Wednesday, June 8, 2011




Belo News
June 4, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. – As we all know by now, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was conspicuously absent from last weeks action, however the Mighty Minion Nation rode on!

Thanks to reporters Stryker Guy and Stingray, the Belo News was able to attain these in-depth reports from the field…..


I will give you the highlights from last week’s ride as best as I can remember (@55 the memory loss is amazing)

· Skipper led the group about 15-16 strong from the launch point past the Klutch where the boys waved (no one waved back) someone flipped us off in a car though

· Gazelle girl caught up at her normal meeting point and was obviously full of energy as she took the first sprint

· The second sprint was taken by none other than Squeaky, who was in a cool team kit of some kind. Interestingly Squeaky had a 7 inch bike pump tucked on the inside of his bike shorts, which may have caused some issues if we had more women on the ride

· Up the C’or de whatever with Brewman streaking up the mountain and leading the charge to the next triumphant spring point

· The pace subsided a bit until we got close to Yorkville church and then it was all out as the Pirate, who was riding very well all day took the pace (much to his dismay) he was ultimately swept up by Chico and others. Out of nowhere Zickman took the sprint as the group trudged up the hill past the Flea Market house on the left

· The pace quickened again and I have no idea who won the next sprint except All Black was looking good at that point

· On to Frona’s where Chico decided enough was enough and punished nearly everyone up the hill and never slowed down to Frona’s.

· Gazelle girl still feeling frisky (can you say that) won the G-spot (her preference) in a battle with Squeaky

· Finally Kid Doster who met the crew at the north end of Gull Lake sped past Chico, the Pirate and numerous others including me, to win the finale

· Two groups went out, the other led by Nike boy.

That’s it sir, hope it is enough

Stryker Guy


It was a good ride Saturday…beautiful weather! There were about 19 riders at the start, with Skipper leading us out. Gazelle Girl joined us, and we tried to coordinate a proper "Gazelle Girl" welcome, but without the Sharkman we lacked the proper enthusiasm, harmony, and timing! The first sprint was won by none other than Gazelle Girl, totally crushing all attempts by Sharkman to get past her. Squeaky, looking more like Squeaky than Popeye this week, won the next sprint. The sprint after that (Cul De Twin Lakes?), the one where you go by the lake on the left, climb the steep hill, then 1/4 mile race to the stop ahead…yeah that one was won by Brewman. Zickman took the next one where the stop ahead is at the base of the hill. I believe GG squeaked out a win over Squeaky at the G ave crossing. Final sprint was won by Kid Doster? (rides a Lemond w/ the Camelback).

The ride was pretty mellow overall.


Belo News thanks these two Minions for these up to the minute reports! Belo News intends to double their salaries! As a matter of fact, Stryker Guy's memory is way better than our usual reporters who only seems to be able to remember who wins the first and last sprints!

The Sharkman will be back in action this week as the Mighty Minion Nation rides again!

Saturday, June 11, 2011!

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
June 4, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. – Nikeboy reports that the B Group got off to a solid start this past weekend! Working his usual magic, our gentle giant drifted to the back of the pack and picked up riders as the Mighty Nation headed around the KK-TdG. In the post ride press conference, Nikeboy stated there were still some bugs he wants to work out, but for the most part the ride went extremely well. The group averaged around 18 mph.

The plan is to continue to offer the “B” group ride and Nikeboy would like to develop other leaders in the event he misses a ride.

Thanks Nikeboy!

So come on out and join the Mighty Minion Nation!

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