Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Sharkman "selfie" with Minions who were on time!


SORT OF.....






Belo News
August 13, 2016

Shark Cove, MI. - As dawn broke wet and stormy over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman bound from his bed in his Shark PJ's and hit the switch on his Shark Radar. The tube literally lit up with a multicolor display of color, flashing in his frowning face.
Virgin Minion Justin
(Name to be determined)

Sharkman hates those mornings when it isn't clear cut on canceling the ride. He knows that someone will want to ride but balances that against safety and comfort. He also has to make the call before 7 a.m. as the Nation begins to head towards the start if the ride isn't cancelled.

The Minions will ride in the rain, but will not start in the rain!

At approximately 6:13 a.m. Sharkman texted Mad Dog. “What do you think? Too wet?”

Within seconds, as though Mad Dog was waiting for the text, the response was transmitted back and read, “No red on the radar, fenders are on, so I'm riding!”

Sharkman had not choice and quickly replied, “C U @ 7 sharp!”

But as the old Shark headed out to get his steed ready, and the Cove Garage Door opened slowly, the raindrops could be seen hitting the driveway and he had a change of heart.

He texted Mad Dog back and stated he doesn't start in the rain, but would drive over to see if the break in the radar was correct. Plus, he would be picking up his Wingman, Yeti Boy.
Hoosier Boy at the start with his
pedals intact!

Sure enough, the rain let up and after picking up Yeti Boy, the two headed over to the start in the Shark Pilotmobile.

The two arrived early and no one was in the parking lot, however, shortly after parking they saw Toast drive through, apparently making sure someone was riding, and then drove down to park at the Klutch.

Slowly but surely, riders started gathering with only Mad Dog riding in. He reported the roads wet, but ridable. The rain had stopped and it was hoped that it had ended for the day.

Riders continued to straggle in with Sharkman commenting, “What part of 8:00 a.m. SHARP do they not understand!”

There was new virgin Minion in the mix by the name of Justin. Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Justin!

After Sharkman took a selfie, at exaclty 8:00 a.m. explaining why some of the riders were not present for the photo (because they had just pulled in!), he instructed the Nation that if an A Group did not break off at the HJ intersection, they all would ride a B Group pace.

Returning for a second Minion ride was Rick, wearing his plaid jersey, so he was given the Minion Name, Lumberjack!
Dragonfly, Dot Dot Dash and Mad Dog
enjoying the free koffee!

Riders at the start, but not mentioned so far were Easty and son, Batman, Hoosier Boy, Dragonfly, and Mark Rose who is now known as Gadget Guy!

The Nation headed out at about 8:05 a.m and rambled by the Klutch, where Andrew, decked out in his Minion kit, shouted, “Good morning Nation!” as the train rode by.

As the Nation headed north, Sharkman rode up and down the paceline pressing the flesh and doing the count of 11 riders. As the Nation approached the A Group cut off he shouted out that the B Group needed to get left and everyone went left. 

So it would be one group! Just like the old day's for Sharkman!

Yeti Boy and Hoosier Boy were pulling the train and set up Sharkman to take the first, honorary sprint.

After the G crossing, Yeti Boy continued to pull, but Hoosier Boy, coming out of no where, took the next sprint. That push to the front would come back to haunt him later!
It was a great morning at the Klutch!

As the Nation headed up the col de Twin Lakes, Hoosier Boy, cranking those pedals, had one of them come off, causing him to shift right and the Nation having to go around thinking he had just come out of his clips. It turned out that his pedal had come completely off! As the Nation gathered at the col de Twin Lakes stop, Dot Dot Dash joined on, but Hoosier Boy declared he'd have to head back with a broken pedal. Interestingly, and after the Nation had continued north, Hoosier Boy realized his pedal had only come unscrewed from the crank arm and was able to get back in action. He headed counter clockwise around the lake to catch on, but thinking he had missed the group finished the course just ahead of the Nation and met everyone at the Klutch.

In the Kountry Club section the pace, as usual, picked up but for the most part, the Nation stayed together. Mad Dog put on a huge pull in the final sprint and battled it out with Justin to the Rt. 43 Stop.
Easty, Batman and Sharkman enjoying the free Koffee!

After Sharkman informed everyone that the Rt. 43 section would be a neutral zone and that the group should ride single file, new rider Justin took off and took the pace with him! Mad Dog and Batman stayed on but a few of the Nation got blown out the rear of the peloton as they made the ascent up the col de Norte.

Sharkman again reminded the Nation that it was a B Group ride and to keep the pace closer to 18-20 mph than to 23-25 mph!

Surprisingly, the group pretty much stayed together through the Holy Rollers, where Yeti Boy put on big push, barely losing that sprint to Toast who was in rare form on this misty, yet pleasant morning.

At the Inlet Sprint, Sharkman held on to Mad Dog's wheel and rode him like a rented mule to take the sprint uncontested at the end.

Sharkman tried to form up a paceline after the Digital Divide but the Nation didn't want to play. For some reason some riders seem to have a problem moving over and SLOWING so they can go back to the end of the paceline.

Mad Dog, Sharkman and Easty went to the front to try to get Dot Dot Dash to the GGG Spot Sprint, but she didn't realize it and the move fell apart. However, Dot Dot Dash did win the 50/50 drawing at the Klutch during the Banjovi Concert the previous evening! Is this a great country or what!?!

As the Nation crossed the GGG Spot Sprint, a very slight trickle of rain began to fall, making the finish more interesting!

The Nation headed south and the pace picked up!. As the Nation crested the final hill, and they were bunched up, a group led by Justin took off for the finish.

A gap opened but Toast made a move and was able to track down Justin and take him by nipping him at the line with Batman on their heels.

Gadget Guy, the man of the hour
credit card in hand!
The road leading to the Champs le Galesburg was under construction and the fans went wild when their hero's did not arrive down the fabled boulevard! 

Who knew?

When the riders lined up for koffee, Andrew informed them that it had been purchased already by Mark, now known as Gadget Guy, whose left shift cable had snapped in the final sprint! Oh, the humanity!

Thanks, Gadget Guy!

Hoosier Boy was waiting at the table and all agreed it was a great ride despite the wet roads at the start!

Sharkman could only ponder how pleased he was that he had not cancelled the ride!

You won't want to miss this week's edition, when hopefully good weather returns and the Nation returns to A & B groups! 

Though Sharkman did have to admit it was good to be back together again!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Launch time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP! SHARP! SHARP!*

*SHARP does not meaning pulling into the parking lot at the appointed hour, but being ready to ride at the appointed hour!

Be there!....and ON TIME!


Belo News
August 13, 2016
Nikeboy, Gazelle Girl and Toesetter
up north!

Lake Leelanau, Mi. - Nikeboy and the lovely Nikegirl were at a secret northern Michigan training camp riding with friends from Trek Travel.

On a ride north out of Traverse City and around the south end of Lake Leelanau they stopped to enjoy the scenery and enjoy the view from a lakeside park. Soon, three other riders were approaching the park from a distance. Nikeboy noticed that one of the riders had a beard that could only be described as "Toesetterish", as the riders came closer the beard became "Toesetteresque", coming even closer Nikeboy realized, "Holy lightning bolts! It's Toesetter!"

Such a thought was folllowed by the realization that the lovely lass between the two men could only be Gazelle Girl. Nikeboy was so flabbergasted by the appearance ofThe Sweetheart of the Peloton (TM applied for) that he hollered out her given name, which for purposes of protecting her shall remain redacted as are all of the Minions real names. Gazelle Girl recognized the voice and retorted, "Nikeboy!"

Introductions were made and Nikeboy made the acquaintance of some English chap who owns property on the far side of Lake Leelanau, pointing out a gray barn across the water. Gazelle Girl told how she had met the bloke on a street corner (insert GG rejoinder here) during a DALMAC. Fun and merriment was had by all and our 3 wayward Minions posed for a photo near the water in a beautiful up north setting made even more beautiful byThe Sweetheart of the Peloton (TM applied for).


Belo News
August 12, 2016
Wildman, Sharkman & Great Dane getting
a "selfie" with their fans!

Galesburg, Mi. - Once again, Banjovi rocked the Klutch on Friday night with two hours of song and stories! (Have you heard about the tree legged pig?) Banjovi introduced some new songs and stories and Sharkman introduces his solo rendition of Don't Pet the Dog! 

Oh, the humanity!

Dot Dot Dash was there with her husband and friends and she won the 50/50 drawing with Sharkman himself, pulling the winning ticket out. Rainman was in attendance with daughter, Raindrop, who loved the ice cream and sang "You Are My Sunshine" all the way home! 

Thanks to all the Banjovi Witnesses for turning out on a warm summer night!

Dot Dot Dash with husband and friends enjoying
the show and winning the 50/50!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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