Thursday, October 28, 2021



Studs of the peloton!!!
Can Dr. Dave take a selfie or what?!?!




Belo News

October 23, 2021

Shark Cove, Mi. - With a death in the family (one of the few reasons Sharkman would ever miss the call) it was up to the mighty Shark Minion Nation to pull a ride together on their own and without adult supervision as Gazelle Girl would not be in attendance either!

Thankfully, two of Belo News Ace Reporters were on the scene and able to report in....

The first was ace, on the scene reporter, Dr. Dave.....sending this criptic text message. After offering his condolences.......

"4 at the start. Joined before the Klutch by Reb and Fire. 43 degrees, dry roads, Opening Sprint defended by Fixit in Sharkman's honor!"

Talk about on the scene, riveting reporting!?! Is the a great country or what?!?

And a photo!!! Oh, the humanity!!!

Apparently Dr. Dave has been wasting his career options helping people get well and doing good in the world when he could, in fact, be writing for Belo News AND doing the selfie every week!! 

Is that a fantastic selfie or what?!?

Ah, if only Sharkman had longer arms........actually, the least of his physical problems.....but we digress.

Next up was this phenomenal, can't take your eyes away, write up on the ride from Ace Reporter, Reb!!!

"Well before sunrise, Reb woke from a deep sleep with the sadness that neither our fearless leader nor his trusted wingman would be participating.  Then he remembered that because it was just Fire and himself and neither one had the social obligations shouldered by Shark, they had decided to leave a little later, he hit the snooze bar and went back to sleep.

The plan was going great, until he rolled up to the “Firehouse” and Fire was still trying to figure out what to wear.  Finally, satisfied with her attire, the two started towards Galesburg. 

Both were a little sad that Butch and Sundance would be absent.

Not pointing fingers, maybe it was the leisurely pace, the wardrobe indecision, or Reb’s choice to hit that snooze bar, the two missed the start by a few minutes but met the four-person peloton riding towards the Klutch. 

Greyhound, the senior minion, gave Reb the “8:00 a.m. - SHARP” look and no further words were needed. 

The six-some, filled out with Dr. Dave, The Swede, and “Jeff”.  (Fix it guy?)  Not sure if Jeff has a minion name; but riding his gravel bike on 45mm tires at 40psi, he soon became known as “off-the-back”. 

The pace was solid as the pack stayed together riding out of Galesburg.  The peloton seemed content to not compete the first sprint until Jeff came from way back to capture the win.  An effort that would have made Shark himself smile.  The group continued north enjoying the ride.  The only real issue was without Gazelle Girl, we had to overcome long stretches of awkward silence.  

As the six riders headed south, they somehow became five with Dr. Dave being called away for a medical emergency.  (Belonews is still waiting for confirmation on this one; our guest contributor might be working on false assumptions.)  

The group finally got serious after crossing G Avenue and formed a pace line with four of the five thinking they had a chance.  

The group rotated the lead with Reb floating to the clean-up spot and the Swede taking the lead.  Greyhound locked into second with Fire tucked between the two big riders.  With the speed picking up, Fire started to lose Greyhouse’s wheel and Reb moved up to third.  

Patience was the theme as the Swede continued to lead.  Reb, knowing he needed to go when gravity was his friend, pulled out of his third spot as the slope maxed out.  

Aware of Reb’s love of the “dickmove”, Greyhound went, and went with a level of horsepower that left Reb and the rest of the peloton in awe, winning easily. 

Greyhound continued his show of strength by buying coffee for the five.  

While the Belonews doesn’t usually announce “rider of the day” and awarding the red number until mid-week, there will be an outcry if it isn’t the man on the Zinn bike. 

The conversation was great as the five warmed up in the Klutch, but were left with several unanswered questions; 

  • Where was Wishbone?  Wasn’t he the one that wanted to ride on the road one more week?
  • Why was the Swede making Jeff ride an additional 30-50 miles before and after the Tour de Gull in preparation of the Iceman next month?  Someone needs to tell Jeff it’s only a 30-mile race.
  • What’s the plan for next week?

While the ride was successful; the tardiness, the limited participation, the lack of actual data, simply reinforces the need of a strong leader.  

Viva la Shark!"

Whoa! Sharkman intends to put in his retirement papers after reading these two accounts of yet another great day in the saddle with the mighty Shark Minion Nation!!! 

Oh, the humanity!

Guess it is time to move to the Fort for some mountain bike riding. Sorry Wishbone!

Though it still looks ridable out there this Saturday, the Fort should be in peak color and hopefully, dry! Well, that and the fact it is late in the year and the trails are calling and riders are getting ready for Iceman.


Saturday, October 30, 2021

Fort Custer Trail Head

The Shark Minions move to the mountain bikes!!!

Launch time from the trail head - 9:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!



Belo News

October 28, 2021

Shark Cove, Mi. - The Sharkman had cancelled the In Lieu of Iceman Ride/Party as he will be attending and giving the eulogy at his Father in Laws Memorial Service on November 6. The following weekend, he will be heading out of town again, so the Shark Minion Nation will be closing down the regular season this Saturday.

A big thank you to the mighty Shark Minion Nation from the Sharkman hizzelf for yet another fantastic season!!!

Looking forward to next season already!!!

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