Wednesday, February 23, 2011





Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.

February 23, 2011

Galesburg, Mi.
– As the ice started to melt around the Shark Cove this past Saturday, visions of warm, sunny weather was wafting in our intrepid hero’s head. Our hero actually went out to Custer for a ride on the trails, along with Bissell Boy and Stingray.

Then came Sunday and the long descent back into ice, slush and snow! Oh, the humanity!
But wait! There is reason to celebrate!

This weekend is offering a plethora (yep, plethora….this is a high class periodical – means “a bunch”…. look it up!) of activity to improve your winter blues!

So, let’s get started on all the news!


Belo News
Gull Lake, Mi.

February 26, 2011

Gull Lake, Mi.
- This Saturday is the Pole to Pole Race/Party at the Zickman Estate on beautiful Gull Lake! This is one of those events you just don’t want to miss! Race on wheels, skis, bikes, snow shoes or any form you want and then drink beer and eat brats?

Yes! This IS America!

O.K., so the ice might be bit iffy, the snow sort of gnarly, there might be someone slipping through the ice, but that is why Zickman will have 3 kinds of Bell’s Beer on tap at the end of the race! So you can warm up those Minion mitts by wrapping them around a nice cold glass (probably more like a plastic container – Zickman knows how clumsy Minions are) of Bell’s Beer!

Remember the old Minion saying….”I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!” Think about that for a minute!

What could be better, you ask? How about 7 different kinds of Brats to eat with those 3 different kids of Bells? You heard that right Bunkie! Not one, not two, but SEVEN different brats (who knew there was more than one type of brat, and we’re from Wisconsin!)? You gotta try all of them, right?

Remember, you need to let Zickman know you will be attending! So here, again, are the details!

The Race: Pole to Pole - from Zickman’s flagpole to the Country Club's flagpole (1 mile) and back across Gull Lake.

2 Divisions: wheeled; bikes,skateboards- no motors
non wheeled; skis, snow shoes, skates, feet

The Prize: Beer and Brats Bells on tap and 6 packs for fast minions
Brats for All

This event will take place no matter what the weather or ice conditions are so come prepared!

4106 East Gull Lake Drive, Hickory Corners, 671-4106

--please email a “yes” to Zickman now! He doesn’t want to run out of beer!

Zickman wants to see everyone there!

Dr. Dave recommends taking a look at one of these baby’s for the Pole to Pole Race!

Will Dr. Dave be sporting one of these? Show up and find out, Bunkie!


Belo News
Battle Creek, Mi.

February 25, 2011

Gull Lake, Mi.
- What? The Pole to Pole not enough fun for you? Well how about warming up the night before the Pole to Pole Race/Party at the annual End of Winter Party? This is one of those area cycling events you HAVE to be seen at!

It might not be the real end of winter, but close enough for the Might Minion Nation to celebrate!

Here's the details!

Team Active Cycling and Fitness Events
End of Winter Party 2011
DATE: Friday, February 25th
TIME: 5 PM - 11 PM
LOCATION: Team Active Cycling and Fitness
22 W. Michigan Ave Battle Creek

Who doesn't love a party? Especially when we are celebrating the End of Winter with a thousand of our closest cycling buddies. Come on out to Team Active on Friday February 25th at 5 PM for great deals, great friends, great food, and great fun. Come meet Will Schaefer from Trek as he talks about the latest and greatest from Trek and the direction of the bike industry. Come talk with the industry reps from some of the leading brands in the cycling world. Everything in the entire store will be on sale and we'll have food and drink from Arcadia Brewing in Battle Creek and Olde Peninsula Brewpub in Kalamazoo. Come early for the best selection. Kids are welcome. Hope to see you all there. Time to party!!!

Team Active Cycling and Fitness
22 West Michigan Ave
Battle Creek, Michigan 49015

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to catch up with old cycling friends and many of the Mighty Minion Nation who we are sure will be in attendance.


Belo News
Battle Creek, Mi.

February 23, 2011

Battle Creek, Mi.
– We are sorry to report that one of our own, the Stroker, injured his right shoulder while making a turn in the pool at an International Swimming Tournament early in the swimming season (the only injury the Sharkman every sustained making a turn in a pool was to the noggin). Subsequent therapy of the shoulder injury seems to have made it even worse, so on Thursday February 17 Stroker underwent three simultaneous shoulder operations after he was given a “nerve block” to kill the pain while under anesthetic! Stroker had a rotor cuff, bicep tendon tear and his labrum put back together in over 3 ½ hours of surgery.

We are pleased to report that he is resting comfortably at home but has to sleep in a chair with his right arm strapped to his chest for 6 weeks! Talk about making it hard to drink a beer!?!

Stroker will be out of action for at least 12 weeks.

So the Mighty Minion Nation sends their best wishes on a speedy recovery to Stroker! Get well soon!



Opening Day is Saturday, March 12, 2011! Mark you calendars and be ready to ride!

We love the sound of pedals clicking in on a Saturday morning! More information to follow!

Be there!

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