Wednesday, October 25, 2017

What a fantastic day for the seasons last road ride!







Belo News
October 23, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright, and somewhat warm, over the Shark Cove this past Saturday, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, could hardly contain himself!
The Nation ready to ride! Not sure what Reb is doing, but ready to ride!
And  yes, that is Mad Dog on the right, between Wildman and Squeaky!

For the first time in Shark Minion recorded history, the Nation had been rained out the past two Saturday's and time in the season was running out. But here was one last opportunity to not only ride the road that the Shark loves so much, but ride it in fantastic weather!

As he donned his Shark Minion Jersey and got his steed ready, he thought about the fantastic season that was coming to an end and his deep appreciation for having such great Minions in his life!

Also, the long lost Mad Dog was supposed to return! Is this a great country or what!?!
CycoCross had returned for his first and last
ride of the season along with his
portable bike shop!

In fact, Sharkman was so excited that he jumped the gun a bit and headed out from the Cove a minute or two before 7:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Sharkman caught his wingman, Yeti Boy, riding into the Cove neighborhood and the two wondered if they should wait a minute for Mad Dog. Mad Dog usually rides for an hour or so before latching on to the group so they went ahead.  It was only a matter of a few minutes before the wayward Mad Dog rode up behind them and the old Shark was all smiles to see his long lost Saturday morning companion back in the peloton!

Shortly, Reb joined on as they enjoyed one of the most beautiful sunrises that they'd ever been blessed with on a Saturday morning! Actually, the sunrise was so beautiful that Sharkman made the riders stop at Renton Road so he could get a photo. He only wished he had shot it sooner as it was such a deep, beautiful red earlier!
Gazelle Girl sporting her new

The ride over was filled with stories of where the hell Mad Dog had been all summer. To make a long story short, it had a lot to do with buying a new motorcycle and the Nation can all ask Mad Dog next season when they see him. 

Sharkman was unsure of how big a turn out the Nation would have as it was late in the season. However, he did have hopes that the fantastic weather might bring out a big crowd for the last road ride of the season. But it was not to be.

Twelve Minions in total made the start, in addition to Mad Dog, Yeti Boy, Reb and Sharkman, Gazelle Girl (sporting a new helmet after she stuck her landing in her crash by finishing on her head), Cycocross making his first and last season appearance, Rocket Man, Squeaky, who had done a "Walnut Reconnaissance" ride the previous evening and sent a full report to the Commissioner, Wildman, and Wishbone. Coming in just under the start wire and late for the photo, was Bull Dog.

The Nation headed out two abreast and at the Klutch, PJ jumped on making it twelve Minions. However, just as the Nation headed north, Mad Dog broke off for home to do a motorcycle ride later in the day. Yes, you'll have to ask him about that........

There were no takers on the A Group Ride and CycoCross and Rocket Man led our intrepid hero out to the first sprint, making him work way too hard and taking the tape at around 23 mph.

The Nation headed north, up the col de Twin Lakes and on to the Rt. 89 crossing where they decided to run the light, causing Gazelle Girl to give the Nation a stern talking to about road safety. And she was right! No more running lights!
Squeaky was "Stylin" and over dressed,
yet again! Thanks for your
"Walnut Reconnaissance!"

As usual, the pace picked up through the col de No Name, Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner, the Kountry Klub and on to the Rt. 43 Stop Ahead Sprint. The Nation seemed to be working as a unit as they buzzed through this section enjoying the beautiful fall morning in their short sleeves!

The nation continued up the col de Norte and on to the Holy Rollers, with a stop at the Feed Zone now known as the Dandelion Cafe.

As the Nation headed up the hill to the Inlet Sprint, Sharkman was next to Squeaky when Squeaky's shoe came out of his cleat. When it came out the second time, Sharkman noticed that it looked like Squeaky was missing the knobs on the ends of his Look compatible cleats! Sharkman told him he needed new cleats and though he tried to argue they were OK, Sharkman will be checking them the first day of the season next year! Worn cleats cause crashes! No excuses, when cleats get old, REPLACE!

Sharkman pulled a surprise at the Inlet sprint as he grabbed a couple of wheels to get to the front and go by Wildman and Gazelle Girl who were doing a major pull in that section.

The Nation gathered up at the Digital Divide and then formed up an informal double pace line in the section Sharkman is now calling the "Tunnel of Trees."

The speed picked up and Gazelle Girl began to get in position to take her coveted GGG Spot Sprint.

Gazelle Girl was being pulled by Wildman and CycoCross at the front when she made her move a bit early, at the curve heading into the final sprint.

After opening up a fairly nice gap, for some reason, CycoCross began to counter her move to the shock of the Nation. Everyone's first thought they he wanted to try to get closer to observe the "Victory for America" and hear the cheer that would go up.

But then it happened! To everyone's surprise, CycoCross went by Gazelle Girl and stole the sprint to the booing of the Nation as he crossed the finish just ahead of the "Sweetheart of the Peloton!" 

Oh, the humanity!  

A collective hush came over the Nation as everyone thought, "what just happened!?!"
Yep, Sharkman was there!

CycoCross tried to brush it away, and usually this would result in being declared "Perona Non Grata" by the Commissioner of Cycling. However, since it was his first and last ride of the year, Belo News thought it was better to acknowledge his shame in denying the GGG Spot Sprint from the "Sweetheart of the Peloton!" 

Though CycoCross did ask the Sharkman if there were any other sprints he had to give away on the day, he was apologetic and has since sent an apology to Gazelle Girl stating it was that "chase instinct."

Gazelle Girl forgave the wayward cyclist and that was good enough for the Nation!

On to the finish!
CycoCross went out to the front and after a short pull, Reb took over for some time. Sharkman was next in the chute and took over to try to string out the pace line. To his surprise, he was able to take the speed up to around 23 mph as he approached the final ascent to the finish.
It was great to see
Hoosier Boy!
As he began to climb the hill in the lead, the Nation began to pass him up as he faded.

CycoCross had come back to lead out the Nation as the fast moving train moved to the finishing tape.

Wildman took the lead and the tape with Rocket Man second and CycoCross in third place.

After an Amtrak Train slowed the Nation from getting to the Champs le Galesburg, the crowds went wild for their hero's knowing this would be the final ride down the Champs le Galesburg for the 2017 season. Oh, the humanity!

Bull Dog pulled ahead and bought Koffee for everyone at the Klutch and all were very pleased to see Hoosier Boy waiting for them as they entered the Kafe. 

Also joining the Nation at the Klutch was Greyhound, who earlier in the week had been involved in a crash on his mountain bike resulting in a broken collar bone! Oh, the humanity.

Greyhound after shoulder surgery!
It was also learned that Gecko, who had been involved in what has become known as "the Walnut Crash," had broken his hand when he went down behind Gazelle Girl. Diagnosed with a "Boxer Break" in his hand, he had to also have surgery!  It has been a rough year for the Minions!

Everyone got together for a photo that was photobombed by one of the Early Morning Koffee Group!

The group stayed late at the Kluch, attempting to grasp every moment of a fantastic end to the road season.  Sharkman and Yeti Boy enjoyed the ride home in the fantastic fall sunshine, thinking about how great a season it has been.

But the season isn't quite over yet!

Weather permitting (and it isn't looking good at press time) the Nation moved to Fort Custer this weekend! See next story and for those of you who don't ride mountain bike, hope to see you at the In Lieu of Iceman Party at Players on Saturday, 

November 4, 2017 at 4 p.m.!

It was a fantastic season! Thanks to Andrew and the Koffee Klutch Team!
And thanks for the photobomb from the Early Morning Koffee Group!
And thanks for the koffee, Bull Dog!


Belo News
October 25, 2017

Augusta, Mi. - The mighty Shark Minion Nation moves to Fort Custer this weekend! Normally, this would have taken place already to get ready for Iceman. But the two rain outs also put a crimp on the annual Barry-Roubaix ride and therefore, the Nation is going straight to the Fort for some fun!

For those new to the Nation, some Minions will meet at the Klutch at around 7:45-8:00 a.m. for an early kup of bottomless, then at 8:30 a.m. head over on bikes to the Fort Custer Trail Head where other riders will meet them at 9:00 a.m. for a trail ride. It will be determined at the Trail Head what route to take and if there will be an A and B group. 

So, two launch times......8:30 a.m. from the Klutch and 9:00 a.m. (or whenever the Klutch group gets to the Trail Head) from the Trail Head!


Be there!


Belo News
October 25, 2017

Augusta, Mi. - Man, this really snuck up on the Nation this year!

The Annual In Lieu of Iceman Party (for all those riders who do not compete at Iceman anymore or never did) will be Saturday, November 4, 2017.

Those that are mountain bikers will meet at the Fort Custer Trail Head at 2 p.m. for a group ride, followed by a brief cool down with BYO adult beverages.

The Nation will then head over to Players in Augusta where significant others and road riders can join the group for dinner and more adult beverages to celebrate the end of a truly fantastic year of cycling!

So even if you don't mountain bike, you and your significant other should join the Nation at Players at 4 p.m. on Saturday, November 4, 2017!

Be there!


Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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