Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Record attendance as female Minions double!

Was that Boffo? Oh, Yeah!

Sharkman returns! Well, sorta…

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
June 21, 2008

Galesburg, Mi.- It was a unique edition of the KK-TdG as a season record 17 riders toed the line at 8:00 A.M. on another fantastic weather Saturday morning.

Some well known riders had returned to the peleton, along with some long time readers of the Update, first time riders. Chief among returning riders was Boffo the Clown! Fresh off the midget car race circuit, Boffo and his diabolical laugh had returned to the pack. Skipper had also returned to lead the group out of Galesburg sans the Sharkman who had returned late from a trip on Friday night along with a bad cold and had slept in (more on that later).

Other riders returning to the peleton after major absences were Hutch, Hossman, Sooner, to name a few. Two long time readers of the Update, but first time riders, were Tardy and Tardett, names they will carry for their tardiness until they learn where the ride starts. It was reported that Tardett, pronounced like Sade, gave a good account of herself and it is rumored that after riding with this group, she may ACTUALLY return!

The Update cannot report much about the ride other than Wolf King experienced the biggest tire blow out in Minion history, followed immediately with a flat from Stingray’s tire. Wolf King hit some gravel in the run up to the Country Club curves and it blew a sizable hole in the sidewall of the tire. He had to stick a dollar bill inside the tire casing to keep the tube inside the tire. Everyone wondered where he got the $1.00 bill? Stingray’s flat came immediately after and the Commissioner has launched an investigation as to why O.E. and Skipper have not been out cleaning up that curve!

The surprise of the day was the appearance of Sharkman on his Kawasaki Vulcan! After a delayed flight home, being sick as a dog, he got his sorry butt out of bed because he could not pass up a chance to have koffee with his Minions! After giving the Minions a motorcycle escort through Galesburg Days, the Skipper graciously bought Koffee for the Sharkman (a class act and something that should be repeated weekly by each of the Minions!).

The Paparazzi circled around the Klutch to interview the two female members of the peleton, as well as Boffo the Clown to see if he had truly returned or was toying with the peleton once again.

New rider, Tardett stands next to Cloud Girl outside the Koffee Klutch. But will she return? Note all the bikes!

Boffo confirmed that he is back! As a matter of fact, he thought that the Galesburg Day’s Parade was for him and actually had brought his little red clown fire truck. Though he was upset that the parade was not in his honor, he was a good sport and still made balloon animals for all the kids in the Klutch, laughing diabolically as he performed.

Learning that no one sent in the required $50.00 to vote on moving the start time up to 7:30 A.M., Falcon tried to take a vote on the matter at the Klutch and he was resoundingly defeated in the attempt. Actually, the Police had to stop the angry mob from lynching him.

Until the weather get’s hot, the start will stay at 8:00 A.M. Sharp!

You won’t want to miss next week’s edition!

Will Boffo return?

Will Sharkman return on a bicycle?

Will someone else buy Sharkman a kup of koffee?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Next Saturday, 8:00 A.M. SHARP Launch Time!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sooner Speaks

Hi Sharkman,

I have no time this week to write a proper update, but here are a few brief comments about Saturday's TdG:

1. The weather was fantastic

2. Twelve riders

3. No Cloud Girl;...did the extra press attention scare her off?

4. The group stayed together the entire ride...no regrouping was required...didn't even have to wait for Wolf King after the Cul de Twin Lakes (what's up with that?).

5. Wolf King did some psycho motor-pacing on M-43 with his face a few feet behind a boat propeller.

5. No flats or mechanicals....although Woodie hit a pothole that had everyone wondering if he broke something....it did not sound good.

6. Gravel and sand were abundant...post ride my bike looked like I had been out mountain biking.

7. The usual suspects contested the sprints.....Airman, Wolf King, Nikeboy, and Falcon were looking strong.

8. Airman and Wolf King battled at the finish with Bullet Bob, Nikeboy and Sooner trying, but failing to stay with them at the very end.

9. Average was close to 20 mph give or take a tenth.

10. I mentioned WK way too much in this update.

Hope you had a great week! I plan to ride Saturday. Hope your back in the saddle!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oberon Wins! Oberon Wins! Oberon Wins!

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
June 7, 2008

Galesburg, Mi.- As the sun peaked over the horizon at the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, Sharkman watched Nikeboy’s garage door slowly opening. It was the first truly warm day of the season as Nikeboy snapped into the pedals to join Sharkman for the ride to Galesburg.

A season record sixteen riders showed up for the start of this week’s edition of the KK-TdG. It was Beer Jersey Day and the hands down winner of the day was Bell’s Brewery Oberon jersey. No less than 5 riders showed up in stunning Oberon Jersey’s. O.E., Sharkman and Bullet Bob were sporting the 2007 Jersey while Falcon and the Unknown Rider appeared in the 2008 edition of the jersey. Interestingly, Brewman, who has the largest collection of Beer Jersey’s in peleton history was absent for the day’s festivities. Rumor had it he could not decide which jersey to wear and went back to bed!

O.E., Sharkman and Bullet Bob displaying their Oberon Jersey’s at the start, living the Shark Minion Credo, “if you can’t be good, look good!”

Cloud Girl had returned for her fourth consecutive start, breaking the Minion record for a returning female rider. Actually, one week was the old record, so she has actually shattered the previous record. What a trooper!

Wolf King was in attendance after being released from the Betty Ford Weight loss and Psychiatric Clinic, riding his Felt! The rumors of his Felts demise in a recent garage crash were apparently premature and the bike and rider are now doing fine.

We also welcomed a new rider, who until further notice will be known as Raider Rick, due to his Oakland Raider Jersey colors.

The start of the ride was extremely social with a lot of chatter. Sharkman took his usual complementary sprint in the run up to G Ave. which was immediately followed by Falcon being sidelined with a flat tire, the third flat in as many weeks. Since flat tires come in threes, it is hoped that this is the last flat tire of the season!

O.E. was feeling frisky and surprised Falcon, who was at the head of the Peleton, by taking the sprint just before the Cul de Twin Lakes. The Minions stayed together for the climb and there was only a slight pause as the peleton moved on to the Rt. 89 crossing.

The group stayed together through the Yorkville Church and Country Club portion of the ride, with Falcon contesting and picking off the Rt. 43 sprint.

In what seems to be turning into a pleasant routine, the peleton formed up a pace line after the cul de Norte on the east side of the lake and the pace picked up considerably through the Bible Conference Hills and through Inlet. This was particularly interesting in light of the previous evening’s storms which had littered the road with tree branches and assorted debris. At times is seemed more like mountain biking as riders bunny hopped over branches and twisted through the debris.

After the G Ave. crossing, the pace slowed for only a short time before riders began to position themselves for a push to the finish. The pace line stayed somewhat close, with Cloud Girl actually going to the front for a while. Her attack was valiant but short lived as a wave of Oberon Jersey’s moved into position. With Oberon Jersey’s nearly everywhere, the speed picked up as the wave of Bell’s Brewery’s finest crested the final hill in the descent to the finish. In a flash, an Oberon Jersey went to the front and made quick work of a very close field of, you guessed it, OBERON Jersey’s! It was a victory for Oberon! I guess you should have been there to witness the phenomenal finish!

It was a festive group that rode up to the Koffee Klutch. Town people and press gathered around to get a glimpse of the peleton hero’s.

Cloud Girl enjoys a post ride smoothie!

The Koffee Klutch was a little over run with riders and fans, as the Minions regaled the crowd with their post race bravado and signed autographs.

So………., you won’t want to miss next weeks ride!

Saturday, 8:00 A.M. Launch Time – SHARP!

Be there!


Dear Sharkman!

What gives with all the Cloud Girl publicity?? Airman takes 4 sprints and gets no mention. Sooner and Stingray re-enact a scene from Ben Hur and get a mere blip in the Update. Cloud Girl misses a right turn and gets an entire paragraph?!?!?!?!? What's next......"Cloud Girl develops a nasty hangnail, Minion Ride cancelled"?????

Cloud Girl is getting a big head over here at Porter Street---she's starting to think she's a big deal!! Who’s doing her publicity? Do I have to buy you Koffee to get a mention?

Come on, what gives?


Disgruntled Minion!

Dear Disgruntled,

One of the schmooze factor's with Cloud Girl is she is the first female rider to actually come back after riding with us! That has never happened, ever! We keep scaring them off! You might not remember what has become known as the Dirtman Short’s Incident (see next letter to Sharkman). I rest my case…..

Got to give her press time so she'll continue to be our token female rider.

But I think there is more to your complaint. Hey, are you concerned about getting beat by a girl? Tough it up Minion!


Dear Sharkman,

Love the editorial at the end of the last Update. Great use of the pictures! Boffo & I had a great time that weekend. Did he tell you that I almost won the mini-car race? Unfortunately my shorts ripped (in the crack again of course) and then got caught in the tires. I spun out in the final sprint -- they have final sprints in mini-car racing too.

How are things with you? I hear you are about to become a grandfather. Congrats!! I'm about to become a father - my wife is due the first week of August. It's a bit surreal. I miss riding with the group. I've been riding... but not as much as I did in MI. I need to do a better job finding the time. Tell the minions I said hi and keep the updates coming!


Dear Dirtman,

Great to hear from you and congratulations on the new little Dirtboy or Dirtgirl!

When you get tired of Midget Car Racing with Boffo, come on back to ride with the Minions. You’re always welcome! Oh, and say hello to Boffo!


Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Update is Back!

Where’s Boffo?

Sharkman Stung by Errant Bee!

A Minion Blog? Really?

Next Saturday, Beer Jersey Day!

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
May 31, 2008

Galesburg, Mi. – The big question amongst cyclist over the past couple of weeks has been, “Where is my Update!?!” Well, that and “Where is Boffo!?!”

Yes, the Update is back! We, here at the Minion Update have been extremely busy and have struggled to meet press deadlines. Travel, work, an assortment of issues, have worked against us here at the Update to get you your well deserved cycling news!

But here we are, back in your inbox!

And the cycling action the past three weeks has been intense, with anywhere from 13 to 16 riders showing up at the start. A few returning riders have also made their first appearances of the season, including the Z Train, Peugeot Guy and in a surprise move, Squeaky actually lubed his chain! We even have a new female Minion named Cloud Girl who has actually come back THREE TIMES after riding with THIS group. Amazing!

Yes, they’ve all been there and the weather has been outstanding. Well, all but Boffo….more about that later!

This weeks edition began with an almost instant flat tire for Woodie. With Wolf King gone, this tire was repaired much more quickly. However, within a few miles, Woodie flatted out again and had to abandon.

Cloud Girl has demonstrated great riding skill but is still working on her “pace line turns.” As the pace line moved past the Kellogg Manor last week, she was slotted in the second position and doing her share to keep the group moving at a brisk 23 mph. However, and for whatever reason, she went straight when the peleton turned to the right at the Manor, giving up her comfortable position. Stating that she was concerned she was going too fast for the peleton, she wanted to ride a few extra miles and came back at the C Ave. sprint through the Bible Conference Hills.

As the Minions continued south, and as Sharkman put his head down to attack the G Ave. Sprint, a bee got caught in his helmet and he was stung on the head! Describing it like someone sticking a tack in his bean and slowly pushing down, he pulled to the side of the road to get his helmet off and several riders asked what was wrong. When they learned it was a bee sting, they all shrugged it off and rode on, leaving Sharkman on the shoulder shaking his helmet out and whining. So much for compassion as the Sharkman bitched and moaned about his head hurting for the remainder of the ride, at the Koffee Klutch and on ride home.

The finish was extremely interesting as Sharkman, with long time Minion, Bullet Bob, led the procession over the final hill and broke away from the pack. Sharkman and Bullet Bob worked together to open up a fair size gap and it looked like they were going to steal the show. At the Koffee Klutch, during the press conference after the finish, Sharkman said he had been ready to launch Bullet Bob to the finish when a train of riders, led by Nikeboy, came by on the left and Sooner and Brewman fought it out to Stop Ahead Sign with Bullet Bob and Nikeboy on their tails.
It was a finish so close, you had to be there to see it.

So you won’t want to miss this week’s ride! It will be Beer Jersey Day! Wear your Beer Jersey and show off your favorite Brew!

Saturday, 8:00 A.M. Launch – SHARP!

Be there!

Where is Boffo?

New York, NY. – Rumors have been circulating for weeks concerning the whereabouts of that rascally jokester and peleton pleaser, Boffo the Clown. Earlier this season, the Update reported that Boffo had been seen working out in the Kellogg Fitness Center and looking like he was getting ready for the season. However, he disappeared shortly after. Concerns grew as reports of a bear being shot and killed on the North side of Battle Creek began to reverberate through out the peleton. Of course, everyone knew of Boffo’s strong resemblance to bears and his brief wrestling career with bears while with the Circus in Russian. Could it have been our intrepid hero?

We are pleased to report that it was, in fact, a bear that was shot on the North Side of Battle Creek and though he bore a striking resemblance to Boffo, it was confirmed as a real bear and not our Boffo.

So, where then is Boffo?

Well, in an exclusive Update investigative report, we have learned he has run off with Dirtman and the two are competing in Midget Car Racing!

In these “never before seen” photos we see the two racing their midget cars in a recent event in Fergus Falls, New York……..

Yes, these two former Minions are now living together on the Midget Race Car circuit! Here they are outside there team trailer.

If you think they look a little to close for comfort, take a look at this scene!

Down right scary, eh? I guess that Midget Car Racing is a tough circuit?

Well, you’ve heard it first from the Update! The Cycling Publication with ALL THE NEWS!

More on the adventures of Boffo and Dirtman in upcoming editions of the Shark Minion Update!

New Start time?

Galesburg, Mi. – During the post race chatter on Saturday, the discussion turned to start times. In years past, the start time would move to 7:30 A.M. as the weather got warmer. However, there seemed to be a strong consensus to keep the start at 8:00 A.M. unless the weather got really warm. What should we do?

Well, we you can vote on what time you think the Minions should start!

If you would like the Start Time moved to 7:30 A.M., please send your vote to Shark Minion Update, P.O. Box 1Z432XYZ, Galesburg, Mi. along with a check for $50.00 made out to the Sharkman.

(Please! -No out of state, post dated multiple party checks!)
(This offer void where prohibited by law.)

Let’s see how much people want to move the start up!

Hope to see you all on Saturday!

Shark Minion Blog?

Yes! It is coming! A new Shark Minion Blog! As soon as we can figure out how to use it! So stay tuned for more information!