Thursday, June 17, 2021




The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready to rock!!!



Belo News

June 13, 2021

Shark Cove, Mi. - As a foggy dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was up and ready! Our hero had heard that the famous Shark minion, Boatman, was back in town and was going to ride over to the start with him and Yeti Boy. Yeti Boy was returning after a 3 week absence and fresh off his podium finish at the Dirty Donut Race!

The weather was also warm (which there hadn't been a lot of on Saturday morning) and it was Shark Minion Jersey Day! Always a favorite jersey day for our hero, he marveled at his vintage Shark Minion Jersey and the map on the back that displayed his "field of dreams" known as the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull! 

Celebrity Rider Boatman returns!

Is this a great country or what?!?

Boatman and Yeti Boy appeared at the Cove a bit early, but fortunetly that gave Yeti Boy to go back home to get his helmet, which he had forgotten to put on his noggin.

It was a beautiful fog to ride in as the riders lit up the roads with their blinking lights and drivers could actually seem them even better, though there were hardly any drivers to see them!

As the three riders descended into the thriving metropolis of Galesburg, none other than Zyckmann hizzelf, rode out to meet them and to great Boatman!

As they approached the start, there was not another rider in the parking lot and they all began to wonder if any others would show.

 The turnouts, by Shark Minion standards, had been a bit low, post panedemic, but they also realized they were a bit early despite Yeti having to back to get his helmet.

Very shortly, the riderss started to pile in. Some returning Minions were making their debut with Cricket and Maid Marian were returning, making their season debut, as well as the popular Luke Skywalker!

Welcome back, Shark Minions!

Hoosier Boy was also back and though he had riden before, it was the first time Sharkman had seen him this season!

Bulldog, sporting his Anniversary
Shark Minion, also bought
the koffee!!!

Sixteen Riders toed the line and were ready to rock! (Though Snow White went ahead for a comfort stop at the Klutch)

Dr. Dave jumped on as the Shark Minion train moved through town making it seventeen riders, a season high and making Sharkman feel like things just might be returning to normal!

After a brief stop at the Klutch to pick up Snow White, the Nation was ready to begin the grand tour around their beloved Gull Lake.

Sharkman laid back on the approach to the opening sprint, but quickly latched on to Zyckmann as he went to the front wtih Cricket on his left. 

Sharkman wasn't sure if Cricket was aware of the tradition, and Zyckmann pealed off earlier than our hero would have liked, so the Sharkman dug in and brought the speed up to around 23 mph to take the first sprint. 

The fog had essentially burned off, there was a nice haze that kept the sun from over heating all the Shark Minion and all was well in the kingdom.

With a few big dog sprinters in the mix, which of course, resulted in some fast pace back and forth!

Yeti Boy pushed the pace up the Col de Twin Lakes, only to be caught at the finish by Cricket. The pace in the Kountry Klub section was intense with a massive pull by Wildman, who seemed to be riding in mid season form, and the Holy Rollers was intense as the riders carved up the short steep hills in the run up to the feed stop.

Hoosier Boy didn't get the 
memo on what Jersey
Day it was!

In the next section, Stryker Guy shouted out he was taking a pull on a long down hill and quickly claimed the title, "King of the down hill pull!" 

After a "hard stop" in the inlet, making Gazelle Girl happy, the Nation moved to the Digital Divide section where Rapture (formally, Walter) took the paceline up to a very pleasant 21 mph and a very efficient line of Shark Minions actually working together formed up! 

Is this a great country or what?!?

The speed seemed perfect as Luke Skywalker led out the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" to take the GGG Spot Sprint past the Minion pace line! 

It was a victory for America!

Once the Shark Minions made the turn onto the finishing stretch, they again formed up into a pretty well working pace line. 

Amazingly, it almost looked like they all knew what they were doing! 

As the fast moving Shark Minion train crested the final ascent and began it's descent to the finish, it was every Shark Minion for themselves. Sharkman always worries when the peloton is a bit bunched up, but it was a very clean finish as Cricket moved foward and took the finish with a cast of thousands on his wheel!

Cricket returns and wins!

Average speed was at a seson high of 19.05 mph!

The paparzzi and tofsi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as their heros rode to the Klutch for the Press Conference and where Bulldog put down the pot of gold for all the koffee for the Nation! 

Thanks Bulldog!!!

There were so many riders that two tables were needed for the Nation to sit and enjoy their bottomless kups of koffee!!!

Another great day in the Kingdom!!!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition, which has been designated as "Vintage Jersey Day!" That's right, Bunkie, blow the dust of your oldest or vintage jersey and come on out to ride our "Field of Dreams!" The Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull!

Saturday, June 19, 2021

"Vintage Jersey Day!"

Maid Marian making her
season debut!
Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP! 


The Klutch was rocking!!!
Luke Skywalder returns!!!

The Shark Nation took up
two tables!!!


Belo News

Greyhound at the sumit!!!

June 13, 2021

Acadia National Park - Our own legend of the peloton, Greyhound reported in to Belo News last week after being missed on the ride! In his own words,.......

"Sorry to miss the Minion ride this morning. Just so you know, I wasn't slacking off. I rode up the Mount Cadillac in Acadia National Park. It's reayy beautiful here!!!

Thanks for reporting in, Greyhound! Nice job, you did the mighty Shark Minion Nation proud!!!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.


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