Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Nation Rocks on Video!



Belo News
April 12, 2014

Galesburg, Mi. - What a difference a week makes! Well, that and warm weather!

Twenty four of the Nation showed up to ride the KK-TdG AND to take the pace up! This group was ready to rock along with the warm weather.
The Nation ready to roll!
As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman bound out of covers when the sunshine bounced of the Sharkman Bobble-head next to his Shark bed.

Our hero had planned to make his first ride over with Mad Dog and then get a ride back from Yeti Boy, who was driving to the start. Sharkman could not have picked a better day!

At 9:00 A.M. - SHARP! Mad Dog rode up to the Cove as Sharkman continued to peal off layers he thought he would need. It was warming up fast and the sun was shining bright!

Is this a great country or what!

Mad Dog and Sharkman chatted it up, as they cruised on over to the start. The wind was fairly light, but they detected that it was coming out of the west and increasing as they rode over.

At the start, they found B-Rod unloading his steed and making his season debut as riders just kept piling into the start.
Polar Bear was back!

As regular readers of Belo News are aware, it can be difficult to mention all the many Minions who ride, but many photo's were taken, particularly of those who were making their season debut.

New to the Nation was an Eaton rider that came along with Wildman. They were in matching kit and Sharkman quickly awarded them “kit of the Day” designation. Of course, Jim did not have a Minion name, and did not seem to do anything crazy on the ride to warrant one, YET.

But a big welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Jim (to be named later)!

Brewman, a regular early arriver pulled in as did Polar Bear making his season debut. Ranger Rick, Rainman (who didn't get his but out of bed in time to make the ride over with Mad Dog and Sharkman) pulled in followed by Stryker Guy, Dr. Dave, Boatman, and then the grand entrance of the Style Guy, hizzelf, Squeaky!

Squeaky, The Style Guy was back!
Yes, Squeaky was back and donned in the sartorial splendor that has made him famous in the Nation!

Sporting the kind of clothes one would wear on an Arctic Expedition, Squeaky not only had ear covers, but a thick stocking cap over them, as well as winter leather gloves, sweat pants, and extra layers of shirts. Realizing that it was a bit warm for all the clothing, the Style Guy strapped the leftover clothing around his aero bars and tied it all together with the sleeves of a long sleeve tee! Once again, the Nation clamored to get a better look at this “Man of style.”

Yeti Boy arrived with his Go Pro camera, which intrigued Stryker Guy, and was ready to start to film the Nation on this beautiful morning.

Moments later, Ryan pulled in who has managed to maintain such a low profile in the peloton, he has not received a name in over two years! Shortly after, Iceman and Nickhead from Team Taylor rode in on their cyclocross bikes! What studs!

All in all, 19 riders got ready as Sharkman lined up the Nation for a final photo and at 10:00 A.M. - “SHARP!” the Nation launched the start!

Sharkman spent a lot of time in the peloton “pressing the flesh” and welcoming his beloved Minions
Wildman & Jim in their Eaton kit, looking good!
back for the season. As the Nation pulled out of the start, riders started approaching. First Wrongway pulled up as the Nation approached the Klutch, where Luann and a customer were waiting to cheer the nation on.

After the Nation got onto 36th Street and headed north, they saw two more riders approach, one of whom was the Sweetheart of the Peloton and riding legend, Gazelle Girl. She was riding with Ironman who seemed a bit miffed that he did not get the same shout out that she did.

More riders piled on, like Easty and after Sharkman crushed B-Rod and Zickman in the Opening Sprint while still in the peloton, the count of riders went up to 24! Oh, the humanity.

There were so many riders, not all of them made it across G Ave. and Sharkman went back to get Wildman and Jim.

The Nation could feel the wind as they headed to the next sprint, where everyone waited, like good Minions, for Sharkman to get back to the peloton.

Nickhead & Iceman of Team Taylor were there!
After the Nation blew apart on the col de Twin Lakes, they actually caught the light at 89 and continued up the col de No Name, past the Yorkville Church, around Kellogg Korner and through the Kountry Klub section where the pace was really picking up! It appeared that the Nation had already shaken off their winter legs! Is this April or June?!?

All riders were on at the summit of the col de Norte and the nation could feel the wind behind them as they headed south to the Holy Rollers.

At one point, Sharkman looked over at Squeaky and noticed he was sweating like a gypsy with a mortgage! Yet his extra clothing was neatly wrapped around his aero bars! And that, is why he is known as “The Style Guy!”

As the Nation headed south, Yeti Boy asked if the peloton could wait for him to film them coming down the hill after Frona's. Sharkman, always looking to be immortalized in film, consented to hold the Nation at Frona's but told the budding documentary film maker that he would have to worry, because holding back the Nation would be like asking 5 year olds to sit still!

Yeti Boy busted ahead at the Frona stop as Dr. Dave's phone rang. He was apparently needed in
Stryker Guy taking a gander at Yeti Boys gear!
surgery and someone thought they heard him say, “go ahead and cut the red one and see if that works......”
Dr. Dave signaled the Nation to go ahead and he would take the cutoff.

Knowing that there was a video camera out there somewhere, Sharkman shot off to the lead with Rainman so he could get his pretty face in the video. At the bottom of the hill, before the turn to the sprint on the Inlet leg, there was Yeti Boy to shoot the video! Pretty cool and our intrepid hero was in front!

After the inlet sprint, Sharkman asked Gazelle Girl to hold the Nation at the Digital Divide as he went back for Yeti Boy. Yeti Boy and Sharkman picked up Dr. Dave at the Inlet and shortly after he got, yet another call and had to pull over stating he would catch us at the Klutch.

As good Minions, the Nation was waiting at the Digital Divide, where a safe crossing was made and a VERY informal pace line formed up and the speed went up immediately, but was yet very comfortable for the early season.

Ranger Rick was back as well!
There was some “fun” sprinting to the GGG finish and Sharkman's Cat-eye was showing 18.3 miles per hour as they crossed G to begin the final sprint.

A group of riders went to the front, with many of the Nation marking major sprinters at the back, trying to catch a ride to the sprint. Wrongway was leading the pack and Sharkman went around to hang on to his wheel. The Nation sat in through the final ascent, on the short flat and then made their move as the down hill finish began. It was pure bedlam and the Nation careened down the hill to the finish with Rainman, Iceman, B-Rod, Wrongway, Nickhead and a cast of thousands all in the weeds.

Average speed last week, 16.3 mph. Average speed this week, 18.6 mph on Sharkman's computer and 18.8 mph on B-Rods. Because Sharkman made a couple of trips back for riders, the average speed was probably more like B-Rods! What a difference a week makes!

The crowds went wild with all the riders on the Champs le Galesburg and Luann was waiting with her hot Koffee as the Nation crawled in! Zickman was first in line and bought koffee for our intrepid hero! Is this a great country or what?!?
B-Rod explaining something to Boatman &

Luann stated that the Klutch was still sold and that it had only been delayed until April 25, when she will turn the keys over to Andrew!

We'll miss you Luann!

The Klutch rocked with Minions taking up three tables!

The weather was so good, that Sharkman decided to ride back with Mad Dog, making his first round trip of the year and racking up 53 miles for the day!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG!

The weather seems to want to stay cold and we haven't had too many complaints about the start time, so it will stay the same until we get some warmer weather!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Launch Time – 10:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!
Minions enjoying the Klutch!

The Klutch was rocking!

The finish....or most of it!
So, what did you think, Jim to be named later?

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