Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Easty & Hutch take it for WMU!








Belo News
September 10, 2016
Reporter: Gazelle Girl

Triple Nasty Rancho, Mi. - Under misting skies a dozen Minions gathered at the usual meeting spot. In no particular order, those present were Brewman, Easty, Falcon, Gadget Guy, Gazelle Girl, Hutch, Justin (who will here forth be known as Road Kill for his propensity for darting into oncoming traffic), Mad Dog, Squeaky and Squeaky's Kid who will here forth be known as Pipsqueak (unless he already has a nickname?), The Uni-bomber and Toast.

The Nation at the Feed Stop.
What is Gazelle Girl hiding behind her back?
A handful of Minions came to the ride dressed to participate in College Jersey Day. The special apparel day prompted a conversation about football and its fans which lead to Easty throwing down a humorous - and spot on - rant about football and its fans that was worthy of a stand up routine. Rah, rah, Easty!

The day's jersey mix included two Broncos, two Spartans and a Wildcat. As you can imagine, the battles were fierce and the fur and flesh were flying. Unfortunately, due to the high humidity and misting rain, the flying detritus didn't fly far. It simply went airborne and immediately clung to riders' faces and glasses... taking visibility to an even lower point.

Throwing caution to the wind (well, actually, to the soupy, still air) the riders struck out for the geographic region known as the Field of Dreams. As the riders headed north there was talk of sunny skies and 70 degrees ahead with the peloton's approach to the extra special ecozone known as Gull Lake. Although that was not to be the case this trip. However, the mist did let up a bit and the roads began to dry out some as the adventure continued. At least by the time the ride was three quarters finished the riders could see. Sort of.

Sprints were won but this correspondent can't remember crap like that so suffice it to say battles ensued, men trampled upon other men, egos were boosted and bruised, and everyone went home content to prepare to fight it out another day.

HOWEVER, when it came time for the GGG Spot Sprint which is - typically - the domain of the Sweetheart of the Peloton.... well, there was no help to be had today. Through simply the luck of the draw, the Sweetheart wound up in the back of said peloton as it passed by Mill Pond. This is the place (the wet spot) where - typically - those who truly care for the Sweetheart of the Peloton begin to rally to get her into position to help her get her GGG Spot Sprint on. Not today. No heads turned to look for her whereabouts as the Sweetheart begged for some attention from behind. No heads. None. Nada. The deflated Sweetheart took it in stride, chalking it up to the average age of the men present (can you really do much at 60?) and hoped for better luck next time.
A wet, but joyous victory for WMU!
Wait...was Gadget Guy serving?

Meanwhile, at the Klutch, Bronco Hutch bought the koffee. Is this a great country or what?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Thank you Gazelle Girl for this rivetting account of what happened as well as your well place come uppence of those who would disregard your comfort at the GGG Spot Sprint!

Also, with such a great showing by WMU AND the fact that one of them bought koffee, while one of the MSU riders did not even show for Koffee, the Commissioner of Cycling has given the jersey award to WMU! Easty was quoted as saying, “it was a victory for America!” If time permits this season, one more College Game Day might be put on the Calendar so the appropriate Colleges can get back on the winning side of the ledger!

This Saturday! The return of the Sharkman! (Ya, …..who is he?)

That's right Bunkie, break out the Tony the Tiger kit and join the peloton! Not too many weekends left!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Launch Time – still 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!




Belo News
September 14, 2016
Your hosts, Zykmann

Late Breaking News!
Reporting/ Gazelle Girl & Zyckmann

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - In late breaking news, and for those who have been deemed, “The Lucky Ones” because they have made it to retirement, (though you don't need to be retired to participate) we're doing a Retiree's Lunch Ride!

Meet at the Zyckmann Estate for a 20ish mile ride to Hasting for lunch and return.

& Gazelle Girl!

Date: Thursday, September 29, 2016
Time: 10.30 am
Place: 4106 East Gull Lake Dr., Hickory Corners

Please RSVP to Gazelle Girl by Wednesday morning on September 28 so we know how many to expect. / 269-665-4555


Belo News
September 16, 2016

Battle Creek, Mi. - If you missed your chance to see Banjovi live on the Patio at Riverside Golf and Banquet Center in July, well here is your second chance to catch this unique, and we do mean unique, style of music!

Back by popular demand the minstrels of the mighty Minion Nation will be back at it with beer, barbecue and banjo music, with a bit of ukulele and guitar mixed in!

So get some of your friends and family together for great food, drink and song on the Patio at Riverside. The Minions who came out in July had a great time and over a 100 people actually showed up! So get there early to get a seat!

Let's hope our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, can get his sorry dorsal out of bed on Saturday morning to make the start! He does party hard with his Banjovi Witnesses!

Oh, the humanity!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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