Wednesday, March 10, 2010





What did YOU do this winter?

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
March 11, 2010

Galesburg, Mi.
– Minions have been waiting with baited breath (and we do mean baited) for Opening Day and it is finally upon us!

The entire cycling world is abuzz about who will be in attendance for one of the biggest days on the cycling calendar. Though the weather report is very sketchy for Opening Day, that has never stopped the Minions from the thought of riding.

It is interesting that even a hint of lousy weather in late fall causes many Minions to hit the shark snooze bar, roll over and go back to sleep. Now, days that include driving snow, temps in the 20’s and strong head winds look like Nirvana after a winter of waiting to get back on the road! Many Minions have reported already getting some riding in the past few weeks in preparation for Opening Day.

Yes, the Minions are ready to saddle up, click in and head out and this Saturday is THE day to be there for the festivities. Anyone who is anyone in the world of cycling (well…at least the cycling world of greater Galesburg area) is expected to be there. Don't you just love the sound of pedals clicking in?!?

Because the weather forecast is for warm (albeit wet) weather, the start time has been moved up to 9:00 am. Additionally, one of our Celebrity Riders has a flight to catch. Yes, someone is actually flying in to take part in this great opener! We know, hard to believe, but its true!

Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, will be waiting at the Start, rain or shine and will make the call on the ride from the Start Line. If it is raining, the Minions will retreat to the Klutch for Koffee and Minions can share their Winter Hibernation experiences over a hot kup of joe brewed by everyone's favorite Barista, the lovely Luann!

We are pleased to report that we have at least one, and possibly two, Celebrity Riders this Saturday. The first one happens to be a world famous Mountain Climber! Well, maybe not world famous, but some people do know that he likes mountain climbing. O.K. maybe a small group of people are aware, but suffice it to say he climbs mountains. This is a former regular who is returning to help us kick off the season in style! Can you guess from the photo who it is?


Yes, it’s time for “Name that Celebrity Rider” and win a kup of koffee at the klutch. All you have to do is put a crisp $50 bill in a self addressed envelope along with the name of the celebrity rider in the photo and mail it to the Sharkman at the Shark Cove, Battle Creek, Mi. and if you’re correct in naming the rider, you win a Kup of Koffee at the Klutch! Is this a great country or what? Time is running out so act now to win your kup of joe at the Klutch! Remember, we only need one Minion to submit $50 for us to all win!

The second Celebrity Rider is a definite maybe and is actually a part of the cycling industry! Yes, you heard that right, …..part of the cycling industry! Will he show? Hell if we know, but you won’t know either unless you come out to Opening Day! Can we help it if Lance doesn't open mail from us anymore? And there is that Personal Protection Order thing, but we digress......

For those of you who are out of shape after the winter’s hibernation, or worried about keeping up with the Mighty Minion Nation, this is a great opportunity to get your cycling legs back or test your skills. Sprints and the finish will not be recorded as it is considered “Spring Training” until at least May (or whenever Sharkman feels like making it the season). So if you’ve been wanting to test those legs, this is the time to come out and ride! These first few weeks of riding will be a bit more laid back and relaxed, well….as relaxed as a Minion Ride can be. So come on out and try the best weekly ride in the State of Michigan….or at least Galesburg.

Join the Minions on the field of dreams we know as, the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull!

You won’t want to miss this years Opening Day Gala Festivities!


This Saturday, March 13, 2010!

Time Change – Time Change – Time Change – Time Change!

Launch Time – 9:00 A.M. – Sharp! (Will the Skipper be there to start the Mighty Minion Season? Hell if we know!)

Be there!

Oh, the humanity!

Did we mention the start time?

9:00 A.M. – SHARP!



Anonymous said...

Q???? $50 is in the mail!

Falcon said...

Fellow Minions,

I'll be thinking of you being rained out while I ride in sunny, 60 degree + weather here in Houston on Saturday. I got a great 75 mile ride in earlier today (Friday).
