Wednesday, June 23, 2010



Belo News


June 18, 2010

Battle Creek, Mi. – Three members of the Mighty Minion Nation took part in the Second Annual (possibly bi-annual going forward) Beer Ride from Arcadia Brewing in Battle Creek to Bells Brewery in Kalamazoo with a pit stop at the Barking Frog in Augusta. Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was accompanied by the incomparable Dutch and the ever ready for a beer, Wildman. 27 riders took part in the ride and as you can see from the photo, it was a great event! Plans are in the making for a possible fall ride from Arcadia to the Dark Horse in Marshal. Watch Belo News for more information later this year! Big thanks to Kevin Hoppe, aka, Calliou for putting this event together!


Who Was That Celebrity Rider?

Squeaky Appearance!

June 19, 2010

Galesburg Mi. – As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, made his way to the alternate start line on Saturday, he had to make his way around tons of road debris that had been scattered by the storm the previous night. With the alternate start, the bad weather the previous night and the Lumberjack Race in Manistee taking place, the Sharkman wondered if anyone would show for this weeks edition of the KK-TdG.

As the old Shark arrived, B-rod was waiting in the parking lot. Shortly after, Sooner and Rainman pulled in and unloaded their steeds, followed by Dr. Dave and a guest, Celebrity Rider, Dave Dohlen (sp?) who had just returned from Iraq and was visiting from San Antonio, Texas! We bring in celebrity riders from everywhere! Is this a great country or what?

Even Squeaky was in attendance, wearing his “Keep Izzo” Spartan Jersey and ready to go!

Bissell Boy was hard to recognize as he was not wearing his Bissell kit, All Black, Flash Gordon, The Pirate, Skipper, Sooner, Dutch, and Hutch. There may have been more, but with the number of riders latching on and off the ride it is getting more difficult to get all the names in the Update! Duiring the ride, a total of 23 riders was noted.

With Skipper back in the fold, things got started out and with his order and the Mighty Minion Nation clicked in and headed out to HJ to make the trip over to 36th. Gazelle Girl latched on as the Skipper lead out of the High School Parking Lot. Gazelle Girl then lead the Sharkman on to the first sprint!

As Skipper lead the Nation over G Ave. other riders joined on, including Knute, aka Knute who was on yet another different bike. But as the wise Sharkman always says, "one can never own too many bikes!"

The speed picked up tremendously, but steadily through the col de Twin Lakes, where Flash Gordon made a move that was countered by Rainman at the next sprint.

Though the pace was strong, this seemed to be a kinder, gentler ride through the Country Club section where the pace got steadily faster, yet riders stayed close. There seemed to be a lot of socializing in the peloton this week and it was great to hear all the chatter.

As the group rounded the north end of the course at the col de Norte, the pace continued to be steady and remained so through the Bible Conference Hills to C ave and on to the Digital Divide.

After the crossing, Sharkman went to the front and formed up the pace line. It wasn’t pretty, but it was effective.

As the train approached the 3G Zone, Bissell Boy lead out Gazelle Girl in a blaze, as she took the 3G Zone sprint, riding Bissell Boy like the proverbial "rented mule!"

As the Minions crossed G ave. Sharkman mentioned to the guest celebrity, Dave, that the next sprint was about two and a half miles down 37th and that everyone wanted to win the final. Dave must have taken that to mean that he should start the sprint then and there and he put the pedal down! Sharkman, being the cagey shark that he is, glued himself to the celebrity riders wheel as Dave performed a humongous pull down 37th!

Surprisingly, a small gap opened up just before the hill to the final descent as Rainman went by and shouted out, “we’ve got a gap!”

Sharkman went around Dave and did his pull up the hill but was losing gas fast.

Knute aka Knute and Dr. Dave latched on at the top of the hill and they, along with Rainman, began the final assault on the finish with Sharkman and Dave trailing behind.

Sharkman tried to hang on to the three but was spent from working with Dave to open the gap. Rainman, Knute aka Knute and Dr. Dave went down to the wire in another fantastic finish, pushing our intrepid hero, the Sharkman off the podium.

Since most of the Minions were parked near the finish, the crowd going to the Klutch was a bid lower than normal, but still around 8 or 9 riders. Galesburg Days we just starting to gear up and people were lining the streets to get their sets for the big parade at 11 a.m. The morning was so nice, the Minions decided to take their Koffee outside and Luann made an appearance for Galesburg Days, regaling our hero’s with stories of the 5th Anniversary of the Klutch and how the Minions were there on that first Saturday when she opened the now famous Koffee Klutch!

You won’t want to miss next weeks ride, though the Sharkman will be out in San Francisco to meet his new Grand Daughter Sharklet, Evelyn Nicole Kirkland (see story).

Next Saturday, June 26, 2010 – launch time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!



June 19, 2010

Manistee, Mi. – At least three of our Minions took part in the Lumberjack 100 in the Manistee National Forest on Saturday. Belo News has learned that Falcon finished in 9 hrs 12 minutes, which was an hour faster than his previous time. We guess those 300+ mile weeks paid off!

Meanwhile, Kid Doster turned in a time of 9 hrs 30 minutes and Chumly somewhere behind them.

Great job Minions!


June 21, 2010

Kalamazoo, Mi. – Wolf King was spotted checking out a new ride at Alfred E. Bike this past week. It is reported that his son, Josh, beat him at the Kalamazoo Classic 5K and he is now considering retiring from all competitive sports.

Don’t worry Wolf King, riding a bike like that will take away any thoughts of competition! Love those cycling shoes!



June 22, 2010

San Francisco, Ca. - Sharkman and Lava Girl have another Grand Daughter! Born June 22, 2010, Evelyn Nicole Kirkland was born to Colleen and Mike Kirkland!

Welcome to the Mighty Minion Nation, Evelyn!

Born at 6:53 pm Pacific Time, just 90 minutes after her mother arrived at the hospital (a natural born sprinter!). Vital stats are 7 lbs. 15 oz. and 20.75 inches. Mother and daughter are both doing great. Grandmother, as you can see in the photo, doing FANTASTIC!

Congratulations Kirklands!

1 comment:

Bissell Boy said...

Congrats Grandpa Shark!