Thursday, August 12, 2021



The Might Sharkmanless Shark Minion Nation ready to rock!



Belo News

Reporter: Bissell Boy

August 7, 2021

Galesburg, Mi. - With the Sharkman entertaining family, the Nation wondered who would show for the "Wear Any Jersey You Want" Day in his absence.

Luke Skywalker and Bissell Boy rolled in after putting in 90 minutes of work prior to the start as they both needed to pull off early.

There were a dozen Shark Minions ready to go at the start, including members of Team Athletic Mentors (TAM) making up 25% of the peloton!

Just as the Minions clicked in and rolled out, huge raindrops started to fall and Fire, Reb and Brewman quickly ducked under the nearest bush for cover and to stow cell phones. However, as soon as the rain started, it stopped and the group came back together as they headed north on 36th Street.

Per custom, Sharkman was awarded the first sprint and from there, the dynamic three from TAM took the tape at every intermediary sprint until the GGG Spot Sprint, which of course, Gazelle Girl ruled.

TAM, represented by Maid Marian, Cricket and The Captain (aka Terry is from the East Sid and perhaps a Virgin Minion) were on form and made the selection on every sprint. 

Toe Setter was in great form as well and in the hunt all day and Yeti Boy made a couple of breakaway moves for the sprint only to be reeled in by TAM.

As I needed to peel off after we came around the lake Gazelle Girl provided the following notes.

Thank you GG......

The final podium was awarded to TAM with Cricket and The Captain tied for 1st as the photo finish camera malfunctioned with 3rd place going to Maid Marian. In the “Girl Power” category.

Maid Marian was top of the podium as she nipped Gazelle Girl at the line with Fire on their heels.

It was another great day for the Nation, and we look forward to seeing everyone again Saturday.

Faithfully submitted, BB

Editors Note: Wow, sorry to have missed all the excitement!!! But the Sharkman will be back this Saturday and we hope to have a surprise "Celebrity Rider" on board!!! And a huge thanks to Bissel Boy for the scintillating write up and for Gazelle Girls assistance. You two are a dynamic writing team that needs to fill in more often!!! 

You won't want to miss this weeks edition when it is;

Saturday, August 14, 2021

"Original Shark Minion Jersey Day!!!"

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

In honor of our Celebrity Rider this week, let's show him our Shark Minion Colors!!!

Be there!!!


Belo News

August 10, 2021

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - It's baaaack!

The Bloody 'Ell "Undred is back after a year off for Covid!!!

Actually, this will be the 8th Annual Bloody 'Ell 'Undred! Is this a great country or what!?!

100K of fun, pizza and beer, followed by a dip in Gull Lake and a chance to see Fabio's Muy bueno Estate!

All the information is in this very strange Bloody 'Ell 'Undred Poster, suitable for printing and posting on your living room wall! And yes, that is our own Toesetter, rocking it with whoever that sculputer guy is supposed to be!!! A story on the making of this poster may appear in a future issue of Belo News, but we digress......

Oh, the humanity!

This ride is 40K up to the Waldorf, followed by a 20K return after some beer and pizza!

Don't miss THE social event of the season and anyone who is anyone in cycling will want to be a part of this annual fun fest!

You must RSVP Gazelle Girl by email before August 18

It is all on the poster, so just look at where ever you hung it on your living room wall and then, RSVP NOW!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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