Wednesday, June 9, 2010



Belo News
June 5, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – As the old song goes, “Making up is hard to do!” Well, “catching up” on the Belo News is also hard to do!

After following the story of our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, on his trek and resulting win over the Iron Horse in Colorado, we have been flooded with work, family and other projects that have made catching up on the Belo News more of a “labor” of love than it is the norm. Many times, the stories just write themselves. Come on, how hard can it be with the fodder the Mighty Minion Nation leaves in their wake every week? But we must admit, it has been difficult of late to just keep up.

Despite that, and the crush of work this past week, we will try to get everyone caught up on the past few rides that have taken place!

The week before Memorial Day, Saturday May 22, 2010 saw a season high of 20 Minions appear for the ride. It was again, a very fast ride with some returning riders. Filing out the roster that morning in addition to our hero the Sharkman, was Zickman, Knute AKA Knute (riding a very sweet single speed Surely steel frame steed), Brewman sporting yet another new beer jersey, All Black, the Tow Truck, Chico, Stryker Guy and his side kick, Hockey Boy who was given the Sharkman Memorial Sprint for leading the Shark out to a podium finish a few weeks earlier, Danimal, Gazelle Girl, Kid Doster, the Unamed rider, Wildman and Hutch. In addition, a group of Team Taylor riders joined the Minions, lead by Iceman himself, Kevin Cleary, Rob Nicey and two others whose names we were not able to get! Welcome Team Taylor!
It was good to see Knute AKA Knute for the first time this season, and he was certainly in mid season form. The sprinting was spirited, but controlled and the Minions were great about no rolling stops or unexplainable surges in the peloton!

Sharkman showed his shark skills when he rode on the wheels of Hockey Boy and Zickman to attack from behind to take the Rt. 43 sprint.

In what could only be described as a phenomenal finish, Brewman and Knute AKA Knute, battled to the finish and for the first time in Minion history, they both were too gentlemanly to report who actually won and the Commissioner of Cycling declared it the first “photo finish” in Minion history and thus was declared a tie! Of course, with Knute on his single speed, it was hard to deny the drama in the first ever photo finish!

Another quick ride with an average time of 20.3 mph!


Belo News
May 24, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – While Sharkman was worrying about the Durango to Silverton climb, our other intrepid Minion, Brewman, was climbing the highest peak east of the Mississippi! 102 miles at 11,000 feet of cumulative climbing! Talk about sick? Who thinks this stuff up?

Is this a great country or what! Take a look at the chart of this climb and our own Brewman did it at 102 miles! Congratulations Brewman!


Belo News
Atlanta, GA.
May 24, 2010

Atlanta, GA. –Our own Stroker, sometime Minion, full time swimmer, did the Mighty Minion Nation Proud by taking not one, but TWO Gold Medals at the U.S. National Swim Meet in Atlanta, Ga.! The Belo News is pleased to present the actual race on YouTube for your viewing pleasure! Go the attached link to see one of the two races our intrepid Minions won for the Gold!
Stoker won the Masters 50 yard breaststroke race in the same pool that hosted the 1996 Olympics! With a time of 28.61 seconds, he was parting the water like Moses parted the Red Sea! Stroker also took second in the 100 yard breaststroke in 1:03.76. Some of you Minion swimmers may be able to relate to those times, while Sharkman, who can hardly swim, is still in awe of his Shark Cove Neighbor. Strikers second Gold was won as a part of the 200 meter freestyle relay team, a team comprised of top swimmers from Michigan. All in all, Stroker swam in 4 individual events and three relays. Is this guy a stud or what?

Go Stroker! Congratulations! The Mighty Minion Nation is proud!

See Gold in the making at the attached link!


Peugeot Guy returns!

Belo News
May 29, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – While our intrepid Hero, the Sharkman, was out climbing mountains, approximately 17 riders showed up to ride the Memorial Day Saturday edition of the KK-TdG and in attendance was the famous, or should we say, infamous rider known as Peugeot Guy! It was Peugeot Guy’s first appearance of the season. Welcome back Peugeot! Sharkman was sorry to miss you! Bissell Boy was also able to break away from the kid’s soccer circuit to take part.

Though several Minions promised to write something up for the Belo News, no one wrote more than a sentence or two and all we can report is that Falcon won the sprint….. His only comment was he was glad Sharkman wasn’t there so he could win it easily…..



Belo News
June 5, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – The Mighty Minion Nation was meet by a road crew this past week, as Battle Creek Street in Galesburg was being re-paved as the Minions started gathering at the start. There was quite a bit of excitement as the press clamored to get photographs of Sharkman and Yeti Boy in their respective Iron Horse Jersey’s. One of the great comments of the morning was when Zickman said to Yeti Boy, “So, you’re Yeti Boy?”

Belo News is going to have to publish a directory of names…..nah, too easy to identify the guilty!

As the Minions clicked in and headed out, the road crew had just spread fresh tar on the street, which created quite an obstacle course for the Nation as they headed out. Because riders were jumping on at the start and onward, it was difficult to identify who all was on the ride, but at one point, 18 riders were counted in the peloton!

The section between the Yorkville Church and Rt. 43 ended up being the NASCAR Section and again, the Sharkman surprised even himself by taking the sprint.

The Nation hung together pretty tough and each sprint was contested to the last.

As the peloton crossed the Digital Divide and entered the 3G Zone, the normal pace line was replaced with just plain super sonic speeds. With Minion Train was pretty clumped up and both Sharkman and Zickman attempted to break things up with attacks at the front.
Fearing a mass finish and the possibility of crashes, Sharkman threw himself on his sword and went back to the front to relieve a long pull by Zickman and he opened up a tiny gap. The Mighty Minion held back in wait as the Shark could see the massing hordes in his rearview mirror.

With about 100 yards to go the peloton pounced and the huge mass of Minions made there move to the finish! Sharkman described a mass blur as they went by and Chumly outdistanced A-Rod to take the tape. The rest of the peloton was so tight, that no one seemed to know who took the third spot on the podium.

So that get’s us all caught up on the action!

Unfortunately, Sharkman will be off this weekend attending a Family Reunion in Illinois this weekend. But the Minions will ride!

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News

May 25, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – Just as soon as a new Minion Team Mascot was named, an age discrimination suit was filed with the Commissioner of Cycling. It appears that the Carter house hold had more than one dog and in an effort to get consideration for the job, Charlie sent in the attached photo claiming puppies may be cute, but do not have the maturity to be a responsible Minion Mascot. Besides, Charlie feels he looks better in his cycling kit and what say’s Minion better than looking good, eh? Besides, look at that pathetic face! Who could say no to this dog?

A hearing has been set for later this summer to settle the dispute.


Belo News
June 9, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – Everyone has been talking about the Spandex Stalker who has been photographing the peloton AND riding in the Minion Team Porsche! Who is that guy?

None other than Nikeboy, the Graham Watson of the Mighty Minion Nation.

And who doesn’t love that Porsche Team car, eh?

Well, you too can ride in the Team Car! Yes, send a self addressed envelope, along with a check made out to Nikeboy for $50 to Nikeboy’s address;

Shark Cove, Almost
Battle Creek, Mi.

Yes, you can win an opportunity to get a ride in the Team Porsche! You too can be one of the paparazzi or the tofosi, who get to ride at the front, at the rear and even near to the peloton! And you will be driven by Nikeboy hisself, in his jawbone Nike sunglasses! Is this a great country or what? (Void where prohibited by law and some restrictions apply, like you have to take a shower and be bathed in sanitizer before getting into the vehicle and some other silly stuff.) Everyone’s a winner! Come on, what is $50 for a chance to ride in style!

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