Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Unofficial Last Ride of the Season?

Bissell Boy gone fishin'

"Hot Damn"

Luke Skywalker rules

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
November 21, 2009

Galesburg, Mi. - As the riders assembled, wondering if their fearless leader would bring back good news from our nation’s capitol, Speedy offered his flask to the Minion Nation. “Hot Damn” was heard coming from Chumley’s mouth as he warmed his motor with a shot from the flask. (Thinking of our nation’s capitol makes the author want to drink these days). Is this a great nation or what?

Led out by All Black, ten riders started the unofficial “last ride” of the season, without our fearless leader. Rounding KK Korner we acquired Wildman sporting his Tour of Missouri kit and as we started up 36th Street Gazelle Girl and Dr. Dave joined the peloton making it 13!

Falcon led the Sharkman out for the honorary first sprint and off the pack went toward the rabid dogs encountered much of the late season racing. Danimal had his dog spray in hand as we rounded the bend but alas there were no dogs. Zickman took off like a rocket with Falcon in pursuit to take the 35th St. sprint; Falcon was not to be denied as he took the Col de Twin Lakes climb in decisive fashion. As we moved toward DE Ave. we were joined by Knute aka Knute and the sprint went uncontested.

As the pace was set down by the famous Miller Men (Luke Skywalker and Oil Man) the group stayed together through the “Pain Cave” until a gap was made by the Zickman, with Bissell Boy on his wheel. The M43 sprint was a photo finish awarded to the whyly Zickster. The group waited a considerable amount of time at the M43 stop when it was discovered Chumley and Speedy were off the back nipping the Hot Damn. It was explained later they were fixing a flat and releasing several canisters of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Falcon owned Col de Norte and was awarded the KOM jersey for the day and the peloton charged south. As we sped by the Bible Conference Oil Man was moved from above and with a quick tap of Falcon’s elbow he flew by to take the Frona’s sprint. Not to be out done Falcon was redeemed by taking the Bay sprint.

As the Minions moved down 37th street they had a hard time organizing a pace line but Gazelle Girl was awarded the G Ave sprint as the Zickman was DQ’d for undisclosed reasons.

In the final effort Luke Skywalker ruled the day taking the win on his new Pinarello, followed by Knute and Wildman.

Happy Thanksgiving to the Minion Nation and for those of you looking for a way to work off your turkey feast the last Kiss Cross race of the year is Sunday in Holland.

Ed. Note: It is rumored Sharkman may have signed with a new team for next season and started his training at a secret location in New Mexico while Bissell Boy warms up for the Bass Pro tournament season fly fishing for the famous Steelhead trout somewhere in northern Michigan.

1 comment:

Shark Minion Update said...

Great job Bissel Boy! You should be a regular contributor! I'm testing mountain bikes for Outside in New Mexico but hope to return in one piece if my son-in-law doesn't kill me in the pain cave!
Happy Thanksgiving to all the Minions! Great Update!
