Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How many Minions does it take to
ride in the rain, Sharkman?




Belo News
May 9, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - How many Minions does it take to ride in the rain? Apparently the number is nine! That was the number of the mighty Minion Nation that had the fortitude to show up for Saturday's ride! Well, let's just say fortitude.....

Should we ride Sharkman?
As dawn broke wet and wild over the Shark Cove, we find our intrepid hero in his bed, concentrating to listen if he can hear rain hitting the roof of the Cove. The forecast had not been good and he had been pretty sure he would wake up to pouring rain. But alas, he could not hear hard rain or any rain for that matter, so he padded to the kitchen to start the Shark Koffee Maker and click on the Shark Radar.

As the old Shark sipped his koffee and looked at the radar, the screen could be described in one word, “colorful.”

The radar seemed to indicate, in a very ironical twist, that the rain might clear around 8-8:30 a.m. Ironical because the launch time had been moved up to 8 a.m. for this Saturday.

Sharkman hates these mornings when it is not clear how bad the rain will be. It is much easier when the radar is loaded with rain and it is a slam dunk decision. But he also knows that if there is any chance to ride, a Minion or Minions will show up and he has to be there!
Mad Dog rode over in pouring rain!

Sharkman immediately texted his wingman, Mad Dog. “What do you think? A lot of rain on the radar?” to which Mad Dog responded, “Looks to be moving fast, no yellow, so I'm riding.”

Admiring the fortitude of the young Minion, Sharkman replied, “I'll be ready!” How could he not support a wingman like that, eh Bunkie?

As our hero got his steed ready and suited up, the rain steadily picked up. A few minutes before launch he stepped into the garage and found Mad Dog, out of the pouring rain, admiring his motorcycle.

I guess I'm not a much of a weather man....” said Mad Dog as he looked out the garage door. It was now pouring rain and Sharkman was thinking of his nice warm bed.

But the radar did have clearing behind the colorful clouds racing across the field of dreams known as the KK-TdG! There was still hope of getting a ride in! (Oh, these Minions.....)

Hutch made his season debut!
In the rain!
Mad Dog said that he was already wet, so he was riding. Sharkman decided that he would drive to the start to see if anyone else was crazy enough to show up, but was feeling a bit guilty he had let his wingman go on alone in the wet morning rain.

As the old Shark was driving west on I-94 he got a call from Gazelle Girl.

Is my attendance record in jeopardy?” Sharkman broke the news to her that Mad Dog was on his way in the rain. There was a pregnant pause on the other end of the line.

But are we riding?” she asked.

Sharkman stated that it would depend on who showed up and assured her he would call her only if they were not riding.

When Sharkman drove through Galesburg, he noticed the Klutch was closed and he went into a bit of a panic thinking what else could go wrong on this wet morning.

When our hero arrived at the start, he saw Mad Dog riding out of the parking lot, heading into town and worried that he might be heading home.

Momentarily, Yeti Boy, Sharkman's other wingman, pulled in followed by both Hoosier Boy making his season debut, koffee in hand, and Brewman! As the riders formed up, the rain had been reduced to more of a “spit.” Polar Bear then pulled in and they moved to the front
Hoosier Boy makes his season debut
Starbuck in hand & in bottle cage!
door of the school to discuss starting out of the “spit” of rain that was falling. Mad Dog came back and Squeaky then rode in, sporting his new cycling jacket, which appeared to also be a rain jacket. Also, Hutch rode in also making his season debut. Ironic that two Minions decided to ride on this morning, however the group decided to ride.

As the Nation headed through Galesburg, they noticed the Klutch was still not open and started to make contingency plans as everyone is well aware, the Nation needs their koffee after a ride and on a morning like this, they would really need their koffee!

As they turned north, shouts of “Gazelle Girl” rang out as the Sweetheart of the Peloton made her appearance at the front of the Minion Nation.

No one was feeling like leading Sharkman out, so he did the leading himself to take the first sprint, as well as take a photo and get a count. Not many Minions were joining on this wet morning. It was also noted that Hoosier Boy had his Starbucks kup in his water bottle cage. This man is the koffee king!

The ride was extremely mellow as the Nation headed into the col de Twin Lakes and on to the Rt. 89 crossing. However, Mad Dog, Polar Bear and Sharkman picked up the pace as the Nation approached the Yorkville Church and the speed slowly clicked up as they went through Kellogg Korner, the Kountry Klub and the final to Rt. 43.

Minions after the first sprint! Wet roads
everywhere, but it doesn't stop the Nation!
Mad Dog had put on plastic fenders and the entire Nation was fighting to get on his wheel. Every other wheel was throwing up rooster tails loaded with dead worms, leaves and assorted road debris, while riding behind Mad Dog provided a respite from the shower.

Though it had stopped raining, the roads were wet and wild and being behind Mad Dog seemed to be the goal for the morning.

The Nation moved quickly up the col de Norte and Sharkman noticed nary a Minion was circling in the intersections OR running the stop signs.

Good job Minions, good job!

The Nation stayed together into the Holy Rollers and Mad Dog, Polar Bear and Hutch were feeling frisky at the front.

Sharkman surprised everyone by taking the Inlet sprint and as the Nation formed up after the Digital Divide, it was noticed that the newer pavement held the water better and the rooster tails were really flying as Mad Dog, Polar Bear, and Hutch took the speed up into the GGG Spot Sprint.

Pileated Woodpecker
This didn't stop Sharkman from noticing a Pileated Woodpecker flying along side the Nation as they pedaled down 37th Street. Sharkman had never seen a Pileated Woodpecker and had only seen photos. This big, dashing bird with flaming crest is the largest woodpecker in North America! This bird almost became extinct like the Ivory Billed Woodpecker (which is actually bigger but believed to be extinct). Sharkman seemed to be much more excited than the rest of the Nation was, but his Minions seemed pleased that the old Shark was so excited! Well, Belo News is not even sure if they were paying attention to him, none the less, they seemed pleased with his babbling. (Editors Note: Where else can you get in-depth writing like this, eh Bunkie? It is almost like reading National Geographic!)
Pileated Woodpecker

As riders peeled off, and Hutch jumped off to make a 9:30 a.m. soccer match for one of his sharklets, Mad Dog came back to the front to take the sprint with Sharkman on his rear wheel (Sharkman fell in love with that rear fender).

Squeaky dropped off at G Ave. and the Nation headed down to the finish.

And then there were seven!

Again, Polar Bear came to the front and put in a huge pull, yet the Nation held on for dear life and stayed pretty bunched up as they moved up the final ascent before the finish. With Sharkman on his wheel, Polar Bear started to make a move which was covered by Mad Dog. Both riders accelerated and Sharkman tried to hold on for as long as he could. Brewman was right behind Sharkman, along with the rest of the mighty Minion Nation as they descended on the finishing sprint.
The Nation can be lunatics without
their Koffee!

Polar Bear finally pulled away, with Mad Dog just behind, followed by Sharkman who felt Brewman, class act that he is, could have come around him but did not.

Final average speed was 18.9 mph, which considering the wet roads and mellowness of the ride, was really quite impressive!

It was a victory over a rainy morning and the fortitude of the Nation (there is that word again) and the crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the wet hero's rode into town dripping of dead worms and wondering if their beloved Klutch would be open.

As the Nation got close, they could see the lights on in the Klutch as a huge cheer went up from the tofosi and paparazzi in anticipation of their arrival!

Yeti Boy stepped up big time and bought everyone their Koffee as Andrew explained he had arrived late for work this wet morning, donned in his Shark Minion T!

Looking good Andrew!
Andrew serves it up with his Minion shirt,
while Mad Dog photo bomgs Gazelle Girl!

The Klutch was rocking once again as the Nation enjoyed the koffee purchased by Yeti Boy and talked of the “epic” ride on wet roads! Everyone commented on what a great ride it had been despite the rain and Sharkman learned that he always needs to show up at the start. He did again feel guilty as he watched Mad Dog ride off in his wet clothes for the ride home but had to admit he was glad to be in a dry car for the trip back to the Cove.

Sharkman's only regret on the morning was having to wash his bike, yet again, to get the dead worms, road grit and debris off his lovely Litespeed.

Yeti Boy holding court with his adoring fans!
Come on, who doesn't adore the guy
buying koffee?
You won't want to miss next weeks edition! Heck, if nine Minions show up on a wet morning, how many will show up if the weather is good! Guess you'll have to show up to find out!

Oh, the humanity!

Saturday, May 16, 2105


Time to break out that jersey for our first “Jersey” day of the season!

Launch Time – 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!



Belo News
May 12, 2015

Battle Creek, Mi. - Though the Monday Ft. Custer Mountain Bike ride had to be cancelled due to monsoon like rains, the Tuesday Night Chain Gang ride went off with a reduced field.

The weather Tuesday night was less than friendly as only three Minions showed up to ride. Rainman, Wildman and Sharkman had been in touch all day by email determining if the ride would be a go as the weather forecast was for temps in the 40's and winds at 16 mph out of the WNW!

Sharkman got a text from Rainman that he would give Sharkman a ride home if he wanted, as he had put his rack on the bike but had forgotten a jacket. Sharkman offered to pick up a jacket from Tardette across from the Cove. Moments later, Wildman texted to say he forgot a Baggie for his phone and asked our intrepid hero to bring him one. Sharkman, thinking he needed both Minions to pull his sorry dorsal in the wind decided it would be good to be their Minions tonight and obliged both riders requests.

The three riders determined to take it easy into the wind and try to take advantage of the wind coming back. As the three riders were heading out, they ran into the Tuesday Night Time Trial Group and fell in with them to talk and visit. Shortly after Helmer Road, the three Minions dug in and started the trek into the wind.

Maintaining a fair pace, when they turned in Galesburg for the return they could not believe how sweet the tailwind was!

Final average on the evening, despite the socializing, wind and only having three riders was 19.42 mph! Nice job Minions!

You won't want to miss next week's edition of either ride!

This ride launches at 5:30 p.m. from the parking lot behind K2, which shares the parking lot with Arcadia Brewing in Battle Creek. The ride goes out to Galesburg and back and some riders join on during the ride.

This ride is similar to the old Chain Gang ride that Kellogg Minions were always late for. So it is set up as a pace line ride. It is a great work out and the Minions adjust the speed to the riders who are present.

The Monday Fort Custer ride launches at 3:15 p.m. from the Trailhead.

So come on out and join one or both rides! 



Belo News
May 13, 2015

Battle Creek, Mi. - The new Calhoun Country Trailways Alliance is planning a Grand Opening for the new trail extension on the east side of Battle Creek, heading towards Marshal, Michigan and linking the Battle Creek Linear Park with the Trail across the county.

This will be a great event that includes a ride and fun run along the trail, Bounce House for the kids, Disc Golf Demo, Kid's games and more!  The Nation's own Hoosier Boy is a part of the Alliance and Sharkman and Lava Girl plan on being their for the ride and would like as many of the Nation to be there to help support this great biking effort!

Come on out and enjoy the fun!


Belo News
May 13, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - As we all know, sometimes we have freinds come to town and need a bike to use. Sharkman has "borrowed" bikes over the years and has lent bikes to other Minions.  Squeaky is in need of a road bike for a lady who is 5 foot tall, which might be difficult to find!  So if anyone has a small road bike that a 5 foot tall lady could ride, please let him or Sharkman know.  He does not need the bike until July, so we have time to find one for him, but let's come through for a Minion!


Belo News
May 15, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - And finally........., May is Bike Month and this Friday, May 15, 2015 is Bike to Work Day!  And if you work in Battle Creek, you can ride to work with our intrepid hero, the Sharkman hizzelf! Oh, the humanity!

That's right, Bunkie!  This Friday, May 15, 2015 met up at the Culvers on Beckley Road for a 7:30 a.m. launch to ride down to Kellogg Headquarters.  Your chance to make a statement, ride with the Sharkman AND get some easy riding in!

Even though Sharkman is retired, he will be leading the group down Capital Avenue to downtown Battle Creek and you will want to be a part of this!

Parking will be available in the hotel parking lot next to Culvers, so don't be late!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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