Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bissell Boy & Durango Kid




Belo News
July 21, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. - The knock on the door of the Shark Cove was a little soft, and a little early, as our intrepid hero was just on his way down to the Shark Cove Basement to suit up for his beloved Minion Ride.  

The knock on the door was none other than this week's Celebrity Rider, the one and only Durango Kid, fresh in from Colorado!  The Durango Kid is a regular reader of Belo News and President of the Durango Chapter of the mighty Minion Nation!  He is also an 8 time veteran of the Iron Horse Race and hosted Sharkman and Yeti Boy in 2010 for the race.  He will also be hosting Sharkman and Lava Girl for the upcoming U.S. Pro Challenge in August!

Yes, yet another Celebrity Rider for the third week in a row!  Where does our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, come up with all these celebrities?  

Well, who doesn't want to ride with the mighty Minion Nation when in Michigan, eh Bunkie? 

Is this a great country or what?

The Durango Kid grew up in Battle Creek and is Yeti's Boy's brother in law.  He and the lovely Toni, his wife, were home for a summer visit.  The Skipper had graciously lent his Tuscany Litespeed to the Durango Kid for the next two rides!  That's right, the Durango Kid will be back again for this weeks ride!

(Editors Note - Sharkman is very appreciative for all the Minion support in getting bikes for all the celebrity riders and wants to thank Bissell Boy, Stingray, Tardette and Skipper for all the help!)

Is this a great Minion Nation or what?

When the Durango Kid and Sharkman pulled into the parking lot in Galesburg, only Airman and Stingray were unloading their bikes from their cars, but it was early, the Sharkman thought.  With about 4 minutes to start time, only a few more riders had shown up.  Sharkman started to worry, wanting the Durango Kid to experience the full joy of a well attended KK-TdG ride!

It was just as he was pondering the numbers that two groups of riders from the Gull Lake crew came roaring into the lot, along with other late comers.  With a minute or two to go, the numbers had swelled to over 20 riders.
The Nation gathers on International Jersey Day!

Bissell Boy knew the Durango Kid from their college years and they reminisced for a while before the start (see photo).

It was "International/State Jersey Day" and the response was a bit underwhelming.  Sharkman had his Irish Jersey on, as well as his Shamrock Socks, and the Durango Kid had "World" on his jersey, and of course there was Bling Girl in her Kentucky jersey, Polar Bear in his Union Jack and Bissell Boy with his Mick Jagger U.S. Jersey (sort of that "hands across the ocean" thing going), and Stingray in a Texas Jersey, and we think (can't remember) that Boatman had a Colorado Jersey on, but other than Airman in his Canadian Jersey (which is really cool!) there was no Mexico!  Where is Tow Truck when you need him!

With the Skipper absent to attend his son's wedding (Belo News believes the Skipper can be excused for that, right?), the mighty Nation headed out and as they rode past the Klutch, more riders jumped on as Luann waved and shouted her…"Ride safe!" message to the riders.

As the train headed north, three Team Taylor Riders jumped on and rode with Sharkman at the front and filled in our hero on the upcoming Make a Wish Ride.

As the first sprint loomed, Airman and B-Rod shot up to lead our hero out.  Sharkman was moving fast as he had some concerns the Team Taylor Riders were unaware of the "tradition" of the honorary sprint and he did not want to make them "Personna non Grata" in their first ride with the Nation!

Sharkman tried to get a count at the G Ave. crossing but once he got to 25 he stopped counting.  The morning was breaking bright and marvelous as the KK-TdG got into high gear!

The climb up the col de Twin Lakes was spirited and all the Minions hung on to the sprint.  As the riders buzzed by the col de No Name, and past the Yorkville Church, the peloton was moving like a well oiled watch, but did not pick up the usual speed until well into the Country Club section. 

The Nation was riding well as they ascended the col de Norte and through the Bible Conference HIlls with a wild sprint to the Frona stop.

The Nation decided to ride through the "Road Closed" signs after the Digital Divide and an impressive (at least as impressive as Minions can get) pace line formed up leading down to the GGG Spot.

As the well mannered peloton headed south, a number of Minions went to the front to form up another pace line to the finish.

As the Nation moved to the final hill, our Celebrity Rider, the Durango Kid went to the front and began a long pull only to be relieved by our intrepid hero, the Sharkman hizzelf!

The old Shark started wondering where the Nation was as he and Durango lead the runaway train down the hill.

But the wait wasn't long before, as with about a 100 yards to go the Nation flew by the gassed old Shark and Durango with Dutch nudging out Ironman by a half wheel, with B-Rod right behind along with a cast of thousands!

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as our hero's zipped up their jersey's for the tofosi and paparazzi.

The crowd was thick at the Klutch where the koffee was strong and hot!  Lava Girl and Toni arrived to sign autographs as the paparazzi took photos.

You won't want to miss this weeks ride, when the Durango Kid returns along with his Brother in law, Yeti Boy!

Saturday, 28, 2012

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!



Belo News
July 25, 2012

Augusta, Mi. - As mentioned in the previous report, our intrepid hero will be heading out to Durango to see the start of the U.S. Pro Challenge, where most of the top pro cycling teams, including the Bissell Race Team, will be competing in the biggest domestic bike race in the U.S.

Additionally, Belo News has just learned that our own Wildman has been accepted as an Official Race Marshal for the race (yeah, we're sort of shocked as well.  What where they thinking? We're hoping he can get Sharkman into the race and arrange for a few sprint wins!)  Big congratulations to Wildman who has also served as a Race Marshal for the Tour of Missouri!  Just think, a Minion Marshal!  Who would have thought?

Also, Bissell Boy will be out as part of Team Bissell and our own Pirate is heading out to visit his son and take in some stages of the race.  

Counting the Durango Kid, that means there will be 5 Minions to represent the Nation at the U.S. Pro Challenge!  Is this a great country or what?  Stay tuned for updates and reports from the race!


Belo News
July 24, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. - The heat was a tad down, as was the wind, as Sharkman, All Black, Stingray, Airman, Rainman and the Pirate formed up in the Kellogg Parking Ramp.  At 5:58 p.m. someone said they didn't think anyone else was coming, so the group launched.  Unfortunately, they learned later that Dutch, the most handsome guy in the peloton AND last weeks winner of the KK-TdG, arrived and found everyone had left! Oh, the humanity.  And now Belo News knows why Sharkman is fanatical about not leaving early!

Sorry Dutch!  It won't happen again!

It was an interesting evening as the group continues its assault on the average speed record of 21.8 mph set earlier this season.  Despite a dropped water bottle that cause the riders to come off pace, and Airman, who blew out a recurring leg injury he has been nursing all season on the G Ave. hill, the Minion Chain Gang still brought it in at 21.2 mph!  Airman looked like Kurt Gibson rounding the bases on hobbled knees as he did some major pulls with the bum leg.  The Pirate pulled off at Stone Hedge and the riders picked up the speed on the Jackson section as they sprinted to the finish line.  Sharkman said it was a "Victory for America" as they hit the 21.2 mph average at the finish and Rainman blew out a tire, that he changed in record time and got to use his new small hand pump.

If you're looking for great pace line work, this is the ride for you!  

Tuesday Nights, 6:00 p.m. launch from the Kellogg Headquarters Upper Parking Ramp!

1 comment:

Hossman said...

Hossman hopes to be on some Tues rides in the future - ready to set some land speed records!