Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Celebrity Rider MK!





Belo News
July 14, 2012

Galesburg, Mi. - The Shark Cove has been hoping the past two weeks as a "Sharklet Extravaganza" has taken over the normal quiet abode of our intrepid hero, the Sharkman.  As dawn broke, so did the silence, as the sound of sharklets waking up in the Cove echoed throughout the neighborhood.  Sharkman's other son in law, MK from California and of Face Book fame, had been riding all week on Tardette's borrowed Trek Project 1 carbon steed, in preparation for the KK-TdG.  However, the previous day the main route from the Cove over to Galesburg had been chip and sealed!  Oh, the humanity! 

Not wanting to ride Tardette's new ride on the chip and seal, Sharkman and MK played it safe and drove to the start.

A total of 20 Minions showed up to tow the line, with Ironman jumping on just as the train pulled out of Galesburg and Gazelle Girl joining on to shouts of "Gazelle Girl" a mile or so later bringing the count to 22 in the Mighty Minion Nation!

At the start, Sharkman introduce the Celebrity Rider for the week, his other son in law, MK, and as announced in last weeks Belo News, declared he would be leading the "B" group this week.  He also announced that the Honorary Sprint was open to anyone this week!  Tow Truck quickly commented that he thought that Sharkman was actually winning that sprint outright every week!  

Only in Sharkman's head, Tow Truck, only in his head……

Since the Skipper was not in attendance, his neighbor and new Minion, Bio Waste (is that a great name or what?) was asked to start up the peloton. To shouts of "Waste is a terrible thing to mind!" the Minions were off!

Luann, the Nations favorite Barista, was at her station at the Klutch to cheer the riders on and get a count of Minions for the koffee she would need to have prepared for the post ride Press Conference.

The peloton was extremely social on this beautiful morning and as Sharkman hovered at the rear of the peloton visiting with Bissell Boy, Zickman, Wildman and Tow Truck, someone mentioned that it appeared that the pace was down because Sharkman wasn't at the front.  Sharkman, smelling the sprint with his Shark nose, worked his way up in the peloton, egging the Nation on.  

Zickman, right on our hero's wheel, made a move at the line to take the opening sprint, while Sharkman took it for the "B" Group.

As the train moved on to the Country Club section, the "A" and "B" groups began to split up with the acceleration and speed!  

Sharkman led the group of Bling Girl, Bissell Boy, Wildman, Zickman and celebrity rider MK and after re-grouping at Rt. 43 Zickman mentioned that the peloton had not waited.  "Where could they be?" he pondered……

It was then that our hero, the Sharkman, explained to Zickman that he was no longer in the "A" group, but was now at the "point of no return" sometime's known as the twighlight zone, sometimes known as  a new dimension in time.  It appeared that Zickman's socializing had cast him into the outer edges of time known as the "B" group!

It was only then that Sharkman realized what being in the "B" Group was all about!


Yes, these 6 riders found themselves in the "B" group and unbeknownst to all of them was that there was champagne and caviar, press cars and party favors!  Who knew!  

It was pretty darn cool back there as Sharkman took it all in and enjoyed the Bible Conference and inlet cut offs, where Bling Girl took her first ever Minion sprint!

The accelleration and the cut offs actually got the group near caught on to the "A" Group at the Digital Divide, where Zickman took a flyer and with his head down and knees pumping, took off after them to try to make the finishing sprint.

Meanwhile, the "B" Group formed up a pretty sweet pace line, taking the speeds up to around 22 mph as they bore down on the GGG Spot sprint, while Zickman seemed to be out in "no where land," still pondering and caught between both groups, working his Zickbutt off to be there! Oh, the humanity!

Gazelle Girl reported that "My capture of the GGG sprint last week....the "who was doing what" defies my faulty memory now as too much time has passed (welcome to my world Gazelle Girl). But I think it was Rainman that pulled me up and past Airman for the win.  Hoosier Boy may have a better memory as he was up front too.  Likely best to just forget mentioning a thing about the incident....and it will be up to me to have a better recollection next time. (ugh, you guys all look alike to me!) (Editor's note: We couldn't pass this up!)

Meanwhile, up at the front, and as the story goes, the pace was moving along at between 20.6 mph (Gazelle Girls computer) and 20.2 (B-Rod's computer) as the Nation crested the final hill where Rainman pulled off what has come to be known as "A Wildman" and broke from the pack with such force that the peloton couldn't respond.  Yes Rainman took the finish going away!

Back in the "B" group, Sharkman was leading the train when he turned it over to Bling Girl, who was pulling MK, Sharkman's intrepid son in law and celebrity rider.  As Bling Girl pulled off, MK went through and took the finishing sprint having been set up beautifully by the entire "B" group, which was feeling pretty good from the champagne and caviar and was now just behind the main peloton finishing with an average speed of 18.9 mph!

Rainman & MK discuss their wins with Bissell Boy & Stingray.
MK was waving to the crowd's after zipping up his jersey for the sponsors as he made his way down the Champs le Galesburg and to the Klutch, where the throngs of paparazzi and tofosi were waiting for the Press conference.

It was one of the bigger turn outs at the Klutch, with around 16 riders sticking around for the great Koffee and Luann's hospitality!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition when we have yet another Celebrity Rider! 

Yes, Belo News is aware you are wondering who it could be, right?  Well come  on out to the ride to find out!

This Saturday is also "International/State Jersey Day!"  Is this a great country or what?

Yes, if you happen to have, say, an old Mexican Jersey laying around, well put it on and come on out!  

Sharkman will be wearing his Tour of Ireland Jersey and Shamrock Socks!  Remember what our hero says, "if you can't be good, look good!"  and Sharkman will be looking good!

Don't have an International Jersey?  Well you can wear your favorite State Jersey!  Yes, if you happen to have, say, an old Colorado Jersey laying around, well put in on and come on out!

Oh, the humanity!  An International/State jersey ride!  Can it get any better!

Saturday Morning!  July 21, 2012

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

Baby Bear & Polar Bear at Crit!

Belo News
July 14, 2012

Kalamazoo, Mi. - Polar Bear and his daughter, Baby Bear made the Nation proud at the BTR Crit this past Saturday in Kalamazoo!

From the Polar Bear hizzelf:

"Thought I'd share this picture of me the Polar Bear and Baby Bear melting in the heat after riding the BTR Crit this Saturday. Really enjoyed the racing and despite not having Tow Truck or the other lead out minions to drag me round I managed to creep into the top 10 over the line!"

Actually, Tow Truck had a lot to do with that Crit!  Miller Energy is actually the sponsor of the event!  Way to go Polar Bear!


CheddarHead identified!
Mystery Rider Identified!

Belo News
July 17, 2012

Battle Creek, Mi. - With the temperature at 100+ and the heat index higher, two Minions, Airman and Stingray, made the call for the Tuesday Night Chain Gang ride.  

Stingray reported that he and Airman were crazy enough to brave the heat.  They apparently decided to do a shortened version of the ride.....instead of 30 miles at 20mph, they rode 20 miles at 30mph.  Ok maybe not quite 30mph they did ride 20mi.  Needless to say, it was very hot, and it wouldn't be a Tues night ride without the wind!  Belo News is pleased to report that both survived the ride!

Also, we have no confirmed the rider who was not only not mentioned last week, but got forgot in the updated story that went late to press!  It was none other than CheddarHead!  Yes, CheddarHead was the un-named rider from last weeks ride so we've made up for it by posting his photo.  We were able to get this copy from the Battle Creek Post Office!


For Sale:

Just think of owning Zickman's Trainer! Oh, the Humanity!
From Zickman

One Johnny G Spinner by Schwinn

SPD and flat pedals

High mileage

This spin bike has won many stages in tour de France in Zickman's basement!  Who wouldn't want to own a Zickman Trainer?

Mechanically sound except for aging engine (That would be Zickman, hizzelf).

First $250 takes it!

Basement not included.....
email Zickman at 

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