Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Wishbone leading the mighty Minion Nation!



Sharkman in his winning jersey with
Yeti Boy who took second!


Belo News
August 18, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our Intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was particularly geeked because it was Iron Horse Jersey Day! Yes, not only was he an Iron Horse Race veteran but he actually beat the train! (for details go into the archives in May of 2010 and read the riveting account of the big race! -

Sharkman, Yeti Boy and Zyckkmmaann are all veterans, though Zicykman was too cheap to purchase a jersey so he usually wears a Colorado Jersey....close Sharkman the nod in the jersey competition. Would Yeti boy remember to wear his?

As Yeti Boy approached the Shark Cove, his headlight made it a bit difficult to see his jersey. But as he got closer, Sharkman could see he was not wearing his Iron Horse jersey, but a Durango Colorado jersey. What?
Squeakly the "Other Style Guy" in his
jersey and windbreaker.

Apparently, Yeti Boy had his jersey in a bedroom that two woman pro golfers were using during the Firekeepers Symetra Golf Tournament and he didn't think it would be a good idea for an old man to go into their bedroom at 6:30 a.m. and try to find move, Yeti!

Slam dunk for the Sharkman! He may not have won the ugliest jersey, but he had just nailed the Iron Horse Jersey competition!

Nikeboy joined on and the riders leisurely rode over to the start were the Minions were amassing and Sharkman was explaining what an Iron Horse Jersey is.

No Zikchmaan, so Sharkman was exceedingly happy that he had SMASHED the competition!

All hail the Iron Horse Jersey winner, the Sharkman!

Squeaky was back, wearing a very stylish cycling jersey (but not an Iron Horse Jersey) under a windbreaker.....wait, windbreaker? Yep, the other Style Guy was "styling" even if it was 65 degrees and getting warmer! He immediately removed the jacket, then his shoes and socks, and did some stretching exercises! Squeaky, now retired, was back!
We are not quite sure what Squeaky
was doing, but that's our Squeaky!

After start photos, a few safety instructions, and learning that again, there was no interest in an A Group, Sharkman began to pull the mighty Minion Train out of the station and to that famous Burg, Galesburg!

At the start, Sharkman had counted around 15 riders and usually the get listed, however a number of Minions jumped on during the ride and the count got as high as 22. Again, it is becoming more difficult to keep track of the Nation and consideration to changing the credo is underway. Instead of "we leave no Minion behind!" it may become "we will do our best to leave no Minion behind!"

As the Nation headed north, Sharkman was working the crowd as he normally does, but then went back to the front when he heard "mechanical" shouted out from the back of the peloton. Our hero decided to stop atop the next hill and when the all clear he made a break for his honorary sprint and took it without a lead out at a brisk 23.4 mph! And THAT is why he is the Nation's hero!

The ride was extremely brisk and as the Nation barreled through the Yorkville Church, past Kellogg Korner and into the Kountry Klub section, the pace continued to rise as the chatter disappeared and the legs began to burn!
Sharkman taking his "selfie!"

Sharkman shouted out "smoke'em if you gott'em" at the Rt. 43 Stop and someone asked what would happen if someone actually lit up. Sharkman responded, "I'd take a photo!"

The pace continued up the col de Norte, through the Holy Rollers and on to the feed stop.

At the feed stop (formerly Frona's) the Nation unanimously voted to do the new pavement!

So, new pavement it was!

At the Digital Divide, Sharkman went out to start the pace line and after getting it started, pealed off. However, the pace line immediately began to fall apart, then came back together again. Sharkman looked down at his computer and at one time the Nation was at 28 mph! Oh, the humanity!

The mighty Minion Nation was crushing it as they moved along to Gazelle Girls coveted, GGG Spot Sprint!
Gazelle Girl rides in with yet, another "other guy!"
This time it was Boatman.......

Gazelle Girl, again busted out of the peloton and with the entire Nation on her wheel, cheering for yet another victory for America, watched the Sweetheart of the Peloton take the tape ahead of a Minion claiming to have led her out! Oh, the humanity! How does Gazelle Girl do it??!!

Sharkman was again, nervous about the finish. There were some big dogs ready for the showdown and no Hossman or Tow Truck to spread out the Nation.

TanMan and Skittles immediately went to the front and Sharkman got on their wheels like a greedy chipmunk on a walnut hoping the big guys wouldn't take it away!

The two riders carried on a discussion as Sharkman could barely breath as they took the pace up.

After a short time, Ironman came around and the group started to splinter as Sharkman had hoped.

Easty and Katie!
Sharkman was holding on with all he had when the riders started passing him on the final climb before the finish. He got a bit of a second wind at the summit and started to hammer back to get a better view of the final sprint as TanMan edged out Skittles for the win.

Average speed was at a season high 20.1 mph!

It was not determined who got the final spot on the podium, but Sharkman gave it to Easty, well, because he once again bought the koffee! Thanks Easty! Is this a great country or what?!?

The paparazzi and the tofosi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as their hero's zipped up their jersey's for the sponsors and waved to the crowds who were holding bouquets of flowers, bottles of wine and baskets of cheese and fruit!

The Klutch was rocking and the lovely Katie joined Easty and the Nation in the post ride celebration.

Wishbone was showing off his Silca Tool Kit and Toesetter got the impression it was something else and was trying to figure out how to light it. A drug investigation has been launch and all tool kits will be inspected prior to each Saturday's ride going forward!
The Klutch was rocking!

It was another fantastic Michigan August morning and the Nation was enjoying every minute of it!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition!

This Saturday, August 25, 2018!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Sharkman has out of town guest so will not be able to ride, but the ride goes on!

Additionally, the Klutch will be closed and riders will need to determine if they will go across the street or out to McDonalds.

Also, it has been reported that there is new (Tuesday) chip & seal on 35th in the col de Twin Lakes section. By Saturday it should be OK, but if it is determined not to be good at the start, it is suggested riders go up 37th Street to the Yorkville Church to avoid that stretch of road. Be careful out there Minions!
Toesetter showing Wishbone how to
use his "tool kit" properly.
Oh, the humanity!

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