Tuesday, August 30, 2016






Belo News
August 27, 2016
Gazelle Girl reporting:

Triple Nasty Rancho, MI. - Dawn broke over the Triple Nasty Rancho AFTER Gazelle Girl awoke to the strains of the BBC World Service on the clock/radio. (These shorter days are happenin' quick!) A check of the weather showed "iffy" conditions which can only mean one thing to the glass half full Sweetheart of the Peloton - we're on!

Minutes before Triple Nasty Launch Time, Mad Dog appeared at the back door to be sure Gazelle Girl was planning to saddle up. With a mouthful of toothpaste, she assured the disappointed Dog that she'd be ready to hit the road in a matter of seconds. (Disappointed? Yes! The Dapper Dan of the Peloton was truly hoping that her barking watchdogs would awaken the Sweetheart of the Peloton from a pleasant slumber assuming she would skip the ride due to the weather report. He would then make great fun of her [and her sleepwear] for weeks. Oh, SNAP, Mad Dog!)

A handful of Minions were found in the parking lot when the duo arrived. They were greeted by Nikeboy holding up his cell phone to show the colorful radar indicating rain, rain and more rain in the area. But - for now - no rain! Nikeboy wasn't to be cajoled into heading north, however. He turned tail and rode east back home - likely remaining dry and handsome as ever.

So, eight hearty Minions headed north. Brewman, Yeti Boy, Ironman, J-Dog, Greyhound, Mad Dog, Gazelle Girl and Mike (does Mike have a Minion name??) struck out on dry roads. The rain started about 10 minutes in and continued the entire ride - with the heaviest downpour occurring around Gull Lake, as is usual for the scenic area's individual ecosystem.
Visibility was at an all-time low. Road crud-covered glasses were peered over and rain soaked chamois drooped like poop-filled diapers when the riders stood to climb.

But good humor prevailed. Rumor had it that the short-lived Queen's Cupboard had closed the week before. Well, fear not folks, we will still have to share the parking lot with Saturday morning breakfast-goers. The Dandelion Cafe has fancy new signage in place and should be open soon. Discussion ensued about the bright idea of naming a restaurant after a weed. Thus, the place was quickly nicknamed the Weed Cafe, giving a whole new meaning to the term "edibles."

The sky brightened a bit as the troop headed south, but the rain continued. As such, the Klutch was not graced with the appearance of any Minions that a.m. Bluer skies are promised this Saturday as the weatherperson is currently predicting sunny and 70s. This is, indeed, a great country.

Wow! Thanks Gazelle Girl for this riveting account of what sounds like a wet and wild ride!

Also good to know that the Nation followed their credo of "We will ride in the rain, but not start in the rain!"

Unfortunately, Sharkman will be gone, yet again this week! Oh, the humanity!

What is with that guy!??

But the ride goes on!

Saturday, September 3, 2016 – Labor Day!

Wait? What? Labor Day already? Where did the summer go?!?

What does every red blooded America do on Labor Day Weekend?

They drink beer! So this weekend is Beer Jersey Day! Oh, the humanity!

Launch time for A & B Group – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
August 30, 2016

Battle Creek, Mi. - If you missed your chance to see Banjovi live on the Patio at Riverside Golf and Banquet Center in July, well here is your second chance. And hey, no one should miss a second chance!

Back by popular demand, those minstrels of the mighty Minion Nation, Banjovi, will be back at it with the three B's of the Biking World!  Beer, barbecue and banjo music, with a bit of ukulele and guitar mixed in!

So get some of your friends and family together for great food, drink and song on the Patio at Riverside. Could be a great party if the Nation turns out!

The Minions who came out in July had a great time and over a 100 people actually showed up! So get there early to get a seat!

Oh, the humanity!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider 

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