Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Peloton Reaches 23 Strong

Wolf King Makes an Appearance

Shots Fired?

Falcon Soars to Victory

New Start Line for Saturday- Start Line not Start Time!

Belo News
Galesburg, MI
June 12, 2010

Twenty minions assembled at the start without their fearless leader Saturday morning. The Tow Truck's soon to be daughter in-law turned out on her new Jamis steed to many congratulations and was joined by other new riders yet to be named.

Due to road construction the Peloton turned left at the start and wound through the neighborhoods of G-burg which was declared a "neautral zone' until they hit 36th where Gazelle Girl joined us at her usual spot. The Peloton spun up 36th at a casual pace until they hit the Sharkman Sprint which was awarded to Falcon due to our leaders absence.

As the group made their way past G Ave. Wolf King dropped his cell phone and had to go back to pick it up. By the time he returned to the peloton his heart rate monitor was blaring and continued to do so the remainder of the ride.

Bissell Boy pulled the pack to the base of Col de Twin Lakes, where Knute aka Knute joined the ride and the Tow Truck made his first move of the day taking the KOM points.

As the pack made it's way to the Country Club Hills it was noted that Doctor Dave joined the group and now they were 23. Per usual the pace was lifted through the hills and several riders were placed in the "Pain Cave" as a group made a break for the sprint to M-43. While the group made their complimentary stop at the top of the M-43 hill they thought they heard a siren but alas they realized it was just Wolf King's heart monitor as he climbed the hill to rejoin the minions.

Dr. Dave made a stealth move to take the Frona's sprint and once again the peloton waited on the out of form WK.

The Tow Truck, Falcon and Chico took turns at the front pulling the group for most of the ride and as they passed M-89 a loud shot rang out, startling everyone, even tipping over Stryker Guy, when it was realized the Tow Truck's tire had blown. After an unsuccessfull repair he had to withdraw for the day.

At the 3G sprint Wilier Boy blew by Gazelle Girl to take her sprint and the train proceeded south toward the finish line. An all out sprint ensued with the podium being awarded to Falcon, A-Rob and Knute in order.

No average speed was reported.

New Starting Line for Saturday

Due to a parade in Galesburg the starting line will be moved to Galesburg High School Saturday for an 8am start

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it true that the photo used in this weeks blog is being used as capital punishment in 17 States?
