Wednesday, September 26, 2018


The Nation was bundled up and ready to ride!



MY OH MY, ....... APPLE PIE!!!


Sharkman getting his "selfie" shot!



Belo News
September 22, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn was struggling to break over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was laying in bed thinking, "Man, it is cold and dark out there......maybe I should have moved the start time back a bit."

"Too late now..." he thought as he padded his way to the Shark Galley to start the Shark Coffee Makers.
Virgin Minion Lance (MNTBD)!
Welcome to the Nation!

Sharkman checked the outside temperature and it was 49 degrees and dropping (48 at launch time).

Normally, he holds off on the leg warmers until it gets below 45 degrees, but with the temp dropping, he thought he could always peal them off and his shark body hadn't acclimated to the cooler temps after a week in the 80's!

As he pulled on his Wisconsin Kit along with arm warmers, he regretted having to cover it all up with a rain jacket to break the wind. THE rain jacket that also acts as a parachute/air bag it is so big.........

As he was mounting his steed, Yeti Boy pulled up in the dark complaining of the cold and saying he should have worn a windbreaker. Yeti Boy, being the tough rider that he is, declined going back to to his abode to get one. So they took off into the dark morning, lights flashing like emergency vehicles on the way to an emergency, in the cold, as it really started to set in.

As the two riders approached Helmer Road, they saw more flashing lights as Reb and Fire turned to meet them.

Sharkman stated that they need to slow a bit, as he did not want to work up a sweat, get the start too early, and cool back down. The discussion on the ride centered around the dark and cold and why the start time had not been moved back. Sharkman stated it was primarily because it had been in the high 80's the past week and he hadn't worried about the cold until getting up! Well, that and he had something he had to do at noon........
Sharkman takes it for Wisconsin!

As the 4 approached the start a bit later than normal, they could see Minions begin to pile in.

Skittles rode in and Sharkman had to do a double take as he had been gone so long and was on a different bike (a Cannondale) that he didn't immediately recognize.

Greyhound was next, wearing his Northern Michigan University kit, meaning Sharkman wouldn't be winning College Game Day for Wisconsin. Well, at least until he threw in the socks thing......

Later, Bissell Boy (Michigan State), Zyckmann (Michigan), and still later, B-Rod (Purdue) all arrived in their Big Ten kit.

Meanwhile, Stryker Guy appeared, ready to redeem himself, with his Kalamazoo College Kit. This will, of course, call into question his honorary doctorate from the University of Richmond and whether they will continue to honor the degree. But it was good to see Mr. Kalamazoo Kollege back in his K College kit!

Now, where was Mad Dog! Oh, the humanity!
Gazelle Girl arriving like the sun!

Since Sharkman was the only rider who had BOTH jersey and matching socks, he declared that as the tie breaker and took the last College Game Day of the season! Of course, protests were being lodged as Belo News went to press.......
Greyhound in his NMU kit!

Gazelle Girl pulled in to cheers of "Gazelle Girl," Skittles offered some gloves to Fire (who carries extra gloves with them?) and Virgin Minion (from the previous week when he went to the wrong school for the start) Lance (MNTBD) were all among the riders with Wishbone pulling in after his pre ride morning espresso at the Klutch. Boatman, Dr. Dave and LK were all in the mix as Sharkman took the start photo, gave some minor instruction and then the sweet sound of pedals clicking in, he took the Nation out from the start.

As the Nation went by, and the Barista did the count, the Nation waved at their adoring fans sitting in the warmth of the Klutch! The warm glow of warm lights and koffee made the Nation wished they were in the Klutch sipping a bottomless!

As the Nation headed north, Sharkman started the clock, as well as his HR Monitor, only to learn he forgot to put his chest sensor on!

Fire and Greyhound, obviously wanting to get named in this fine publication, went to the front and with B-Rod next to Sharkman, they made their way to the first sprint.

B-Rod broke from the group and Sharkman latched on, finally launching himself on the final, small climb, then decent to his honorary sprint, taking it at only 21.7 mph. Hey, it was cold out there!!!
Stryker Guy in his "true" kit!
Kalamazoo College!

PJ, jumped on the fast moving train making the count 18 Minions on the morning!

Fire took the next sprint, which might have been her first as a Minion!

The Nation started to warm up and after barreling through the col de Twin Lakes, the train really got moving in the Kountry Klub section after the Yorkville Church!

Minions splintered into groups with a lead group, a chase group and the main peloton, along with stragglers, as the speed picked up past Kellogg Korner and through the Kountry Klub.

As the Nation, somewhat came back together after the turn, Zyckmaann made a move in the run up to the Rt. 43 sprint but was immediately disqualified for crossing the Yellow Lines!

LK led the Nation on to Rt. 43 and at the top of the col de Norte, the Nation was still together and kept on going into the Holy Rollers. After a quick check of riders, Sharkman took the Nation down the new pavement and stole the sprint at the Inlet. Is this a great country or what!??

Bissell Boy dropped off before the Digital Divide stating he was going North to fish for salmon.
Bisseel Boy representing MSU!

After the Digital Divide, Reb and Fire took the Nation out at about 21 mph and as Reb dropped off, and Fire followed, just short of the hill Sharkman took over and increased the speed to around 22 before dropping off. This formed up a pretty good pace line, though B-Rod was complaining that it was not to his liking.

The pace line got a bit north of 23 mph before leveling off and as they bore down on the GGG Spot Sprint, Gazelle Girl, sitting in about the 4th or 5th spot, shot out of the pace line and captured the final sprint with no problem.

It was a victory for America!

Sharkman cautioned everyone as they crossed G Avenue and he immediately went to the front with Reb to try to push the pace.

PJ, not dropping off near his home between Frona's and the Inlet as is his usual move, fortunately had stayed on and threw himself on his sword and flew by Reb and Sharkman like they were standing still! Actually, Sharkman was pretty sure PJ was just going for the win!
Zyckmann in his U of M Kit!

At first, there was no response to cover the attack, but it didn't take long and the Nation seemed to wake up as it became a free for all as the riders all began to scramble for position.

At the crest of the final ascent to the downhill finish there were Minions everywhere trying to stay in the mix.

As the finish tape loomed, Skittles and Lance were fighting it out at the front and Sharkman, who had found a second wind, was starting to think he might get third. However, it wasn't long before he got passed by B-Rod, Boatman and others. The finish was Skittles, Lance and B-Rod!

Average speed was only 18.9 mph on the morning.

The riders zipped up their jerseys for the sponsors as they headed down the Champs le Galesburg!

The Klutch was rocking as Yeti Boy pulled in quickly and bought the koffee! "Bottomless for everyone!"

Thanks Yeti Boy!

Then Wishbone, seeing the apple pie, decided he could not buy one piece but instead, bought the entire pie shouting, "Forks for everyone!"

My oh my, apple pie! And it was one damn fine pie!
B-Rod sporting his Purdue Kit!

The Nation went after the pie like dogs on a bone! Spectators looked away for fear of being hit by a piece of crust spring from the forks, which were creating sparks as they clashed over the pieces!

Thanks Wishbone!

Oh, and the Nation wasn't done, Bunkie!

Sharkman got an early birthday surprise with a fantastic shark T shirt from Stryker Guy! Stryker Guy said he had seen the spectacular T at Sharkey's Cantina in Martha's Vineyard and couldn't pass up getting it for our intrepid hero!

Sharkman was quoted as saying, "Oh, the humanity! Is this a great country or what?!?"

Big thanks to Stryker Guy for thinking of Sharkman!

What a morning! Free koffee, free apple pie, AND a Shark T Shirt! It can't get any better!

It was a great ride on a beautiful morning with lots of surprises for our hero!
Stryker Guy awarding Sharkman the
"Sharkey's Cantina T!"

There are only a few weeks left in the season so get out and ride!

The 30th Anniversary Jersey kits are in, so as they get distributed to the Nation, this coming Saturday will be regular Shark Minion Jersey Day! We will save 30th Anniversary Jersey Day for October 6 when the Nation celebrates Sharkman's Birthday!

That's right, Bunkie! Get that Minion Jersey out and ride!

New Launch Time! New Launch Time! New Launch Time!

With this being the last weekend of the month, and later sunrises, it is time to move the start time back to 8:30 a.m.

Saturday, September 29, 2018!

Shark Minion Jersey Day!

Launch time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

Skittles checking his fan mail!
Zyckmann looks left as his hand
moves right towards the prize! 

Skittles taking questions from the press on his win.

My O My, Apple Pie!

The Klutch was rocking!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018









Belo News
September 15, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn was just thinking about breaking, over a damp, wet Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was laying in bed and looking at his bedroom windows.

They were full of dew and it felt a bit cold and damp as he struggled from his warm Shark bed and pulled on his shark bathrobe.
Sharkman in his BEU Kit!

It was dark, but the fog didn't look bad as he started the Shark coffee maker and checked his weather app.

The previous evening, he had gotten a text from Reb asking who was riding. With Nikeboy riding the Tour de France (or at least in his head) in France and Yeti Boy rebuilding landmark buildings in Tennessee, and with Fire cutting her grass and he assuming she was having company so wouldn't be riding, it looked like it was going to be just Reb and Sharkman on the ride over.

However, the old Shark noticed a text that came in after he went to bed the previous evening that Reb was now going to drive over because he had an issue at work and a text from Fire saying she was in! However, within a few minutes, another text was received from Fire stating she was out!

Oh, no! Sharkman would be riding over solo for the first time this season!!! Oh, the humanity!

It was still dark as he launched from the Cove, but he was lite up like a Christmas tree. Headlight, tail light and helmet light blinking like an emergency vehicle on a rescue mission.
The Sharkman selfie!

Watkins Road was quiet and the mist in the fields was so beautiful, Sharkman wished he had is camera to get a photo! As he crossed over I-94 and looked to the east, the sun was just breaking through. Would have been a fantastic photo!

It was going to be a great ride and though he did have arm warmers on, he thought he'd be taking them off once he got to the start. However, that didn't happen until after the ride.

Once at the start, he found TanMan getting a very cool, sort of retro, KHS road bike out of the back of his car. Sharkman commented he wasn't sure it was TanMan, as he didn't have his helmet on and the bike was not his usual Moots rocket!

Then High Yield pulled in and started unloading her bike. When asked where she had been she told the Nation she had rolled an ankle trail running and had actually fractured a bone! Oh, the humanity! But she was back to ride!

Wishbone pulled in stating he had invited a rider who claimed to have ridden with the Nation before, but didn't know where the start was and had just texted stating he was at the High School! He would join on later, after the Nation began to head north. Welcome to the mighty Shark Minion Nation Lance (MNTBD)!
Boatman in his BEU Kit!

Boatman pulled in looking dapper in his BEU jersey and long lost Bissell Boy came back wearing his! Easty and LK (Luke) also arrived. LK had just returned from doing the Tour of Colorado which has 70,000 feet of climb in it! Is this a great country or what!?!

Toast and Rocketman filled out the lineup and after start photos, a press conference and some words of encouragement from Sharkman, the Nation headed out with 10 riders.

However, shortly after launch, Greyhound jumped on before the Nation even reached the Klutch,  making it 11 riders!

Sharkman and Bissell Boy led the Nation up 37th Street, then High Yield and LK came up to pull as the two veterans dropped off the pace a bit.

Sharkman came forward for his honorary sprint and took it at a blistering 23.1 mph, being pushed by LK!

At the crossing, he noticed that Lance (MNTBD) had joined on and after they crossed Falcon jumped on filling out the 13 riders. Sharkman commented to Falcon that he was "unlucky" 13 and nothing better happen to the Nation.
Bissell Boy was back!
And in his BEU Kit!
It is a great country!

As the Nation headed past the col de Twin Lakes and through the col de No Name, Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner and to the Kountry Klub, they notice that, what there was of the sun, seemed to be disappearing and a dense fog falling on their field of dreams known as the KK-TdG!

The pace picked up as though the Nation thought they could beat the fog to Rt. 43. But it kept getting thicker and thicker.

As they traversed the col de Norte, the fog became so thick it was getting a bit difficult to see anything! Some cars did not have headlight on, making it very difficult to see them as they approached. Sharkman commented that he had never seen fog like it on the KK-TdG in 30 years of riding! (But then again, his memory sucks.....).

Most of the riders began pealing off their glasses because they were fogging up. Sharkman thought he would get behind Falcon because, as a pilot, he was instrument rated. However, he over heard him telling another rider that his glasses were fogged up and he was afraid to take them off because he couldn't see without them!

Sharkman then decided to just stay clear of the pilot rider!

As the Nation went through the inlet, many commented that the dew was so thick, drops were falling off their helmets and into their faces like rain.

However, once the Nation was across Rt. 89, the fog began to lift a bit.

As the Nation crossed Rt.89 Sharkman asked Falcon to go to the front and take the speed, slowly up to about 23 mph and try to hold it. Sharkman has observed that with the Nation, anything faster blows some off the back, at the start of the pace line, while anything slower breaks it apart. They will go faster if the pace goes up slowly, but not at the start.

Once Falcon got the Nation up to speed, a very nice pace line formed and Falcon kept it going.

Sharkman called up that Falcon could pull off at any time, but he continued to pull at the front until other Shark Minions decided to come up to join the lead.

As the fast moving train made the final bend to the GGG Spot Sprint finish, the tension was building as to who would take the coveted sprint as Gazelle Girl was not in attendance for one of the few times this season, or in her career for that matter.

Some riders moved ahead, while falcon kept a steady pace with other riders glued to his wheel.

Sharkman, taking a page from the Gazelle Girl's play book, watched as more riders moved ahead.

However, Falcon stayed close to the leaders and as the finish loomed ahead, and with three riders on his wheel, Sharkman timed a beautiful launch from the back and flew by Falcon and his entourage so quickly that he was unsure if they didn't have time to respond or if they just let the Shark go, but he took the sprint stating he had done it in honor of the "Sweetheart of the Peloton!"

It was a victor for America!

As they approached the stop sign, and with Sharkman reveling in his win, Rocketman rode up next to him and asked, "How old are you?" Sharkman told him he was 3 weeks shy of 69 years old and Rocketman just smiled.

Rocketman may not have known it at the time, but he made Sharkman's day!
Reb was waiting with cash to by
the Nation koffee!

After the GGG crossing, Sharkman and Bissell Boy went to the front as Sharkman began to worry about the finish. There were some speed guys in the mix and he hates when they are bunched up together and opening up the possibility of a crash.

However, Falcon came forward and threw himself on his sword and took the speed up so that the Nation stretched out over the run up to the last ascent to the finish.

As the chain of riders got to the hill, Falcon waved for the peloton to pass and the riders began to get in position.

Thanks Falcon! Nice job!

Sharkman, gassed from his GGG Spot Sprint win (did we mention he won that sprint?) backed off until the slight downhill and watched as TanMan took the finishing sprint on that cool KHS Road Bike!

Sharkman was not sure who took second or third but new rider Lance, LK and Boatman were all up at the front battling it out with a cast of thousands on their wheels!

Average speed was 19.5 mph!

The crowds went wild on the foggy Champs le Galesburg as their hero's zipped up their jerseys for the sponsors, wiped the dew from their eyes and waved to the paparazzi and tofosi who had come out in the fog!

As they approached the Klutch, they found Reb, who was buying the koffee waiting at the table!

Is this a great country or what?!?
What a good looking bunch of Minions!

Not as many of the riders stayed for the Press Conference as usual, but the Klutch still rocked as Reb tried to convince Sharkman to take a ride home to avoid the fog. But it had lifted quite a bit by then and Sharkman is a little behind on his yearly mileage and wanted to get the extra miles home and did.

Thanks Reb for the koffee AND the offer of a ride!

These mornings have been beautiful and there are only a few left in the season, so get out and ride Bunkie!

Back by popular demand this week is College Game Day!

Sharkman is finally off suicide watch after his beloved Badgers loss last weekend and their subsequent drop in the polls, so he is ready to put on his Wisconsin kit and ride!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

College Game Day! Get out your College Kit and ride!
Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP! Might be the last 8 a.m. launch of the season!

Be there!

Belo News
September 19, 2018

Triple Nasty Ranchero, Mi. - Gazelle Girl, that "Sweetheart of the Peloton" is inviting all interested
parties to ride the Barry Roubaix course along with her, Toesetter and Nut Job! Here are the details!

Please put a shoutout in the Belo News about the Sunday, September 30 Barry Roubaix ride - hosted
by Toe Setter, Gazelle Girl and Nut Job. 12:30 p.m. launch from the parking lot behind The Walldorff
off N Jefferson St. Please let Gazelle Girl know you'll be joining us... / 269-665-4555 (no texts!)


Belo News
September 11, 2018
Nikeboy was "Styl'in" on his way up
Mont Ventoux!
Ace Reporter Nikeboy

Mont Ventoux, France - As Belo News went to press last week, we reported that the Nations own "Style Guy" had conquered the legendary Mont Ventoux in France. Now, in an in depth report, you will read the entire story by the Legend himself, Nikeboy! Take it away, Nikeboy!

"We started our day at the Trek dealer in Bedoin.  Manu, the owner, would be part of our support crew on the ride up.  The shop is located literally at the start of the climb, Kilometer Zero of the Bedoin route, the hardest of the three routes up Ventoux and the route the Tour de France takes.  

The first 3 or 4 kilometers are deceptive, climbing at 4-5% through vineyards and olive groves you start to think that Ventoux isn't to be feared.  Then you arrive at the left hand turn at St Esteve and things get real fast, the route pitches up to 9% and stays there as you enter the forest.  

Throughout the 10-11 kilometer wooded section the gradient varies between 9 and 12.5%.  It was in the mid 80s as we rode this section and because there was no breeze here the heat wore on us.  All you could do was find a rhythm and settle in at 5 or 6 mph.  

At Chalet Reynard you leave the forest and enter the moonscape that Ventoux is famous for, we stopped briefly to fill up water bottles and continued upward.  With no trees to block the wind, we were thankful that the infamous "Mistral" winds were not blowing and we only had a light breeze to contend with.  For the next 6 kilometers the summit and the iconic lighthouse loomed above us in full view, never seeming to get closer.  

The grade had lessened slightly, running between 7 and 10% until the very last kick to the top at 12%.  There were hundreds of other cyclists, high performance motorcycles and sports cars all heading up.  

Arrival at the top, conquering what is considered by many to be the hardest climb of the Tour de France, was definitely a bucket list moment.  The hilarious thing about the summit were the three vendors up there: a candy guy, a cookie guy, and a guy selling sausages.  

We took a few minutes to appreciate the amazing views, including the Alps and Italy, then pulled on jackets and started the descent. At Chalet Reynard we headed down one of the other routes up, this time to Sault for lunch before riding on to our hotel in Joucas.  I nudged up against 40mph on the descent and could have gone faster if I had known the route and been on my own bike."

Editors Note: Great job Nikeboy! You did the Nation proud!

Nnikeboy at the top!

Nikeboy and his entourage at the top!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


The mighty Shark Minion Nation minus B-Rod!







Sharkman and his beloved Nation!




Belo News
September 8, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn delayed it's breaking over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, shook the sleep from his Shark head and fumbled to the bathroom in the dark. Our hero couldn't believe how dark it was and wondered if he needed to set the start time back a bit.
Maid Marian returns to the Nation!

Sharkman was excited that the hot, humid weather had passed and embraced his arm warmers and his special tiger vest with gusto! Sharkman loves fall and as a Michigander, likes "sweatshirt weather."

By popular demand, it was "Animal Jersey Day" (actually, Gazelle Girl recommended it) and Sharkman had been told by the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" that sharks were fish and not animals. However, Sharkman could not control himself and went for one of his many Shark Jerseys, then covered it with a very dapper tiger striped vest that he assumed he would pull off at the start. After all, Sharkman IS and animal, right?

As dawn began to actually break, Yeti Boy pulled up, lights flashing, and commented on how dark it was.

Both riders headed out and found Brandy, herein known as Fire, her new Minion name (because she rides like her hair is on fire) just before they crossed Helmer Road.  The three talked about Brandy not having a Minion Name yet, as she pushed the pace to the start and Sharkman and Yeti Boy commented on getting to the start about 10 minutes early. Later in the day, Yeti Boy texted that he thought her name should be "Fire." So Fire it is!
The Sailor returns to the Nation!

Since they had arrived at the start a bit early, they found no one there. There was a bike event around Gull Lake on the day, and the old Shark assumed that some may be taking part. It was also the reason for the South Route on the morning.

However, shortly after thinking, "where is everyone," the riders started piling in!

A couple of Minions who haven't been in a while were Mike, Minion name "the Sailor," and Maid Marian. Welcome back, Minions!

Boatman pulled in with a dog on his jersey and he was looking like a possible winner in the "Animal Jersey" day, but then TanMan appeared and actually had both a fox AND an alligator on his jersey! Is this a great country or what?!?

Gazell Girl and another guy (this week it was Toesetter) rode in to cheers of "Gazelle Girl!," and she was, of course, sporting her Gazelle jersey! Well, the whole animal jersey thing was her idea......

Easty, Rocketman, Zyckmann, Hoosier Boy, Ironman and Cricket rode in and made the count 15 on the day.  Belo News has an obligation to report all riders if there are 15 or less. However, B-Rod jumped on after Sharkman took the start photo and led the Nation out, making it 16! So Sharkman didn't have to remember all the names.......wait, that didn't work right........
Yeti Boy holding court before the ride......

As mentioned, the Nation headed out to the south route with Fire and Sharkman leading the Nation to the first turn leading up to Qman Hill.

Sharkman fell to the back, pressing the flesh before deciding to take the first sprint, which was not honorary! Of course, it helps to know where the sprints are!

As a matter of fact, he was so geeked, he also took the second sprint just because, well, he knew where that one was too!

This is a great country!

Zyckmann, decided he too, was going to take a sprint and took the third one after Cooks Cemetery!

Then we lost count or didn't care......

The Nation was feeling frisky and the pace picked up as it rode through Hawk Alley, past one of Sharkman's favorite houses and on to the waterfall, Tillers Ox Farm and Cook Cemetery.
Boatman was thinking he had won,
Animal Jersey Day!

Was a winner announced?

Sharkman had given a pass on his sight seeing tour but was still pointing out the sights. As a matter of fact, since it was free, Zyckmann later thanked Sharkman for pointing out the Elf Tree House as he had never noticed it before (though Sharkman was pretty sure he had charged him for the sight in the past, though he, like many Minions, had not paid up!).

After crossing the first, of many, railroad tracks, B-Rod had a call from nature that he could not refuse! Unbeknownst to Sharkman, he told Zyckmann not to wait and he knew his way back to the Klutch. He came in later to the Klutch stating that after visiting a corn field and getting back on the bike, he found a port-o-jon at the Indian Run Golf Course just down the road!
TanMan had both a fox and
an alligator on his jersey!

Oh, the humanity!

As the Nation traversed the southern end of the route, Sharkman was directing traffic from the middle of the peloton and noticed that B-Rod and Toesetter were missing and went to the back of the peloton to look for them.

As the fast moving train headed toward the Scotts Mill, Sharkman, from way in the back, started yelling to make a right turn at the Mill! The Nation, moving fast, wasn't listening or couldn't hear and Sharkman stopped at the turn hoping they would realize their mistake and head back.

Meanwhile, Toesetter caught back on and that is when Zyckmann informed Sharkman of B-Rods nature stop! Sharkman doesn't like to leave any Minion behind, even during a nature break!

Oh, the humanity! But even worse, the mighty Shark Minion Nation had left the Sharkman behind!

This had not happened to Sharkman in 30 years of leading the ride!

The three riders decided to stay on course and hoped the Nation would figure out their mistake.

Sharkman immediately DQed the entire Nation!
Gazelle Girl and "other guy" arrive!

Well, except for himself, Zyckmann and Toesetter.

The three rode through Scotts as Sharkman pointed out Scooters, the coffee shop and the historic Scotts Post office.

As they rode through town, Sharkman declared the three would be fighting it out for the podium spots as the rest of the Nation would not be eligible after being disqualified!

As the three riders headed north on 37th Street, they saw the rest of the Nation up ahead and as Sharkman crossed, yet another railroad track, he DQ'ed the entire Nation!

Shock fell over the peloton! DQ'ed? Wait, what?

As the Nation came back together the pace picked up as the fast moving train headed toward the best downhill finish in the entire cycling world!

In the run up to the MN Sprint, Sharkman made a move after sucking wheel for  quite a while, but Easty came up to nip him at the line as Zyckmann called the two of them "Wheel Suckers!"

Sharkman calls it smart riding, well, unless someone does it to him!
Gazelle Girl in, what else, a
Gazelle Jersey!

At the MN crossing, Sharkman reminded everyone of the speed of the downhill finish and the importance of watching their lines and insuring they did not move out to pass without checking to insure they were clear.

The Nation began the decent to the finish as Cricket went out early with Sharkman and a cast of thousands on his wheel.  About half way down the hill, Ironman, throwing himself again on his sword to stretch out the Nation, went by like Sharkman moving toward the refrigerator for that last beer!

Cricket quickly responded, leaving Sharkman with no wheel to suck as the Nation plummeted towards the final sprint victory!

Riders passed the old Shark until he got a second wind and fought his way back!
Fire had a beaver on her jersey!
Whoa, wait a minute!

Hitting speeds of close to 40 mph, the Nation was moving towards the finish like B-Rod looking to answer natures call in a corn field!

As the Nation made the final turn to the finish, the Sharkman saw Cricket, Zyckmann and TanMan finish as he took fourth!

However, since the disqualification, the actual finish was Zyckmann, Sharkman and Toesetter!

It was a victory for America! Is this a great country or what!?? Sharkman takes second for the second week in a row! Oh, the humanity!

Cricket, along with TanMan, immediately filed protests, however the Commissioner of Cycling stated that the DQ decision stands! Another victory for America!

The Nation headed down the Champs le Galesburg as the paparazzi and the tofosi went wild!

The Klutch was rocking, particularly since Sharkman was buying! Though he did tell the Barista, "No fu fu drinks!"

After the Nation was half way through their first Bottomless, B-Rod arrived and shared his story of "when nature calls, nature calls!" Oh, the humanity.

Koffee went a bit late, as the chatter about all the controversy went on, and on, and on........

Actually, the chatter went on so long, no one was awarded best animal jersey, but they did get a photo of Fire's beaver jersey!.......oh, the humanity

Sharkman noticed that he had not pulled off his dapper Tiger Vest the entire ride and had been quite comfortable in addition to being quite dapper!
Sharkman buys AND takes the photo!

Fire pulled Sharkman home, as Yeti Boy had to get back and had left after the finish.

It was a great ride and you won't want to miss this weeks edition as the Nation goes back to their "Field of Dreams" the KK-TdG!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Bloody 'Ell 'Undred Jersey Day!

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
September 12, 2018




At the top! Nikeboy conquers
Mont Ventoux!
Belo News
September 11, 2018

Mont Ventoux, France - A Minion at the top!  Our own Nikeboy is in France this week and took on the legendary climb at Mont Ventoux! This regular stop on the Tour de France has given the world some of it's greatest race stories. And now, thanks to our Nikeboy, the mighty Shark Minion Nation has a story to tell!

Though when the photograph was texted to the offices of Belo News it came with a quick, "story to follow...." the story never came.

However, doing the in-depth investigative reporting that Belo News has come to be famous for, it was learned that Nikeboy had given interviews to Bicycling, Velo News, Outside, Men's Journal, Rapha Design Quarterly, Battle Creek Enquirer, M-Live and, well, just about anyone who will listen to him!

The "Style Guy," as he is sometimes know as because of his penchant for designer cycling attire was quoted as saying, "The climb started immediately as we set off from the Trek dealer in Bedoin. Climb was just a tad over 12 miles, almost 6,000 feet, average grade of 8% with a lot of places above 10%.'

It took the legendary rider 2:28 to complete the climb!

You did the Nation proud Nikeboy! Congratulations!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready for College Game Day!









Belo News
September 1, 2018
Sharkman's selfie! "Man, what good looking
Minions I have!"

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright and humid over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero was ready to rock in his Wisconsin Badger kit! Complete with socks! Oh, the humanity!

After all, the Badgers started the season the previous evening with an easy win over Western Kentucky at Camp Randall Stadium, so he was feeling pretty good.  But being a life long Cub fan, he still worries about the rest of the win does not a season make!

Yeti Boy showed up on time, sans a college jersey as he has not yet purchased an Indiana Hoosier kit.

Yep, Yeti Boy is a Hoosier!

As the two worked their way down Watkins Road they picked up Reb and Brandy (MNTBD) and they headed over to the start at a pace that Reb whined about for the remainder of the day as too quick. Sharkman told him to suck it up!
Mad Dog was back and looking good
in his Kalamazoo College

As the four riders passed the Klutch, waving to the Early Morning Koffee Group, they noticed Minions already getting a pre-ride kaffeine kick. It was going to be a good day!

At the start, Sharkman was greeted by two MIA Minions this season. PsychoCross was back after repeated threats to return and long lost Mad Dog was back! Is this a great country or what!?!

Mad Dog was sporting a Kalamazoo College Jersey he seemed pretty proud of and was hoping for Styker Guy to show, to perhaps win the day for K College! It would be a victory for America!

But it was not to be......

Styker Guy, K College Alum Extraordinaire, rode in wearing a pretty darn cool, University of Richmond Spiders Jersey!

Wait......what? Styker Guy NOT in a K College jersey? Could it be? Could it possibly be?

Dr. Stryker Guy in his U of R Spider Jersey!

Coincidentally, it was later announced the U of R had granted Stryker Guy an honorary Doctorate in Cycling. (Belo News didn't even know there was a doctorate in cycling.....?)

Coincidence? We think not!

An investigation was immediately announced by the Commissioner of Cycling, K College Alumni Association and several other, herein, inconsequential organizations! Belo News will continue to follow this late breaking story! Stay tuned! We report, you decide!

After threatening Sharkman with actually
riding, PsychoCross was back!

But we digress.......

Sharkman never knows what to expect on a holiday weekend as it can be "feast or famine" with attendance. However, this was shaping up to be a good day!

Riders continued to pour in, some with, and some without college kit. Both Brewman and Dr. Dave rode in with MSU kit, taking the win on the day. Luckily, riders didn't need to be present at the start to qualify, as Zyickkxmaan joined on at the Klutch in his Michigan kit!

There was a major tie for second with Wisconsin, Purdue, Davidson, University of Richmond and Michigan. But MSU ruled the day and the Spartans were the College Game Day winners!

Belo News feels a need to list all the riders when there are 15 or less in attendance for the ride. Sharkman counted 15 at the start, but during the ride, so many Minions jumped on and off the ride that there was no way to remember who rode, so a guesstimate of approximately 23 riders is all that can be offered. Yet pretty good for a holiday weekend!

After an extremely inspiring, pre-start speech by our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, the sound of pedals "clicking in" and that chatter of an excited mighty Shark Minion Nation echoed throughout the humble village of Galesburg and the riders were off!

Two abreast, thank you very much.......
Toast rocking it for Davidson College!

As the Nation passed the Klutch and waved again to the early morning koffee group, the barista was taking the count as two more riders jumped on the ride.

As the Nation headed north, Sharkman rode up and down the peloton, pressing the flesh, working the crowd, getting a feel for whether there were any A group riders in the mix. However, Rainman, who might have been a "maybe" stated he "just wasn't feeling it this morning....."

Toast, in his Davidson College jersey and Dr. Dave in his MSU kit, led our intrepid hero out to the first, honorary sprint, with Rainman filming the entire sequence with his special X-Ray glasses. It was great to see the Badger "W" taking the sprint! Unfortunately, Belo New has not been able to figure out how to make the videos play on the blog!!!

Sharkman did note a speed of 23.1 mph as he took the tape.

More riders had jumped on as the Nation passed G Ave. and Zyckmann took the next sprint going away.

Up the col de Twin Lakes, past the Yorkville Church and on through Kellogg Korner and the Kountry Klub, the Nation took the pace up and the riding was intense! Yet the Nation seemed to stay together and there were no stragglers! The Nation was getting in riding shape after the wet start to the season!
Squeaky post ride yoga. He didn't read the blog
and left his MSU jersey at home!

Up the col de Norte, and through the Holy Rollers (yes, we've got a lot to do, so we are getting to the most exciting part, the final sprint! Oh, the humanity!) the Nation moved like a fast moving bullet train through the countryside.

After another discussion of the Dandelion being closed on Saturday morning the Nation again chose to ride the new, smooth pavement into the Inlet and on to the Digital Divide. Oh, the love of smooth pavement! One of the greatest things for a cyclist to do with his/her cloths on! Is this a great country or what?!?

It was somewhere in this area that Nikeboy and Hoosier Boy jumped on. Hoosier Boy was sans his Hoosier Jersey (claiming he left it at his apartment in Chicago) and Nikeboy sans his Michigan jersey and instead was wearing his Rapha U kit! Oh, the humanity.
Winning team of Brewman & Dr. Dave!
Winning for MSU!

Sharkman tried to get a pace line going after the Digital Divide, but the Minions did not seem to want to play until Rainman came forward and took the speed up considerably but held it at between 24 and 25 mph and riders held on as best they could.

As the Nation bore down on the GGG Spot Sprint everyone up front was wondering where Gazelle Girl was?

Suddenly, as if shot from a cannon, the Sweetheart of the peloton, without any lead out man, went by like riders were standing still and the cheers of thousands, took the sprint with a collective moan from the Nation!

At the stop sign an angry elderly gentleman in a pick up truck shouted out that the Nation should be riding single file (Editors Note: in Michigan, riders are allowed to ride two abreast) and actually flashed a badge, though no one was sure if that was Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck on the badge.

As the Nation crossed G Ave. Sharkman went out early trying to string out the Nation before the big dogs began to jockey for position. Interestingly, he was able to stay away as he climbed the small hill at the start of the section and kept the pace going.
Sharkman figuring it might be the
only way to get a Wisconsin Jersey shot
in the Belo News!

Shortly after, Rainman bridged the growing gap and mentioned that that the gap was getting bigger and to "hang on and lets see what happens!"

Sharkman replied that he would do as best he could as Rainman lead out Sharkman to between 24 and 25 mph!

Sharkman kept checking his mirror and the main peloton was not reacting to the attack as they went up the final hill.

At the top, Rainman pulled off as PsychoCross and Boatman went by.

Sharkman bore down, wanting to do well in thanks for Rainmans pulling him to the front as Rainman again came forward and Sharkman got on his wheel for a second time!

As PsychoCross pulled away, and with the peloton still off the back, Sharkman dug deep as Rainman catapulted him out and he closed the gap on PsychoCross as he went past Rainman, then Boatman to take the second spot on the podium behind PsychoCross with Boatman taking the third spot.

Meanwhile, Rainman got the top spot in Sharkman's "gratitude on the day" division! Thanks Rainman, you rock!

Final average speed 19.6 mph.
Yeti Boy in his Iron Horse Jersey.
A week late........

The paparazzi and tofosi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the mighty Shark Minion Nation rode into town, zipping up their jerseys and waving to their adoring fans.

Many of the riders stopped for the Press Conference and the Klutch was rocking! Even Nikeboy stopped and was showing Dr. Dave his Rapha "hand bag." (See photo).

There was some confusion on who bought the koffee, but Hoosier Boy and Hossman started it off and it lasted for the 16 or so riders were came in for koffee!

After an extended period of time and a lot of koffee, the group disbanded and Sharkman, Yeti Boy, Brandy (MNTBD) and Reb headed back up the hill listening to Reb complain about the pace......all the way home!

It was a fantastic morning in the saddle! Is this a great country or what?!?

By popular demand, this Saturday has been named Animal Jersey Day!
Hossman in his Purdue Kit!
Where was B-Rod?

What? Wait, what is animal jersey day, you ask?

This is a day, of course, where you wear a cycling jersey with an animal on it! Any animal. Well, except fish......

Sharkman already made an appeal that a shark is an animal but was rejected and told a shark is a fish.

That's cold, eh? So our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, will need to figure something out as other than cartoon characters, he is not sure he has any kit with an animal on it!

Saturday, September 8, 2018 - Animal Jersey Day!

There is an event around Gull Lake so the Nation will head south this Saturday with the greatest downhill finish in cycling!

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!
"Gazelle Girl!"

Hoosier Boy came late, but bought!
Sans Hoosier Jersey......

Nikeboy showing Dr. Dave his Rapha

Rainman and his X-Ray glasses!
You should see the video of
Sharkman! Wow!

This years only Michigan jersey!
Zychmaan rocked it!

The Klutch was rocking!


Belo News
September 4, 2018

Triple Nasty Ranchero, Mi. - The Minions have been asking about delivery on the 30th Anniversary Shark Minion Jersey and when they will be in. Gazelle Girl reports the jersey's are being made in Italy and it is "hoped" they will arrive around September 22. There should be a more "concrete" date in mid September.

Thanks for your patience!


Belo News
September 4, 2018

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - Can the Nation fit one more Retiree Lunch in before the weather turns cold?

The Nation is going to find out!

Here is the invitation and you don't need to be retired to take part! Just want to ride, drink beer and eat pizza (or whatever)! Come on out and ride before it is too cold to do it!


Belo News
September 1, 2018

Padre and Madre at the rally!

Columbus, IN. - Padre reported in this weekend that he missed College Game Day because he and "Madre" were doing the Midwest Tandem Rally down in Indiana!

Hope you rocked it Padre and Madre!

Thanks for sending in the photos! You look great!

Huge crowd for this rally!


Lava Girl, Sharkman, Yeti Boy and Yeti Girl!

Belo News
September 3, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - So, Sharkman didn't ride on Labor Day, or did he? When it was reported that there might be a ride, then Sharkman said there wouldn't be a ride, Belo News immediately began an in-depth investigation into what he WAS doing!

Apparently, he was riding!

Where else can you get fast breaking news like this, Bunkie? Uh? Where?!?

Apparently, he and Yeti Boy actually did a breakfast ride with Lava Girl and Yeti Girl on Monday morning!
At the Lux!

What the.......

And what a beautiful morning for a ride!!!

Sharkman had the Senior eggs over easy, two strips of bacon, hash browns and wheat toast, while Yeti Boy split and omelet with Yeti Girl!

Oh, the humanity, see what we mean when we say "in-depth reporting?!?"

Not a lot of miles, but plenty of husband points at the end of the season! Well, and a few calories......

And oh, those Senior Discounts!

It's great being Sharkman!

Is this a great country or what???