Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wet Minions at the start Saturday!







Belo News
September 19, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, slept soundly under his Shark Bedspread, as the lightening and thunder rolled over the Shark Cove, dropping tons of rain. As the old Shark awoke, he noticed that the ran had stopped and he immediately rain to the window to look at the street.

It appeared that not only had the rain stopped, but the street was beginning to dry from the strong winds!

“Hurray!” he thought as he padded out to the Shark Radar and started the Shark Bunn Koffee Maker.
Mad Dog and Gazelle Girl trying to be
nice as they discuss their
respective attendance records....

As the green glow of the radar lit up our hero's smiling face, he saw a lot of color on the screen but most of it was east of the Cove. There seemed to be small cloud just west of his Field of Dreams, but he was sure it would dissipate or be just a minor issue. After all, Sharks like the water! He began to get dressed, but remembering the rain a couple of weeks earlier, brought his rain jacket up from the Shark Cove Bike Shop in the basement.

Just as he was getting ready to launch, it began to sprinkle once again.....

Sharkman immediately went to the radar and noticed that the “small cloud” was now the falling rain over the Shark Cove, but it looked like it would be short-lived. He also noticed an email from Gazelle Girl asking about launch. She was concerned about losing her perfect attendance record to Mad Dog, her only competitor, and wanted to make sure the Minions were launching.

“Leaving now!” Sharkman replied.
Ironman, Dot-Dot-Dash and Wishbone
at the start.....

Mad Dog pulled in and they both lamented the rain, but felt it wouldn't last long. They both knew better than to even look at Rainman's house, as it was obvious he would not be in the mix on this day.

They also looked for Reb on Watkins Road, but he too, was too smart to ride in the rain.

As the two neared Galesburg, the rain stopped and both riders actually saw some blue sky's dawning in the west, just below the dark rain clouds. They were sure the rain had passed.

When they got to the start, it the parking lot was abandoned and both wondered if this would be THE Saturday that no one showed. However, they both knew that Gazelle Girl would be there, not wanting to break her season attendance streak.

Yeti Boy drove in, but realized he had left his shoes back at the homestead. Realizing he could not ride in his stylish Kroc's, he decided to head home and then ride back and meet the Nation at the Klutch later for koffee.

Moments later, Gazelle Girl came riding in to one shout (from Sharkman) of “Gazelle Girl” accompanied by The Other Guy, as well as Dot-Dot-Dash and the newly named Wishbone!

Yes, Gazelle Girl, who seems to have a knack for naming Minions, came up with the name Wishbone for Paul Gobble. The Nation needed a Wishbone in the Nation and it just seemed to fit. Gazelle Girl wins the coveted kup of koffee as soon as the $50 check arrives, as she said it was in the mail!

To Sharkman's surprise, Wildman pulled in as well. He had sent an email the previous evening stating the weather didn't look good and our hero usually interprets that to mean “if the weather is bad, I won't be there!”

However, the rain had stopped and the Nation was feeling good that it was done for the day as the sound of pedals clicking in could be heard around Galesburg and the train of Minions pulled out of the station!

As they approached the Klutch, Andrew came out to take the count and the Early Saturday Morning group waved on their heroes!

As the Nation headed out, Hutch jumped on, bringing the count up to eight, nine if you count Yeti Boy, on the day. Not stellar but pretty darn good considering the weather and time of year!

Wildman and Hutch went to the front and brought Sharkman to the his honorary first sprint, splitting like the Red Sea as Sharkman pulled forward to take the sprint.

As the riders formed up to cross G Ave, they noticed a few rain drops and the sky began to get dark once again, even though they could also see clear sky's to the west along G Ave.

Though the Nation had not started in the rain, it certainly looked like they would be riding in the rain.

Gazelle Girl was feeling frisky and took her first of two sprint wins on the day, by catching the Nation off guard and bursting ahead to take the sprint before the assault on the col de Twin Lakes.

As the Nation climbed the col de Twin Lakes, the rain became steady, but fortunately it was not yet cold and the rain was not uncomfortable.

The Kountry Klub section was very civil and the Nation spent more time avoiding the rooster tails being thrown up in their faces, than trying to sprint too hard ahead.

It was single file the Route 43 section, up the col de Norte and on to the Holy Rollers and the
feed stop at Frona's.

After the Digital Divide, Gazelle Girl did a great job of teaching the Nation to do a pace line, rotating in the opposite direction to the one they usually insist on. This may very well be a “first” for the mighty Minion Nation!

As the Nation climbed the small hill at the start of this section, right after the Flat Tire Bermuda Triangle, some turkey's crossed the road and Wishbone came to the front to respond to their call. Must be something about that Gobble name and being able to talk turkey......

As the fast moving train continued south, the new pavement in this section created even more crud to be channeled up tires and into the face of the riders. Gazelle Girl came forward in the group and to cheers from the Nation, took her second sprint of the day, her coveted GGG Spot Sprint! But it was not without kontroversy, as Ironman attempted to block her path to victory!

Wait, ….what?

The Sweetheart of the Peloton was not to be denied and simply rifled past him to take the sprint!

It was a victory for America!

Sharkman jumped out front as the Nation headed south to the finish, but he was feeling sluggish and knew he couldn't hold the lead long. True to form, Mad Dog came forward and immediately took the speed up with Wildman and Ironman on his wheel. Hutch had dropped off at his house, so the threat of his sprint had been neutralized by his desire to get home and dry off!

As the nation crested the final hill, they were together, but began to spread out immediately.

As they bore down on the finish, Ironman went out ahead, with Wildman and Mad Dog glued to his wheel!

Ironman took the tape as the three finished in that order!
Andrew pours more koffee with
Yeti Boy buying!

The crowds on the Champs le Galesburg went wild as their hero's rode down the avenue, soaking wet, but pleased that they had triumphed over nature and ridden on this day. Just as they approached the Klutch, the sun came out as if to crown the victors as they dismounted their mighty steeds and headed into their koffee shop where Andrew awaited with their beverage of choice!

Yeti Boy rode in and immediately jumped off his bike like a Pony Express Rider and got to the front of the line and bought koffee for everyone! Is this a great country or what! Even Mad Dog and his foo foo koffee!

Oh, the humanity! It can't get any better! Thanks Yeti Boy!

Talk centered around the upcoming Open Mic Night at the Klutch when Sharkman, Wildman and Great Dane would be debuting their band, Banjovi! Yes, after a whole three weeks of practice, Great Dane thinks they are ready, so Open Mic is this Thursday at the Klutch from 6:30-9:30 p.m. The time for the band, named Banjovi until they get a letter from someone to discontinue using that name, had not been determined by press time, but Andrew stated they would have “priority” in when they want to play. Since Sharkman needs to be back at the home by 9:00 p.m for bed check, it will be closer to 7 p.m. than 9:30 p.m.

After koffee, Mad Dog, Yeti Boy, Gazelle Girl and Sharkman stopped at the new Classic Car location in Galesburg to look at the cars. The four riders were in awe of the classic cars and how many there are and how great a shape they are in. If any of the Nation likes old, classic cars, you owe it to yourself to check this place out! It is open and free to the public on Saturdays! We also understand, all of them are for sale!

The strong tailwind assisted Mad Dog, Yeti Boy and Sharkman on the way home however just about 3 miles from the Shark Cove, Yeti Boy had his third flat tire of the week! Though the sun was shining and the air was warm, Yeti nor Sharkman felt like changing the flat and Sharkman went home to get the car and get Yeti home. Let's hope that is Yeti's last flat of the season!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition!

The weather us supposed to be excellent and since we did not have a great response to College Jersey Game Day, we'll do it again!

That's right, Bunkie! Get your College Kit out and show your pride!
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be There!


Belo News
September 16, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - With the season winding down, there are only a few more weeks left to ride and the weather could not be more perfect right now!

Crash at the Monday Mountain Bike Ride – It was a smaller turn out this week as only Reb, Polar Bear, Yeti Boy and Sharkman showed up for the start. The small, but enthusiastic riders headed out on the Green Trail but it was not long before Yeti Boy caught a tree with his shoulder as his bike slide out from under him on a turn. Though he finished the Green, he was one hurting puppy and he and Sharkman headed out early while Reb and Polar Bear headed back out to do the Red Trail.

At press time, our Yeti Boy is in a sling and the Nation wishes him a speedy recovery! He has to get well, as he is doing Iceman in 6 weeks and needs to train!

This ride launches at 2 p.m each Monday from the Ft. Custer Trail Head. If you are retired or can get away from work, come on out and enjoy this fall weather with a ride through the best mountain biking terrain around!

Crash at the Tuesday Night Chain Gang – With only one week left in the Tuesday Night Chain Gang season, only 4 riders made
Rainman's jersey wasn't the only
thing that took a beating!
the start on another perfect weather night. Earlier in the day, Sharkman got a text from Tow Truck asking if the ride was on and stated “if I can get out of work in time, I'll see you on River Road!”

Rainman, Stingray and Sharkman launched on time and headed out and caught Tow Truck coming from the other direction on River Road. All comment that it was good to have Tow Truck back in the mix, especially with his ability to make those long pulls at the front!

However, as the four riders traversed through Augusta, Rainman was at the front when they turned on to G ave and all hell broke loose!
Rainman's derailleur made it
to the finish before falling off!

Rainman caught a pedal, causing the bike to skid and the front wheel to turn perpendicular to the bike as Rainman started to go down! Instead of the wheel being “taco-ed,” it flew off the bike and across the road!

Rainman skidded on his back behind the flying wheel and the bike and fortunately no cars were coming and none of the other riders ran over, or were taken out by the crash!

Rainman was up quickly, retrieving his frame and wheel and getting to the side of the road to get out of the way of traffic. One driver, in a black truck asked if he could help, then actually came back to ask again. A second truck stopped to ask if the riders need help and confirmed that there are good people out there who care.

Meanwhile, Rainman was pulling it together and checking the damage. His nice Rafa Jersey were completely destroyed and he had some road rash, but appeared to have avoided major injury. His handlebars were at a 90 degree angle from his fork, but undamaged. After realizing Rainman was not badly hurt, Stingray asked, “Your still going to pull us the G Ave. hill, right?”

After fixing the handle bars, the 4 were off again, up the G ave. and back on course. Rainman even commented that other than the road rash, he was still feeling like riding hard!

After a massive pull in the run up to returning to Battle Creek, he broke off to go home and the last three riders returned with a very respectable average speed of 21.04 mph.

However, as Rainman returned to the parking lot, his derailleur fell off? The hanger had broken completely and it was amazing that he made it back before breaking!

On Wednesday morning, Rainman reported being fine other than a very sore ankle. His bike, however, is not so fine as he will need a new derailleur hanger, and a frame check to insure there is no other damage to the bikes integrity. The Nation wishes Rainman a speedy recovery and best of luck with the bike diagnostics!


Belo News
Has anyone seen this rider? Tell him
to get his Polar Bear Butt
back in the Naiton!
September 23, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - A number of Minions have asked where Polar Bear has been. Sharkman reported that he was sure he would show up this past Saturday, as he had seen him at the Monday mountain bike ride and he had stated he was pretty sure he would be there on Saturday.

When Sharkman saw the weather, he was positive the intrepid Brit would be in the mix.

After all, Brits are born for wet, stormy weather. As artists work in different mediums like oils, or water colors, Brits are born to work in the wet and wild and weave phenomenal prowess on the bike when the rain/sleet/snow fall.

After all, Polar Bear got his name by wearing shorts at temps at 32 degrees or less and even wears a polar bear jersey! This is a man who weaves an artistry of biking, particularly when the weather is wet, cold or, well,....... British! It is said that when he awakes on the morning of a ride and it is raining/snowing/sleeting, he gets a smile on his face!

But wait......

Has living in the States caused him to become........ “Americanized!”

Oh, the humanity!

Where are you Polar Bear? All is forgiven, please come home! The Nation awaits your return, rain or shine!

Skittles on the podium!

Belo News
September 20, 2015

The prize!
Jones, Mi. - In yet another convincing win, the Nations own Skittles took 1st place in the Expert 0-39 class at the TK Lawless XC Race this past Sunday!

It was a victory for America!

Great job Skittles, you did the Nation proud!


Gazelle Girl serves on the marketing committee for a very cool organization called Community Homeworks. Their mission is to help low income homeowners in Kalamazoo County maintain their homes. They offer furnace repair and replacement assistance, help with weatherization, lawn mower maintenance/repair classes, roof replacement/repair assistance and much, much more. Sometimes these homeowners have to chose between buying food or buying heat. The more we can help them lower their utility bills, the better.

FURNACE FEST is a fund raising event held each year by Community Homeworks. It takes place Friday, October 9, 5-9 pm at Boatyard Brewing Co. And our one and only Cycocross will be on the stage with his band Joe Wang and The Test Pilots. The event is free and I encourage ALL of you to join us!

HERE IS THE ASK (ergo why Gazelle Girl is on her hands and knees [it's not what you were thinkin']).... we are looking for items for the silent and live auctions that are the meat of the fundraising on this evening. The sky's the limit on what we'll take - so if you or your company have something you can donate, we would be greatly appreciative. Simply contact Gazelle Girl in the next two weeks at

Oh, and a shout out to Pedal bicycle shop. A new Furnace Fest sponsor this year!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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