Tuesday, September 4, 2018


The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready for College Game Day!









Belo News
September 1, 2018
Sharkman's selfie! "Man, what good looking
Minions I have!"

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright and humid over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero was ready to rock in his Wisconsin Badger kit! Complete with socks! Oh, the humanity!

After all, the Badgers started the season the previous evening with an easy win over Western Kentucky at Camp Randall Stadium, so he was feeling pretty good.  But being a life long Cub fan, he still worries about the rest of the season.......one win does not a season make!

Yeti Boy showed up on time, sans a college jersey as he has not yet purchased an Indiana Hoosier kit.

Yep, Yeti Boy is a Hoosier!

As the two worked their way down Watkins Road they picked up Reb and Brandy (MNTBD) and they headed over to the start at a pace that Reb whined about for the remainder of the day as too quick. Sharkman told him to suck it up!
Mad Dog was back and looking good
in his Kalamazoo College

As the four riders passed the Klutch, waving to the Early Morning Koffee Group, they noticed Minions already getting a pre-ride kaffeine kick. It was going to be a good day!

At the start, Sharkman was greeted by two MIA Minions this season. PsychoCross was back after repeated threats to return and long lost Mad Dog was back! Is this a great country or what!?!

Mad Dog was sporting a Kalamazoo College Jersey he seemed pretty proud of and was hoping for Styker Guy to show, to perhaps win the day for K College! It would be a victory for America!

But it was not to be......

Styker Guy, K College Alum Extraordinaire, rode in wearing a pretty darn cool, University of Richmond Spiders Jersey!

Wait......what? Styker Guy NOT in a K College jersey? Could it be? Could it possibly be?

Dr. Stryker Guy in his U of R Spider Jersey!

Coincidentally, it was later announced the U of R had granted Stryker Guy an honorary Doctorate in Cycling. (Belo News didn't even know there was a doctorate in cycling.....?)

Coincidence? We think not!

An investigation was immediately announced by the Commissioner of Cycling, K College Alumni Association and several other, herein, inconsequential organizations! Belo News will continue to follow this late breaking story! Stay tuned! We report, you decide!

After threatening Sharkman with actually
riding, PsychoCross was back!

But we digress.......

Sharkman never knows what to expect on a holiday weekend as it can be "feast or famine" with attendance. However, this was shaping up to be a good day!

Riders continued to pour in, some with, and some without college kit. Both Brewman and Dr. Dave rode in with MSU kit, taking the win on the day. Luckily, riders didn't need to be present at the start to qualify, as Zyickkxmaan joined on at the Klutch in his Michigan kit!

There was a major tie for second with Wisconsin, Purdue, Davidson, University of Richmond and Michigan. But MSU ruled the day and the Spartans were the College Game Day winners!

Belo News feels a need to list all the riders when there are 15 or less in attendance for the ride. Sharkman counted 15 at the start, but during the ride, so many Minions jumped on and off the ride that there was no way to remember who rode, so a guesstimate of approximately 23 riders is all that can be offered. Yet pretty good for a holiday weekend!

After an extremely inspiring, pre-start speech by our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, the sound of pedals "clicking in" and that chatter of an excited mighty Shark Minion Nation echoed throughout the humble village of Galesburg and the riders were off!

Two abreast, thank you very much.......
Toast rocking it for Davidson College!

As the Nation passed the Klutch and waved again to the early morning koffee group, the barista was taking the count as two more riders jumped on the ride.

As the Nation headed north, Sharkman rode up and down the peloton, pressing the flesh, working the crowd, getting a feel for whether there were any A group riders in the mix. However, Rainman, who might have been a "maybe" stated he "just wasn't feeling it this morning....."

Toast, in his Davidson College jersey and Dr. Dave in his MSU kit, led our intrepid hero out to the first, honorary sprint, with Rainman filming the entire sequence with his special X-Ray glasses. It was great to see the Badger "W" taking the sprint! Unfortunately, Belo New has not been able to figure out how to make the videos play on the blog!!!

Sharkman did note a speed of 23.1 mph as he took the tape.

More riders had jumped on as the Nation passed G Ave. and Zyckmann took the next sprint going away.

Up the col de Twin Lakes, past the Yorkville Church and on through Kellogg Korner and the Kountry Klub, the Nation took the pace up and the riding was intense! Yet the Nation seemed to stay together and there were no stragglers! The Nation was getting in riding shape after the wet start to the season!
Squeaky post ride yoga. He didn't read the blog
and left his MSU jersey at home!

Up the col de Norte, and through the Holy Rollers (yes, we've got a lot to do, so we are getting to the most exciting part, the final sprint! Oh, the humanity!) the Nation moved like a fast moving bullet train through the countryside.

After another discussion of the Dandelion being closed on Saturday morning the Nation again chose to ride the new, smooth pavement into the Inlet and on to the Digital Divide. Oh, the love of smooth pavement! One of the greatest things for a cyclist to do with his/her cloths on! Is this a great country or what?!?

It was somewhere in this area that Nikeboy and Hoosier Boy jumped on. Hoosier Boy was sans his Hoosier Jersey (claiming he left it at his apartment in Chicago) and Nikeboy sans his Michigan jersey and instead was wearing his Rapha U kit! Oh, the humanity.
Winning team of Brewman & Dr. Dave!
Winning for MSU!

Sharkman tried to get a pace line going after the Digital Divide, but the Minions did not seem to want to play until Rainman came forward and took the speed up considerably but held it at between 24 and 25 mph and riders held on as best they could.

As the Nation bore down on the GGG Spot Sprint everyone up front was wondering where Gazelle Girl was?

Suddenly, as if shot from a cannon, the Sweetheart of the peloton, without any lead out man, went by like riders were standing still and the cheers of thousands, took the sprint with a collective moan from the Nation!

At the stop sign an angry elderly gentleman in a pick up truck shouted out that the Nation should be riding single file (Editors Note: in Michigan, riders are allowed to ride two abreast) and actually flashed a badge, though no one was sure if that was Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck on the badge.

As the Nation crossed G Ave. Sharkman went out early trying to string out the Nation before the big dogs began to jockey for position. Interestingly, he was able to stay away as he climbed the small hill at the start of the section and kept the pace going.
Sharkman figuring it might be the
only way to get a Wisconsin Jersey shot
in the Belo News!

Shortly after, Rainman bridged the growing gap and mentioned that that the gap was getting bigger and to "hang on and lets see what happens!"

Sharkman replied that he would do as best he could as Rainman lead out Sharkman to between 24 and 25 mph!

Sharkman kept checking his mirror and the main peloton was not reacting to the attack as they went up the final hill.

At the top, Rainman pulled off as PsychoCross and Boatman went by.

Sharkman bore down, wanting to do well in thanks for Rainmans pulling him to the front as Rainman again came forward and Sharkman got on his wheel for a second time!

As PsychoCross pulled away, and with the peloton still off the back, Sharkman dug deep as Rainman catapulted him out and he closed the gap on PsychoCross as he went past Rainman, then Boatman to take the second spot on the podium behind PsychoCross with Boatman taking the third spot.

Meanwhile, Rainman got the top spot in Sharkman's "gratitude on the day" division! Thanks Rainman, you rock!

Final average speed 19.6 mph.
Yeti Boy in his Iron Horse Jersey.
A week late........

The paparazzi and tofosi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the mighty Shark Minion Nation rode into town, zipping up their jerseys and waving to their adoring fans.

Many of the riders stopped for the Press Conference and the Klutch was rocking! Even Nikeboy stopped and was showing Dr. Dave his Rapha "hand bag." (See photo).

There was some confusion on who bought the koffee, but Hoosier Boy and Hossman started it off and it lasted for the 16 or so riders were came in for koffee!

After an extended period of time and a lot of koffee, the group disbanded and Sharkman, Yeti Boy, Brandy (MNTBD) and Reb headed back up the hill listening to Reb complain about the pace......all the way home!

It was a fantastic morning in the saddle! Is this a great country or what?!?

By popular demand, this Saturday has been named Animal Jersey Day!
Hossman in his Purdue Kit!
Where was B-Rod?

What? Wait, what is animal jersey day, you ask?

This is a day, of course, where you wear a cycling jersey with an animal on it! Any animal. Well, except fish......

Sharkman already made an appeal that a shark is an animal but was rejected and told a shark is a fish.

That's cold, eh? So our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, will need to figure something out as other than cartoon characters, he is not sure he has any kit with an animal on it!

Saturday, September 8, 2018 - Animal Jersey Day!

There is an event around Gull Lake so the Nation will head south this Saturday with the greatest downhill finish in cycling!

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!
"Gazelle Girl!"

Hoosier Boy came late, but bought!
Sans Hoosier Jersey......

Nikeboy showing Dr. Dave his Rapha

Rainman and his X-Ray glasses!
You should see the video of
Sharkman! Wow!

This years only Michigan jersey!
Zychmaan rocked it!

The Klutch was rocking!


Belo News
September 4, 2018

Triple Nasty Ranchero, Mi. - The Minions have been asking about delivery on the 30th Anniversary Shark Minion Jersey and when they will be in. Gazelle Girl reports the jersey's are being made in Italy and it is "hoped" they will arrive around September 22. There should be a more "concrete" date in mid September.

Thanks for your patience!


Belo News
September 4, 2018

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - Can the Nation fit one more Retiree Lunch in before the weather turns cold?

The Nation is going to find out!

Here is the invitation and you don't need to be retired to take part! Just want to ride, drink beer and eat pizza (or whatever)! Come on out and ride before it is too cold to do it!


Belo News
September 1, 2018

Padre and Madre at the rally!

Columbus, IN. - Padre reported in this weekend that he missed College Game Day because he and "Madre" were doing the Midwest Tandem Rally down in Indiana!

Hope you rocked it Padre and Madre!

Thanks for sending in the photos! You look great!

Huge crowd for this rally!


Lava Girl, Sharkman, Yeti Boy and Yeti Girl!

Belo News
September 3, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - So, Sharkman didn't ride on Labor Day, or did he? When it was reported that there might be a ride, then Sharkman said there wouldn't be a ride, Belo News immediately began an in-depth investigation into what he WAS doing!

Apparently, he was riding!

Where else can you get fast breaking news like this, Bunkie? Uh? Where?!?

Apparently, he and Yeti Boy actually did a breakfast ride with Lava Girl and Yeti Girl on Monday morning!
At the Lux!

What the.......

And what a beautiful morning for a ride!!!

Sharkman had the Senior eggs over easy, two strips of bacon, hash browns and wheat toast, while Yeti Boy split and omelet with Yeti Girl!

Oh, the humanity, see what we mean when we say "in-depth reporting?!?"

Not a lot of miles, but plenty of husband points at the end of the season! Well, and a few calories......

And oh, those Senior Discounts!

It's great being Sharkman!

Is this a great country or what???

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