Wednesday, September 26, 2018


The Nation was bundled up and ready to ride!



MY OH MY, ....... APPLE PIE!!!


Sharkman getting his "selfie" shot!



Belo News
September 22, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn was struggling to break over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was laying in bed thinking, "Man, it is cold and dark out there......maybe I should have moved the start time back a bit."

"Too late now..." he thought as he padded his way to the Shark Galley to start the Shark Coffee Makers.
Virgin Minion Lance (MNTBD)!
Welcome to the Nation!

Sharkman checked the outside temperature and it was 49 degrees and dropping (48 at launch time).

Normally, he holds off on the leg warmers until it gets below 45 degrees, but with the temp dropping, he thought he could always peal them off and his shark body hadn't acclimated to the cooler temps after a week in the 80's!

As he pulled on his Wisconsin Kit along with arm warmers, he regretted having to cover it all up with a rain jacket to break the wind. THE rain jacket that also acts as a parachute/air bag it is so big.........

As he was mounting his steed, Yeti Boy pulled up in the dark complaining of the cold and saying he should have worn a windbreaker. Yeti Boy, being the tough rider that he is, declined going back to to his abode to get one. So they took off into the dark morning, lights flashing like emergency vehicles on the way to an emergency, in the cold, as it really started to set in.

As the two riders approached Helmer Road, they saw more flashing lights as Reb and Fire turned to meet them.

Sharkman stated that they need to slow a bit, as he did not want to work up a sweat, get the start too early, and cool back down. The discussion on the ride centered around the dark and cold and why the start time had not been moved back. Sharkman stated it was primarily because it had been in the high 80's the past week and he hadn't worried about the cold until getting up! Well, that and he had something he had to do at noon........
Sharkman takes it for Wisconsin!

As the 4 approached the start a bit later than normal, they could see Minions begin to pile in.

Skittles rode in and Sharkman had to do a double take as he had been gone so long and was on a different bike (a Cannondale) that he didn't immediately recognize.

Greyhound was next, wearing his Northern Michigan University kit, meaning Sharkman wouldn't be winning College Game Day for Wisconsin. Well, at least until he threw in the socks thing......

Later, Bissell Boy (Michigan State), Zyckmann (Michigan), and still later, B-Rod (Purdue) all arrived in their Big Ten kit.

Meanwhile, Stryker Guy appeared, ready to redeem himself, with his Kalamazoo College Kit. This will, of course, call into question his honorary doctorate from the University of Richmond and whether they will continue to honor the degree. But it was good to see Mr. Kalamazoo Kollege back in his K College kit!

Now, where was Mad Dog! Oh, the humanity!
Gazelle Girl arriving like the sun!

Since Sharkman was the only rider who had BOTH jersey and matching socks, he declared that as the tie breaker and took the last College Game Day of the season! Of course, protests were being lodged as Belo News went to press.......
Greyhound in his NMU kit!

Gazelle Girl pulled in to cheers of "Gazelle Girl," Skittles offered some gloves to Fire (who carries extra gloves with them?) and Virgin Minion (from the previous week when he went to the wrong school for the start) Lance (MNTBD) were all among the riders with Wishbone pulling in after his pre ride morning espresso at the Klutch. Boatman, Dr. Dave and LK were all in the mix as Sharkman took the start photo, gave some minor instruction and then the sweet sound of pedals clicking in, he took the Nation out from the start.

As the Nation went by, and the Barista did the count, the Nation waved at their adoring fans sitting in the warmth of the Klutch! The warm glow of warm lights and koffee made the Nation wished they were in the Klutch sipping a bottomless!

As the Nation headed north, Sharkman started the clock, as well as his HR Monitor, only to learn he forgot to put his chest sensor on!

Fire and Greyhound, obviously wanting to get named in this fine publication, went to the front and with B-Rod next to Sharkman, they made their way to the first sprint.

B-Rod broke from the group and Sharkman latched on, finally launching himself on the final, small climb, then decent to his honorary sprint, taking it at only 21.7 mph. Hey, it was cold out there!!!
Stryker Guy in his "true" kit!
Kalamazoo College!

PJ, jumped on the fast moving train making the count 18 Minions on the morning!

Fire took the next sprint, which might have been her first as a Minion!

The Nation started to warm up and after barreling through the col de Twin Lakes, the train really got moving in the Kountry Klub section after the Yorkville Church!

Minions splintered into groups with a lead group, a chase group and the main peloton, along with stragglers, as the speed picked up past Kellogg Korner and through the Kountry Klub.

As the Nation, somewhat came back together after the turn, Zyckmaann made a move in the run up to the Rt. 43 sprint but was immediately disqualified for crossing the Yellow Lines!

LK led the Nation on to Rt. 43 and at the top of the col de Norte, the Nation was still together and kept on going into the Holy Rollers. After a quick check of riders, Sharkman took the Nation down the new pavement and stole the sprint at the Inlet. Is this a great country or what!??

Bissell Boy dropped off before the Digital Divide stating he was going North to fish for salmon.
Bisseel Boy representing MSU!

After the Digital Divide, Reb and Fire took the Nation out at about 21 mph and as Reb dropped off, and Fire followed, just short of the hill Sharkman took over and increased the speed to around 22 before dropping off. This formed up a pretty good pace line, though B-Rod was complaining that it was not to his liking.

The pace line got a bit north of 23 mph before leveling off and as they bore down on the GGG Spot Sprint, Gazelle Girl, sitting in about the 4th or 5th spot, shot out of the pace line and captured the final sprint with no problem.

It was a victory for America!

Sharkman cautioned everyone as they crossed G Avenue and he immediately went to the front with Reb to try to push the pace.

PJ, not dropping off near his home between Frona's and the Inlet as is his usual move, fortunately had stayed on and threw himself on his sword and flew by Reb and Sharkman like they were standing still! Actually, Sharkman was pretty sure PJ was just going for the win!
Zyckmann in his U of M Kit!

At first, there was no response to cover the attack, but it didn't take long and the Nation seemed to wake up as it became a free for all as the riders all began to scramble for position.

At the crest of the final ascent to the downhill finish there were Minions everywhere trying to stay in the mix.

As the finish tape loomed, Skittles and Lance were fighting it out at the front and Sharkman, who had found a second wind, was starting to think he might get third. However, it wasn't long before he got passed by B-Rod, Boatman and others. The finish was Skittles, Lance and B-Rod!

Average speed was only 18.9 mph on the morning.

The riders zipped up their jerseys for the sponsors as they headed down the Champs le Galesburg!

The Klutch was rocking as Yeti Boy pulled in quickly and bought the koffee! "Bottomless for everyone!"

Thanks Yeti Boy!

Then Wishbone, seeing the apple pie, decided he could not buy one piece but instead, bought the entire pie shouting, "Forks for everyone!"

My oh my, apple pie! And it was one damn fine pie!
B-Rod sporting his Purdue Kit!

The Nation went after the pie like dogs on a bone! Spectators looked away for fear of being hit by a piece of crust spring from the forks, which were creating sparks as they clashed over the pieces!

Thanks Wishbone!

Oh, and the Nation wasn't done, Bunkie!

Sharkman got an early birthday surprise with a fantastic shark T shirt from Stryker Guy! Stryker Guy said he had seen the spectacular T at Sharkey's Cantina in Martha's Vineyard and couldn't pass up getting it for our intrepid hero!

Sharkman was quoted as saying, "Oh, the humanity! Is this a great country or what?!?"

Big thanks to Stryker Guy for thinking of Sharkman!

What a morning! Free koffee, free apple pie, AND a Shark T Shirt! It can't get any better!

It was a great ride on a beautiful morning with lots of surprises for our hero!
Stryker Guy awarding Sharkman the
"Sharkey's Cantina T!"

There are only a few weeks left in the season so get out and ride!

The 30th Anniversary Jersey kits are in, so as they get distributed to the Nation, this coming Saturday will be regular Shark Minion Jersey Day! We will save 30th Anniversary Jersey Day for October 6 when the Nation celebrates Sharkman's Birthday!

That's right, Bunkie! Get that Minion Jersey out and ride!

New Launch Time! New Launch Time! New Launch Time!

With this being the last weekend of the month, and later sunrises, it is time to move the start time back to 8:30 a.m.

Saturday, September 29, 2018!

Shark Minion Jersey Day!

Launch time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

Skittles checking his fan mail!
Zyckmann looks left as his hand
moves right towards the prize! 

Skittles taking questions from the press on his win.

My O My, Apple Pie!

The Klutch was rocking!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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