Wednesday, July 13, 2011




Belo News
July 9, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. – As previously stated, it is a Minions time of year (warm days, TdF on TV 24/7 and Whitsun in season) and for our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, it got even better last Saturday morning. As our hero awoke, he had a text message waiting for him from Lava Girl telling him that a new Sharklet had arrived in the Shark Family! Beckett Duggan Moulton was born Saturday morning to Nicole and Sam Moulton. Beck weighed in at 7 lb. 8 oz./20 inches! A real keeper! Is that kid cute or what?!!

Congratulations Nicole and Sam and welcome to the Shark Family Beck! Can’t wait to get you on the bike! A tour winner in 2036?

With the good news, our hero headed out to the start and the Great Dane joined on for the trip over to Galesburg. The weather was again picture perfect and the parking lot was a great indicator of just how great it was. Count was again lost at 30 riders as the parking lot continued to fill up for the start. Returning for their season debut was Pat Gallagher, herein known as the “Irishman” and “Bling Girl.” Welcome back! Also returning for the season were two Team Taylor riders. None other then Team Taylor Captain, the Iceman himself, as well as his loyal sidekick, Cleary, who was looking good, decked out in full Team Taylor kit! Welcome back Team Taylor!

Since there had been quite a controversy concerning the 4th of July “early start, the Sharkman waited until EXACTLY 8:00 a.m. to announce the birth of new Sharklet Beck, as well as the fact that portions of the course had been chip & sealed and that those sections would be declared “Neutral Zones” for safety reasons.

Skipper announced the start and had also volunteered to lead the B Group again, while Nikeboy is absent.

The sound of pedals clicking and the whir of gears filled the air as the Mighty Minion Nation, 30 plus strong, rode past the Klutch, where Jamie came out to wave “Good Morning” with fear in her eyes that the entire Nation would be stopping for koffee after the ride!

Would there be enough koffee?

Unfortunately, again no Gazelle Girl…..more on that later.

First Skipper, then Hoosier Boy, led the Sharkman out to the first sprint. Skipper dropped back to led the B Group and Sharkman shot ahead to get a count of the riders.

The first section of chip & seal was traversed safely before the ascent of the col de Twin Lakes. The speed picked up at the Yorkville Church as the Tow Truck, wearing a dapper Miller Energy jersey, went to the front and started a humongous pull with the Great Dane right on his wheel, through Kellogg Korner and past the country club. Interestingly, the B Group was still with the throng of riders at this point without taking the cut off!

The second section of chip & seal came up at Base Line Road right after the col de Norte as the Mighty Nation headed south. Again, the Minion train was reduced to slower speeds and took the cut off at the Bible Conference Hills to Frona’s to avoid the stones. Falcon, however, went ahead and rode the chip & seal, though no one could understand why.

Once the peloton cleared the Digital Divide, the normal pace line picked up with the Tow Truck again taking the lead out. The pace line sustained speeds of 26 miles per hour as the fast moving freight train bore down on the G Spot sprint.

At the G Spot crossing, Sharkman shouted out to be careful for the last sprint, telling Minions to hold their lines at the finish. Sharkman was worried about the large mass of riders descending on the finish all at one time and was hoping a rider would take them out.

But not to fear, Hossman and the Pirate took the lead and ran hard with Sharkman and the Tow Truck right behind them along with a cast of what seemed like thousands! The sound of whirring wheels and shifting gears filled the air as the Mighty Minion Nation began to get into position for the final sprint.

As Hossman, Pirate and Sharkman dropped off, the Tow Truck took the lead out, throwing himself on his sword to stretch out the peloton, over the final hill to the descent to the finish. Iceman, showing his mid season form, though he stated he was out of shape, cranked it up, lighting his afterburners to the finish with Thor and Falcon on his rear wheel.

And that is how they finished. Average speed 19.7 despite the neutral zone speeds. Additionally, Sharkman registered a 33 mph max speed in the finish sprint and he wasn’t even near the leaders!

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg and the Mighty Minion Nation zipped up their jerseys for their sponsors and the tofosi as the photographers grabbed shots of the returning hero’s!

The Klutch was ROCKING, as a record number of Minions stopped for the post race press conference and autograph signing. Minions like Squeaky and the Tow Truck came in as well as the day’s winner, Iceman, to celebrate the cycling scene and to cool those afterburners.

Squeaky gave a post ride seminar on “How to carry your bike pump.” This was very well received and the PowerPoint was very impressive.

It actually got so noisy in the Klutch it was hard to hear people talk! The B Group arrived shortly after the main group and the Skipper complained he had to wait in a line that ran out the door to get his koffee!

Sharkman got escorted home by Thor and Conor, herein known as Wrong Way (he will explain that to you for a kup of koffee), with Thor pealing off a torrid pace back to the Shark Cove that wore the old Shark out!

So you won’t want to miss this week’s edition of the KK-TdG!

It the best time of year for a Minion and you shouldn't miss a minute of it!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
July 9, 2011

Kalamazoo, Mi. – With Gazelle Girl, or should we say, Party Girl, again missing in action last week, the rumors began to swirl around what type of party she had attended the previous evening? Was she hosting a small soiree at the Gazelle/Dr. Toe Estate or attending a red carpet affair in downtown Galesburg the previous evening?

Neither, it appears. The Legend of the Peloton was actually riding on Saturday, but not with her beloved Minions. No, the Party Girl was taking part in a “Beer Tour” from Bell’s in Kalamazoo (MMMmmmm…..Bell’s) to a brewery in Paw Paw and back to Bell’s.

Whoa! Does this girl know how to party or what?!

Our only question here at Belo News was why the Editors weren’t invited! Come on GG Party Girl, the Minions love Oberon too!

It is hoped she will be returning to the peloton this week and will lead the post ride festivities at the Klutch.


Belo News
July 13, 2011

Paris, France – Has this been an incredible TdF or what? Stage nine saw some unbelievable crashes, but the one that will not soon be forgotten was when a camera car took out two of a breakaway group of five riders on Stage 9.

Trying to avoid a tree, a Camera Car swerved into the rider’s path knocking Johnny Hoogerland into a barb wire fence and Juan Antonio Flecha tumbling head over heals down the road. The third rider, Thomas Voekler, got knocked around but miraculously remained upright!

More amazingly, they all finished!

Hoogerland had 33 stitches put in his legs AFTER he finished the race AND after he collected his best climber jersey! Flecha also finished and both riders got the most aggressive rider award, the first time two riders shared the award in the long history of the TdF. Shows the toughness of these riders!

Just watching this crash hurts:

In the first nine stages of the tour this year, 18 riders have had to abandon due to crashes! Horner out with a concussion, Zabriskie with a broken wrist, Vinourkorov with a broken pelvis….it has been a tough tour this year…..

It is a reminder of how careful everyone needs to be on group rides. While the Minion Nation doesn’t usually have a camera car following them (even though they think they should), it is important that everyone makes sure that they stay on line in the finish sprint, that they look out before making a move, that they watch the rider in front of them to give them space in the event they make an unexpected move, that they insure riders know that they are riding close to other riders, these are all a part of group riding. With the large increase in riders, all Minions need to be sure to ride safely and defensively. Remember, we don’t want to leave any Minion injured OR behind!

So ride safe!


Belo News
July 12, 2011

Battle Creek, Mi. – Seven Minions made up the train that set a new Tuesday Night speed record this week. Rainman, Hoosier Boy, All Black and Sharkman launched from Kellogg at 6:00 P.M. and were first met by Hossman, then Bissell Boy and Boatman. There was a strong west wind, but that just seemed to spur the Mighty Nation on to work harder together in the pace line. The group worked in perfect unison that saw speeds of up to 33 mph.

After 37th Street and with the wind at their backs, the Minion juggernaut turned up the speed and even though they returned on the chip & seal of Augusta Drive, they still finished the 29 mile course with an average speed of 21 mph! A new season record!

If you’re looking for some good pace line work and a breathtaking work out, come on out on Tuesday Nights and join the Mighty Minion Chain Gang for a wild ride! Launch Time 6:00 P.M. from the Kellogg upper parking ramp.

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