Wednesday, March 16, 2011




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

March 12, 2011

Galesburg, Mi.
– As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, laid in his Shark Bed with visions of warm days and long rides, the shark alarm went off and he threw back the Shark bedspread and bolted up! Opening Day had finally arrived and he could not believe his tired, blurry eyes! The sun was shining and all was right with the world!
Opening Day was finally here!

As the soft glow of the Shark Radar reflected off of our hero’s smiling face, he took a sip from his shark coffee cup, mentally acknowledging that there was no rain on the screen and nodding with glee!

Opening Day!

However, as Sharkman loaded his titanium steed into the Sharkmobile, the clouds started to roll in. No worry, he thought, as the temperature on the dash read 42 degrees! Down right balmy for March 12!

As our hero turned into the parking lot the temperature on the dash of the Sharkmobile was now reading 40 degrees and though the temperature was getting colder, the Sharkman was feeling warmer as he saw the crowd of cyclists readying their bikes in the parking lot.

Lead among them was Stingray, sporting his new Moots Vamoots CR (see photo)! One sweet ride and what a way to start the season!

Along with Stingray, was Rainman (yes Rainman and it was less than 70 degrees! What was he thinking?) Airman, All Black, Danimal, Kid Doster, Hossman, Chumly and even Pat (Mrs. Chumly) who needs her own nickname, along with two new riders, Jesse, now named the Cheetah, and Wireless (he works for AT&T).

The crowds gathered for photos at the start and the sound of pedals clicking in rang out around the parking lot as the 12 Minions moved out! The Mighty Minion Nation was starting the 2011 season in style.

Almost like clockwork, the light in Galesburg turned red as the Minion train approached the Klutch. There was lovely Luann, running out the door to wave a greeting to the returning Minion Nation!

Airman and Sharkman lead the peloton as it headed north out of Galesburg. The pace seemed a bit quicker than most wanted and Sharkman was hurting already. Rainman came up to lead our hero out to the first sprint but almost blew him off his back wheel. Sharkman’s winter legs allowed him to hit a max speed of 15 mph as he took the first, honorary sprint of the season.

As the temperatures dropped, the wind out of the west began to rise. The next sprint to the west was brutal and the peloton split as they drifted through the sprint and headed up the col de Twin Lakes.

After gathering up at the next sprint, riders had to run the light at the 89 crossing as no one had a steel bike to trigger the light.

As the riders rode past the Yorkville Church, the discussions turned to “what did you do this winter” while Sharkman regaled them with tales of his inactivity. As the faster moving train got to Kellogg Corner, it was obvious the Skipper had not been out to prepare the road and as luck would have it, Stingray got his first flat on his first ride on his new Moots.

In the blink of an eye….or two, Airman and Stingray got the tire fixed, filled and off our riders went. As the riders got to the summit of the col de Norte, Stingray shouted out that he had another issue. The tube had begun to come through the side bead and he and Airman went through yet another CO2 cartridge. By this time, the Cheetah and Wireless got tired of waiting and Danimal had to get back. Our riders began to get concerned as everyone knows that flats and tire issues come in threes and they had yet to get to the Bermuda Triangle of flat tires just south of the Digital Divide!

Sure enough, after the riders crossed the Digital Divide, Stingrays tire started going down once again. Another blast of CO2 , a wiff of chemicals and the riders were back on the road, setting up a pace line to get Stingray in before the tire went flat again.

After the G Ave. crossing the Minions lined up for the finish. Hossman sprinted to the front to do his usual clydsdale type pull with All Black and Sharkman on his tail. Rainman, Airman and Kid Doster followed behind, biding their time.

Amazingly, Hossman kept the pace up as they came to the final hill before the finish and then, like the Energizer Bunny, he just kept going. All Black stuck to Hossman’s wheel like a dog on a meat wagon! Rainman moved up to third with Airman moving up on the left of Sharkman, who was in 4th. As the finish line moved closer, Hossman put the hammer down and the peloton, showing the honor due a champion who pulls the train to the finish, no one made a move on him and the Hossman took the first finish to 2011! It was a victory for America!

The crowds went wild on the Champ le Galesburg as our hero’s waved to the tafosi and paparazzi!

Luann had the coffee ready and Stingray, in celebration of his new ride and the fact he went through everyone’s CO2, bought Koffee for the house.

A bit later, Chumly and Mrs. Chumly pulled in and joined the festivities!

Wildman, on his way to the airport for a trip to China, also stopped in for some Koffee and to pay his respect to the Mighty Minion Nation!

You won’t want to miss this week’s action, even though the Sharkman will not be able to attend. Our hero is going to Illinois for a Lava Girl Family function. But the Minions will ride!

Due to the time change and temps, launch time will be moved back to 10:00 A.M. to allow for light and for the air to warm a bit, though the forecast looks great with temperatures around 48 and partly cloudy. Can it get any better for March!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Launch Time – 10:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!

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