Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Minion are everywhere!
(Photo courtesy of Dr. Dave)









The mighty Minion Nation read to rock the KK-TdG!


Belo News
June 5, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright and warm over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman bolted from bed as he realized he had not put his summer wheels on his steed! Oh, the humanity.
Celebrity Rider Dreamboat was
back in the mix!!!

After a cup of Shark coffee, he got the Ksyrium wheels out of storage and one of them was flat. "Probably from being stored for the winter months...." he thought to himself.....

Wrong! Flat tire. Too late to fix. Our hero would be riding with one regular wheel and one Ksyrium wheel.......dang.......

Yeti Boy was back and right on time for launch! After two weeks of solo rides, Sharkman was soooo happy to have his wing man back.

As the two made their way down Watkins, they saw two sets of headlights ahead and realized it was Reb and Fire, making her season debut! The entourage was back and Sharkman was feeling the love!!!

Is this a great country or what!?!

As the riders made their way to the start, Sharkman could not believe the number of cars passing them on the road down the hill from the Eaton plant and on the Champs le Galesburg. What the .......was there a convention in the quite burg of Galesburg that the Sharkman was not aware of?

Virgin Minion Mark (NTBD)!
Welcome to the Nation Mark (NTBD)!

They passed the Koffee Klutch and waved to the Early Morning group and headed to the start.

As they pulled into the start, it was apparent that the summer crowd of Minions were returning to the fold!

A number of minions were back, making their season debuts. In addition to Fire, Hossman, making his last ride before moving to Colorado and becoming a future celebrity rider, Ranger Rick, Dr. Dave, Rocketman, Falcon and Wildman!

Toesetter was making his return after recent surgery, and Zyckmann/Fabio was back, sans the Vanity Plate, but sporting a new seat! Oh, the humanity!

Much to the Nations joy, Dreamboat was making a return to the peloton as a "Surprise Celebrity Rider!"

Welcome back, Dreamboat!

Gazelle Girl snuck in with, yet another "other guy" (this week it was Boatman) with the sun shining on her shoulder!

There was also a virgin Minion in the mix by the name of Mark (NTBD) who was a friend of Padre's.

Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Mark (NTBD)!
Ranger Rick was back and
taking photos!

Speaking of Padre, he pulled in as Sharkman was getting ready to do the start photos and as Kia Pet, Brewman, Toast and Greyhound filled out the field! Padre got out of his car complaining that the ramp/road was closed on 35th and it delayed him, stating he thought Belo News should have put something out. Yeah, right, like Belo News knows anything about anything going on! Ha ha!

This did explain all the cars on the way into Galesburg......

Twenty riders lined up for the start photo as Sharkman blessed the start and the Nation was off for another tour of their field of dreams known as the KK-TdG!

As they passed the Klutch, the early morning group waved in adoration and the Nation headed to the north!

Sharkman worked up and down the pace line pressing the flesh like he was running for office.

No on took the turn for the A group (which may be a dead group because it wasn't as much fun as the B group) and Falcon and Hossman opened a gap.

Sharkman was sure they would let up as they approached the Honorary Sharkman Sprint, but they just kept going.
Hossman making his season debut!

Falcon pulled aside, later stating that he thought Hossman was Sharkman, and Hossman took the sprint. This resulted in booing an an angry crowd as their hero did not take the sprint, but Sharkman was still feeling the love and declared Hossman the winner of the sprint on his last Minion ride and he was able to stop the angry mob from lynching Falcon!

As the ride went on, Kid Doster also jumped on as Dr. Dave dropped off and Toesetter, who was just back from surgery, decided to cut over at the A Group split and meet the Nation on the east side of the lake.

The Nation headed through the col de Twin Lakes, past the Yorkville Church and Kellogg Korner and on to the Kountry Klub section.

After the traditional "sit up" after this section, Sharkman got on Zykmann's wheel as he went to the front and rode him like a rented mule. Waiting until the last second, Sharkman came around him and just as he was about to take the sprint, got passed on the left by a surging Padre. Oh, the humanity!

The Nation headed up the col de Norte, through the Holy Rollers and at the Feed Stop decided to again, take the low road, where CycoCross joined on complaining that he had missed the start due to the situation on 35th Street. Toesetter had joined up with him and Sharkman had lost any semblance of the number of riders!
Zykmann was back from lawn work a
week early!

The ride seemed quick there were at times, several gaps that opened. It seemed that if a rider lost the wheel in front of them, it took quite an effort to get back on before the next sprint.

That changed as everyone played nice after the Digital Divide and a nice pace line formed up and after clicking north of 22 mph, afforded the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" yet another victory for America.

On the final sprint to glory, Hossman worked his way to the front, as is his style, and took the speed up as the Nation hung on to his wheel. After a huge pull, Hossman peaked at the final ascent and riders started going by him and battling down to the finish.

Unfortunately, Sharkman was so busy battling with Zyckmann, who he passed and then got passed by 4 times, he did not see who won the sprint or even who placed. Sharkman asked riders who had taken the sprint, but no one seemed to know. Maybe they thought they'd have to buy if they won?

Average speed on the day was actually down a bit, to 18.84 mph.
Hossman's last ride with the Nation!
Oh, the humanity!

Interestingly, there was no sprint to the Koffee Klutch, as the Nation headed down the champs le Galesburg taking in the shouts and applause from the many tofosi and paparazzi along the road.

Only 10 of the 23+ riders stopped for Koffee and though Yeti Boy bought Sharkman koffee (what a great Minion) there was no buying. Yep, the Nation was back to the summer schedule!

The Nation talked about how great it was to have Dreamboat back in the peloton, but how said they were to see Hossman leave. Who will pull the Nation apart in the final sprint with out Hossman or Towtruck? Oh, the humanity!

After another lengthy session at the Klutch, Sharkman and Yeti Boy headed back to the Shark Cove with a TAIL WIND!

Is this a great country or what!?!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG!

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

And the 35th Street may or may not be blocked!

Be there!

Yeti Boy was back!

Toesetter recovering well and riding strong!

Gazelle Girl with the sun on her shoulder!
Dr. Dave making his season debut!

Kia Pet was back in the mix

Rocketman was back!

Falcon before his major first
sprint faux paux!
Is that Wildman? Really? He's back?

That's right Bunkie! The Nation gets
reserved seating at the Klutch!

The Nation lining up at the first G crossing!
(Photo courtesy of Ranger Rick)

The gathering of the Klan!
(Photo courtesy of Ranger Rick)

Sharkman briefing the Nation!
(Photo courtesy of Ranger Rick)

The Nation rocking the Klutch!

It was a great day be in the Nation!


Belo News
June 9, 2019

Hickory Corner, Mi. - Don't forget that this Sunday the mighty Shark Minion Nation Motorcycle Team will be invading the Gilmore Care Museum to enjoy the 2019 Vintage Motorcycle Show!

That's right, Bunkie! If you have a motorcycle, join the Nation at the show and then enjoy a ride up to the Walldorff for lunch and to celebrate Gazelle Girls birthday.

Make sure you let Sharkman know you are attending so that you can be contacted in the event weather cancels the ride!

All the details are below! 

Be there for the first ever, mighty Shark Minion Nation Motorcycle Ride!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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