Monday, November 2, 2009

Who Showed and Who Rode!

Seven Minions Showed in the Rain!

Do Minions Start in the Rain?

Sharkman's New Jersey!

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
October 31, 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – Hard to believe, but seven crazy Minions showed up to ride on Saturday!
When everyone left their respective Shark Cove beds, the roads were dry and riding looked like a distinct possiblity. Unfortunately, on the way to the start, Mother Nature again decided to rain on the Mighty Minion Nation's parade around their Field of Dreams called, the KK-TdG. After such a great season, it has been a sad state of affairs the past few weeks as the season winds down and so does the rainfall.

As the Sharkman pulled into the parking lot, it didn't take much convincing to get Bissell Boy, Zickman, Brewman, Kid Doster, Hossman and Wolf King to head to the Klutch for Koffee as he talked to the wet Minons from his Shark Car.

Sharkman was particularly upset as he was debuting his new Shark Jersey that a few of the Minions pitched in to buy him for his Birthday. (see photo) Thanks Minions! Bissell Boy and Cloud Girl had the idea for retro jersey with Sharkman stitched on the front and back in red, and Tahitian blue sleeves to match the Shark blue, and deadly eyes of our intrepid hero. Fantastic jersey!

The Koffee was great, as was he discussion. Many will be at the Ice Man this weekend, but others still voted to ride.

The weather is not looking good for this weekend, but if it is dry, launch time will be at
9:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Brewman said...

You forgot to mention the only one who was Minion (or stupid) enough to ride.

Anonymous said...

We all know who rode in, as the is the only Minion in the photograph who is not smiling. He is thinking of the cold, wet ride home!
