Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Nation in their Red, White & Blues!



The Nation gathers at Frona's!



Belo News
May 24, 2014

Galesburg, Mi – As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was shaking the cobwebs out of his head, attempting to wake up for the earlier start. Though still a bit “nippy,” it seemed that all that would be needed on this sunny start to the day would be some arm warmers that could be shed as the sun warmed the roads.

The old Shark was pleased to see Rainman preparing his bike for the ride and as he waited at the foot of his drive, Nikeboy rode up to make it three!

As the trio headed out, Nikeboy observed a rider coming up from behind and it was none other than Mad Dog who also had some trouble getting out at the earlier time.

Mad Dog with his post ride banana!
The discussion centered on what type of turn out there would be for this Memorial Day Weekend Ride, as Sharkman commented that in many cases Holiday's were “feast or famine” as you never knew if people were traveling or staying home.

However, as the four riders approached the start, the parking lot was a buzz of activity as riders continued to pile in for the start.

Many of the Nation were wearing their Red, White & Blues for the holiday weekend and Sharkman rain around the parking lot trying to get photos.

A van pulled in and a woman rider got out and began to prepare her bike and Sharkman introduced himself and asked if she was new to the Nation. As she began to state that she had ridden before, Luke Skywalker walked around from the other side of the vehicle and instantly, Sharkman realized that she must be Princess Leia! Welcome back to the Nation Paige, aka Princes Leia!
Princess Leia & Luke Skywalker!

Last Dog also made a return to the Nation after a hiatus! Welcome back, Last Dog!

Another rider who came to be known as “Tan Man” stated he was a returning Minion, though Sharkman could not remember him (happening all the time to the old Shark, eh?). Welcome back Tan Man!

Squeaky rolled in and after a hello commented to

The Gull Lake contingent of riders seemed to arrive in waves and the parking lot began to fill!

Skipper was again in the mix, but before he lead the Nation out, Sharkman offered a brief safety tip about holding lines during the sprints and suggestions to all to ride safely.

The Skipper in his R.W & B's!
Soon after, Skipper lead the Nation into Galesburg and to every one's surprise, there was Gazelle Girl rolling up BEFORE the peloton even got to the Klutch! Amazing as the start was actually earlier and Gazelle Girl is not known as an “early starter!”

She was greeted with her usual shout of “Gazelle Girl!” as the Nation approached downtown, where Andrew was waiting outside the Klutch to cheer the Nation on! Shouts of “get the koffee ready, Andrew!” could be heard throughout Galesburg as the Nation headed out to the Field of Dreams they know as the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull!

Ironman, Ranger Rick, Kid Doster all joined on as the Nation headed north with Hoosier Boy and B-Rod leading out our hero after Skipper dropped off the front.

After the old Shark took his honorary sprint, he took a count of 27 Minions in the Nation on this fine morning.

Though the Nation again seemed to be in a very mellow mood, the speed was a bit up as
Zickman in his R,W & B's!
they headed north through the col de Twin Lakes, Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner, Kountry Klub section and on to the Route 43 Sprint.

As the Nation headed up the col de Norte and on to the Holy Rollers, the Nation split into groups and the speed continue to build. At Frona's the Nation reformed and then headed down to the Inlet Sprint and on to the Digital Divide.

Sharkman, as he usually does, checked the average speed and it was hovering around 19.2 mph as the Nation headed down to the GGG Spot Sprint and the peloton formed up into a relatively well working pace line.

As the Nation headed for the final sprint, Sharkman again cautioned all about holding lines and being careful.

Wildman in his Air force Blues!
Hoosier Boy immediately threw himself on his sword and went to the front to take the speed up. Sharkman was right on his wheel and took over for a short time before Stryker Guy came by like he was at warp speed! He went by so fast, Sharkman had to fight to get back on to his wheel.

As short time later, Rainman made a huge move and broke free from the peloton, which strung out the runaway train! However, he slowed at the base of the final ascent and the Nation caught back on and formed up at the top of the last climb!

As the Nation descended to the final sprint, B-Rod, Tan Man and Zickman moved to the front and went to the wire where B-Rod took the final!

Average speed, a season high 19.7 mph!

The crowd went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the Nation waved to sponsors and
Zickman & Sharkman, "do our butts look

Andrew was waiting with hot koffee and even the kups felt hot! Way to go, Andrew!

The Skipper attempted to buy Sharkman's Koffee but the Great Dane got in line first and bought the first several kups for the Nation! Thanks Great Dane!

Another great ride and you won't want to miss this week's edition!


This Saturday, May 31, 2014 (yes, we got the date wrong in the Shark Minion Update.....)

The Klutch was rocking!
Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

Easty showing "Old Glory" on his back!

Rosie in his R,W & B's! Close enough!

Ox in his Flt. 93 jersey!

Sharkman in his colors!


Belo News
May 29, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - As many Minions know, Team Taylor puts on a ride every June to raise money for the Make A Wish Foundation and the WAM ride in July. The past two years the Nation has suspended the Saturday KK-TdG to ride for Team Taylor. This year, Sharkman will be back to lead the Nation in the 100K (62 mile) ride so mark your calendars AND register at the link below! Today is the last day to sign up before registration goes up and you won't be eligible for the Tech Tee Shirt!

- Free Tech T shirt if signed up by end of May.
- Free post ride cookout and soft drinks compliments of Asiago's Bakery and Deli.
- 3 great routes. 10, 32, 62 miles.
- Mechanics on site
- icy cold towels at finish
- snacks/drinks at all rest stops.

Sharkman has signed up and will be doing the 62 miler and hopes to have plenty of the Nation join him!

Don't just sit there Bunkie! Register now!

Learn and register here:

So come on Nation! Let's show our support! Ride with Sharkman!


Belo News
May 29, 2014

Battle Creek, Mi. - Team Active in Battle Creek has announced a special day for riders!

Come and join Sharkman and Lava Girl as they ride the Summer Solstice, Full Moon ride!

With donuts!

(They had Sharkman at “donuts!”)

From Team Active:

Full Moon In June!

Come join us on Saturday, June 14th for a fun filled day and night here at Team Active. We will be celebrating the summer solstice with lots of activities throughout the day culminating in a night ride followed by pizza and beer.

Some of the daytime activities include:

  • Demo rides on the latest bikes by Cannondale and Trek
  • Raffle Drawings for Free Stuff
  • Flat Repair Clinics
  • Yoga For Cycling
  • Tent Sale with great deals on all things cycling
Then at 9 PM we will meet here at Team Active for the "Full Moon In June" ride. We will pedal up to Sweetwater's Donut Mill and grab a donut then head back to Team Active for Pizza, Beer and Pop. The cost of the ride is $25.00 and includes a T-shirt and covers your donut, pizza and beverage. You will need to have a headlight and taillight on your bike.If you would like a T-shirt, we are asking people to pre-register by June 1st by calling the store at 269-962-7688 so we can get the T-shirts ordered.

It's going to be a fun day. Come celebrate the arrival of summer with us!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Skipper returns!





Belo News
May 17, 2014

Galesburg, Mi – As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, one could almost hear the muttering from a block away. “May 17 and still 39 degrees?” Oh, the humanity!

The Pirate returns bundled up and ready!
Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, pondered what to chose from his wide haberdashery of cycling apparel.
Our hero was concerned that he may be warm at the start, but hot later as the day got warmer.  What to wear, what to wear, what to wear???

It was only he and Mad Dog on the way over to the start and no entourage to greet him into Galesburg, though Iceman had mentioned that Team Taylor would be taking part on this cool morning.

The primary discussion on the way to the start was HOW DAMN COLD IT STILL WAS IN MAY!

Despite the cold, and the fact that the Yankee Springs Time trials were the next day, approximately 17 riders were in attendance for the ride! The teram, “approximately” being used because riders tend to jump on and off the ride sometimes making an accurate count difficult.

Making their season debut's were the Pirate, Tow Truck AND the Skipper!

Sharkman accused the Tow Truck of feeling guilty for not being there to stretch out the peloton for the finish and Belo News whining about it.......

Welcome back to the mighty Minion Nation gentlemen!

The Pirate was wearing a BAD jersey and kit that had something to do with a Belgium Beer named Duchennes or something to that affect, but looked more like “Bikers Against Douches!” (see photo)
"Bikers Against Douches!"

The Pirate had also brought with him a couple of Minion Virgins who will need names. Matt and Dave were joining in for their first rides and it turned out that Matt had grown up knowing Stryker Guy's daughter!

Wait, how hold are these guys? You don't want to know.......

Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Matt and Dave. Better start working on those nicknames before Sharkman does!

After a couple of weeks of taking a “styling backseat” to Cheese, Squeaky arrived in yet another, display of sartorial splendor! (More on that in the “Style Section” of this fine, classy publication). He did stop off on his way at a Garage Sale to look for additional cycling apparel.

 Tow Truck making his season debut!
The Team Taylor contingent of Iceman, Kia Pet and Chains also came rolling in.

With the Skipper in attendance, all was right with the world as he lined up the Nation for the start!

After a shout out from the Skipper, the sound of pedals clicking in and a cheer from the adoring fans, the Minion Train pulled out of the station at 9:00 a.m. - SHARP!

The Klutch looked a little empty as the Nation drifted by and began to head north where they did not see the “Sweetheart of the Peloton,”  Gazelle Girl approach! Skipper continued to lead the Nation, as well as our hero, the Sharkman, along with the two virgin Minions, Matt and Steve.  However,  Sharkman finally quit worrying about Gazelle Girl and attacked, taking the sprint going away.

As they approached the first G crossing, they found Gazelle Girl and Ironman waiting to ride. Apparently they got out a bit early and headed north ahead of the Nation.

For the most part, the ride was very mellow and there did not seem to be the usual early attacks through the col de Twin Lakes, the Kountry Klub section and the dreaded col de Norte, where the Nation gathered up for the trip down the east side of the lake.

Just as the Nation made the turn to head through the Holy Rollers, “Mechanical” was heard
Virgin Minions Dave and Matt.
and the Nation pulled over for Chains to fix a flat tire. A few Riders were far enough ahead that they did not hear the call and some came back and some waited, as good Minions, at Frona's.

Zickman, perhaps feeling a bit guilty for stealing the Inlet Sprint from Sharkman the previous week, went by our hero and said, “latch on!” Sharkman gave it all he could as his lead out man, Zickman pulled aside and gave our hero the sprint! 

Nice work Zickman!

Bissell Boy and Skipper dropped off just before the Digital Divide and the Nation formed up a very nice pace line going south. Sharkman noted an average speed of only 17.1 in this section and even with the genial feel in the peloton, as well as the flat, that speed seemed a bit pedestrian.

Stryker Guy, who will be celebrating a birthday this week (Happy Birthday Styker Guy) likes to win a sprint on his Birthday and this day would be no different as he attacked Gazelle Girls cherished GGG Spot and took the sprint. Average Speed at this time was up to 17.4 mph.

As the Nation headed south for the grand finaly, no one seemed to want to head to the front, which, as our readers know, worries the Sharkman. Squeaky, Zickman, Kia Pet, Tow Truck, Sharkman, Mad Dog and others were all riding near or at the front and as the fast moving train crested the final hill, there was that slowing down that Sharkman hates, that indicates the sprinters were all trying to get into position for the push to the finish.

As the crush moved towards the finish line, Chains, moving up on the outside, and Tow Truck, making a move to the outside from the pack, bounce off each other and the horrifying sound of metal hitting metal could be heard. Sharkman stated at the Press Conference that he actually saw something fly off of one of the bikes!

To their credit, both riders were able to stay upright and moving forward, as the back half of the peloton stayed back for fear of a crash, while Iceman, Ironman and Zickman fought it out to finish one, two, three.

With a collective sigh of relief that no one got hurt, the Nation rode down the Champs le Galesburg before their adoring fans and the paparazzi.

Andy was waiting with hot coffee and Sharkman actually bought his own. He had learned from Zickman that he had given him credit the week before when it was actually Wildman who bought (sorry Wildman, but at least now you get your name in the blog without actually riding!). While he was being reminded of his forgetting who bought, Ironman claimed that Sharkman had also given him credit for a couple of Rainman sprint wins.
The Style Guy is back!

Sharkman reminded the questioning Minions of his advanced age and commented that as he slides into senile dementia, some people may not even know the difference in him. 

 If you want to be mentioned in Belo News, send the Editor and email Bunkie!!!

Sharkman then gave a lecture on the powers of Pop Tarts and shared that this season, his favorite was Peanut Butter! 

Is this a great country or what?!?

The Nation stuck around at the Klutch for quite a while and Sharkman was happy to have Mad Dog available to pull his sorry dorsal home.

This weekend is Memorial Day!

So break out your Red, White and Blue kit to help commemorate this Holiday!


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Launch time – 8:30 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

Take that Cheese!

Belo News
May 17, 2014

Galesburg, Mi. - As regular readers of Belo News are aware, for years, Squeaky has been known as “The Style Guy.” After all, who introduced the Nation to the famous “Safety Parachute Jacket,” the green nylon sweat pants with slit up the leg, the jacket that had burn holes in the arm, the polar strength toque and gloves, the bike pump tucked into soccer shorts, the broken watch stuffed in a sock, loose handlebar tape, socks over shoes.....and on and on and on.....

Squeaky's pre-ride shopping spree!
However, lately Cheese has seemed to make a move on the Squeakman with his coordinated green and yellow kit, his lime green socks, and yellow shoes. Pretty strong statement Cheese.

However, Squeak was not to be out done and arrived for the ride this week in his own green and yellow kit!

Not only that, but in these never before seen photos, one of our investigative reporters was able to photograph the Squeak Man actually purchasing some of his wardrobe at a local Garage Sale! Has this guy got class or what?!? 

The Sqeak Man is back as the Nation's Style guy and if readers have any "Style Questions," bring them on!

Polar Bear on the podium!

Belo News
May 18, 2014

Hastings, Mi. - Belo News is well aware that many of the Nation were up at the Yankee Springs Mountain Bike Time Trials on Sunday. However, only one sent any information in to Belo News! Come on Nation, if you want to be in this fine, classy publication, get on the program and send “stuff” in!

Actually, Polar Bear didn't send these photos in. Momma Bear did! Go Momma Bear!

Congratulations Polar Bear on a great Time Trial!

Polar Bear and Baby Bear!

Polar Bear in action!

Polar Bear has a great Press Agent! Thanks Momma Bear!


Belo News
May 21, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - As many Minions know, Team Taylor puts on a ride every June to raise money for the Make A Wish Foundation and the WAM ride in July. The past two years the Nation has suspended the Saturday ride to ride for Team Taylor. This year, Sharkman will be back to lead the Nation in the 100K (62 mile) ride so mark your calendars AND register at the link below!

Here are some facts about the ride from Iceman hizzelf:


Can you put a shout out into next weeks Belo News for our Tour de Taylor? (TdT).

Saturday June 14, 2014

- 2012 TdT riders 250
- 2013TdT riders 350
- 2014 TdT rider ??? lets grow this thing!!

- Free Tech T shirt if signed up by end of May.
- Free post ride cookout and soft drinks compliments of Asiago's Bakery and Deli.
- 3 great routes. 10, 32, 62 miles.
- Mechanics on site
- icey cold towels at finish
- snacks/drinks at all rest stops.

The Nation might not know it, but there is a Wish Kid in their midst, all grown up now (well sort of) and fast on a bicycle... seems to get flats alot...

Have the Minions ride over and back, make it a century day!!

And the kicker... Team Taylor has donated just over $1 million !!!! since my Taylor passed away 7 years ago at age 14. We donate to Make A Wish of Michigan and to Walk Tall Foundation for Kids. We can't do this without great friends and supporters like all of you!!

Learn and register here:

Thanks Sharkman.

It's for the kids and families...

Rob aka Iceman

So come on Nation! Let's show our support!

Own the bike that Stingray made famous! Or made him
famous, or... whatever, it's a cool ride!

Belo News
May 21, 2014

Battle Creek, Mi. - Hey Nation! Stingray is selling his Trek Fuel! Here is the information! If you are interested, let Sharkman know and he will put you in touch with Stingray!

Hey I have a Mt bike for sale, would you mind posting it in the blog?

2014 Trek Fuel EX 8
Frame Size 19.5
Fox Evolution suspension front/rear with CTD (Climb-Trail-Descend). 120mm Travel
Bontrager Duster wheels & XR4 tires
Shifters/Front Derailleur--Shimano SLX
Rear derailleur—Shimano Deore XT Shadow Plus
Crank—swapped the stock triple for a Shimano SLX 2x10
Cassette—Shimano HG62 11-36 10 speed

Bought new from Team Active August ’13. Approx 250 miles. Well cared for, excellent condition.

Asking $2000.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Kia Pet, Iceman and Chains escort the Sharkman upon
his return to the Nation!





Belo News
May 10, 2014

Galesburg, Mi – As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was filled with excitement as he contemplated his return to the Nation. As anyone who is anyone in the cycling world was aware, our hero had been out west on Sharklet Sitting “Dooty” for two weeks and had not been with his beloved Nation. He knew that his mighty Minion Nation was awaiting his return and with the better than normal weather, he was anticipating a good turnout!  He would not be disappointed on this beautiful day!

As the garage door on the Shark Cove went up, the first thing our hero noticed was that the young Rainman was getting his trusty steed ready and with special interest to his rear tire.

Rainman's rear wheel.  It is only flat on the bottom!?!
As Sharkman waited in the street, Nikeboy rode up, making his first “official” appearance of the young season. Mad Dog had already texted our hero to let him know they would meet on the road, as he had headed out early to get some additional miles.

About half way to the start, the undeniable sound of a tire flatting was heard and it was of course, young Rainman's rear wheel. Sharkman and Nikeboy went on ahead in hopes of holding the Nation so that Rainman and Mad Dog could catch on at the start, while Mad Dog stayed to assist.

As Sharkman and Nikeboy descended into the quiet village of Galesburg they noticed three riders in similar kit approaching. It was none other than the Team Taylor contingent riding out to escort our hero to the start! Iceman, Kia Pet (we believe making his season debut) and the former “Bounty Hunter” rode up to make sure the Sharkman was properly led through town and to the start. Is this a great country or what?!?
E.T. phone home! Rainman calls
Tardette. "I'm in the parking lot....."

It was then that Iceman stated he was making an appeal to the Commissioner of Cycling to change Bounty Hunters name to “Chains.” Iceman went on to reveal that he thought the name “Bounty Hunter” was way too cool AND that B.H. had actually broken 5 mountain bike chains last season. Apparently the Commissioner of Cycling is taking the name change under advisement as he is also reviewing the Cannons name.

As the Nation is aware, the Cannon does all his talking with his bike and is a man of few words. Therefore the Commissioner was unaware that he already had a name that all know him by before becoming a Minion.  He was only named the Cannon due to his speed and well, the fact that his last name has Kannen in it. However, the Sharkman has learned that he is known far and wide as “Skittles” and the Commish is taking that name under advisement as well.

Minion Virgin, Rosie!  Welcome Rosie!
As the riders weaved through town to the start, B-Rod approached to join the escort and Sharkman asked him if he was playing basketball after the ride? 

Why, you ask.....?

B-Rod was sporting knee socks that he explained were support hose for his tired his piston like legs. 

Go figure.

The Sock Craze continued as Cheese pulled in with, what looked like designs on stealing the title of “Style Guy” from the Squeak Man!

As the picture indicates, Cheese was adorned in one of the wildest colored kits in Minion history, but it was the socks that seemed to mesmerize our hero. 

So wild, yet one couldn't look away!  Well, without sunglasses......

Not to be outdone, Squeaky was sporting a chain stain on his left leg! An investigation was immediately launched in an attempt to determine how one can get a chain tattoo on the leg opposite the chain, however subsequent inquiry proved negative and it can only be assumed Squeaky had spent some time riding side saddle. Is this guy a trend setter or what?!?

Riders began to pile into the start, one of which was a new “Virgin Minion” by the name of Brad,
Cheese makes a move on Style Guy!
aka Rosie!

Sharkman had met Rosie at a wedding in January and he is also Wildman's neighbor (poor guy.....).

Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Rosie! Sorry you have to live near Wildman......

Though Hoosier Boy had made an appearance at the Klutch for autographs early in the year, he was making his season debut this fine morning along with the legendary Bissell Boy! 

 Welcome back, Minions!

Just as the Nation began chomping to get started, Rainman and Mad Dog pulled in and Hoosier Boy got his pump out for Rainman to top off his repaired rear tire. Unfortunately, after a few pumps, the sweet sound of the chuck releasing from the stem, and a quick ride around the parking lot, another “bang” rang out and Rainman had flatted yet again.

Is this style or what?!? Sharkman was
Though the Nation offered tubes (good Minions all) Rainman said it was easier for Tardette to find him at the start than later on the course and he chose to call home for a ride......(lucky for Sharkman too, as Rainman and Tardette went to the Farmers Market in Kazoo, where the infamous Boffo was selling his wares and gave Rainman a gift to take Sharkman of his fantastic Grainery Milled Oats which the old Shark has been eating all week! Oh, the humanity! Thanks Boffo!)

Just as the Nation was beginning to head out, Polar Bear came rolling up on a new (or gently used, Belo News is unsure) Pinarello! Wasn't this guy fast enough without getting a Pinarello? Polar Bear now looks fast standing still!

As approximately 24 Minions approached the Klutch, Gazelle Girl was waiting at the turn and was greeted by the Nation. Kid Doster and Ranger Rick soon jumped on as well.

Sharkman, who has been winning the first sprint from the middle of the peloton this season, was still mesmerized by both B-Rod and Cheeses socks, as they lead him to the first sprint, which he took easily.
Hoosier Boy makes his debut!

Toast also latched on to the Nation but stated he would be pulling off, as he had broken a shift cable and wouldn't be able to stay with the group.

At the first G crossing, Gazelle Girl announced that the Nation had to wait as she undressed. 

Wait, .....what?

The Nation caught their collective breath as they learned she was only removing her jacket.....

After all, it was warming up......

Whoa, the humanity.......

At the G Ave. crossing, the count of riders was estimated at 26-27. As regular readers are aware, Belo News has trouble counting past 15.....

The ride was also picking up speed as the Nation headed into the col de Twin Lakes and on to Rt. 89.

The weather was warming as was the speed as the Nation Train pushed past the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner and into the Kountry Klub section.

As the peloton made the turn after the Kountry Klub, Stryker Guy put in a sprint that shredded the peloton to pieces. Sharkman was thinking that the crafty Stryker Guy wanted to win the sprint near the Stryker Guy Estate and immediately grabbed on to his wheel. Sharkman started thinking he might name the sprint “Stryker Guy Sprint” if the intrepid rider could pull of the win!

However, it was not to be as the Nation regrouped and caught back on to the lead riders and passing them like just so much road kill. Oh, the humanity.......

Bissell Boy makes his 2014 debut!
As the Nation approached the base of the col de Norte climb, another “BANG” was heard as Kid Doster had his second flat of the season. With no Cannon (or Skittles) in the peloton, this flat took a bit longer to get fixed before the Nation started to head up the col de Norte and on through the Holy Rollers and on to Frona's.

Sharkman surprised everyone by contesting the inlet sprint, only to have Zickman take it at the last second.

After the Digital Divide crossing, the Nation formed up into a rapidly moving pace line and Sharkman noted the speed at around 18.6 mph.

Gazelle Girl made a move at her favorite “spot,” the GGG Spot Sprint, however the move was covered by the iridescent sock wearing Cheese who must not have gotten the memo on this being Gazelle Girls sprint!

As the Nation slowed at the GGG Spot Crossing, Sharkman shared his concern that with the large peloton and no Tow Truck or Hossman to string out the train, the Nation had to be VERY careful in the finishing sprint and that lines needed to be adhered to.

Sensing the concern and being the Minions that they are, several riders decided to throw themselves on their swords and head to the front to help spread the speeding train out.

First Squeaky, the Style Man hizzelf, took off, leading Iceman, Bounty Hunter and Sharkman clinging to his wheel. Shortly after, Hoosier Boy came forward to put in a humongous pull, followed by Mad Dog and then Zickman, who not only took up the speed, but backed off wondering where everyone was, stud that he is!

Meanwhile, Iceman and B-Rod were biding their time waiting to make a move.
The Peloton watches Gazelle Girl undress.......

As the Nation crested the final hill to the finish, all hell broke loose and the real race began.

Iceman, riding his cross bike, went to the front with a cast of thousands on his wheel. However, he was not to be denied as B-Rod and Kid Doster followed him to take the top three spots on the podium.

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the tofosi and paparazzi cheered the return of the Sharkman, as well as the large Minion Train that pulled into town.

Andy was waiting and actually had extra staff on board to handle the crush of Minions, press and tofosi that follows the Minions wherever they go.

Zickman, wanting to make sure he got his name in Belo News, was quick to buy our hero his koffee. But never fear Minion Nation, there is plenty of season left for each of you to purchase a kup for the old Shark!

New Minion, Great Dane asked if this was the normal number of riders for the KK-TdG and Sharkman told him that it was large for the time of year, so there is no telling how many riders will show up after Memorial Day, when the number of riders usually grows substantially!

The atmosphere was rocking at the Klutch and riders seemed to hang on a bit to chat with the press, sign autographs and kiss babies. Is this a great country or what?!?

What will happen next week?!? Gotta come out to find out, Bunkie!

The forecast is for a low of 38 degrees Friday night and only a high of 55 on Saturday and 50% chance of rain. So the launch time will remain the same and riders can only hope that summer, or even spring, will arrive at some point in Western Michigan. Or did the Nation miss it?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

Ride to work with the Sharkman!



Belo News
May 14, 2014

Battle Creek, Mi. - This week is National Bike Week! This Friday in National Bike to Work Day!

In recognition of this week, Team Active is giving riders a free Cannondale Headlight if they commute to work for a day! And here is your chance.

Sharkman is on the Battle Creek Bicycle Committee and will be leading the southern route from the Sears Parking Lot at Lakeview Square to the Downtown wave park where riders will meet. Those Minions who live and/or work in Battle Creek can join their hero ride to work downtown! So if you live outside Battle Creek, you can drive to Sears with your bike and commute into town!



So come on and ride with the Sharkman, actually commute to work (you know you've been wanting to!)


This ride goes, rain or shine so come on out Friday!

Be there!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.