Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sooner a Celebrity Rider?

Wolf King Wins A Close One!

Last Minion Ride of the Year This Week!

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
November 7, 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – It is now official. The National Weather Service has declared October the wettest, coldest October…..ON RECORD! And the Minions can attest to that. But what a change November has been. Saturday morning was drop dead gorgeous for the Might Minion Nation and this Saturday is looking good for the last ride of the year!

Ten Minions showed to ride and immediately began peeling the extra cloths off as they exited there cars in the parking lot to get their steeds ready.

Sooner was back for the first time since before Labor Day and immediately asked for “Celebrity Rider” status, which was abruptly denied by the Sharkman. Wolf King, Bissell Boy, All Black, Wildman, Dutch and Hossman filled out the regular Minion roster, while a new Minion was welcomed to the peloton.

A big welcome to Tom, who came with Wildman and was immediately named Coffeeman for his ability to actually roast his own coffee beans! You gotta love a biker who roasts his own beans!

Welcome Coffeeman!

The sun was shining and everyone was complaining about not being on the bike in a while and being out of shape as the sound of pedals clicking in rang around the parking lot. As the peloton moved north, they made the old Sharkman work to take the honorary first sprint of the morning. For a bunch of riders claiming to be out of shape, the ride ended up being pretty quick for this late in the season.

After a minor dog attack after the G Ave. crossing, it looked like an all Team Bissell attack on the second sprint of the morning, with All Black, in his Bissell Kit edging out Bissell Boy for the second sprint. It might have also been the dogs coming after the two on their way to the stop ahead sign. Bissell Boy and All Black were on fire on this fine day!

As the Minion Nation moved towards the col de Twin lakes, they were joined by Knute, AKA Knute, and the peloton was now 10!

The speed picked up through the Country club section with Sharkman pulling the group through Kellogg Korner, where Bissell Boy took over through the Country Club. Bissell Boy threw in a humongous pull until Sharkman took over and led out the lean, mean Bissell Boy to take the Rt. 43 sprint easily.

The group stayed together on the east side of the lake after Wolf King made an early attack on the col de Norte, only to be sucked in before the summit by the entire peloton. As the Nation moved south, Wolf King knocked off the C Ave. sprint while All Black, who was required to take a drug test after the race due to his unexpected energy level, took the Inlet sprint.

After the Rt. 89 crossing, and as the south wind picked up, the peloton formed up into one of the better working pace lines of the season. The line worked so well that the C Ave. Sprint was not really contested as everyone was saving something for the final sprint.

After the G Ave. crossing, the pace line picked up again but as Sharkman and Hossman took over, they opened a small gap and it took a while for the peloton to pull through. As the mighty Minion Nation crested the final hill the descent to the finish.

No one seemed to want to move too quickly, too early, keeping the peloton closely packed (where is Bullet Bob when you need him?!) as they moved closer to the finish. It was then that Wolf King, Knute, Dutch, Wildman and Bissell Boy began to accelerate with a cast of thousands on their wheels.

In a close finish, Wolf King took the top spot with Knute and Dutch filling out the podium with Wildman a very close fourth.

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg and into the Klutch, where everyone gathered for the post race press conference and Koffee.

It was decided during the post race festivities that this coming weekend, November 14, 2009 would be the final end of the Official Minion Season, and what a season it has been! Starting the second weekend in March and going until the second weekend in November with very few rain or snow outs, has been outstanding and it has truly been a great season.

You won’t want to miss the last ride of the year as it is predicted to be around 60 again this Saturday.

Launch Time 9:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!

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