Thursday, October 14, 2021




Yeti Boy & Reb climbing to the Eaton Plant.





The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready to rock!

Belo News

October 9, 2021

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn had not yet broken over the Shark Cove, we find our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, down in his Shark Bike Room, picking out his "Internatinal Day" kit. Sharkman had developed the idea while naming Swede and was excited to be wearing his "Tour of Ireland" jersey that had been gifted to him my none other than that legend of the peloton, Stryker Guy hizzelf!!!

Maid Marion who finished 3rd 
on the day!

Not only was he worked up about the jersey, but he had scored some Irish Shamrock socks on the Internet and was excited about their debut in the peloton. Though he had worn them before, this would be the first time in mighty Shark Minion Nation! (It is easy to get our intrepid hero excited, well, about almost anything......)

It was just a bit dark, foggy and cool, so Sharkman added arm warmers (one of the best cycling inventions known to humanity) and was ready when Yeti Boy rode up sporting his South African Jersey, which he actually purchased IN South Africa! Why didn't Sharkman think of International/State Jersey Day sooner!??

The two made their way to the rendevouz point to pick up Reb and his wingman, Fire on the way over and then Fire picked up the pace. Sharkman hung on to her wheel, enjoying the tow, while he could hear Reb complaining behind them. Well, at least until he was to far behind to hear......

As the sun began to break through the fog, the scenery broke into a cacophony of muted fall colors! (Belo News will give Shark Minions a few moments to look up "cacophony.")

As Fire and Sharkman approached the Eaton Plant, Rule 24 Guy was there waiting. He asked where Reb and Yeti Boy were (yes, they were that far behind!) when Sharkman rode ahead to get the spectacular shot of the two wayward Shark Minions catching back on in front of a fantastic sunrise.

This is a great country!!!

Winner on the day,

At the start, riders started piling in and it turned out to be one of the biggest days of the year!!!

The "Sweetheart of the Peloton" along with her main squeeze Toesetter rode in to shouts of "Gazelle Girl!!"

The count on the morning was 18 riders that included just a few with International Jerseys like Swede (of course), Yeti Boy in his South African kit, Stryker Guy in a "Camino de Santiago" jersey and new Shark Minion Fixit sporting a very cool UK jersey!

Sharkman was immediately bestowed the honor of "Best International Day Kit" for his matching Irish socks! Is this a great coutnry or what?!?! 

Oh, the excitement!!!

After marching around the start line, strutting his Irish Kit, and making sure everyone saw his socks, Sharkman took the start photo, avoiding the dreaded "selfie" shot and got the party started as the click of pedals and the whir of starting wheels rang out across the great Galesburg area!

Skittles immediately went to the front and pulled our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, to his honorary sprint, looking daper in his Irish colors!! Oh, the dimutive Shark was in his glory on the morning!!!

The Sharkman continued to ride, asking Shark Minions, "did you see my socks match? Uh? did you?" on infinitum.......

The guy who started "International
Kit Day," the Swede!

The ride continued on through the col de Twin Lakes and past the Gull Lake High School when the shout of "Mechanical" was heard after most of the Shark Minions had already crossed Rt. 89.

It turned out that Hoosier Boy had a flat in the run up to Rt. 89 and Hermster stayed with him. Reb and Skittles went back and after a prolonged period, it was learned they went through a few tubes before they found one that held air. Thankfully, Certified Bike Mechanic Skittles was on it but we did learn that Hermster carries like 5 million tubes with him!!! Oh, the humanity! 

The tubs coming out of his wedge was likened by witness to look like clowns coming out of a minature fire engine.....

Hoosier Boy will need to stock up on tubes! 

With a blast of CO2, a whiff of the gas and a mighty "Hi Ho, Silver," the the riders were off again and into the usual fast section of the Kountry Klub!

Past the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner, the Kountry Klub and on to the turn to the final sprint, the pace continued to climb as the sun warmed the riders backs and the sprint called them to the front.

Up over the col de Norte and through the Holy Rollers there was no let up as Athletic Mentors and Skittles, along with Rocketman and an occassional burst from Hermster, kept the pace up.

Rule 24 Guy in Irish Orange!

Fixit put in an attack on the run up to the Inlet Sprint that seemed to bring the Shark Minion Nation even more alive!

After a FULL stop at the Inlet, the riders took a breath or two before the crossing of the Digital Divide and before Stryker Guy dropped off to head home for family duties.

The pace line started up immediately when Rocketman and Skittles went to the front, joined by Crickett later. The pace got up to a steady 24 mph as the fast moving train moved towards the sprint.

Again, the Shark Minion Nation began to wonder where Gazelle Girl was, but as the mass of riders got closer to the sprint, Gazelle Girl made her move with a lead out from Cricket that took them both, flying past the peloton to take the GGG Spot finish!

It was a victory for America!!!

After the GGG Spot Sprint finish and the crossing, Sharkman began to worry that with all the sprinters in this days group, he needed a rabbit to try to break up the peloton. Initially, it seemed no one joined him as he headed south, but then Rocketman threw himself on his sword and went forward, taking the

speed up to around 24-25 mph!

Fire was, well....on Fire!

Sharkman held on to his wheel, and being second in line, was hoping he could last, at least, until the final climb.

Alas, after a humongus pull, Rocketman pulled off and Sharkman was forced to take over well before the climb.

To his credit (and his amazement) he was able to hold the speed at 24 mph and got them to the base of the hill, and part way up, where he was spent and a cast of thousands, led by Skittles and Cricket, buzzed by him.

He did get a second wind as he began his descent to the final sprint, but it was not enough to get him close.

Meanwhile, at the front, Cricket took the finish with Skittles and Maid Marion just behind him!

It was a fast, clean finish and the pace on the day was 19.07 MPH!

It was a victory for America!!!

The crowds on the Champs le Galesburg went wild as the riders zipped up their jerseys for the sponsors and motored their way to the Koffee Klutch for the Press Conference.

Bissell Boy bought the Koffee and it seemed like he has done that on a regular basis this season! Thanks Bissell Boy, we're giving you the rest of the season off on buying koffee! You ROCK!!!

Bissell Boy who bought on the

Of course, the season is almost over, but none the less, thanks Bissell Boy!

The Klutch was rocking with the crowd and the Shark Minion Nation had to put two tables together to fit the rowdy riders in. The koffee flowed and the discussion carried on. It is always difficult to see another season winding down and the weather has been incredible! 

While the riders drank, rain feel, but stopped before the ride home. Unfortunately, the roads were wet enough to make the ride home soggy and cold......

But the weather is projected to stay warmish!

So, Sharkman has decided to keep the Shark Minion Nation on the roads for another week, rather than moving to the Fort.

Due to the darkness, and possible "coolness" on Saturday morning the ride is being moved back a half an hour to a 9 a.m. launch.


This Saturday!

October 16, 2021

"Make a Wish Jersey Day!" The Nation hasn't had WAM Jersey Day this year, so pull out that kit to ride! WAM, Make a Wish, Team Taylor or Team Eaton are all in the mix!!!


Launch Time - 9:00 a.m. - SHARP!

The Klutch was rocking!!!

Be there!!!

The man of many tubes!

Toesetter, beard unbraided!

The two "legends," Bissell
Boy and Stryker Guy!

Raptor in his checkerboard!

Yeti Boy, in his South Africa kit!

"Gazelle Girl!"

Reb in long sleeve jersey, 
covered by his T shirt.....

Hoosier Boy!

Skittles was back and took
2d on the day!

Wishbone was ready!

What a celebration of Fall!!!


Belo News

Fabio, aka Zyckhmann!

October 13, 2021

Shark Cove, Mi. - Has anyone seen Zyckmann, aka Fabio?

An "APSMB" (All Poins Shark Minion Bulletin) has been issued for his return!

The notoriously reclusive rider has hardly been in the Nation this season. 

Where has he gone to?

Last seen a few weeks ago, joining on the Shark Minion Train half way through the ride, at the col de Norte, then having a kup of Koffee at the Klutch and then.....nada!? 

He seems to have simply, disappeared.......

Where are you Fabio! A lonely Shark Minion Nation awaits your return? 

Is it something we said?

All attempts by Belo News to reach the often misunderstood, many named (and mis-spelled) biking phenom, have meet with email rejections sighting the email as being sent to his SPAM file. 

Oh, the humanity!

The Mighty Shark Minion Nation wonders, "when will he return?"

Please come back!!!

We need to get you back to the home!!!

The many faces of Fabio!

Please help us find him!
We need to get him back on 
his meds!



Belo News

Yeti Boy, rocking the Yankee
Springs Time Trial also rocks
his wood fired oven this Sunday!

October 17, 2021

Bread City, Mi. - Some Shark Minions may not know about Yeti Boy's alter ego. He is a Bread Baker and Pizza maker extraodinaire! 

This Sunday, October 17, 2021, from 3 p.m. until 6 p.m. he is sponsoring a Fundraiser for the Food Bank of Southern Michigan. 

This year he is inviting the mighty Shark Minion Nation and guest to sample his wares. He is promising his home made crackers, breads, cheese, and spreads along with pizza, all produced and baked in his famous wood fired oven! 

Is this a great country or what?!?

Wildman has promised to bring his guitar and there will be outdoor sports (corn hole) as well. 

Plug in 63 West Minges Road, Battle Creek, Mi. 49015 into your GPS and.... 


RSVP to 

You won't regret it....just ask Gazelle Girl!!!

P.S......bring lawn chairs and cash or check!!!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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