Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sharkman sporting his Chris
Carmichael Olypic Jacket!







Belo News
May 22, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke cool over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero was pleased to see that there was no rain in the forecast, but was a bit concerned about the 44 degree temp!

Team Taylor arrives early!
Sharkman has a cut off of 45 degrees on what he wears, but at a temp of 44 he found himself conflicted as to what to put on.

As he got his steed ready in the garage, it just felt cold, so he decided to break out his Chris Carmichael Olympic Jacket! Oh, the humanity!

That's right, Bunkie, Sharkman was able to meet Chris Carmichael several years ago while he was cleaning out his office and offered our intrepid hero his Olympic Bike Team wind jacket and tights, which Sharkman only uses on very special occasions, like Red, White & Blue Saturday!

Additionally, Sharkman had finally put on his Mavic wheels for the season and was ready to rock!

As our hero launched from the Cove, Mad Dog rode up and asked about Rainman.
Tie Die liked it so much last week
he was back for more, and with
his koffee!
Sharkman informed him that this was Tardette's big marathon weekend and that he was with her up in Traverse City for the big race (more on this story in “In Other News”).

As the two riders crested the hill near the Human Society Office, they notice a huge shadow moving in the road ahead of them, which could only mean that it had to be none other than Nikeboy coming up from behind!

Sharkman also realized that he was glad he had worn the jacket, as it was cold! “When will summer arrive?” our hero thought to himself......

As the riders worked their way to the start, Sharkman comment that he never knows what to expect on a holiday weekend. Sharkman seemed to believe it would be either feast or famine on numbers for the morning and as they approached the parking lot, it wasn't looking too full.

Chico making, what we think was
his season debut!
However, the three were just a bit early and the riders started pouring in!

Team Taylor rode up with another virgin Minion by the name of John Denny who came with his own Minion name, LL Cool JD! Love when they come with their own names!

Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation LL Cool JD!

The Gull Lake crew then rode with with Bissell Boy, Skipper, Boatman, Stryker Guy and none other than Chico, making what is believed to be his season debut! Welcome back Chico!
Another virgin Minion was Ken Masumoto, aka “Dragonfly!” Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Dragonfly!

Cheddarhead made his season debut, sporting his new Cervelo! He had broken his elbow in the off season in a wrestling match with a ladder that with Cheddarhead losing the battle and having a tone of metal installed in his elbow. He would later share X-ray photos of his new “arm candy” at the Klutch. Needless to say, he will be setting off alarms at the airport going forward!
By popular demand, finally a
photo of Boatman!

Squeaky came rolling in and he was “stylin”! In addition to two different gloves; one an Arctic Expedition Glove of some sort and the other a garden glove, he was also wearing a pink nappy sack to carry the extra clothes he was wearing. No one was sure if he was riding with us our heading out to Antartica but he was back to being the Style Guy! Several names were offered up for his nappy sack like “man-bag” and “murse” but Squeak got the last laugh when he was able to store all that extra gear later in the day!

Gazelle Girl then came riding in to shouts of “Gazelle Girl and Two Other Guys!” Yes, the “Sweetheart of the Peloton” had arrived with her entourage of Toesetter and Ironman.

Arriving just it time for the start and decked out in his finest Red, White & Blue Kit was none other than CycoCross, ready to ride shouting “All hail the mighty Sharkman!”

Hoosier Boy, who is
never without a koffee!
Final count as the train left the station was 28 riders, many decked out in their finest Red, White & Blue kit!

The Skipper led the group through downtown Galesburg and as the Nation passed the Klutch Andrew came out for the count.

As the Nation began heading up 36th Street, Kid Doster joined on and then they were 29!

Mad Dog and B-Rod were both leading out the Sharkman, then it was just B-Rod. They opened a gap, as the Nation was chatting it up pretty big time on this sunny but cool morning.

Sharkman did the count and verified the 29 riders on the morning.

As the Nation came to the base of the Col de Twin Lakes climb, “mechanical!” was heard and it was learned that Greyhound had flatted. As the riders waiting along the side of the road, they heard a second tire blow and someone shouted, “Clean up in aisle 4!”

However, Greyhound was quick to get the second flat fixed and the Nation was back on the road to the summit of the Col de Twin Lakes!
Style Guy Squeaky with two
different gloves!
The speed picked up through the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner and past the Kountry Klub as Chico took up the speed with Wildman, Mad Dog, Sharkman, Gazelle Girl and the rest of the Nation hot on his wheel.

The Nation stayed close together as they descended on the Rt. 43 sprint and up to the Stop Sign.

The Rt. 43 section is now a “caution” section and the Nation rode single file up the road and everyone played nice.

The Nation was gathered at the summit of the Col de Norte and they quickly headed through the Holy Rollers. After a brief stop for Easty to sign autographs at Frona's, they headed out quickly where Gazelle Girl led out Sharkman to the Inlet sprint.

Style Guys Man-Bag, Murse,
Nappy Sack, whatever! This man can
Again, the pace picked up after the Digital Divide and with the large group, it was difficult to sustain a long, single pace line. Small groups aligned to try to get Gazelle Girl in position again, but she stated she had a headache and didn't feel like working on the GGG Spot Sprint this week.

After the GGG crossing, the riders lined up and Sharkman again rode along side, towards the front, shouting out to his beloved Minions to be careful, hold lines, and play nice.

Sharkman led the Nation out but was soon over taken by Wildman, Gazelle Girl and Toesetter. First Wildman, then Gazelle Girl put in humongous pulls at the front before Sharkman came to the led for a short time again.

At the base of the final climb, the Nation started coming together and Wildman, Mad Dog, B-Rod, Toesetter, followed by the Team Taylor Minions came forward.

As the fast moving train descended on the final sprint, the peloton was bunched and holding their lines.
Sharkman had his Mavic's on so it must
be Memorial Day!

The Team Taylor Minions took control with Nickhead, Iceman and Chains, the Bounty Hunter swept the podium.

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as our hero's rode to the Klutch, where Andrew was waiting to serve up the koffee.

Stryker Guy was at the front of the line and threw out $30 for everyones koffee! He said it was his birthday (and a big one) and he was buying. Stryker Guy revealed he got the $30 from his Mom for his Birthday and if he needed more, he would have to dip into his Confirmation money to cover the cost. Fortunately, not everyone stopped, so he even got some change, which he graciously turned over to Andrew.

Birthday Boy Stryker Guy
holding court.
Sharkman led the Nation in a resounding chorus of “Happy Birthday” and to be quite honest, the Nation sounded pretty damn good!

It was a festive Nation that drank, sang and bragged about their cycling prowess and all was well in the kingdom!

Sharkman and Wildman saddled up for the ride home and Wildman, needing more miles in preparation for WAM, rode along. Wildman actually rode all the way to the Cove and back home giving him 64 miles on the day! Is this a great country or what!?!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG when it is....wait.....wait......

Beer Jersey Day!
Yes, the first Beer Jersey Day of the young season! Break out your favorite Beer Jersey and come on out to ride!
Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!
The Promise with his Red,
White & Blue head cover!

Be there!

New Minion Dragonfly! Welcome to
the Minion Nation!

The Nation gathers as Squeaky stretchs out
his  Man-bag......

Virgin Minion LL Cool JD.

Cheddarhead and his new Cervelo
make their season debut!

Gazelle Giril arrives with her
entrourage of Other Men!

CycoCross in is finest Red, White & Blue!

The Birthday Boy was buying!

Gazelle Girl, Wildman and Easty hold court.
Hoosier Boy with his kup?

Cheddarhead after showing off his


Belo News
May 27, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - Back by popular demand, orders can now be made for the famous Shark Minion Jersey! Is this a great country or what?!?

That's right, for a limited time, you can order additional jersey's. A sizing chart and order form with pricing have been made a part of the Shark Minion Update so fill them out as quickly as possible and get them to Gazelle Girl at before May 31, 2015! These jersey's are only ordered once a year, so get yours now!

No orders after May 31, 2015!


Belo News
May 27, 2015

Battle Creek, Mi. - The new Calhoun Country Trailways Alliance is planning a Grand Opening for the new trail extension on the east side of Battle Creek, heading towards Marshal, Michigan and linking the Battle Creek Linear Park with the Trail across the county.

This will be a great event that includes a ride and fun run along the trail, Bounce House for the kids, Disc Golf Demo, Kid's games and more!  The Nation's own Hoosier Boy is a part of the Alliance and Sharkman and Lava Girl plan on being their for the ride and would like as many of the Nation to be there to help support this great biking effort!

Come on out and enjoy the fun!


Belo News
May 20, 2015

Mattawan, Mi. - As reported last week, the Tour de Taylor is coming up quickly and you only have a couple of days to get your entry in if you want the Cool Team Taylor Tech T-Shirt, so don't wait to register!

Once again this year, the Minion KK-TdG Ride will be suspended so the Nation can ride with Team Taylor. Team Taylor is a huge part of the Nation and we would like to encourage the Nation to be a part of this ride! Last year the Nation fielded a pretty good size group and rode the 100K ride as a team. So get your registration in as soon as possible!

The Nation will meet between 7-7:30 a.m. at the start and launch at 7:30 a.m. - SHARP!

It is for the kids and families!

Be there!


Tom, Zychmann & the Durango Kid!

Belo News
May 23, 2015

Durango, CO. - As many a Minion is aware, the legendary Zychmann had been training to ride the Iron Horse from Durango to Silverton, Colorado with his brother Tom, along with the Chairman of the Western States Minion Nation, the Durango Kid. This race, over two mountain passes can be difficult in the best of circumstances, but this year was saw some of the worst weather in recent memory. Temps in the 30's and winds gusting to 25 mph made this and “Epic” ride. Belo News has gone behind the scenes to get the real story from none other, that both Zychmann, also known as Fabio and the Durango Kid himself!

First, Zychmann's gripping story.....

Hi Sharkie, it's Tuesday nite in Denver so here is my blogable version of what happened:

The Iron Horse Race sounded so fun as Sharkman told his stories in the blog of his family and friends racing and beating the Durango to Silverton train, what exhilaration and pride to beat that train in less than 3 1/2 hrs! Well Sharkman, your record is safe as my brother Tom and I suffered like rented mules as we hauled our sorry asses up the passes.
Zychmann showing his well
earned hardware!

First off there is like NO oxygen at 10,900 ft, and after a 5 mile climb up a 7 % grade my muscles are cramping! My heart rate is in the red zone! My pulse is pounding in my ears so loud it's like a wood pecker on my helmet! Oh, and it's 35 degrees, and snowing and blowing at 25 mph. Now descending 7 miles at speeds up to 40mph with a wind chill of 10 degrees on wet pavement, or is that black ice? This was indeed Epic though very close to Biblical! Yes we survived thanks to rescue sandwiches and cookies from St Toni and The Durango Kid, and I never saw or heard the train, maybe it didn't even make the run, though it may have arrived and left by the time I crossed the finish line! Check this one off my list though I might do it again some July on a Harley!

And from the Durango Kid:

Zyckmaan, brother Tom and the Durango Kid made it to Silverton under challenging weather conditions. It was an epic ride for me. Although I thought I was prepared, it hurt. I need to change my doping program to be more compliant with cold weather!

Great job Minions! You did the Nation proud!


Belo News
May 27, 2015

Augusta, Mi. - The Monday Minions Mountain Bike was canceled this week due to the Memorial Day Holiday, but will be back next Monday, weather permitting.

This ride takes place each Monday at 3:15 p.m. From the Trail Head at Ft. Custer.

The Tuesday Night Chain Gang ride was cancelled due to the weather, but has been rescheduled for Thursday Night, at 5:30 p.m with the start behind the K2 building in Battle Creek. This ride will return to Tuesday Night next week.


Belo News
May 23, 2015
Tardette did the
Nation proud!

Traverse City, Mi. We are pleased to report that the Nations own Tardette competed in the Traverse City Marathon this past Saturday. In what she has described as her “first and only marathon” she did the Nation proud with a time of 4:24:01! Way to go Tardette! No that you have this running silliness out of your system it is time to come back to the Nation!

Who is that next to Stryker Guy?
Kalamazoo, Mi. - As the Nation helped to celebrate Stryker Guys birthday last week, little did they know that bigger things were planned. As a part of Stryker Guy Week at Stryker, special T shirts were made up AND a special guest was in attendance for his Birthday Bash. None other than legendary baseball player Kalamazoo native, Derek Jetter was on hand to help celebrate. Two legends, one in baseball, the other in cycling, face to face. Unconfirmed sources report that the first thing said when the two legends met was, “Can I have you autograph and take a selfie?”
The Boss with Stryker Guy showing off
their Coach Heath T's!

Happy Birthday to our own Stryker Guy!

Alpe D'Huez, France - Our own Mighty Monk and his son have been touring France by
Mighty Monk edged out by his
son on Alpe D'Huez!
bicycle and have been hitting some of the legendary routes of the Tour de France.  Seen here, the two are riding up Alpe D'Huez and Mighty Monk reported that he wasn't sure who was leading! Who cares! They are riding Alpe D'Huez!  Congratulations to both and thanks for reporting in!  Where else can you get in-depth International reporting like this?!

The legendary Alpe D'Huez!

Shark Cove, Mi. - And finally, Mad Dog found an ad for this incredible Shark Seat! Everyone will be wanting one, especially those riders who want to completely destroy thier prostrates! Sharkman is not endorsing this saddle, but thought it was pretty cool and it is for real! 

The Shark Seat! Oh, the humanity!

Apparently it is designed to keep you in the proper position. We here at Belo News are guessing it will! Oh, the humanity!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Mighty Minion Nation looking good!




Team Taylor joins the Nation with
some virgin Minions!


Belo News
May 15, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove with a warm and humid feel, our intrepid hero was feeling good that it would be mild enough to wear a short sleeved jersey, which was quite fitting as it was the first Jersey Day of this young season. Not only was it the first Jersey Day of the year, but it was Shark Minion Jersey Day! “Is this a great country or what?” our hero thought as he pulled his beloved shark jersey over his hairless head. The old Shark checked the mirror as he walked by and thought to himself, “looking good, Sharkman!” (Actually, he said it out loud. The man lives in a dream world!)
Virgin Minion,

Though it was predicted to be warm, there was a large, blue cloud of rain on the radar just south of his field of dreams, the KK-TdG, but the old Shark held out hope it would skid to the south and miss the ride entirely or at a minimum, just spit a little rain. But he did bring his rain jacket, just in case.

To his surprise, he noted that Rainman's garage door was open and as he launched from the Cove, saw the young Minion coming down his driveway surprised that he would be riding with the “threat of rain.”

Rainman's explanation was that he could not pass up an opportunity like “Shark Minion Jersey Day” and he was “looking good in his Shark Jersey.”

Nikeboy then rode up and said he too was surprised to see Rainman. Nikeboy commented that he thought there had to be no rain in the forecast for at least 7 days before Rainman saddled up! Rainman did point out he was riding his Giant cross bike and wasn't as worried he would have to clean his Cervelo if it did rain! Always hedging his bets.....

A bit later, Mad Dog jumped on explaining he was late because he couldn't get his new puppy to come into the house after doing his business.

Nation gathers at the "Feed Station" while Easty
signs some autographs!
As the three riders headed down Watkins, up rode Reb on his cross bike stating he was going to ride to the start, but then had to come back with Nikeboy who also had to get back.

Sharkman had put on his rain jacket thinking a.) it may rain and b.) it was a bit cooler than he first thought.

He quickly realized this was a mistake and tried to unzip the jacket but could not get the bottom undone. His jacket filled with air and Reb accused him of trying to mimic Squeaky with an “Airbag Safety Jacket.”

Sharkman, being somewhat stubborn, did not want to stop to fix the problem so rode over with the other 3 riders trying to get behind him as the jacket was giving off a draft that they would not usually get behind the diminutive rider.

Double parking in front of the Klutch!
They were running a bit late and as they approached the start area were shocked to see the mass of riders who were getting ready to ride in the parking lot!

Team Taylor, led by Iceman himself, was in attendance with the usual posse of Kia Pet, Chains the Bounty Hunter and Nickhead but they had also brought along some new riders with their own names! Zippy (Brad Zapalowski), Two Fingers (Rick Tonda) and Tie Dye (Tyson Gilmore) were in the Team Taylor posse and ready to ride! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, virgin Minions!

Easty was also in attendance with new Minion with a name already as well! Mongoose (Mike Louwaert) was in attendance! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation!
Always good to have Minion virgin's in the mix! And even better when they come with names!

A number of riders were making their season debut and it was difficult to get every ones photo!

Belo News also apologizes if any names have been inadvertently been left out!

As those riders with jersey's lined up for a photo, Sharkman counted approximately 36 riders! Oh, the humanity!

Gazelle Girl also road in with two “Other Guys!” Toesetter was back, and Ironman was in tow making his season debut.

Another notable season debut was Tow Truck, who was claiming he should now be called Towed Truck though he seemed in mid season form during the ride!

The world #1 ranked 60 and over swimmer and Cove neighbor, Stroker was also making his season debut!

Ranger Rick was back, but had his regular rode bike instead of his cross bike this time.

Bissell Boy, Stryker Guy, Zickman, Boatman, ........

There were too many Minions to get all the names but suffice it to say, most of the Heads of State were in attendance!

It was a sea of Minion Jersey's as the Nation started out and caught the light at the Klutch. Andrew later reported that the early morning group gave him a count of approximately 35 riders and told him he better start brewing more koffee!

As the ride headed north, Sharkman followed behind Mad Dog and Sasquatch before they parted like the Red Sea before him, giving him the lead out to the first sprint. At the first G crossing, Sharkman counted 36 riders. Shortly after, Kid Doster and then later, Dr. Dave jumped on taking the number to 38. However, if you count Nikeboy and Reb, who dropped off at the Klutch to head home, it was 40 riders on Saturday! Whoa!

As Reb would later say, “40 followers? I know some ministers in town that would be thrilled with that turn out!”

Standing room only at the Klutch!
With the large number or riders, the pace picked up but somehow felt somewhat leisurely as the draft was good no matter where you were in the peloton unless you were up front! Additionally, the Nation seemed to be very well behaved and riders were stopping at stop signs, staying to right, and not circling the least not yet.

At the top of the Col de Twin Lakes, virgin Minion Mongoose made a move and took his first sprint as a Minion! Actually, later in the ride, B-Rod tried to solicit Mongoose to lead him out but Mongoose had no idea were the final sprint ended! That's why you're a virgin, Mongoose!

The speed again picked up through Kellogg Korner, the Kountry Klub and on to Rt. 43. Skittles tried to make a “comfort stop” but was rushed by Sharkman who did not know the young Minion was in the trees trying to “do his business.”

Sharkman declared Rt. 43 as a neutral zone because of the bad road the Nation was very good about riding single file through the very bad patch of road. This area is now designated as a neutral zone until or if the road gets repaired. The brought everyone together at the ascent up the Col de Norte and again, the Nation rode safe through the summit and on to the Holy Rollers.

As the group was fairly bunched up in the Holy Rollers there were some riders who were “forced' towards the yellow line and Sharkman reminded everyone to stay to the right of the yellow lines. Remember, if Sharkman sees anyone over the yellow lines, they cannot contest or win the sprint!

At Frona's, the Nation pulled over for a photo op and to see if Easty needed to sign any autographs this week. Unfortunately, Squeaky performed one of his now famous “rolling stops” and was reprimanded by Sharkman and AGAIN reminded he had to STOP at all stop signs and not “roll” through or “circle!” This is dangerous and causes confusion both for the Nation AND for motorists!
Stop and stay to the right of the intersection!

At the Digital Divide, the Nation was able to make the crossing as a group, which was difficult with the mass of riders, but a single pace line was not to be. The group broke into smaller pace lines and headed on to the famous GGG Spot Sprint!

Finally feeling a bit frisky several weeks into the Mighty Minion Nation ride season, Gazelle Girl was ready to take on her coveted GGG Spot Sprint. A good position - plus patience only a woman can have - put her right where she needed to be to achieve satisfaction. Just as the Sweetheart of the Peloton made her move, Skittles zoomed by with a look of determination on his face that looked more determined than his usual look of determination!

Gazelle Girl fell in behind the podium star, rapidly realizing that the only way for her to get there first was to ask for mercy. "I'm right here!" she panted. "I'm so close. Oh, Skittles! I'm nearly there!" All of this pleading fell on deaf ears. As soon as Skittles crossed the finish line ahead of our Sweetheart he realized she'd been so close. "Oh, no. Did I cut you off?" he asked. "I was almost there," a dejected Gazelle Girl said. "Ah jeez," replied Skittles. "I can never figure out where the G spot is." "Oh, you're not alone, my friend," said the good natured Gazelle Girl who will pin her hopes for G spot satisfaction on this week's ride.

On the the finish!

Sharkman went to the front as the Nation headed south to the finish, shouting out, “Remember to hold your lines! - Everyone ride safe! - No swerving!”

If the Nation didn't know, our hero is always worried when big crowds like this one, contest the final sprint en mass.

Sharkman was soon overtaken by a cast of thousands as the Nation stayed pretty bunched together for the final descent down the hill to the stop ahead by the Galesburg High School!

As the Nation rambled towards the finish like a swarm of locust on a wheat field, Sharkman could not help but feel proud to see so many Shark Minion Jersey's riding in unison towards the final goal and for the honor of the victory!

Sharkman was well back, in the safety of the peloton, but yet, the entire Nation seemed as one as they came to the finish. As they bore down, it was clear that Iceman had taken the tape, but second and third place were in question, but the general consensus at the Klutch was that Kid Doster finished second and Mad Dog was third.

It was a victory for America as the Nations hero's zipped up their jersey's for the sponsors and headed down the Champs le Galesburg with the tofosi throwing soft cheeses, bread and wine at the feet of their hero's!

Andrew looked a bit worried as the mass of riders descended on the Klutch, however, because the early morning group had done the count, he was ready with the fresh brewed joe!

The Nation packed the house as talk of the huge crowd and concerns for continued growth of the Nation were discussed over second helpings of bottomless kups.

You won't want to miss this weeks edition Memorial Weekend Day Ride of the KK-TdG!

Memorial Weekend Ride!

Wear your Red, White and Blues to show honor to our military hero's!

That's right, Bunkie, it is Memorial Day Weekend so break out the red, white & blue kit!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
May 20, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - Back by popular demand, orders can now be made for the famous Shark Minion Jersey! Is this a great country or what?!?

That's right, for a limited time, you can order additional jersey's. A sizing chart and order form with pricing have been made a part of the Shark Minion Update so fill them out as quickly as possible and get them to Gazelle Girl at before May 31, 2015! These jersey's are only ordered once a year, so get yours now!

No orders after May 31, 2015!


Belo News
May 20, 2015

Mattawan, Mi. - Man, this ride snuck up on us this year! We apologize for not getting this information out earlier!

Registration for the Tour de Taylor is upon us and Minions will need to get their registration in before May 29, 2015 to get one of those cool Team Taylor Tech T-shirt, so don't wait.

Once again this year, the Minion KK-TdG will be suspended so the Nation can ride with Team Taylor. Team Taylor is a huge part of the Nation and we would like to encourage the Nation to be a part of this ride! Last year the Nation fielded a pretty good size group and rode the 100K ride as a team. So get your registration in as soon as possible and where and when the Nation will meet will be in an upcoming edition of Belo News!

It is for the kids and families!

Be there!

Stryker Guy & Brewman have
all the jersey's covered!

Belo News
May 17, 2015

Spartansburg, S.C. - In an “epic” battle against a mountain (and a tire), two members of the Mighty Minion Nation took on the “Assault of Mt. Mitchell!” this past weekend. This ride starts in Spartansburg and ends 103 miles and over 11,000 feet of climbing up Mt. Mitchell. The highest point east of the Mississippi!

Legends of the peloton, Brewman and Stryker Guy made the trip down to Spartansburg, S.C. for the ride. The climb includes 6-9 degree grades that go on and on and on and on!

Big group for the Assault on Mt.
What can make a ride like this “epic” is weather and/or a mechanical. In this edition, our two riders were doing fairly well for the first 75 miles other than Brewman having 4 flat tires! On the last flat, a sag wagon repair team gave Brewman a new tube and tire as he began the final climb up Mt. Mitchell.

Unfortunately, the 5th flat on Brewman's wheel ended his day and Stryker Guy had to make the rest of the ride solo. Brewman knew something was wrong with his rim and could not ride on.
Looking good Minions!

In a post race interview, the intrepid Brewman stated, “I ended the day sharing a bottle of wine with wife Linda, sitting in some hot springs overlooking a beautiful river!” 

You go Brewman!

Congratulations to both Minions! You did the Nation proud and thanks for the report!


Belo News
May 18, 2015

Augusta, Mi. - The Monday Minions Mountain Bike ride was back on this week after rain cancelled the previous weeks ride. Five riders were in attendance and as Reb reported, it was “Gazelle Girl and four mops!”

In addition to Reb and Gazelle Girl, Hambone was back in the mix after a long hiatus, Kevin who had joined on two weeks earlier and a new rider by the name of Andy joined in on the fun.

This ride will be postponed for Memorial Day next week, but there may be an impromptu ride so those who've ridden before should watch for an email if the ride does take place.

Normally, this ride takes place each Monday at 3:15 p.m. From the Trail Head at Ft. Custer.


Belo News
May 19, 2015

Battle Creek, Mi. - The wind was cranking on Tuesday night and that can only mean it is time for the Minions Tuesday Night Chain Gang Ride!

Four fearsome Minions showed up behind Arcadia to take on 16 mph winds with gusts to 200 mph!

The strategy was to ride out to Galesburg at about 15 mph and then back at 50 mph with a tailwind.

However, it seemed that the wind was in the Nation's face no matter which direction they were heading into! Airman, Stingray, Wildman and Sharkman headed out on time at 5:30 p.m. Into the wind and it never seemed to let up.

Stingray, just off his injuries from his mountain bike crash, put in a humongous pull at the end that got the Nation to a 19.1 mph average on the evening!

You won't want to miss next week's edition of either ride!

This ride launches at 5:30 p.m. from the parking lot behind K2, which shares the parking lot with Arcadia Brewing in Battle Creek. The ride goes out to Galesburg and back and some riders join on during the ride.

This ride is similar to the old Chain Gang ride that Kellogg Minions were always late for. So it is set up as a pace line ride. It is a great work out and the Minions adjust the speed to the riders who are present. 

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.