Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Opening Day finally arrived!



Belo News
April 5, 2014

Galesburg, Mi. - The emails  started coming in the minute Belo News went to press last week!

“Have a great Opening Day! I’ll be on Spring Break!”

“Sorry I can’t be there, I’ll be on Spring Break!”

“Hope to see you next week when I’m back from Spring Break!”

What the ……..?!?

Who knew Spring Break would get in the way of Opening Day?  Where are the Nations priorities!

Snow, sleet, freezing temps and now, Spring Break?!?

Sharkman began to worry, wondering if anyone would be at the start until he received a note from Mad Dog, “We riding over?”

Sharkman was ready to ride!
Unfortunately with the minimal miles our intrepid hero had on the bike, he gratefully declined riding over, but he knew that at least Mad Dog, and Sharkman’s Wingman, Yeti Boy, would be making the trip over (Yeti Boy wanted a ride to the start).  Gazelle Girl also checked in stating that she would be in attendance.  

After all, it was Opening Day!

As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, bound from his Shark Bed a bit groggy.  He had flown back from California where he had been visiting his Sharklet’s and had only arrived at the Cove at 10 p.m the previous evening.  Being on California time, it was very early for the old Shark as he pulled on his winter riding gear and loaded his faithful steed for the drive over to Galesburg.

The temperature was 34 degrees and the Shark had loaded on the clothes to insure his warmth after the sunshine in California!

After mounting the bike rack and bike to his car, he headed over to pick up Yeti Boy and then on to Galesburg.

As the two arrived at the start, a lone rider was circling the parking lot looking for other riders.  It was none other than the legendary Minion, Brewman.

As Sharkman and Yeti Boy worked to get their bikes ready, other minions began to appear.

First Kid Doster, then Cheese, and none other than Wrong Way sporting a single speed, belt driven cross bike!! 

What an animal!

Two other, heavily dressed riders pulled in who were identified as Zickman and Mad Dog after some of the layers of their clothing were pealed back to reveal their identity.

Gazelle Girl at the start!
After the Mayor of Galesburg and Governor Snyder made their remarks and the Sharkman was given the key to the city, yet another rider was seen on the horizon as the sun began to shine on the Nation.

It was Gazelle Girl, who did not want to be left out of the group photo!  

It has been some time since the “Sweetheart of the Peloton” had made it to the start and accordingly, the Nation went wild as she rode in to the cheers of her adoring paparazzi!

After the ceremonial photos were taken of the Nation, autographs for the Govenor and the Mayor, the lovely sound of pedals clicking in resounded around the Galesburg Middle School and the peloton pulled out of the station to begin the 2014 Season!  


As the Nation rode by the Klutch, Luann waved at the riders and everyone wondered if something had happen to the sale of the Klutch as the “For Sale” signs were again in the window.

The Nation headed up 37th street at a torrid pace of at least 15 mph with Sharkman and Kid Doster up front setting the pace.  Sharkman was hoping that if he stayed at the front, he might be able to control the Nation from blasting him out of the back of the peloton.

The pace picked up as the Nation approached the first sprint, taking it easily at a blistering pace of 16.3 mph! Sharkman was then heard to say, “I’m done for the day…..”

As the Nation headed towards the Col de Twin Lakes they could feel the strong northwest head winds buffeting them but knew that they would have the wind behind them on the way home. Additionally, the chatter in the peloton worked to keep the Nation warm as they attacked the hill.

Though the peloton split apart on the Col de Twin Lakes, it came back together and continued the chatter through Kellogg Korner and the Kountry Klub section of the ride, where Yeti Boy and Sharkman took to the front again, in an effort to keep the pace under control.  This seemed to work and it was not until the turn after the Kountry Klub that Zickman, with Kid Doster on his wheel, went to the front to contest the sprint.

The coffee was flowing!
The Nation came together at Rt. 43 and headed to the Col de Norte where there was still a considerable amount of snow on the side of the road, as well as some ice. 

All were on and still chattering as the train made it’s way south on the east side of the lake through the Holy Rollers, Frona’s and the Inlet sprints.

As a matter of fact, the Nation was so social, a pace line did not form up after the traditional spot at the Digital Divide and the entire Nation stayed together through the GGG Sprint where Zickman, Mad Dog and Kid Doster fought for the coveted sprint.

As the Nation climbed the final ascent, leading to the finish, Cheese made a move that was quickly covered by Zickman and Kid Doster and they were off to the races.  Meanwhile, Sharkman and Yeti Boy were having trouble getting into the large crank and Wrong Way, on his Single speed, were all pedaling air as the Nation moved to the finish.

As all Minions are aware, Belo News does not report the sprint finishes or the finish until at least mid-May.

As the Nation made it’s inaugural run down the Champs le Galesburg, the tofosi and paparazzi went wild cheering their heroes who quickly zipped up their jerseys for their sponsors, as well as to ward off the cold.

Is that a head of whip cream or what!?!
As the Nation approached the Klutch, craving some of Luann’s famous Koffee, they noticed a sign on the door……

A sign that read, “Closed at 11:00 a.m. for a Catering Event!”


Oh, the humanity!

On Opening Day!?! 

Oh, double the humanity!

Not to be unKoffeed, the Nation headed across the street to the bakery where they found the coffee was flowing!

And best yet, Cheese sprung for the coffee!  Is this a great country or what!

Zickman entertained the Nation with stories of the boat he is building and Yeti Boy gave a lecture on Colonial Mexico and more specifically San Miguel de Allende, while Cheese downed a cup of hot chocolate with a huge whip cream head on it!

Zickman showing Yeti Boy the boat he is building!

After getting their fill of coffee, hot chocolate and whip  cream, the Nation headed home with that mellow feeling that only comes from a great ride with great people.

You won’t want to miss this week’s edition, when hopefully all those absent due to Spring Break will return!  The forecast is for sunshine and in the 60’s, so is should be a great day to ride with plenty of the Nation back in the fold!

This Saturday, April 12, 2014

Launch Time - 10:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!



Dr. Dave, Gazelle Girl and Toesetter on the slopes!

Belo News
April 5, 2014

By Dr. Dave

Harbor Springs, Mi. - Clearly, the Opening Day of the KK – TDG was not enough exercise for Gazelle Girl!  

Looking for any excuse to exercise and enjoy a Bloody Mary at the same venue Gazelle Girl and Toesetter made the 4 hour drive up to Harbor Springs to partake in Telebration!  

This is an annual event traditionally held on Nubs last day of the season. This is where "Pinheads" from around the state gather to drop a knee, raise a heel (and a glass), and free their souls in a celebration of all things Telemark.

Dr. Dave, Gazelle Girl and Toesetter thoroughly enjoyed a fine day of Spring skiing in the 50 degree sunshine.

Time to hang up the sticks and catch up with the Minions on the bricks.

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Dave

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