Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Wait, is that the Sharkman? Oh, the humanity!











Belo News
September, 2016
By Line – NikeBoy & Gazelle Girl
Photos by Dot Dot Dash

Walnut Creek, CA. - Dawn broke bright and cool over northern California, where our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was spending time with his beloved Sharklets! He actually got some great riding in and did his first long distance ride with his 7 year old Grandson! Ah, nothing like Sharklet's! But we digress.
Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, and his
Grandson Liam!

So, what happened in the Nation this week and where the heck has our intrepid hero, the Sharkman been?!?

Sharkman reports he has been on a somewhat hectic schedule of late and that doesn't change this weekend, when he again will miss being with his beloved Shark Minion Nation! But never fear, he will be returning soon! (See Tentative Fall Schedule)

In the meantime, what happened last week?

Piecing together some information from emails from Gazelle Girl and Nikeboy, it was learned that again, there was a great turn out of 30 plus riders for Beer Jersey Day, though reports indicated there were no Virgin Minions for the first time in a few weeks.

The weather was reportedly perfect for the Nation on Saturday!
Apparently the Squeakman was there and
dressed for the balmy weather!

NikeBoy identified some of the B Group riders as B-Rod, Bissell Boy, Dot-Dot-Dash, Reb, Yeti Boy, Falcon, Gadget Guy and others, that unfortunately he was unaware of their Minion Names (so we apologize if you got left off the list, but Dot Dot Dash did a good job of photographing everyone! Thanks DDD!). There were a total of 17 in the B Group.

For the most part, the B Group played well together and NikeBoy and Gadget Guy only had to retrieve a couple of riders a few times. A small group borke away after the Kountry Klub to take the M-43 sprint and it was reported the neutral zone was well handled. Things reportedly stayed smooth and everyone regrouped at the Dandelion Cafe (Formerly Frona's, then Queen's Pantry or whatever) were people wondered about the wisdom of naming a Cafe after a weed.....oh, wait.....

Since the name keeps changing and it say's Frona's on the jersey, it will be now known as “The Feed Zone.”

After the Digital Divide, Bissell Boy organized a rotating paceline that wwas reported as actually going very well considering the number of riders in the B Group who had not done that type of pace line before. The riders did a great job of rotating at 20 mph right up to the GGG Spot Sprint.

In the final stretch to the finish, it was a pace line at around 22 pmh until Falcon decided to animate things with about a mile to go before the finish. As the Nation cresed the last climb, Zickman, B-Rod and Nikeboy broke for the line!

NikeBoy broke ahead with about 200 yards to go and told B-Rod to get on his wheel!

B-Rod took the lead out to a victory,with his lead out man, NikeBoy grabbing second, while Zyckmann captured the third spot on the podium!

Reported average speed for the B Group was 17.8 mph, which is range the B-Group should be in.

Remember Minions, it is about the ride! Not about catching the B-Group, not about notgetting caught by the A-Group, etc. It is about the ride, the commoradorie and the sprints were you can get your workout if you have a need for speed.

This Saturday, September 10, 2016

College Game Day! That's right, Minions! Break out the College Kit and show your loyalty!

Will it be MSU (last years winner) or Michigan, or perhaps, Western Michigan with another upset!

Come on out and ride for your college team!

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
September 7, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - With a beautiful fall upon us (Belo News has done some weather projections) and with several Minions asking about extending the season, the Cycling Commission has announced the following tentative schedule of cycling for this fall.

With fewer riders taking part in the Iceman, several have asked to extend the road season this year so the mighty Minion Nation will ride into October rather than move to mountain bikes.

It is then tentatively planned to do the Barry-Roubaix/Iceman training ride on Saturday, October 29 and the In Lieu of Iceman Ride and Party on Saturday, November 5, 2016, which well be the official end of the season.

Stay tuned for more information concerning the schedule and Sharkman intends to be back for all of these rides!


Belo News

September 7, 2016

Battle Creek, Mi. - If you missed your chance to see Banjovi live on the Patio at Riverside Golf and Banquet Center in July, well here is your chance to make up for it! Back by popular demand the minstrels of the mighty Minion Nation will be back at it with beer, barbecue and banjo music, with a bit of ukulele and guitar mixed in!

So get some of your friends and family together for great food, drink and song on the Patio at Riverside. The Minions who came out in July had a great time and over a 100 people actually showed up! So get there early to get a seat!

Oh, the humanity!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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