Wednesday, March 17, 2010




Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
March 13, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, lifted his weary head off his shark pillow case and threw back the shark bed spread revealing his shark pajama’s, his first thought was of rain. Would the Minion luck hold for another successful Opening Day or would the Minions be rained out? The weather report the previous evening had been less than optimistic.

As he ran to the window and drew back the shark draperies he noticed that the roads were wet, but it was not raining! As the Shark sipped coffee over the light green hue of the Shark Radar screen, a grin came across his face as it showed rain coming from the east, but it wasn’t raining yet. The Shark checked his Sharkberry and saw a text message from the weeks Celebrity Rider asking about the weather. The Sharkman’s simple response?

Game on!

As the Sharkman walked out the door of the Cove, Lava Girl said, “You’re going to get wet!”

Twelve Minions showed up for the kick off! Actually, thirteen if you count the Skipper who came out to start the Mighty Minion Nation off on yet another season, but could not stay to ride. The Celebrity Rider was none other than our own Qman who was visiting from the Great North riding on a borrowed steed from Team Active and looking quite dapper on the fancy Madone. Bissell Boy, Iceman, All Black, Kid Doster, Dutch, Danimal, Chumly, and three new riders, Yeti Boy (long time Belo News reader, first time rider), Cleary (Name TBD) and Cathy (Name TBD). Hossman also was in the parking lot having major tire problems and it was determined that Skipper would sag him up after he got the tire fixed.

After some words of welcome, and a photo op, the Sharkman’s Sharkberry rang and it was Wolf King asking if the peloton could wait a half hour for him. “Very funny…” the Sharkman responded, and then Skipper ordered everyone to click in and the start of the 2010 season began! As the Mighty Minion Nation looked back at the Hossman feverishly attempting to get the tire changed, the chatter began about what everyone did all winter.

As the train pulled by the Koffee Klutch, the Lovely Luann poked her head out the door and gave a cheer as the Minion’s motored by their favorite Koffee Shop shouting they’d be back for koffee later!

Though the roads were damp, the rain did hold off and the Mighty Minion Nation motored around the field of dreams they have come to know as the KK- Tour de Gull.

As the nation approached the Inlet, they spotted a rider coming towards them with no tights on! They immediately recognized those dimpled knees as belong to non-other than the Hossman! Yes, Hossman, who had suffered not one, but two flat tires in the parking lot had driven home, changed the tire and then ridden up to the Inlet to latch on with the Minions! What a stud! Three flats and still coming out strong to ride the finish! Will nothing stop these Minions from their appointed rounds!

Flat tires, however, seemed to continue as All Black had his right after the route 89 crossing.

After a fairly quick wheel removal, a strip of the tire and a whiff of CO2, the Minions were back on the road and formed up a double pace line to G Ave. Interestingly, the Minions all played nice and no one broke ahead for the G Ave. sprint.

As the Minions headed south to the finish, the pace picked up considerably and though there was no intention of a final sprint, the peloton could tell that a sprint was going to happen.

As the peloton moved over the top of the finishing hill, the Iceman made his move as murmurs of “the Iceman cometh” rippled through the Minion Nation. Speeding up on his new cyclocross bike, he lifted the pace of the entire train as they bore down on the final stop ahead sign.

Average Speed for Opening Day was a very respectable 17 mph, especially considering most everyone over dressed for the festivities and there was a lot of chatter in the peloton.

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg and as the group approached the Klutch, none other than Nikeboy was seen snapping photo’s of the Might Minion Nation!

Once inside the Klutch, it was learned that the Pirate, recovering from hand surgery, had bought everyone’s Koffee! Is this a great country or what? Or is it that Skipper, the Pirate and Nikeboy will do anything to get their names in the annuals of Belo News? Hell if we know, but we love free Koffee!

The Klutch was abuzz with paparazzi, tefosi and locals all clamoring to hear about the ride, get an autograph or have their picture taken with some of the riders.

Luann kept the great koffee coming, as the riders lingered to discuss the race.

You won’t want to miss this weeks edition, though the Sharkman will not be in attendance as he is in Florida goofing off.

Due to the time change, we will need to move the start back to 10:00 A.M. for light and warmth.

Launch Time – 10:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!


March 13, 2010
Galesburg, Mi.
– We are pleased to report we have a winner in the “Name that Celebrity” contest. Bissell Boy was the first to name our Celebrity Rider, non-other than Qman!
Not only was he first, but he was the only contestant to be able to identify the mountain climbing rider from Minnesota.

Unfortunately, we still have not seen the crisp $50 bill and we will have to withhold payment of the Koffee until it arrives. Bissell Boy stated the check was in the mail, but we have our doubts…..


March 13, 2010
Galesburg, Mi.
– As previously reported, the Pirate is out for a while after major hand surgery. Though we have still not heard a reason for the surgery, we are sure he will provide us with one when next he buys Koffee at the Klutch.

Nikeboy had back surgery in December, followed by coming down with mono. After getting some health back, and beginning his physical therapy for his back, other back problems have cropped up that might keep him out for a while.

Falcon checked in from Houston, where he had flown for the weekend. He reported that he had done a 75 miler there but suffered three flat tires along the way.

Wildman sent an email from Brazil! He get’s the award for being the furthest from Galesburg. He is already back and hoping to show off his new ride soon!

Wolf King called in from his son’s soccer game. He reported he has not been on the bike all winter, but that is old news…..

Unfortunately, Belo News could not determine where Boffo was. Rumors had been that he would be showing up after riding on the winter circus circuit in Florida. However, these rumors could not be confirmed and a spokesman for the irascible clown simply stated, “stay tuned…” “stay tuned?” For what?

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