffee group, but on they rode.

Boatman and Zyckmann/Fabio took the early lead, as well as taking Sharkman to his honorary first sprint, which he clocked in at 23. 2 mph! Where did that come from?

In keeping with not reporting sprints, and in trying to shorten Belo News (as the Editors struggle with major blog burnout) the Nation rode at a bit of a brisker pace through the col de Twin Lake, past the  Yorkville Church, through Kellogg Korner and the Kountry Klub section. Skittles and Zyckmann/Fabio battled for the Rt. 43 sprint with Sharkman on their wheels, but reporting of sprints.....yet......

Over the col de Norte and through the Holy Rollers, the band of riders stuck together enjoying the quickly warming day and the camaraderie!
Yep, that says Fabio!

At the feed stop, it was decided to take the smooth route again and after the Digital Divide, Skittles started up a nice pace line and held it for some time.

At the bend, just before the GGG Spot Sprint, the lead riders looked back for the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" and there she was, ready to rock it!

It was a victory for America as she took the her beloved sprint!

As the Nation headed south to the finish, Sasquatch came forward and took a massive pull, before turning it over to Sharkman.

Sharkman completely wasted himself trying to keep up the pace as the Nation bore down on the finish. Sharkman made it to the top of the final ascent before the Nation started passing him. Even if the finishing sprint was to be reported, Sharkman would not be able to report as he was just too gassed to look up to watch the finish! Suffice it to say, Skittles and Zyckmann/Fabio were battling it out at the front with a cast of thousands on their heals........
Bull Dog makes his season debut!

This ride marked the end of Spring Season and now the season begins. Let's hope we actually get summer soon!

The biggest sprint this time of year is to buy koffee, with the small turn outs and cold weather, it shouldn't be too expensive!

This week, Bissell Boy took that sprint, hands down! Others tried to buy, but Bissel Boy was just too quick for the rest of the crew!

Thanks Bissell Boy!

The discussion at the Klutch centered on weather the Nation would ever see warm weather this year! The koffee and conversation flowed and the Old Shark was late departing the Klutch!

Sharkman almost forgot about Skittles and left the Klutch on his own for the ride home into the light, east wind. As he approached the climb out of Galesburg, he heard a rider behind him and there was Skittles! "Fantastic!" he thought, thinking he now had someone to pull his sorry dorsal home! Oh, the humanity, this is a great country!

The two riders did see Nike Boy on their way back and Skittles turned around to ride a bit with him and ended up with 116 miles on the day! Oh, double the humanity!

Bissell Boy making season
You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG as the Nation celebrates Memorial Day by downing their Red, White & Blue Kit!

That's right Bunkie! It is Red, White & Blue Jersey Day! Get out your colors and show your patriotism!

This Saturday, May 25, 2019 - Red, White & Blue Jersey Day!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!


Hoosier Boy was back!

Sasquatch riding strong!

Skittles made it just in time!

Gazelle Girl and another,
"Other Guy!"

Winner of the Koffee Sprint!
Bissell Boy!

Another fantastic morning in the Nation! 


Belo News
Hey, I bought EVERYONE,
EVERYONE, koffee!
May 17, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - Immediately after Belo News went to press last week, ........well, actually not "immediately" but a day or two later, Wishbone reported a major error in the edition that had gone out to our ones of readers!

He felt he had been dissed by the report that no one had reported who had purchased koffee after the ride the previous Saturday!

Oh, the humanity!

He therefore demanded that it be duly reported that he bought "EVERY KUP OF KOFFEE THAT MORNING!" "EVERY KUP!'  That's right, he bought all FIVE kups of koffee at the klutch on that Saturday, WHICH WAS NOT REPORTED and he wanted EVERYONE to know he won the sprint to the koffee and bought for all FIVE riders. OK, he was one of those 5, so technically, he bought 4 kups of koffee. But he bought ALL the koffee that morning! ALL.... OF...... IT!

Therefore, Belo News wishes to apologize for this oversight and wants the Shark Minion Nation to know that Wishbone bought EVERYONE (4 kups) of koffee.... for EVERYONE!

Thank you!



Belo News
June 9, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - Hey Minions! Do you like donuts? Do you like riding gravel roads? Do you like team events? Do you like riding for a good cause?

Well, Team Taylor has something for you so listen up!

Iceman sent Belo News a message indicating that Tour de Taylor has morphed into something new and exciting... and it has the Nation written all over it.   Team Taylor has joined forces for a new event here in SW Michigan called the Dirty Donut race, so take it away, Iceman.........

Ride Bikes, eat donuts, have fun on the safety of gravel roads.  Start finish  US 131 Dragway in Martin. Date June 9.

While this is a race, it is meant for everyone...and any kind of bike can work.  The more you eat, the more time is deducted.  Some of the Minion Nation could turn in a NEGATIVE time!!!  Oh the humanity!

There are a couple other donut races around the country and they get upwards of 3,000 racers, so we are hoping this grows into something ridiculously big and fun.

More info at

Proceeds still go to Make A Wish via Taylor G's Dirty Dozen Club.  So we still push money to that great cause.

What can you do?

Once the Nation has begun its routine,  could you post about the ride in your email blog and talk it up a bit in the peloton.


Belo News
July 13, 2019

Richland, Mi. - Mark your calendars for The Second Annual "Tour for Teens!" 

The ride that has a Metric Century and a Half Metric Century, as well as Quarter Metric Century is set for Saturday, July 13, 2019.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Brewman, Wishbone, Zyckmann, Super Trooper and Kia Pet,
ready to rock the KK- TdG!



Belo News
May 15, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - The Sharkman has returned!

You heard that right, Bunkie! The man, the myth, the legend has returned from Santa Fe and can hardly wait to ride with his Nation!

Last week there were only 5 Minions in attendance, causing Kia Pet to question, "Are the Minions becoming wimps???"

Well, are they?!?

It was reported to be 38 degrees and dry! So, where was the nation?!?

Hopefully, the return of our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, can get the Nation out in force?! Of course, the weather is supposed to be better this Saturday and that might help......

The temps may have been cool last week, but no cooler than the previous Saturday's!
But hey, who bought koffee?!?

In addition to Kia Pet, there was Zyckmann, Brewman, and Wishbone, who was making his season debut!

It can be reported that Brewman is now leading in the attendance category and it is believed he has made every ride this year! That man is no wimp! Who can catch him now?!?

Apparently it was a great ride, despite the low attendance and temps and as our readers can see, Kia Pet has mastered the art of the "selfie" and will be recruited, going forward, for any ride he attends!

There was no report on who, if anyone, bought the koffee!

Thanks for the report AND the photos!

And this Saturday is forecast to be above 50 and dry! Oh, the humanity!

This Saturday, May 18, 2019!

30th Anniversary Shark Minion Jersey Day!


As it is now warming up, the launch time moves up as well!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there to welcome the Sharkman back!

Is this a great country or what?!!?


Belo News
May 1, 2019

Battle Creek, Mi. - As some of the Nation are aware, our own intrepid hero, the Sharkman, is on the Battle Creek City Bike Committee and he wants everyone to be aware of some upcoming events and is hoping some of the mighty Shark Minion Nation will join him in taking part along with our hero!



Belo News
June 9, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - Hey Minions! Do you like donuts? Do you like riding gravel roads? Do you like team events? Do you like riding for a good cause?

Well, Team Taylor has something for you so listen up!

Iceman sent Belo News a message indicating that Tour de Taylor has morphed into something new and exciting... and it has the Nation written all over it.   Team Taylor has joined forces for a new event here in SW Michigan called the Dirty Donut race, so take it away, Iceman.........

Ride Bikes, eat donuts, have fun on the safety of gravel roads.  Start finish  US 131 Dragway in Martin. Date June 9.

While this is a race, it is meant for everyone...and any kind of bike can work.  The more you eat, the more time is deducted.  Some of the Minion Nation could turn in a NEGATIVE time!!!  Oh the humanity!

There are a couple other donut races around the country and they get upwards of 3,000 racers, so we are hoping this grows into something ridiculously big and fun.

More info at

Proceeds still go to Make A Wish via Taylor G's Dirty Dozen Club.  So we still push money to that great cause.

What can you do?

Once the Nation has begun its routine,  could you post about the ride in your email blog and talk it up a bit in the peloton.


Belo News
July 13, 2019

Richland, Mi. - Mark your calendars for The Second Annual "Tour for Teens!" !

We were unable to post the flyer, but it has been sent out with the Shark Minion Update!

The ride that has a Metric Century and a Half Metric Century, as well as Quarter Metric Century is set for Saturday, July 13, 2019.

This was reported to be a great event last year and there is an earlier bird entry by April 30, 2019.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready to rock!!!


WHO WON THE FIRST SPRINT? (hint: the author)

WHO BOUGHT THE KOFFEE? (hint: the author)

WHO TOOK THE BAD PICTURES? (hint: the author)


Belo News
May 8, 2019
Stryker Guy!

Stryker Guy Estate, Mi. - As dawn broke over northwest Gull Lake, yours truly felt the call to get his butt of bed in the event that he may have to fill in for our Saturday morning biking leader.

Luke Skywalker joined Stryker Guy at Yorkville Church for the ride to Galesburg.  As we arrived at the launch site , Boatman and Toast magically appeared behind us to ride in from the Klutch.

In spite of the low 40”s temperatures, Squeaky, Wishbone and Virgin Minion, Joe, were in shorts (more on him later).  Brewman in his Italian beer jersey, the bearded Sasquatch and of course the darling of the peloton, Gazelle Girl made up the rest of the group.  Stryker Guy, having the photo (and selfie) skills of a golden retriever, managed to snap something resembling a group shot and the group was off and pedaling.

OK, that did it! Stryker Guy does all the
selfies going forward!
It was readily apparent that the Nation was content to have Luke Skywalker pull the entire way, but eventually, yours truly decided that since there was no Sharkman and the fact that his chances of winning another sprint this year were as likely as Donald Trump not tweeting any longer (btw, I won the sprint in a blistering 16.3 mph!!).  The group took off for the Col de Twin Lakes, which highlighted the climbing skills of Luke and Brewman, who flew up the hill and left everyone in the dust.

Virgin Minion Joe, riding his tri-bike, showed his biking chops and cruised into DE avenue just behind the KOM pair.  Several of the Minions commented on Brewman’s new orange shoes as the reason he is such good form this early in the year.

Not a whole lot to report up Frona’s/Dandelion (the only breakfast/lunch place on a lake NOT open on Saturday????).  That said, Squeaky modeled his new line of bike clothing for 2019, Sasquatch is in mid-season form and has a cool beard, Toast is riding like a madman, Wishbone had his familiar orange helmet and looks strong and Boatman put the pedal down several times during the ride to show everyone he is ready for bike season.

Amazingly the Nation formed a well-choreographed pace line down toward the infamous G-Spot, which was, of course, won by Gazelle Girl.

In a Kentucky Derby-like upset, virgin Minion, Joe (name to be determined, Rust Man is being proposed to the Commissioner) came out of nowhere to win the final sprint and the accolades of the throngs of fans there to cheer for their heroes.

There was an arm wrestling match for the coffee, which was won by Stryker Guy after GG decided she wasn’t going to shame SG in front of the rest of the team.

See you next week at 8:30

Editors Note - Thank you Stryker Guy! We need to get you on the mast head full time!

Though Sharkman is still gone, the ride will go on! And as Stryker Guy said, it will be at 8:30 a.m.!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News

Yeti Boy takes third in the
70 and older Division!

May 5, 2019

Fort Custer, Mi. - That force of nature and legend of the peloton the Nation knows as Yeti Boy made it to the podium this past Sunday at the Fort Custer Stampede! And what a day it was!

You heard that right, Bunkie! Yeti Boy turned in a stunning performance to take third in his age group at 70 and over! Is this a great country or what!??

It was a victory for America and turned his disappointment at being 10 seconds off the podium the week before at Yankee Springs to complete elation at the third place finish!

It was later reported that Yeti Boy injured his back trying to get that medal into the car as it weighed more than he does! But Belo News is pleased to report he is back up and riding!

Congratulations on that finish Yeti Boy,  you did the Nation proud!

Yeti Boy on the podium!


Belo News
The Great Moultini and son Beckett!
May 8, 2019

Santa Fe, NM. - As the "ones of readers" of Belo News already know, Sharkman is out in Santa Fe visiting with his Sharklets and will not return until next week.

In addition to attending Soccer Games, Piano Recitals, School Field Trips, Swim Meets, etc. he is getting some mountain biking in with his son in law, the Great Moultini and his Grandsharklet, Beckett.

The entire family took part in a 5K fun run last Sunday for Charity and Sharkman and Grandsharklet, Nina took first in the "Stroller Division" ahead of some stiff competition.

GrandSharklet Nina took a first and two seconds in the City School Swim Meet, clearly demonstrating her prowess in the water as a Sharklet.

The desert is in full bloom and the riding has been beautiful, but all good things must come to and end and Sharkman and Lava Girl will head back on Monday and should be back in time to take part in Bike Week in Battle Creek and the KK-TdG on Saturday May, 18.

Sharkman and his posse ready to rock the
fun run!

Nina reading in her Elmo chair
after wasting the competition
in the Stroller Division. She was
quoted as saying "Is this
a great country or what?!?

La Tierra in full bloom!


Belo News
May 1, 2019

Battle Creek, Mi. - As some of the Nation are aware, our own intrepid hero, the Sharkman, is on the Battle Creek City Bike Committee and he wants everyone to be aware of some upcoming events and is hoping some of the mighty Shark Minion Nation will join him in taking part along with our hero!



Belo News
June 9, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - Hey Minions! Do you like donuts? Do you like riding gravel roads? Do you like team events? Do you like riding for a good cause?

Well, Team Taylor has something for you so listen up!

Iceman sent Belo News a message indicating that Tour de Taylor has morphed into something new and exciting... and it has the Nation written all over it.   Team Taylor has joined forces for a new event here in SW Michigan called the Dirty Donut race, so take it away, Iceman.........

Ride Bikes, eat donuts, have fun on the safety of gravel roads.  Start finish  US 131 Dragway in Martin. Date June 9.

While this is a race, it is meant for everyone...and any kind of bike can work.  The more you eat, the more time is deducted.  Some of the Minion Nation could turn in a NEGATIVE time!!!  Oh the humanity!

There are a couple other donut races around the country and they get upwards of 3,000 racers, so we are hoping this grows into something ridiculously big and fun.

More info at

Proceeds still go to Make A Wish via Taylor G's Dirty Dozen Club.  So we still push money to that great cause.

What can you do?

Once the Nation has begun its routine,  could you post about the ride in your email blog and talk it up a bit in the peloton.


Belo News
July 13, 2019

Richland, Mi. - Mark your calendars for The Second Annual "Tour for Teens!" !

We were unable to post the flyer, but it has been sent out with the Shark Minion Update!

The ride that has a Metric Century and a Half Metric Century, as well as Quarter Metric Century is set for Saturday, July 13, 2019.

This was reported to be a great event last year and there is an earlier bird entry by April 30, 2019.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.