Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Tony the Tiger Jersey Day in the Nation!






Belo News
June 21, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was a bundle of anticipation! On this day he would be returning to his Field of Dreams, also known in the nation as the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull!

After not being able to ride the course due to the early start to the “chip & seal” season on the course and then doing the Tour de Taylor the following week, Sharkman was ready to get back to his beloved home course.

It was another cool start and arm warmers were in order as the old Shark launched from the Cove and saw Rainman, in his civvies, watching his dog in the yard. The young rider had a paper to write and couldn’t “come out and play.” However, he will be graduation this year with his MBA and will no longer need to spend Saturday’s writing papers or studying! 

Congratulations Rainman!

Virgin Minion, Dirt Dog buys the koffee!
Moments later, Mad Dog arrived and the two headed over to the start where the Nation was already piling into the parking lot in anticipation of the ride.

As the old Shark pulled in, he noticed an familiar face in the crowd. One of his former “Dances with Dirt” team mates and fellow Kellogg employee was making his first ride as a Minion! Of course, Sharkman immediately named him “Dirt Dog” due to his being one of the famous Kellogg Dirt Dog’s that did the Dances with Dirt Race with Sharkman!

Immediately after welcoming Dirt Dog, Sharkman met another virgin Minion named Eric. For whatever reason, Sharkman quickly pounced on the name, “Eric the Red” for the new rider, who is also an Indiana grad, where red is THE color!

Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Dirt Dog and Eric the Red!
Virgin Minion, Eric the Red!

The former Dave, who is now known as the Mighty Monk (he stated he would share how he got that name over an adult beverage to any Minion who wanted to know) stated he needed to use the comfort facilities and was told they were behind the school. After being left behind in the “comfort” facility at the Tour de Taylor, he made sure that everyone reminded the old Shark not to leave without him!

Bissell Boy showed up and quickly apologized that he forgot his Tony the Tiger Jersey, but still managed to photo bomb one of the pictures as the Nation posed for the paparazzi in their Tony Jersey's during the pre-race interviews.

Sharkman gave a brief, but extremely inspiring, talk on ride safety and the importance of STAYING ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE YELLOW LINES! Sharkman stated that anyone crossing the yellow lines would be DQ'ed from any sprint. Sharkman also asked each Minion to look around and pick out at least 2 Minions to watch to insure they were on the train as the Nation stopped to check at Stop Signs. When the peloton starts to get in excess of 15 riders, and with Minions jumping on and off the ride, it is getting increasingly difficult to live the code!

Zickman shows off his "Pops" Jersey!
Sharkman also mentioned, and Belo News has reprinted a copy of, a letter about the impression riders are giving to drivers and the importance of etiquette on the road. Sharkman went on to state that the first part of 36th Street was under repair and the Nation would need to ride single file in this “neutral zone.”

The Skipper was back in attendance and after taking part in the photo up, and a listening to Sharkman in rapt attention, he ordered the Minions to click in and head out!

The Klutch looked packed as the Nation rode by, waving at the early morning koffee group and Andrew back behind the counter.

Dr. Dave jumped on as the Nation circled the Klutch and noted that people were getting set up for Greater Galesburg Day!

MMmmm...Sharkman thought they were there to cheer the Nation on.....

As the Nation headed north, they saw Gazelle Girl and that other guy, and shouted out their salute to the “Sweetheart of the Peloton!”

Just as Sharkman was readying for his assault on the first sprint, which he would have easily taken, he had a flat tire! Oh, the
Polar Bear in his Froot Loops Jersey
with Cheese!

Mechanical” echoed throughout the Kalamazoo Valley and Sharkman jumped to the side of the road where Easty was quick to assist our intrepid hero. The Mighty Monk and his wingman, Matt (who still needs a name) were also on hand to offer verbal assistance (and take photos).

After a quick change, a puff of Baby Powder (Sharkman packs his tubes in Baby Powder to make them less susceptible to pinches), a whiff of CO2 and they were off again.

As the Nation made their way past G Ave., Sharkman counted the riders at 24!

The Nation played nice through the Col de Twin Lakes before things got fast after the Yorkville Church. The Skipper, trying to get his legs back, reported to the Sharkman that he would be taking the cut off and would meet up again with the Nation at Rt. 43.

Bissell Boy forget's his Tony Jeresey, so he just
Photo Bombs the paparazzi! That's him in red behind
the riders. Way to go, Bissell Boy!
However, Skipper did not tell his wingman, the Pirate, who went back to look for him when he didn't see him in the Kountry Klub section. Sharkman had already gone back to check on some of the Nation and as he returned to the Rt. 43 finish, he was told that the Pirate had headed back for Skipper, who was actually the first one to Rt. 43! Skipper* was then declared the winner of the Rt. 43 sprint with an * next to his name. Matt made a phone call to the Pirate who stated he was about a half mile back and soon joined the Nation.

The Pirate was praised by the Sharkman for his dedication to making sure the Nation “Leaves no Minion Behind!” Way to go Pirate!

The Nation headed up the col de Norte and on to the Holy Rollers. As the Nation pulled a bit ahead of some of the stragglers, Sharkman had his SECOND flat tire on the same wheel! 

What the hey.....?!?

This time, Bissell Boy was the “Minion on the Spot” to assist our hero with an extra tube and hands strong enough to roll the fairly new tire back on to the rim.
Sharkman changing his tire in
record time with the help of Easty!

B-Rod and Polar Bear came back to check, as good Minions, to check on their hero who was no where to be found when they arrived at Frona's.

Sharkman came rolling through Frona's, with Bissell Boy, B-Rod and Polar Bear escorting him and shouted out for the Nation to follow! The old Shark wanted to get back to the Klutch before a third flat! As all bikers know, flat's come in three's! (more on that later!).

After the Digital Divide, the Nation formed back up into the customary pace line where the speed picked up substantially.

As the Nation motored south, they came across two riders, one of which looked mysteriously familiar! It was none other than the legendary Minion, Styker Guy and his lovely wife, Mrs. Stryker Guy! As he had predicted earlier in the week, he intended to “ride around the lake.” As the Nation knows, he broke 5 ribs only a couple of weeks ago and the Nation was pleased to see him back on his steed!

After a quick shout out, Stryker Guy stated “he would see everyone at the Klutch!” and the Nation continued on.

As the Nation bore down on the GGG Spot, Gazelle Girl took a lead out and it looked like she was in her familiar run to achieve the pleasure of achieving the triple G spot sprint!

As the Nation started to cheer her on, it became increasingly obvious that one rider was not aware of her persistence in achieving the GGG spot, as well as the Nations desire to see her make it!

Gazelle Girl in her Tony Jersey!
As the “Sweetheart of the Peloton” bore down on the final thrust to the finish, the collective moan of “Noooooooo” was heard from the entire Nation as they witnessed the virgin and unnamed Minion, Matt, ….out in front making a quicker finish than Gazelle Girl!

Oh, the humanity!

As one Minion's was heard to mutter in the peloton......... “It's always a Virgin......”

After everyone had a cigarette and took a deep breath, the Nation formed up for the final assault on the finish.

Sharkman and Pirate took it out early, right after turning on to 37th and then Boatman came forward and put in a massive, Yeoman like pull at the front before Polar Bear and the Mighty Monk came in for a pull. Sharkman was pleased to see the Nation strung out a bit as they approached the last hill before the finish.

As the nation bore down on the final ascent, Mad Dog came forward, making a quick move to the front and opening up a pretty good gap. No one seemed to want to make the move to bridge the opening and as everyone seemed to wait for someone else to go after him, it became to late!

Many of the sprinters, sensing they were missing their opportunity, quickly moved to cover the widening gap. Mad Dog fought to hold on as Polar Bear, Ironman, Zickman, Boatman, Tan Man and others went after him.

Alas, it was too late! Mad Dog held off the stampeding Nation and took the tape with Ironman in second and Zickman and Tan Man tying for the 3rd spot on the podium.
Mr. & Mrs. Styker Guy come in to
sign autographs! Good to see you!

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the riders zipped up their jersey's for the sponsors and the paparazzi!

It was Galesburg Day's and the crowds were huge as the Nation paraded by to their coveted Klutch, where Andrew had brought his Mom and Dad in to assist with the crowds! Thanks Robin for keeping the kups full!

The Skipper bought koffee for Sharkman and actually delivered it to him as he took up his throne at the head of the table, while virgin Minion Dirt Dog bought a whole bunch of koffee's for the Minions waiting in the line that went out the side door. Is this a great country or what?!?

Styker Guy and the lovely Mrs. Styker Guy arrived to sign autographs and talk to the press.

The main topic of discussion was the Minion Jersey and how well the sales have gone. As Belo News goes to press, the count of Jersey's, T's and caps is as follows;

- 50 jersey's
- 14 Ts
- 12 caps

Whoa?!! 50 jersey's! Amazing and a big thanks to Gazelle Girl for all the work on this long awaited project! Hopefully, jersey's will be ready in early August!

As the festivities wound down, Sharkman told Mad Dog, who needed to go to B-Rod's truck to get something, that he was heading back and would keep going in hopes of getting home
The Klutch was rocking as Skipper places
his jersey order!
before he experienced the inevitable third flat tire! Belo News is pleased to report that our hero made it home with 60 lbs. of pressure left in his rear wheel. (Unfortunately, Sharkman's third flat came on Monday morning when he was finishing the Blue trail at the Fort and had to walk his bike back to the trail head in the pouring rain!).

You won't want to miss this week's edition of the KK-TdG, when the Nation heads south again due to the Gull Lake Triathlon. Sharkman will again lead the “Tour of South Central Kalamazoo County” as Team Minion – Bissell Boy, Zickman and Dr. Dave – take on the Triathlon in the Team Event! 

Go Minions! Make the Nation proud! Belo News hopes to have a report on their win in next week's edition!

This Saturday, June 28, 2014

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be sure to come to the start, as the Nation will be heading south!


AUGUST 16, 2014!

Belo News
June 25, 2014,

Gull Lake, Mi. - It is that time of year again! Time for the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred! Oh, the humanity!

Gazelle Girl and Zickman are getting things ready to host the Nation on the Third Annual Bloody 'Ell and you can be a part of this classic event. The ride starts at the Zick Estate with bloody Mary's and then the riders head up to Hastings to have lunch and perhaps a beer or two, at the Waldorf, before heading back to the Zick Estate! It can't get better than this ride!

Also, Gazelle Girl will be taking orders on that classic jersey from last year, so if you didn't get in on the jersey, get a hold of Gazelle Girl and order yours now! Deadline for ordering the jersey is July 10, so don't wait! These jersey's are the envy of the peloton and you need this jersey in your stable of cycling apparel!

So mark your calendars and let Gazelle Girl know your coming, Bunkie!


Belo News
June 18, 2014

Kalamazoo, Mi. - (Editors Note) – As mentioned during last weeks ride, Kevin Patmore sent the attached email to the Kalamazoo Bike Club to discuss Bike Etiquette and the perception people are getting from some of the group rides. As Minions are aware, one of the Nation was confronted about the “riders all over the road” when the person had crested a hill. As the Nation continues to grow, Minions need to be ever mindful that we share the road and we:

  1. Ride two abreast when we hear “car back.”
  2. Stay within the Yellow Lines and do not cross over into oncoming traffic.
  3. Do not circle in intersections or jump across the road to wait. We stop at the Stop Sign and wait for the Nation, moving to the right side of the road.
  4. When there is a mechanical, move OFF the road COMPLETELY.

Mr. Patmore writes an excellent letter and has asked group rides to share it with their riders, so here it is!

Subj: Cycling etiquette in the Kalamazoo Community


I am in the process of getting a hold of everyone who rides in groups or organizes group rides in and around Kalamazoo after a complaint about a group ride that headed up Riverview Drive last night. I am also a cyclist who rides solo, with friends, and with organized groups. I have ridden the WAM twice now, just participated in the Tour de Taylor as well and competed in the Race for Wishes last year. So, my interest is in creating a good, positive image as a community of bicyclists that I enjoy here in the Kalamazoo area.

Last evening, as a cycling community, we did not do ourselves any favors. The story as relayed by my wife was that a good sized group of riders was heading northbound on Riverview just north of D Ave. The group was well behaved for the first third, riding two wide and riding on the broad shoulder of the road. The back 2/3 was not as conscientious and was spread out 4 abreast and taking the entire northbound lane. My wife said it took her 1 ½ miles to pass the group all traveling at just under 20 mph. She said the line of cars behind her was 20 deep.

We all know the law which says 2 wide riding as far right as is practicable. We also know that as cyclists, we can be a pain if we are not easy to get around on the road. We push the “share the road” message, but we must share it back as well. We, as cyclists, have to be almost “saintly” with respect to sharing the road if we are to build a lasting and positive relationship in our community. From my non-cyclist friends, we are poorly understood, they think riding bikes is for kids, that we look goofy in our team kits, and that we are just plain nutty when we ride in the rain. They tolerate farm equipment because “we live in a farming community”, but they have little tolerance for being stuck behind a group of bicyclists who are “hogging” the lane while I am trying to get home.

The work to be done in improving the relationship belongs to us as cyclists. The only way for us to do this is to be on our best behavior. We have to be the ones to offer the olive branch to the automobiles that use the same space as we do. This particular story does nothing to build a positive relationship with the non-bicyclist community we share the road with. Unfortunately, this is not the only story I have heard in recent months. I have friends who live at the top of the 6th Street hill and they positively despise us. I am working on them, but it hasn’t been easy.

I am sharing this with you in hopes that at the start of rides we can continue to reinforce the law, the rules of the road, and etiquette that will build some good will with our community. I have been in contact with Pedal Bike and AEBike about this as well. Anything that you can do to spread this message through the KBC would be appreciated as well.

Best regards,

Kevin Patmore

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014






Belo News
June 14, 2014

Mattawan, Mi. - Though as it goes to press, Belo News is unable to confirm a final number of riders from the Nation that took part in this past weekends Tour de Taylor, it can be reported with some certainty that there were at least 20 Minions in the mix!
The Nation gathers at the start of the TdT!

Many of those Minions rode as a group, with a cool start and a beautiful finish, albeit a bit scattered......

As pre-dawn breaks over the Shark Cove, we find our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, pattering around his abode in his shark slippers, fussing with what to bring along on his big adventure for the day. The old Shark had put the “4 banger” rack on his car and had loaded his bike the night before.

He found himself brewing extra koffee for Mad Dog and Lava Girl and after Mad Dog rode up and was loaded, the two sat back and sipped their kups as they motored to Galesburg to pick up Gazelle Girl how was riding to the Shell Station to meet them.

It was a cool start but a hot finish on Saturday!
Much to Sharkman's chagrin, Gazelle Girl had her koffee with her (who knew?) and after loading her bike on the back, they were off for Mattawan discussing the cool weather and riding past the fire at the Recycling Center in Kazoo right off of 94 near the Airport.

When they arrived at the start, several Minions were already waiting and asking where to line up!

As the Nation gathered at the start, Dave (name to be determined) who is a brand new Minion, mentioned he needed to use the restroom and was not seen again until the finish with another new Minion.

With Kia Pet on the microphone welcoming the Nation and calling everyone out, the press taking photos, and then Kia Pet and Iceman coming over for the photo, and with it being 10 minutes past the posted launch time, Sharkman started the Nation out, forgetting Minions were in the bathroom! Oh, the humanity and a big apology to Dave and Matt who later stated that they knew they had not made the launch time and rode with some others that they knew. Sorry guys!
The Great Dane was in full regalia!

Joining the Nation for the first time was virgin Minion Chewy, who came with his own nick name, which Sharkman loves! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Chewy!

The Nation headed out as Kia Pet announced the launch over the P.A. System. Sharkman immediately noticed that the course seemed down hill, most of the way to Lawton, which had the first rest stops. The Minions, feeling pretty good, did not think they needed to stop at 10 miles and buzzed through downtown Lawton like a fast moving train.

The roads were beautiful and the day slowly warmed as the Nation continued heading west. With virtually no wind, the Nation continued to gather steam and was running in a well moving pace line as the morning moved along.

Zickman had a "Woodie!"
At approximately 25 miles, the Nation rolled into the small burg of Decatur and stopped at the rest stop, where the Nation hit the snack table like a hoard of locust on a field of wheat. Three other Minions, who had started earlier were already at the stop. Cheesehead and the Gazelle Girl got caught up signing autographs and had to be moved along by the old Shark, who worries that if he stops to long he can't get started again. During the rest stop he met a very nice lady to stated she worked with a Minion, none other than Nickhead!

At the rest stop, word started to spread about the “Decatur Hill” and how tough it was. Sharkman started thinking, “this is southern Michigan, how tough can it be?”

As the Nation rode south out of town, they could begin to see the looming peak of the Decatur Hill in the morning mist. As the Nation approached as a tightly packed peloton, the “togetherness” quickly ended as the super steep hill took it's toll and splintered the Nation into small groups gasping for air!

At the summit, the Minions gathered up and tried to find out who was still in the peloton. Here is where Sharkman was struggling to try to keep track of all of his beloved Minions.

The peloton seemed refreshed as they began to head east, towards the finish. Wildman commented later in the day that his Map My Ride had a segment in this section at 27 mph! The train was moving and it was moving fast.
Virgin Minion Chewy! Welcome to the
Nation, Chewy!

The Nation blasted by the next rest stop and were only about 4 or 5 miles from the Lawton Rest stop when a blast came from the back of the peloton. As the Nation pulled to the side of the road, it was learned that Brewman had not only blew out a tube, but apparently his tire had a major split in it that could not be repaired.

After making sure several Minions had Brewmans phone number, the Nation took off for Lawton, getting there in quick order, where the members of the volunteer rest crew determined that due to liability, they could not go out on the course to pick up riders and there was no sag wagon. However, after taking pity on the whiny Minion group, pleading for their fellow Minion, a very nice lady stated she would resign her post as a volunteer and go out and find Brewman and take him back to the finish! After a shout of “Hurray!” from the Nation, two ladies headed out in search of Brewman in a truck with front axle locks on it for bringing back a bike just like Brewmans! Oh, is this a great country or what!

After the rest stop, and with no idea of who was on and who was off the pack, the Nation headed out of Lawton and as they hit the first of many finishing hills, the Nation splintered as the speed picked up.

Minions sign autograph and scarf food at the
rest stop before the "Decatur Hill!"
Sharkman got spit out the back on the climb and lost track of the entire Nation.

However, after climbing the hill, he saw Wildman, Easty and Rosie slowing after a turn to wait for the intrepid hero. Sharkman caught on and thanked the trio for waiting and assured them that he had to be the last of the Minions.

However, there were other Minions back and despite Easty's concern for Minions being left behind, Sharkman was pretty sure he was the last rider........and he was wrong.

Sharkman, remembering the feeling of riding down hill at the start, was now feeling those same hills as they climbed to the finish.

It seemed like a long 10 miles from Lawton to the finish and as the four riders approached the finish they saw Cheese and virgin Minion, Chewy on the side of the road fixing a flat on Chewy's bike.

Sharkman and company finished the course at a 19.7 mph average as the P.A. Announced that the Sharkman had just arrived. Sharkman later learned that the lead group finished at 20.4 mph!
Gazelle Girl, Mad Dog and Sharkman enjoy a post ride
lunch of burgers, dogs, and pasta! Sharkman loved it!

As the riders made it through the finish and grabbed a cold, wet towel to cool off, Sharkman was still insisting he had to be the last Minion in only to learn there were still some Minions out on the course.

At the subsequent Press Conference, Sharkman apologized profusely to those Minions that got left behind and pledged to find a better way to keep track of the Nation of these types of group rides. He was happy to see that Brewman had made it back and had already changed into dry clothes.

After everyone got their gear squared away and put on some dry clothes, they went to take part in the great lunch and to talk about the ride.

This is an OUTSTANDING ride and it is hoped that next year even more of the Nation can take part in it and also, be wearing the new Shark Minion Jersey! Oh, the humanity!
Mad Dog at the Press Conference.

This week will be Tony the Tiger Jersey Day!

So dig out that Tony Jersey (or any Kellogg Jersey) and come on out!

This week the Nation returns to their field of dreams, the KK-TdG!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Launch time 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo New
June 16, 2014


And what a beautiful morning it was. Crisp, cool, bright and no wind!! Oh the Humanity!!

361 Riders, one broken finger, lots of sunburns, and hopefully all had fun. How about those cold towels post ride!!!

I have no pictures for you, as I was too busy running around trying to keep things rolling.

Just a short note to thank you for organizing your Minion Nation to make an impressive showing at the 2014 Tour de Taylor.

I hope you all enjoyed the course and the food,  sounds like you didn't rest much on the course!....but the stops were there for you.

Through the vineyards and rollers then onto Decatur hill as a target, but after that the course is fast and fun, I heard you guys tore it up.

Minion Nation West, and Tour de Taylor Co-Directors Iceman and Mo-Pink, along with other important helpers from Team Taylor, KiaPet, NickHead, Chains,  and TJ thank you all for helping us keep Taylor's giving spirit alive and paying it forward to others in need!!

We hope to see you all at the 2015 TdT.

If any Minions want a century this weekend,  Saturday several of us are leaving for Harbor fest in South Haven at 630a.m. from Mattawan High School.  Ride out, pig out on pancakes, eggs and sausage, watch a few dragon boat races,  ride home.  Back to the school by 1:00.  Eat again. 

Thank you Minions, Thank you Minions, Thank you Minions.

It's for the kids and families....


Thank YOU, Iceman and the entire Team Taylor organization for a fantastic morning of riding!

Its for the kids!



Belo News
June 18, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - You've heard about it, you've talked about it, you've dreamed about it and now you can own your own Shark Minion Jersey! Yes, it has finally happened! The Shark Minion Jersey is now for sale and each of you have should have received the ordering information, along with a mock up and order forms.

Not only can you purchase a jersey, but you can also buy a baseball cap and T shirt! There is a minimum on the caps and T shirts, so get those orders in now, Bunkie!

Is this a great country or what!?!

Be the first in your neighborhood to own one of these babies! 

Dead line for ordering is June 22 so get off your dorsals, fill out those forms, and get them into Gazelle Girl!


Belo News
Full Moon and donuts!
June 14, 2014

Battle Creek, Mi. - Did you say “Donuts, Pizza and Beer?!?” Oh, yeah, baby!

Is this a great country or what?!?

Somewhere between 50 and 80 riders took part in the first of what is hoped to be many, Full Moon Ride in Battle Creek on Saturday night after the Tour de Taylor
Wildman and the lovely Gwen!
Ride. A few Minions were in attendance for this gala event, which started after 9 p.m., and with a Battle Creek Bicycle Police escort, rode from the shop in downtown Battle Creek, up the Capital Ave. Hill out to Sweetwater Donuts where the riders each ordered their donut of choice! Oh, yes!

After a photo opportunity, the crowd rode back down the hill, in the dark with lights flashing, to the store where Pizza, Beer and door prizes and a raffle awaited their return!

Sharkman and Lava Girl, Wildman and his lovely wife Gwen, and even Dutch, were all there taking part. The party went late into the evening and the old Shark didn't get back to the cove until almost midnight! Oh, the humanity!

It had been a good day of cycling for our hero, the Sharkman. As he laid his head down on
Sharkman and Lava Girl!
his shark bed, all he could think about was.....say it with us now......”Is this a great country or what?!?”

Yes it is Sharkman, yes it is.......

Riders getting ready to ride for the donuts!


Stryker Guy at the Top!

Belo New
June 18, 2014

Gull Lake, Mi. - We are pleased to report that the “Legend of the Peloton” known as Styker Guy is doing well and actually considering getting back on the bike this weekend! Though not with his beloved mighty Nation. Unconfirmed reports state that the cycling master has committed to returning to the peloton in July.

They also report that he is actually hoping to test his legs with a slow ride around the lake after breaking 5 ribs in a crash in Colorado just a week ago.

A source close the Styker Guy revealed that he had stated, “I feel MUCH better, last week I felt like Derek Jeter was using my ribs for working on his swing, now I'm just sore.”


Belo News
June 14, 2014
Dr. Dave

Empire, MI. - Imagine, 800 kayaks lying side by side, end to end in rows on the bank of Little Glen Lake in Glen Arbor, Michigan. A few yards away, picture 800 bikes hanging in organized racks just off of M-22. Beyond the bikes the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore where 800 athletes hailing from 15 states and countries as far as Switzerland running up the famous “Dune Climb”. What you are picturing is the 6th annual M-22 Challenge.

The M-22 Challenge is a multi-discipline event that combines running, cycling, and paddling in to a 22-mile race. The Challenge was tarted six years ago by the founders of the popular Michigan brand “M-22.” The Race consists of a 2.5 mile run including the world famous Sleeping Bear Dune Climb, a 17 mile bike on the gorgeous roads around Little and Big Glen Lakes with an invigorating climb up Inspiration Point and a 2.5 mile open water kayak on Little Glen Lake.

This is a race more Minions could sink their teeth into. Those who are up for a triathlon without the swim will be right at home.

The Minions own Brewman has met the Challenge previous years. He inspired yours truly to look into this endeavor and I am very glad I was fortunate to get my registration in before it filled. This thing fills as quick as "The Iceman."

796 racers finished this years event. Jeff Smoke from the 2004 US Olympic Kayak team "smoked" the course to take his third victory in four years.

His Epic surf ski sliced the glassy calm waters of Little Glen for a mere 17: 57 on the 2.5 mile course. He also put in the fastest bike time on this no drafting course with a time of 43:01. A very respectable 23.7 MPH average. Lets just say he could run too. I knew he was serious when I watched him put a sock and a protective cover on his 21 foot Epic Surf ski after the race.

Dr. Dave wielding the only Inuit blade on the beach.

Forget the swim.... Give me a kayak!

We gave the Traverse City boys a run for their money.

Glad to report I was able to put the Minions and Pedal Bicycle on the podium!

Third of 53 in the 45 - 49 yo mens age group with a time of1:32;50.

21 st place overall.
Dr. Dave on the podium!

Is anyone intrigued? It was a great time, in an awesome setting. Done racing by10:00 with plenty more time to ride and enjoy the area for the rest of the weekend.

Keep it in mind!

Dr Dave

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Waterfall! One of the many sites on the
"Sharkman's tour of central Kazoo County!"





Belo News
June 7, 2014

Galesburg, Mi – The messages started coming early in the week. The famous speed zone known as the Kountry Klub section had been chip & sealed and was not looking good for riding. As the week went on, more reports came in concerning other sections of the “Field of Dreams” of every Minion, the KK-TdG! Subsequent investigation revealed that in addition to the KK section, parts of 37th, including the beloved finish, were also chip & sealed! Oh, the humanity! What were they thinking?!?
Wolf King was back! Even gave Sharkman
a tube he owed him from last season!

Because of the early reports from the Minion Nation (specifically the Skipper, Gazelle Girl, Dr. Dave and Bissell Boy), Belo News informed everyone in last weeks Shark Minion Update, as well as Belo News, that riders should show up at the start to insure that they got onto the ride that looked more and more like it was going to be heading south.

Sharkman, of course, saw it as an opportunity to make some money on his well publicized “Tour of Central Kalamazoo County” where he offers key points of interest at only $.50 a look (no change).

Nikeboy and Mad Dog escorted our hero to the start where he found the Nation gathering like it was a beer convention with free beer.

Some well known Minions were making their season debut on this bright but cool morning!

Puegeot Guy returns!
To everyone's amazement, Wolf King was back in the mix! Looking like he had spent too much time doing “Virtual Training” on his couch, he was actually EARLY and was almost ready as the group launched!

CycoCross was also making his debut, primarily because he had heard that Wolf King would be present and just couldn't believe it!

Peugeot Guy was also making his debut and looked as trim and fit as ever on his classic Peugeot racing blue cycle!

Tan Man was also in attendance and had only just learned that he had been named Tan Man (remember, it is best to come with a name!)

Aaron Z was also returning and though Sharkman could not remember him (happens more
CycoCross returns, mostly because
he couldn't believe Wolf King
would be back!
and more these days) he claimed to be returning to the Nation after a hiatus!

Welcome back, Minions!

A celebrity rider and Virgin Minion was also in attendance! Tim, owner of Pedal Bikes was riding in his first Minion KK-TdG, though he would not get to experience the true Field of Dreams!

Welcome to the Mighty Minion Nation, Pedal Tim!

Gazelle Girl also posed for the press as she tended to be quite the celebrity for actually making it to the start of the ride.

Sharkman gave another “Safety Talk” as he again asked riders to NOT CROSS THE YELLOW LINES during the ride. A Minion had reported to Belo News that he had been approached by an individual who claimed he had come over a hill to find a pack of riders across the entire road and had
Wildman sporting yet another new jersey!
to drive his car into a ditch to avoid hitting them. Sharkman couldn't remember anything like that but cautioned riders to stay on the right side of the yellow lines!

A total of 24 Minions started the ride south, following our hero as they went by the Klutch and saw Andrew running to the door to wave the Nation on.

After climbing out of Galesburg, the Nation got frisky and the pace picked up considerably.

Sharkman rode up and down the peloton making sure everyone knew where to turn and also pointing out places like Qman Hill, the Water Fall, Cook Cemetery, the Railroad house (which isn't there refunds!) Indian Lake, Downtown Scotts, the many railroad crossings, etc.

As the Nation was traversing the course just east of Indian lake, when Zickman noticed a
Aaron returns, who needs a name!
major chuck hole at the last minute. Though Zickman was able to maneuver around the massive crater, what sounded like a couple of .22 rifle shots was heard back in the peloton, indicating a Minion hadn't been so lucky.

Oxito hadn't seen the crater and hit it head on! However, the Minion Pit Crew was ready to take action and Wolf King, enjoying the opporutnity to stop riding, took the rear wheel while Oxito took the front wheel. Ox supervised the entire operation and after a puff of CO2, and the snap of compressed air on the valve, the Nation was off again!

The Nation grouped back up in downtown Scotts, where Sharkman pointed out the coffee shop, Scooters Ice Cream Shop and the Post Office. (Sharkman will be sending invoices to the Nation soon for all the looks on the tour).

Pedal Tim joins the Nation!
As the Nation waited for the Minions to bunch back up, Sharkman released Oxito to go ahead as he was already late for work!

Sharkman lead the Nation across MN and very shortly Hossman came up to take over. As Qman Hill is a major descent, Minions started jockeying back and forth as the mighty train dropped towards I-94. First Polar Bear, than Tan Man, CycoCross, B-Rod, Gazelle Girl and a cast of thousands started to get into position.

As the Nationed rolled over I-94 and past the Galesburg Speedway, B-Rod, Polar Bear, Pedal Tim and Cyco Cross and others went to the front! Sharkman noticed a top speed of 36 mph! Oh, the humanity!

As the riders made the sweeping turn to the right, it looked like Pedal Tim, CycoCross, Polar Bear and B-Rod would contest the final.

B-Rod moved up quickly on the outside to nip Pedal Time and CycoCross at the tape with
Hossman at the start!
Polar Bear close behind.

Average speed, 19.8 mph.

During the finish, the Commissioner of Cycling did notice a couple of riders going over the Yellow Line.

The Commissioner stated that from this point forward, any rider crossing the Yellow Lines will be DISQUALIFIED. Safety first in the Nation and that type of riding cannot be tolerated. Anyone crossing yellow lines will be DQed going forward!

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the Nation moved back to the Klutch for the Press Conference. Excitement was building as the new Minion Jersey was unveiled, as well as a Tee Shirt and Ball Cap! Is this a great country or what!?!

Polar Bear threw down a bunch of cash and bought koffee for the first mass of Minions into the Klutch!

Gazelle Girl makes the start line!
Most of the talk was centered on the new jersey and the Nation was ordering them faster than Wolf King on a piece of bologna!

Even Squeaky showed up at the Klutch after doing the "Mud Run" to sign autograghs!

This week, the Nation will not ride their Field of Dreams but will be doing the Team Taylor Ride instead.

More on this in the next story!

See everyone in the following week, June 21, 2014!

Tan Man returns!

Pit Crew working on Oxito's wheels!

Squeaky stops in at the Klutch after
the "Mud Run" to
sign a few autographs!


Belo News
June 11, 2014

Mattawan, Mi. - This Saturday the Nation moves the ride to Mattawan for the Team Taylor Ride! Sharkman will be leading his beloved Minions on the 100K route.

The plan is to meet at/near the registration tables between 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. and launch shortly after so that the Nation can be back in time for the complimentary lunch (the operative word here is “complimentary”). If you are riding, please let Sharkman know so that the Nation does not launch without you. If you have not registered, you will need more time to do it, so factor that extra time in so that the Nation can launch as close to 7:30 a.m. as possible. The registration and start is at:

Mattawan Middle School
56720 Murray St
Mattawan, MI 49071

More information at

Sharkman and Mad Dog will be driving from the Cove around 6:30 a.m. And there is room for two more riders/bikes but you need to let Sharkman know as soon as possible.

Belo News will be on hand to report on all the Nations involvement in this great ride!

Be there!


Belo News
June 11, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - You've heard about it, you've talked about it, you've dreamed about it and now you can own your own Shark Minion Jersey! Yes, it has finally happened! The Shark Minion Jersey is now for salle and each of you should have received an email announcing the news, along with a mock up and order forms.

Not only can you purchase a jersey, but you can also buy a baseball cap and T shirt!

Is this a great country or what!?!

Be the first in your nieghborhood to own one of these babies!

Dead line for ordering is June 22 so get off your dorsals, fill out those forms and get them into Gazelle Girl!

Stryker Guy at 11,300 ft.!

Belo News
June 11, 2014

Bertoud Pass, CO. - As some may be aware, Styker Guy, a legend in the Minion Nation, was out west, riding through the mountains of Colorado and enjoying the high of climbing peaks at 11,300 ft., but also suffering, in his words, the agony of defeat.

We are sad to report that after Stryker Guy climbed the Bertoud Pass at 11,300 ft., he was heading into Grand Lake when he hit some rumble strips and went down doing about 23-24 mph, suffering 5 broken ribs and cracking his helmet! Fortunately, he sustained no head injuries but will need a new helmet.

After the crash! Oh, the humanity!
We are pleased to report he is now home resting and is grateful for the pain killers. Anyone who has ever broken or even bruised their ribs knows exactly what he is talking about. As Sharkman has been heard to say, “better living through chemistry!”

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Styker Guy and well wishes from the mighty Minion Nation!

Get well soon Stryker Guy!

 Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.