Wednesday, March 9, 2011





Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

March 10, 2011

Galesburg, Mi. – Rumors had been circulating in cycling circles the past couple of weeks as to why our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was not at the Team Active End of Winter Party OR the Pole to Pole Race/Party. Where could our hero have been?

The leading rumor was that our hero was holding out for better appearance money, but the truth has now been revealed and in another Belo News exclusive investigation it has been learned that the Sharkman was actually in Cabo San Lucas with Lava Girl, lounging on the beach and drinking fruit flavored adult beverages!

Sharkman was quoted as stating that though Mexico was great, he was really sorry to miss one of the truly great cycling party weekends! (see story and photo’s above & below)

But now the Sharkman has returned and is ready to ride!

Yes, you’ve heard about it, you’ve read about it and this Saturday, you can finally experience it!

That’s right, it is Opening Day! You’ve been talking about it all winter, now you can saddle up, click in and ride with the Might Minion Nation! Is this a great country or what?

The weather is forecasted for a high of 43 and a chance of rain/snow mix. So remember, Minions will ride in the rain but they will not START in the rain. So, if you have any doubts concerning whether the Minions will be riding, check back here at the blog to see if the ride has been cancelled. We will only post if the ride is cancelled and will post no later than 8:30 a.m.

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Launch Time – 9:30 A.M. – SHARP!
Be There


Belo News
Gull Lake, Mi.

February 26, 2011

Gull Lake, Mi. – In one wild and crazy weekend, several Minions enjoyed the famous Zickman hospitality at the Zickman Estate. By all indications, this was one hell of a party with Minions winning several (Danimal and Gazelle Girl to name a couple) of the divisions and Sooner losing his brat consumption virginity! Who knew?

Belo News asked Zickman to report in on the days activities;

The Pole to Pole Race/Party was a great success for those brave souls who ventured across the lake in search of fame and beer.

5 Minions made it with Brewman and lovely Brewwoman serving as official starter and photographer.

The lake was flat with 2 inches of new snow and only a few slushy spots-good enough to bike-ski-snowshoe and walk!

The ice was 14 to 24 inches thick. The ride was tough! It was like a 2 mile sand pit at the Iceman!

Upon finishing the course, Danimal did his pole dance (see headline pic)!

I think there's a $20 tucked in his clevage!

Sooner-a brat virgin-was deflowered by the yummy grilled brats and onions and stated it was the hardest bike ride he'd ever done.

Brent Slezak and friend Richard-who came all the way from England for the beer- found walking their bikes faster and more peaceful than burning quads.

Gazelle Girl ,though fashionably late - donned skis and shuffled her way to first place!

The Bell's Winter White was flowing and almost everyone went home with a 6 pk of some type.

It was lots of fun and it just might be an annual event!

Editors Note – Well let’s hope it does become an annual event! Sharkman won’t miss out on the action next year!

See you all this Saturday!

1 comment:

Gazelle Girl said...

Aw, Zickman. The only reason I shuffled my way to first place is cuz I knocked you down and took off with your - more appropriate - equipment. Thank you for the beer. I haven't shared a drop with Dr Toe!