Wednesday, April 27, 2022





The mighty Shark Minion Naiton ready to rock the KK-TdG!!!



Belo News

April 23, 2022

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke wet and bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman bound out of bed wondering who would ride over to the start with him. 

On Friday, his wingman Yeti Boy reported in, stating that despite being vaccinated and boosted, he had contracted Covid! Oh, the humanity!!! (At press time it was reported that Yeti Boy is doing much better and should be off the DL list, making him able to ride next Saturday!!! Is this a great country or what?!?)

Yeti Boy also reported feeling pretty sick and if that legend complains, it had to be pretty bad.

Sharkman tried again, but cuts the ends off.
Oh, the humanity, some stop him!!

Then, a text came in as Sharkman was chosing his attire on the day. Reb was out, having kids baseball.

That left only Fire and Sharkman had immediate concerns she would ride him into the ground on the ride over without Reb there to complain, whine and hold the speed down to a reasonable level to protect our hero.

Though warmer, the morning temps were still a bit on the cool side and the roads were still wet/damp from the overnight rain. The type of wet that is just enough to throw dead worms and grit onto your bike and shins, but not enough to rinse it off. Sharkman hates dead worm carasses.......🐛

Sharkman launched from the Shark Cove on schedule and picked up Fire on Watkins a bit early on the day. Fire was anxious to ride and is really loving the new Ridley. We mean, come on, who wouldn't!!

Fire went easy on the old Shark but put him to shame in her short sleeve jersey, while the old shark had on a long sleeve under shirt with a vest for added warmth, which he took off later at the start.

The legend known as
Stryker Guy!

As they rode into the start, Brewman was already there as an unfamiliar rider was unloading her stead from her car.

The rider introduced herself as "Kim" who said that she had ridden once before with the mighty Shark Minion Nation but it was some time back, before Covid. Sharkman apologized for not remembering her and asked if she had been given a Minion name when she had ridden with the Shark Minions. She responded that she had not. Game on!!! More on that later.

The scar!!
Oh, the humanity!!!

Riders started pouring in as Sharkman tried to establish some order, trying to get the Nation to lined up and organized for the start photo.

Wildman, Hermster, and Greyhound all rode in around the same time with a grand entrance by that legend of the peloton, Stryker Guy hizzelf!!! It was his first long road ride after his knee replacement and he had the scar to prove it!!! Is this a great country or what?!?

Greyhound was back and bought
the koffee!!

Welcome back Bionic Stryker Guy! So good to have you back in the Nation!!!

Hoosier Boy was back for a second week in a row and apparently fighting with Brewman and Hermster for the attendance record on the year!!! 🥴

Brewman and Fire ready
to rock it!
Welcome to the mighty Shark
Minion Nation!

Hoosier Boy was back and 
riding strong!!

As Sharkman was attempting to line up the Nation for the start photo, Snow White had pulled in and was pumping tires, moving gear, putting on gear, going back and forth in the car, looking for shoes, trying to get ready. As the clock was ticking down to Launch Time, and he was telling her to hurry, he started his frequent heard rant about what LAUNCH TIME realy is!

Launch time is not in the parking lot at launch time, but being READY TO LAUNCH at launch time. As the Nation listened to his ranting, they could be heard murmering something about "its all about Sharkman......🙄" meanwhile, Snow White got to the start line at 9:01 a.m. But that was lucky for Skittles, who rode in late! 

And it was Snow White who shouted out to "Wait for Skittles!" for the photo! Oh, the humanity.

The ever popular Wildman
making his season debut!!

Sharkman introduced Kim to the Nation and commented that she didn't have a name yet and for everyone to think about it on the ride.

Sharkman called for the start at 9:03 a.m. or there abouts and the "ones" of spectators went wild as the sound of Shark Minions clipping in and heading out on the road took place!

The Nation waved to the crowds (actually, the Klutch looked empty) and they headed through the turns, loaded with pot holes and puddles, to get to the official start of the race.

As they headed north, Wildman went to the front and stretched the group out and it seemed that the pace was a bit more brisk in this second week of riding.

As the Nation approached the "A" Group cut off, Skittles came up and decided to lead the "A" Group solo! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman wasn't sure if it was Skittles taking off on the "A" Group route or the great, sunny morning, but the pace continued to build as the riders headed to the first sprint.

Hermster was back, also
in the mix for attendance!

Sharkman had stated that he was not counting sprints and the first one was open to any who wanted it, but Wildman refused to cross before our hero and hit the brakes as he gave the honory sprint to his wise elder! Thank you Wildman, you are a class act! But no sprints until the Commission determines Spring Season is over.

As the Nation fought its way up the Col de Twin Lakes, "Mechanical" rang out from the middle of the peloton. It appeared that  Fire had thrown the chain on her new Ridely and when eveyrone heard what it was, shouted back, "stop at the top of the hill!!!"

Fire quickly fixed the errant chain and after gathering up at the stop ahead, the train started moving once again.

Once before the Col de No Name, Dr. Dave joined on, making his season debut! Welcome back Dr. Dave!!!

Stryker Guy warned that Kellogg Korner was loaded with gravel after the over night rain storm, which seemed to have been more rain than Sharkman had assumed. The Bionic Legend was right as the Nation had to navigate the mess. 

"Skipper! Clean up in aisle 4!" 😱

Through the Kountry Klub and up to the Rt. 43 sprint, the Nation seemed to be in mid season form and building momentum.

Up the Col de Norte, into the Holy Rollers, Greyhound stayed out front pulling the Nation. In the Holy Rollers Hermster made a move that was covered by several riders as the pace continued to amaze for so early in the season and they bore down on the Feed Stop!

After determining to take the High Road after the feed stop, everyone made the obligatory stop at the Inlet.

After crossing the Digital Divide,  virgin Minion Kim came forward and put in a humongus pull at the front only getting passed at the curve before the finish. It was a great sprint, but Belo News is not reporting what happened. However, it should be noted that everyone was thinking of the Sweetheart of the Peloton as the Nation took the GGG Spot Sprint in her honor!!!

The sprint to the finish was a classic with everyone in it! But you needed to be there to know what happened, Bunkie!!! It's Spring Season!!!

Oh, the humanity, is this a great country or what?!?

The crowds went wild along the Champs le Galesburg as their hero's in the mighty Shark Minion Nation rode by zipping up their jersey's for the sponsors.

Greyhound rushed to the finish to buy the Koffee and the Nation cheered in response!!!

Thanks Greyhound!!!
Skittles didn't get a solo
start photo because.......
he was late!!!

As the riders unloaded into the Klutch, Skittles pulled up and asked what the average was for the ride, as he did not catch the Nation at the finish. In his defense, it was a quicker pace than usual "spring pace" and he had no help. The wind out of the south was a bit strong, but so were the riders this week.  However, the pace was a very acceptable 18 mph!

The main discussion amongst the mighty Shark Minion faithful was what to name the new Shark Minion, Kim. It had been learned during the ride that Kim is either a Pediatric Psychologist or Psychiatrist but either way, Sharkman's first thought was maybe she could work with Reb to try to fix that brain. After all, he has the child like mind, is fixated on pulling "Dick Moves" on the peloton, whines a lot and pouts if he gets passed in the peloton. He could really use some help. It could be a win/win for all involved?!? This is a great country!!

Give it some thought Kim! Please!!!🙏

Fire was thinking "Kim Possible" 
The koffee flowed as the riders discussed Kim's Minion Name.  

"Team Shrink" seemed to be popular while someone else suggested, "Fine Lake Lady" which is her Strava name but seemed a bit long.  Later in the week Fire informed Belo News that there is a Disney show called "Kim Possible" Who knew? Strong rider, fast,......all right Shark Minions, what will it be? Name that Minion!!!

The bigger question is can she help Reb?.......Can anyone help Reb?

Thanks for the koffee, Greyhound!

It was a great second "soft" season opener for spring season so the plan is to do it again next week!!! 

The forecast is looking dry as we go to press, but still a bit cool, so launch time will stay at 9:00 a.m. - BUT SHARP! (see below*)

Saturday April 30, 2022

9:00 a.m. - SHARP! (Which means ready to ride, at the start!*)

Be there!!!

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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