Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Toast holding court at the Klutch!




Belo News
April 19, 2014

Galesburg, Mi. - As the Nation is now aware, the “Great Video” experiment did not go well in last weeks Edition. Though the logical conclusion would be “Operator Error” on the part of the Editors here at Belo News, and though they should have guessed something was wrong when it took almost 2 ½ hours to upload the video of the finish, the editors have committed to keep trying so that the Nation can not only read about themselves, but can watch themselves as well! After all, in the mighty Minion Nation it IS ALL about us!

Please bear with Belo News as we work on this new technology!

Now, on to this weeks story......

As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, had begun to obsess over what he would chose from his wide haberdashery of stylish cycling apparel. The Shark Forecasting System was reporting that it would be around 40 degrees when he would launch from the Cove but would be around 65 when he would exit the Klutch for the ride home.

As he was pondering this decision, Sharkman received a text from Mad Dog. Apparently he had been drinking too much coffee already and needed to get out early. He informed our hero that he would meet up with him on the road.

As the Shark Cove garage door lifted, Sharkman noted that Rainman was suited up and ready to rock.

As predicted, the two picked up Mad Dog, as well as an east tail wind that literally allowed them to coast most of the way to the start. 

Sharkman likes to coast.....

As they arrived, they were taken aback by all of the cars in the parking lot!

Several new Virgin Minions were in the mix and some actually had Minion names already!

It seemed to be Father and Son day as long time Minions Ox and Easty brought their sons with them (though Easty forgot his helmet! Oh, the humanity!)
Ox with son "Oxito!"

Ox son immediately was named “Oxito” (Little Ox in Spanish though he is taller than the old man!). It was easy to name Easty's son, and so that there was not confusion, he was immediately named “Westy.”

Welcome to the Nation Oxito and Westy!

Next up was another Minion Virgin who had come with Cheese. His name was Jeff but two suggestions came up during the ride, “Mr. Rodgers” and “Snotty.” Though his last name is Rodgers, the Editors are unsure where “Snotty” came from, so let's hear from the Nation what his name should be!

Welcome to the Nation Snotty or Mr. Rodgers, whatever!

Also in the mix was a Virgin Minion named Mark who stated his name was “Ollie.” Love those names!

Welcome to the Nation Ollie!

Next up was attempting to figure out how to get a helmet for Easty, who was riding around the parking
Minion Virgin Ollie with Polar Bear!
Welcome to the Nation Ollie!
lot asking all those who had driven to the start if they had an extra one in their car. A Team Active Mini Van was on site and Sharkman checked it to find the Cannon sitting in the drivers seat on a conference call, however, he did not have an extra helmet in the van!

After every option was checked, Easty decided to ride to Gazelle Girls Triple Nasty Ranchero to see if she had an extra helmet. Once he had directions, he and Westy took off for the Ranchero.

Meanwhile, the riders kept pouring in!

Toast was back and reported that he had knee replacement surgery just 4 weeks prior to the ride! Is they guy a super stud or what! Stryker Guy immediately asked if it was a Stryker Replacement Knee and when he learned it was, quickly entered negotiations with Toast to be a poster child for their superior medical prostheses!

As all of this was going on, the Style Guy rode in! Yes, the Style Guy, none other than Squeaky, was actually wearing a cycling type balaclava instead of the double ear protection/stocking cap combination.  He als was wearing sweatpants, over which he had "layered" soccer pants, as well as knee high tube socks with the sweatpants tucked in! Does this guy know style or what? 

Everyone will be wearing this stuff and hopefully the bike shops will start stocking up on soccer shorts and tube socks now! 

Snotty or Mr. Rodgers with Cheese!
We report, you decide!
All told, 22 Minions made the ride Saturday that had a cool start, but a warm finish!

Meanwhile, Gazelle Girl had actually planned to ride downtown to the start and was caught at the Klutch by Easty and Westy. They hammered back to the Ranchero, where Toe Setter had locked the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" out of the house. Gazelle Girl had to locate the secret key before getting into the house to get a helmet, while Easty was supposed to hold the Nation at HJ and 36th Street!

As the peloton raced by the intersection, Easty was up the road on HJ and gave a signal that Sharkman misinterpreted and thought he was saying, “no Gazelle Girl,” so the Nation kept going.

Sharkman again won the first sprint from the peloton where he was also conducting an interview with the tofosi and pondered why he hadn't thought of this before! He was quoted as saying, “it is so easy from back here I may have to consider this for the finishing sprint!”

After the first sprint, the peloton waited and sure enough, there was Gazelle Girl, Easty and Westy back in the peloton and all was well in the kingdom!

The wind seemed to push the Nation up the Col de Twin Lakes and on to the Rt. 89 crossing, past the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner and on to the Kountry Klub section where the speed picked up considerably.

Just at the peloton passed the Kountry Klub, “flat!” was heard and the train splintered between the
Sqeaky, the Style Guy, sporting his
Tube Socks and Soccer Pants!
scene of the flat, the Kountry Klub parking log and the turn after the Kountry Klub. Easty had flatted (he was having a rough day) but Cannon, the fastest flat changer in the Nation, helped out and the train got back on track pretty quickly.

When all had gathered up at the Rt. 43 stop, Sharkman lead the Nation down the hill and past some of the baddest road along the KK-TdG. What use to be one of the smoothest parts of the ride now has pot holes that families could live in!

As the Nation climbed the col de Norte and headed south, they could feel the wind coming out of the east and the fast moving train seemed to split into several smaller groups.

The Nation grouped through Frona's, the Inlet Sprint and on to the Digital Divide where someone asked about how it got it's name. Gazelle Girl then shared the story (which can be found in the archives of Belo News to the right of the page.....however the Editors cannot remember which edition it was in) of how she had found a cell phone crossing Rt. 89 and how she got it back to it's owner.

Just before the GGG Spot Sprint, another “flat” was shouted out and this time it was Kid Doster's turn to have to change a tire. Again, Cannon went back to move things along but the Nation was great about waiting as the tire was repaired.

Yeti Boy conducting pre-race interviews!
As the Nation headed south all were on for the final sprint and Easty and Sharkman commented on how much fun it was to watch the sprinters attempt to position themselves for the final assault on the Stop Ahead Finish.

The Nation seemed to be in a very nice (by Minion standards) double pace line as the finish loomed ahead.

Sharkman was a bit worried at how the Nation had clumped up for the finish but all was well in the peloton.

Rainman made his move halfway down the final descent and Cannon went after him, followed by a cast of thousands. As all are aware, Belo News does not report the final sprint winners until at least May and if it doesn't warm up soon, June this year!

Average Speed was down to 18.4 mph this week, but a lot of that may have been due to the two flat tires and the positioning going on in the final sprint finish that seemed to slow and bunch up the riders for a slower run down 37th but a very fast finish.

The Nation needs Tow Truck and Hossman back in the mix to lead out the young sprinters!

The crowds again went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the Nation strutted their stuff to the tofosi,
New Owner, Andy, pouring the koffee!
paparazzi and the sponsors!

B-Rod told Sharkman he had no money, so Sharkman bought for the first 5 Minions in line, then Rainman threw out some money and paid it forward for the next few! Is this a great country or what?!?

Luann was training the new owner, Andy, who was refilling the kups of koffee and working harder
Easty (left) & Westy (right) talking with Mad Dog.
Welcome to the Nation Westy!
                                                                                                                                                                    than a onearmed wallpaper hanger! Welcome to the Nation Andy!

Hoosier Boy then came rolling in to sign a few autographs after running a race up north of the course. Good to see him back in the mix!

Sharkman was very glad he had Mad Dog and Rainman to pull him home into the now very strong east wind.

Unfortunately, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, will miss the next two rides as he heads out to Santa Fe to do some high altitude training and babysitting for his Sharklets!

But the ride goes on! The Commissioner of Cycling continues to want to move the start time up, and many have asked about this, but the cold weather has not cooperated this year! The forecast for this Saturday is for 37 on Friday night and only a high of 56 for the day, so the start
Toast, 6 weeks after knee replacement! Whoa!
will stay the same for one more week and start times will start moving up in May.

This Saturday, April 26, 2014

Launch Time Still 10:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

Hoosier Boy stops by to sign autographs!


Well, almost. That's why we need YOU!

Back in the day, the Friday Night Tour de Gull ride (part of the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club's line up) was a fast and friendly frolic around the lake. Sadly, over the past few years the ride turned from fast and friendly to fast and f___ you with a fair amount of jack assidry ensuing. Unfortunately, attendance dropped considerably. 

The good news is that the riders who preferred the fast and f___ you pace have drifted away and the ride is back to fast and friendly. But we need folks to join us out there and get our numbers back up to the old days of 12-18 riders having a great ride on a great course on a Friday night. (Average speed around 20-21 mph.) 

The ride starts at the Galesburg High School at 6 pm this Friday and goes to 6:15 pm at the beginning of May. E.mail me if you have any questions Come on out!

Gazelle Girl



Belo News
April 23, 2014

Shark Cave, Mi. - The Commissioner of Cycling wants to commend the Nation for some great, safe riding this year! The Minions have been super about watching out for fellow Minions who have fallen off the back and have been great (for the most part) about stopping at the Stop Signs and waiting, moving to the right to allow cars to pass, and generally communicating well.

However, we do want to remind everyone of the importance of three things.

1.  When a rider hears "Car Back!"  please attempt, as best you can, to get two abreast which is Michigan Law.  Remember, we are guest around Gull Lake and we do not want to wear out our welcome so move on over.

2.  Please do not cross the yellow lines, particularly on hills and also, insure that you “hold your lines.” We had a lot of crossing of the yellow lines in the Holy Roller Section last week and those hills can create a major problem if a car is coming from the opposite direction and someone is across the line. 

3. Finally, with all the potholes, it is very easy to make sudden moves and it is crucial that riders be aware that when they are in a group, they need to be mindful of who is around them and sudden moves can take the peloton down very quickly.

Remember, cycling can be an inherently dangerous sport and everyone is responsible for their own safety and rides at their own discretion. As it says on our Mast Head;

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any and all ridera involved.

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