Wednesday, June 9, 2021


Gazelle Girl "attempting" to blow our all
the candles on her Brithday Cake!






Belo News

June 5, 2021

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, Sharkman was up and ready to go! Our intrepid hero was excited that he did not have to put on arm, leg OR a dorsal warmer for the first time in weeks!!!

Is this a great country or what!?!?

Sharkman was also excited because it was Gazelle Girls Birthday! And not just any birthday, but a big one. A very big one indeed!

The Nation was going to surprise her with a Birthday Party at the Klutch!

The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready
for action!!!

Sharkman had prepared a card for the Nation to sign and Fabio would be picking up the Birthday Cake to bring to the Klutch. Of course, it was not as great a Birthday Card as the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" does for all those special Minion Birthdays, but still, our hero was proud of it! He giggled as he slipped it into a plastic baggy and slide it into one of his three rear jersey pockets! Oh, the humanity!!! He didn't want to get it sweaty!

He picked up Reb on the way over and they stopped at the Klutch to drop off the card for Minions to sign, where they ran into, none other than Dreamboat! 

Yes, our Dreamboat was back in town and ready to ride. He shared that he was doing the Donut Race the following day but wanted to ride anyway. What a stud!!!

Wishbone was also coming out of the Klutch so the riders headed to the start together!

Welcome to the Nation, 
Two riders were seen riding east and Wishbone shouted out, "you're going the wrong way!" So they turned around to join the Nation at the start. Walter and Erin had heard about the ride from Wishbone and wanted to join in. 

Welcome to the mighty Shark Minion Nation, Walter and Erin!

Shortly after, Super Trooper rode in on a Canondale Tandem with the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" acting has his stoker on the back! Whoa, what a dynamic duo! 

The entire Nation began murmering about trying to get in the draft of that semi trailer as it left the station. 

This was a tandem that Super Trooper had built up after it had fallen in disprepair and it was a spectacular work of art. Interestingly, Super Trooper had mounted so many flashing lights on it, it actually looked like an emergency vehicle! The photo does not do it justice, but suffice it to say, vehicles were pulling over left and right as the red Canondale Tandem left the station and they scrambled to get out of the way!

Welcome to the Nation, 
Snow White!

Riders began pouring in!

In addition to Gazelle Girl, Toesetter and Super Trooper, long lost Minions, Wildman and Sasquatsh rolled in, making their season debuts!

With Dreamboat, Reb and our virgin Minions in the mix, there was a season high of 11 Riders to start, but right after the start photo, and as the Minion peloton pulled out on to the path, Dr. Dave joined on making his season debut!!! 

Is this a great country or what!?!?

Oh, yes it is!!!

All was well in the Nation!!!

Super Trooper living large on 
his Canondale tandem!!

Our own Dreamboat back
in the Nation!

As Reb said, "it was one water bottle short
of a six pack!"

Gazelle Girl and Super Trooper with
"the tandem!"

Toesetter sporting his Bells Kit!

Sasquatch returns to the Nation!

BN couldn't seem tocapture the flashing 
lights!!! Oh, the humanity!
Virgin Minion Walter and Dr. Dave 
discuss finishing strategy as they
ride through the Inlet.

What a fantastic day!!!

Super Trooper captured
the road shots!

The mighty Shark Minion Nation!

Wishbone sporting his Bells Kit!
Bells was popular 
on the day!

Reb modeling his "beer jersey."
He is working on being the
new "Style Guy!"

Wildman was back in the Nation!!

It was a great day in the saddle and the pace was intense! A season high average speed of 18.87 mph was registered on the richter scale!

As fast moving train was baring down on the final desent to the finish, they were all bunched up, but the big red tandem came forward, parting the sea of riders, to capture one, two on the finish. Super Trooper and Gazelle Girl nailed the line with a cast of thousands on their wheel!

The Champs le Galesburg exploded with the paparazzi and tofosi cheering on their heros and the Birthday Girl and "Sweetheart of the Peloton," Gazelle Girl as they rode to the Klutch for the Press Conference!

Yeti Boy was waiting at the Klutch and had paid for the koffee! Ya gotta love that guy!!!

Gazelle Girl checking the number
of candles!

Gazelle Girl getting a very nice 
rendition of "Happy Birthday!"

Who will cut the cake?

Fabio spent countless hours
baking the cake......

A good time was had by all!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG when it is Shark Minion Jersey Day!

That's right, Bunkie! Break out your original Shark Minion Jersey that you've seen winning Donut Championships!!! It is a much in demand article of cycling attire, so get it on and ride!

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Shark Minion Jersey Day!

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!


Zychmann Takes First at Dirty Donut!

The Amazing Yeti Boy Hits the Podium!

A Hutch Sighting!

Stryker Guy Receives Participation Medal AND a Hamburger!!!

Fabio a top the podium!!!

Belo News

June 6, 2021
Stryker Guy
contributing writer to Belo News

Martin, MI — Competitive gravel racing is back after a year of people riding in their basements.  The relatively new Dirty Donut gravel race was held Sunday in Martin with a number of Minion legends participating.  Several members of Team Taylor were there as TT helps to sponsor the race.  Zychman was adorned in his vintage Shark jersey talking to Hutch about race strategy when the author (also sporting the vintage Shark kit) butted in on the conversation. ZMan informed me that none other than Yeti Boy was ready to go dressed in the latest edition of the Shark jersey.  

Stryker Guy and Yeti Boy sporting
their Minion Kit and discussing
strategy on a possible
prison break!

YB and SG exchanged pleasantries at the start of the 41 mile race while Fabio (easier to write) took a picture through what appeared to be a prison fence. YB informed the author that he intended to podium, which brought me to the realization that this would be the last I would see of him until the finish.  

Disappointing no one other than himself, he took third in his age bracket, killing it as usual (and wondering why he didn’t place higher???). 

Fabio, the great sprinter that he is, decided on the 22 miler and true to form, took first. (It should be noted that Fabio rode with a seat and no beer in his water bottles).  

The great Fabio got on the podium looking for something resembling the Tour de France models to award his medal. Instead a 5’7 265 lb. guy with a long white beard and a MAGA hat handed him his medal and gave him a hug!!

The author managed to streak ahead of two tandems, three unicycles, two nine year olds on Schwinn Sting Rays, and a wheelchair (not sure they were in the race).  He did receive a beautiful participation medal as shown.  

It was a great day for the Minion Nation. 

Editors Note - Great write up, Stryker Guy! We need more of your writing!!! All the Shark Minions did the Nation proud!!! The Shark Minions are indeed, a mighty Nation!!!!

Yeti Boy takes the podium!

Stryker Guy captures a 
Participation Medal!!!

Triumphant Fabio!

Fabio showing off his vintage Shark Minion Kit,
in his prison photo!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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