Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Gazelle Girl's new ride....or not?!?






Belo News
July 11, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - So, what happened last Saturday in the peloton, you might ask? 

Unfortunately, Belo News doesn't know because the News Room only received one report from the Nation.

Ace Reporter and legendary rider, Dr. Dave reported in that Gazelle Girl, the “Sweetheart of the Peloton” had broken a rear wheel and decided to ride a 1949 Vintage Indian Motorcycle. However, subsequent investigative efforts revealed that though she did actually break a wheel, she rode a back up bike and the motorcycle was actually parked at the Queen's Grill (that the Nation knows as “Frona's”) and they took the opportunity to take the photo. Mad Dog had quickly began preparing a protest on her attendance record on a motorcycle but just as quickly, withdrew the protest when he learned she was actually on a bike.

It was also learned that there were approximately 20 riders last week and that is all that was reported.

Obviously, the Nation needs the Sharkman to return!

Oh, the humanity!

And return he will!

This Saturday, July 18, 2015!

Shark Minion Jersey Day!

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
Easty's note and check for the "Tour of
Central Kalamazoo County!"
July 13, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - When our intrepid hero returned from his California visit with his Sharklet's, he was pleased when he opened his mail and found a check, made out to Sharkman, in the amount of $20 from none other than Easty! Easty, who was amazed at the amount of sites on Sharkman's totally awesome “Tour of Central Kalamazoo County,” had submitted the check for a season pass on the sites! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman has finally collected! It is reported that he considered cashing the check, but since he does not have an identification card that has his Sharkman name on it, thought that might be difficult. Besides, he is planning to frame this baby as a testament to his entrepreneurial acumen in the world of cycling! Thanks, Easty, you made the Sharkman's day!

Sharkman would like to remind all that it is only $20 for a season pass to see all the sites on the occasional “Tour of Central Kalamazoo County” so save up those dollars and get a check to our intrepid hero as quickly as you can! Summer will soon be over!


Belo News
Minions? Well, they do sort of look like the Nation.....
July 10, 2015

Walnut Creek, Ca. - It seemed like anyone who is anyone in the mighty Minion Nation was wild with anticipation for the new Minion Movie. After all, what could be better than a movie about the mighty Minion Nation. Sharkman, also wild with anticipation, took four of his sharklets to see it, sure that they would enjoy watching a movie about creatures that adore their grandpa Shark.

Imagine his disappointment to learn that this movie was in fact, about some other Minions!?! What the........

Despite his disappointment, Sharkman could be heard to be giggling and laughing with his Sharklets through out the movie and as a matter of fact, it kicked butt at the box office, though we suspect that is because so many of the Nation went to see it as well!

Oxito on top of the podium!

Belo News
July 11, 2015

Kalamazoo, Mi. - Continuing his dominance of the racing circuit, our own Oxito, son of legendary rider, Ox, took the top spot on the podium at the Miller Energy Criterium this past weekend! He may be so fast the Nation won't let him back into the peloton! Oh, the humanity!

You did the Nation proud, Oxito!


Belo News
July 8, 2015

Zychmann Estate, Mi. - The date that the entire Minion Nation has been waiting for has been announced! Yes, you heard that right, Bunkie!

It is time, once again, for the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred or better known as the BEU! This annual event will take place on Saturday, August 15, 2015 with a start time of 9:00 a.m. This is a casual ride and not a race!

It is important to RSVP for this event!

Be there!


Belo News,
July 8, 2015

South Haven, Mi. - Though Belo News does not usually report on none cycling events, a friend of the Editor is helping to organize a Mud Run that is also a fund raiser for their church. Additionally, Belo News knows there are some crazy Minions who enjoy these type of events. Even our own intrepid hero, the Sharkman, used to do these types of events until his feet gave out.

But if you are looking for some fun in the mud, this might be the race for you!

So here is more about this event!

On Saturday, August 1, 2015, will be the first "Casco's Ultimate Mud Challenge, in what is hoped to be an annual event. It will be a 5K off-road Obstacle Course Run (OCR) hosted by Casco United Methodist Church (CUMC) at Lake Arvesta Farms LLC. helping us to fulfill our mission statement, 'Building up the Kingdom of God N.O.W., through Nurture Outreach and Witness.'

The theme for this event "Jump In to Help Out" will help us achieve our goal "To Support Ministries that Support Others". Proceeds generated will help to fund a variety of ministries which focus on the support of others locally, nationally and internationally.

For more information and to register --- go to

This event will have four main race parts:

The "Mud Free" Run will kick off the day at 8:00am sharp.

The Main Event: The main event for the day will be a 5K or 5 Kilometer Off Road OCR (Obstacle Course Run) through a series of obstacles, mud and water challenges. This race should be a fun and challenging race, testing both participants speed, agility and stamina.

The Team Race: The main event will also include a Team Race with its own "Best Dressed Competition" award in addition to the timed award. So get your family, friends, co-workers, classmates, sports team, or church group together and form a Casco's Ultimate Mud Challenge Team. Casco's Ultimate Mud Challenge Teams must consist of 4 or more racers, with no maximum. A minimum of 4 must register together to create the team, but additional members may be added later. Check out the Rules and Conditions page for complete details.

The 'Mud-Free' 5K: There will be a 'Mud-Free' 5K race to start the day for runners who like 5Ks, but don't want to get muddy. As the property does not have any paved roads, it will still be some what off road but with a path that avoids most of the off-road challenges and all the water and mud hazards.

The Kids' Run: The final event of the day will be a 1K Youth Fun Run for Cids (Kids)12 years of age and younger. This run will be through some of the muddiest parts of the course and all finishers will get a participation award.

The Race Course: The Casco's Ultimate Mud Challenge will feature 15 – 20 physical challenges over a 5 Kilometers (3.1 Mile) course. The path will lead participants over large mud hills and down through ravine and streams. Challenges will test your upper body strength, make you splash in the mud and test your stamina.

Registration for competitive 5K runners is $45 until July 10, 2015 then goes up to $55 until July 31, 2015. The day of registration August 1, 2015 will be $60. Teams of 4 or more registering at the same time will receive a $5 discount each off current cost. The Youth 12 and under 1K untimed event will be $20 from now till July 31, 2015. The day of kid run will be $25. Only those registered before July 10, 2015 are guaranteed a shirt the day of the race.

Join the event as a participant or a team participant or a volunteer!

For more information, go to

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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