Wednesday, October 16, 2019



Brewman and PNG, aka Hoosier Boy!





Belo News
October 12, 2019

Galesburg, Mi. - What has happened to the mighty Shark Minion Nation season?

First, Wildman wimps out of leading, only to be replaced by Gazelle Girl (who can always be counted on.....well.....almost) and 4 other riders in Sharkman's absence the first week......

Then, Gazelle Girl the second week!?!

Wait? What????

But none of this stopped two intrepid Minions from braving the 38 degree temps and heading out this past Saturday to keep the Nation's streak going!

Not only that, but they did a write up!  With a photo!!

Take it away, special reporter Hoosier Boy, or should we say, PNG!!!.....

Special edition of Belo News:
By Ace Reporter, PNG

Editors note:  Since Hoosier Boy won the Sharkman sprint and the G spot sprint, he will hereinafter be referred to as “persona non grata” or PNG for short.

It was a cold day to ride. 

Brewman waited alone in his car staying warm on a day when the temperature was hovering around 38 degrees. He silently hoped that no one would show up so he could go back home and get back in bed. 

Alas, at 8:25 PNG showed up ready to ride. 

The two minions rode off waiving to Andrew as they passed the Klutch.  While the temp never moved north of 40 degrees, the riders warmed up and completed the ride in record time. 

Year end awards were decided as the minions rode thru downtown Galesburg at the end of the ride:

Participation awards (for showing up) - Brewman and PNG

Iron man award (for most rides this year) - Brewman

Final sprint of the final ride:  First and second - Brewman and PNG in a dead heat

Cold my ass award - all you losers who remained snuggled under the covers on Saturday morning

(Editors Note - Thanks PNG for a riveting write up on the frosty ride! You and Brewman are proof of how tough the mighty Minion Nation is (well, some of them....).

Hope to see you both as mountain bike season ramps up!!!


Belo News
October 16, 2019

Triple Nasty Ranchero, Mi. - Don't forget a special "weekday" edition of Belo News with Gazelle Girl is coming up next week! That's right Bunkie, Barry-Roubaix because we couldn't fit it in this on a Saturday this year with the other activities going on!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019 Barry-Roubaix Ride with Gazelle Girl and Nutjob!

Anyone interested can contact Gazelle Girl 665-4555 / OR simply show up behind the Walldorff in the Parking lot for a 2 p.m. - SHARP! LAUNCH!




Belo News
October 16, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, and his lovely bride, Lava Girl, have returned from the "Sharkman 70th Birthday Tour" and their trip to the "Lost Coast of California!"

What a whirlwind trip it was! And not without some drama!??

Drama, you say?

First of all, Sharkman's daughters and Sharklets put on an "over the top!" Birthday Celebration for our hero. We call it a celebration because party doesn't cover it!

It isn't everyday that a legend turns 70, but wow, this was one heck of a 4 day Birthday Celebration!!!

The people at Top Golf sining Happy Birthday
to Sharkman his Sharklets!
The reporters from Belo News are completely worn out from all the festivities, special surprises, dinners and games that made this one heck of a Sharkman weekend!

Sharkman's daughters, Nicole and Colleen, put on a great show for the weekend and Sharkman was completely humbled by his families show of affection!

They ROCKED IT! as the photos show!!!

The Sharklet's even got dressed up and put on ties for their dinner at a Russian Restaurant!

Is this a great country or what?!?

Colleen and Nicole!

After a weekend of eating, drinking, hitting golf balls, eating numerous birthday cakes, sitting in the hot tub and swimming in the pool, Sharkman and Lava Girl were set to head out on their trip to the "Lost Coast" of California!

On Monday morning, Sharkman decided he needed to remove the snow basket's from Lava Girls hiking sticks, as they would be hiking, but not hiking in snow! But he could not get them off the sticks and decided to try to cut them off.

The Shark Family!
After getting the first one off, he started on the second and that is when it happened.

Our hero managed to cut through the basket and into his left hand! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman's daughter, Colleen, no stranger to medical emergencies, flew into action and got our hero to the Emergency Room in record time!

The Doctor was great and after 2 1/2 hours, 4 internal and 11 external stitches, our hero was finally on his way to the Lost Coast!!!

Our hero, the Sharkman, in the
Emergency Room!
Wow, that is one honker bandage!

Injury does not stop Sharkman
From hoisting a cool one
in Shelter Cove!
Lava Girl and Sharkman enjoying a drink
on the balcony of their room in
Shelter Cove.

Sunset from our Shelter Cove balcony!

Unfortunately, this might put our hero out of action for the next couple of weeks, but the ride will go on at Fort Custer!

Is this a great country or what?!?

That's right, Bunkie!

This Saturday the mighty Shark Minion Nation moves to Fort Custer for some mountain Biking!

The next two Saturdays, the Nation will meet at the Trail Head at 9 a.m. to ride. Sharkman will not be able to ride because of his hand (The stitches don't even come out until next week) but will be back for the "In Lieu of Iceman" ride/Party on Saturday, November 2, 2019. 

So mark your calendars for that November 2 at 2 p.m for the ride and 4 p.m for the Party at Players in Augusta. Spouses and significant others welcome. 

More on that in next week's edition of Belo News (if anyone sends a story and/or photos)!

Sharkman hopes to see everyone on November 2 and even hopes to ride!

More next week!

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