Tuesday, August 14, 2018


The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready to rock!






Belo News
August 11, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright and beautiful over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, bound from bed in the dark and fired up the Shark Coffee Maker and got ready to rock!

Donning his retro jersey and looking quite dapper we might add, the diminutive shark headed to the shark garage to get his steed ready for flight!
Virgin Minion Brandy (MNTBD)!
Welcome to the Nation!

The morning was looking beautiful and the temperature was a very comfortable 61 degrees as he got ready to launch. He knew that Yeti Boy was still out of town but looked up the road for Mad Dog or Nikeboy to no avail.

The old shark new that Reb would be jumping on from a text exchange the previous evening, but was surprised to see two bikers approaching him on Watkins Road as dawn was just beginning to stretch it's light across the fields.

As the two approached, Reb introduced his neighbor and now, virgin Minion, Brandy (Minion name to be determined)! Welcome to the mighty Shark Minion Nation Brandy!

Brandy had just returned recently from the RAGBRAI ride across Iowa and seemed to be in good enough shape to push the pace over to Galesburg!

The fields were full of mist as the sun continued to rise and the views of rural Michigan were spectacular!

This was the type of morning bikers dream of!
Rainman, "at least it's not raining!"

Open roads, warm sun, no wind and good friends! It was shaping up to be a spectacular day!

When the three riders approached the Klutch, they saw Wishbone having his first koffee of the day, while Easty was observed getting his bike our of his parked car behind the Klutch.

The riders were already pulling into the parking lot, both by car and by bike as the three arrived.

TanMan was making his season debut and commented that he hadn't been able to get out of work all summer. Meanwhile Rainman appeared by car, apologizing to Sharkman about not being able to get out of bed in time to make the ride over but glad there was no rain in the forecast.

There were enough for a possible A Group, but when Sharkman asked if anyone would lead it no one volunteered. Sharkman offered that he would point out the A Group cut off and they could make the decision then.

After a few photos, an introduction of virgin Minion Brandy, and some safety comments, the Nation was ready to pull out of the station. Sharkman counted 24 Minions at the start, but at least 6 Minions would join on during the ride and with riders jumping on and off it was difficult to get an accurate count but a good guesstimate would put the total at 30 riders.
Gazelle Girl rides in to cheers!

As the Nation rode by the Klutch the early morning koffee group seemed impressed with the count. Ironman rode up and quickly asked, "....is there an A Group?" to which Sharkman responded that he didn't know. Ironman worked the peloton, trying to get an A Group together, but no one seemed to want to play. "Please, let's have an A Group!" Ironman lamented to anyone who would listen........

At the A Group cut off, Sharkman called out the route and Ironman went for it, but no one followed. He quickly returned to the fold for the day. It seemed no one wanted to play and would rather stick to the main peloton of fun loving Miniondom.

Ranger Rick was in great form and lead our intrepid hero out to the first sprint, which he took at 22.6 mph with TanMan on his wing.

The start of the ride seemed to be very mellow with a lot of Minions catching up with one another and enjoying the flat out fantastic morning!

Did we mention how beautiful the morning was???

More riders joined on as the Nation headed north, one of whom was the legend of the peloton, Zyyickmannn! He was back early from his Colorado hiking trip and shared with the Nation that the hike got cut short due to one of his buddy hikers taking a serious fall, breaking his ankle, his leg and actually, his face and they had to walk him out, 4 miles, to get medical assistance! A big "Get Well" to Zychkmmaann's buddy!

Also joining the Nation on the route north was Cricket and his lady friend who has not been given a Minion name yet, though she is no longer a virgin Minion she does need a name!
TanMan making his season debut!
In August?

As Sharkman thought about it, he "thinks" (which is always suspect) that this might tie or even break the Minion record for ladies riding with the Nation at the same time!!! High Yield made it 4 woman riders on the day! Hooray for the mighty Shark Minion Nation!

As the Nation crossed Rt. 89, getting a green light, the pace immediately picked up. As the fast moving train went past the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner and the Kountry Klub, the speeds were turned up to the max and Sharkman was holding on like he does to his beer mug during last call at closing time!

The Nation climbed the col de Norte intact and rode on to the feed zone, which is now closed on Saturdays (Ya, go figure?).

The road heading to the Inlet had been newly paved and the Nation wanted to ride the new road! So they headed straight south from Frona's and it was one sweet ride! Not sure if the Nation will continue to take that route, but it was a pretty sweet to ride on, but much more traffic to deal with.

After the Digital Divide, Sasquatch, Cricket and Sharkman formed up a pace line and picked up even more speed. As Minions took turns at the front, the Nation bared down on the GGG Spot Sprint, and Sharkman began to wonder where the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" was! Just as he began to think he should drop back to check it out, Gazelle Girl began to make her move!
Proving the man has class, Stryker Guy
out of the Styker Jersey and into
a Kalamazoo College Jersey!

She blasted out of the pace line, without the assistance of a lead out, like she was being shot out of a cannon! Oh, the humanity!

She put the hammer down and seemed to just glide past the mighty Minion Nation as though they were on a Sunday afternoon sight seeing tour!

Gazelle Girl, to the cheers of the Nation, took her coveted GGG Spot Sprint unaided by a lead out rider! Is this a great country or what?!?

Though there was a bit of a threat from one particular rider, a brief conversation between the two, a handful of feet from the G Spot, enabled Gazelle Girl to single-handedly reach her G Spot climax.

It was a victory for America!

At the GGG Spot Sprint finish, Sharkman was already obsessing about the ride finish.

With approximately 30 riders, some of them pretty fast sprinters, he always worry's about crashes as the riders attempt to position themselves for optimal finish spots. Without a Hossman or Tow Truck to rabbit out a lead, it could be dangerous.

Knowing he is not fast enough, Sharkman still headed out to try to stretch the Nation before the final sprint. He was quickly taken over by Rocketman and Wildman who took the speed up significantly as our hero hang on.
Toesetter went with the single
braided beard. Said he didn't
 have time to do two braids!

Shortly after, Ironman, a perennial podium resident of the Nation, threw himself on his sword and went to the front, taking up the speed and spreading the peloton out!

Thank you Ironman! Nice job! Class act indeed and he get's "The Class Act" award on the morning!

As the Nation moved to the final ascent, they were spread out pretty well thanks to Ironman, but started coming together for the assault on the finish as they descended the final hill.

Rainman, Cricket, TanMan, and a cast of thousands moved to the finish line like a well oiled machine!

Rainman edged out Cricket for the win and it was not determined who took the third spot on the podium.

Average speed on the day was 19.7 mph, which when you consider the slow start, was pretty darn swift!

The paparazzi and tofosi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as they watched their hero's zip up their jerseys for the sponsors and wave to the adoring crowds.

The Nation at the "Feed Zone!"

At the Klutch, half of the riders came in for the Press Conference and took up two tables.

Ironman stepped up and bought the first two koffee's (another reason he is a class act), then Hoosier Boy kept that tradition going, buying two more before B-Rod and we are not sure, but possibly Ironman picked up the rest! A bit confusing, but hey, it was free koffee! Thanks to all those that contributed to the mornings Joe!

The Nation wanted to ride the new pavement!

Sharkman basking in his Minion glow!
The Klutch was rocking with topics ranging from Zyikkmaanns epic hike and medical evacuation insurance, to how many riders have Dual Eyewear sunglasses (or should we say "need" them) and how much they like them!

This is a great country!

Sharkman had to make the trip back the Shark Cove solo, but it was a spectacular day and the ole Shark spent most of the ride giving thanks for another fantastic day in the saddle with his beloved Minion Nation!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG! There are only so many weeks left in the season!
Cricket ahead at the finish before being
brought back by Rainman!

Rainman takes the tape!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Iron Horse Jersey Day! 

That's right! If you've raced the Iron Horse Train from Durango to Silverton, Colorado, get that jersey out and get ready to ride!

What? You don't have one?
The Klutch was rocking!

Ride anyway with those that have ridden this phenomenal race against the Iron Horse Train!

Launch time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
August 15, 2018
Stryker Guy causing a fashion stir in
Paris, France!

Paris, France - Late breaking news!

Stryker Guy was seen by the Paparazzi and some tofosi, sporting his Shark Minion attire in, where else, Paris, France this week where style is everything!

Apparently he caused quite a stir when everyone wanted to know where he got the beautiful Shark Minion kit!

At least that is what he thinks they were saying in French. Or was it, "move out of the photo, Yankee!"

Whatever, Stryker Guy reported in to Belo News:

"Thought you’d like to see that The Minions are everywhere!"

Take care,


Thanks Stryker Guy for spreading the message!

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