Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Smaller mighty Minion Nation for the rainy
Tour de Taylor!





Belo News
June 9, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - Dawn had not yet broken when our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, turned off the Shark alarm that woke him at 5:30 a.m. on Saturday morning.

Fully expecting the patter of rain on the roof from the predicted rain and expecting to role over and go back to bed, the old Shark instead jumped from bed and looked out the Shark Cove bedroom window.

No rain? Wait, .....what?
Before the start, before the rains......

He then padded his way to the Shark Radar and studied it as the soft green glow reflected off of his Shark Koffee Kup.

Oh, there was rain all around, but it looked like there was a break in those green, blue and red clouds for a while (wishful thinking?).

Skittles had messaged our hero the previous night to ask about launch, considering the dire predictions and Sharkman had responded that unless it was pouring, he would feel the need to be there to support his Team Taylor Minions and led the mighty Nation. After all, he is THE SHARKMAN!

As Sharkman was looking at the radar he got a text from Skittles that simply said, "Going?"

Sharkman responded that he "sorta had to," ...well, because he was THE SHARKMAN!

He went on to tell Skittles he would make the call on riding when he got to the start and was heading out.

Fortunately for Sharkman, his wing man, Yeti Boy, is always up for an adventure and was waiting for him in his driveway as Sharkman pulled in to pick him up. After all, Yeti Boy will follow Sharkman anywhere, mostly out of morbid curiosity!

They drove to the Mattawan High School fully expecting the sky to open at any minute, but other than an occasional drop or two, the rain did not arrive.

The parking lot was pretty open as they arrived and walked over to the start to check in and find out if the ride was on. Nickhead was there and assured them they had at least 4 hours before the heavy rain.
Dragonfly and Wishbone before the rains.....

Shark Minions in attendance that Belo News is aware of, in addition to Sharkman and Yeti Boy, were Cheese (riding in his Team Taylor kit and with Team Taylor) Wishbone and Dragonfly.

Sharkman and Yeti Boy went back to the car to get ready and when they returned for the photo, Cheese, Wishbone and Dragonfly had already launched wanting to beat the rain.

At 7:25 a.m. Sharkman didn't see any other Minions in the parking lot and he and Yeti Boy wanted to beat the rain, so after a photo with the Team Taylor Race Officials, they launched early figuring they would ride as long as they could but turn around if the predicted rain came.

The two riders rode most of the first 10 miles of hills alone. But at 10 miles some Team Taylor riders went by and were kind enough to let them join on the fast moving train, helping them to get to the first rest station in Lawton in good time, passing Wishbone and Dragonfly as they flew by.

It was here they had to make the decision to go on or head back.

The two riders decided not to stop at Lawton and thought they would keep going at least until the ran started.

Five miles later, the rain began as a drizzle and Sharkman suggested turning around and heading back.
The Lawton Rest Station under siege!

It turned out to be a wise decision as the two rider moved back east and the rain began to come down in earnest.

When they got back to the Lawton rest station, they parked their bikes against a picnic table (see photo) and ran for the shelter as the rain began to come down in buckets! Oh, the humanity! This was turning into an "Epic Ride!"

Any ride that is a struggle becomes and "Epic Ride" and this one was shaping up to be just that!!!

Sharkman was worried as skinny Yeti Boy began to get cold. This Minion has no fat on him, unlike Sharkman who carries quite a bit of fat to keep him warm! Though Sharkman would gladly share any fat he has with his wing man, that is one thing our hero can't do!

Another veteran ride said that he knew a short cut back to the start that would take half the time and avoid the hills. However, it didn't seem like he was in any hurry to get started and Yeti Boy needed to get moving!

As soon as the lightening moved on, Sharkman and Yeti Boy hit the road to head back, leaving the local knowledge behind.

Though it rained on and off for those last 15 miles, the two were comfortable once they got their body temps back up from pedaling. The two tried to draft, but the "rooster tails" coming off the tires kept that activity to a minimum.
Yeti Boy trying to get warm
with a kup of koffee......

As the two rode into the parking lot, the rain had stopped and they decided to ride past the car and go to the finish area to see what was happening.

This turned out to be a major mistake, for as they returned to the car the sky opened up again and they got even more wet trying to change into dry clothes! Oh, the humanity!

Get that car heater going!

As they say, it turned into an "Epic Ride" and the two were happy to get 41 miles in on the day, despite getting soaked.

They learned that Wishbone and Dragonfly had turned back as soon as they got to the Lawton rest station.

Sharkman and Yeti Boy also saw the "veteran rider" who knew the short cut and despite leaving after the intrepid pair, beat them to the finish easily, proving how impatient Sharkman can be! The veteran was in one of the tents enjoying a kup of koffee. Oh, the humanity!

Did we mention it was an "Epic Ride?!?"

Big thanks to Team Taylor for putting together another great year and hopefully the weather will cooperate more next year!

Back to the Koffee Klutch - Tour de Gull this week!

Minions won't want to miss this week's edition of the KK-TdG as Sharkman makes his return!

And what do you do to celebrate?? You drink beer!
Dragonfly and Wishbone in a wet finish!

And what better way to celebrate Sharkman's return after 3 weeks then......

Beer Jersey Day!

That's right, Bunkie!

This Saturday has been named "Beer Jersey Day." Blow the dust off that beer jersey and ride!

A winner will be announced for the most unique beer jersey and will have an opportunity to buy Sharkman a Bottomless Kup of Koffee!!!

Is this a great country or what?!?

Saturday, June 16, 2018 - "Beer Jersey Day!"

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!


Belo News
June 13, 2018

Triple Nasty Ranchero, Mi. - We're ready to start taking orders for the 30th Anniversary Shark Minion Jersey!
Here it is! Every Minion needs one of these babies!
Thanks for the great design work Gazelle Girl!

BUT FIRST... the sizing specs have changed just a bit for the Giordana jerseys. Plus there is no longer a Pro Fit and a Euro Fit option for men. Just one fit, boys. So, we are being sent a size run of sample jerseys for trying on. This will be possible at Koffee on June 23 OR you may visit Gazelle Girl's Triple Nasty Rancho once she takes receipt of the jerseys. A note will go out to the group when the jerseys are available. Hopefully, having a few of you try on the jerseys will help the rest of the gang determine their size as we can report our findings re: size variance once a few folks have tried on a jersey.

This time around you will order and pay for your jersey via the Giordana custom website run by Gita Sporting Goods. Delivery will work as it has in the past - completed jerseys will be available for pick up at Koffee or at the Triple Nasty Ranchero.

More info next week on ordering info, cost, etc....

STILL NEED TO GET YOUR NAME ON THE JERSEY? E.mail Sharkman at RIGHT NOW with your Minion name and real name!!!

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