Wednesday, June 27, 2018



Yep, the Nation needed Ironman for this shot!







Belo News
June 23, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, bound from his Shark bed to check the weather out the window. The forecast had changed the previous evening and he was desperately hoping the rain would hold off as predicted in the new forecast.
Skittles was feeling on top of his
game on Saturday as evidenced
by this pose!

"Holy rain drops!" he thought to himself as he noticed the wet roads. But his face lite up, not only from the green glow of the Shark Radar, but from his happiness that there did not appear to be any rain on the horizon (no pun intended!)! The roads appeared to be wet from previous rain and the fog that was hugging Mother earth with all the humidity.

Sharkman contemplated arm warmers, as the temps were around 62, but when he went out to ready his steed, the humidity clearly made the air much warmer than the actual temperature.

Stroker walked over to ask about the ride as Nikeboy and Yeti Boy pulled into the Shark Cove. They were ready to launch!

As the three riders worked their way down Watkins and the new chip and seal that had been laid, they saw a bike headlight ahead. It was none other than Reb on his new "Milwaukee" frame. Sweet ride and a major discussion of the color of white on bikes seemed to dominate the ride over to the start.
Stroker made his season debut
and took second!

As they 4 riders got close to the Eaton Plant, another rider was seen approaching. The rider was looking quite dapper in his Tony the Tiger kit, and as he drew near, it was clear he was the legendary rider, Hutch, making his season debut! He reported getting up early and wanting to get more miles in as his season, like so many others, was off to a slow start due to all the rain.

The five riders waved to the Early Morning Koffee Group as they passed the Klutch and went on to the start.

Many Minions were making their season debut, however some had riden when Sharkman had been gone (which has been a lot this year!), so he considered their presence as their "season debut."

At the start, Skittles rode in, having missed Sharkman and his entourage on the way over. Stroker also drove in and began to get his steed unloaded and ready. Then Sasquatch, High Yield, Rocket Man and Padre (all making their debut as far as Sharkman was concerned)!

Gazelle Girl rode in to shouts of "Gazelle Girl," followed by the "Pops Twins," Boatman and Zyckkhmaaan!
Hutch made his season debut
and even rode out to
greet Sharkman and his entourage!

Toast and Greyhound arrived as the crew waited for Rocket Man to get his bike ready!

Sharkman attempted a selfie start photo, but obviously needed the work of Ironman and at 8:02, Rocket Man was almost ready, so the Nation clicked in to cheers from the paparazzi!

The Nation caught the light at the Klutch as the Early Morning Koffee Group waved and cheered the riders as they passed. Sharkman had counted 15 riders at the start, but other riders would jump on and off the ride making a total count somewhat difficult with Reb leaving right away and Nikeboy at the Klutch.

Sharkman pressed the flesh up and down the peloton, as the mighty Shark Minion train bore down on the first sprint. Sharkman and Skittles led the Nation as the first sprint approached and Sharkman took it up to 23. 9 mph so as not to dishonor the privilege the Nation has bestowed upon him!

After counting 15 as the Nation made their first crossing of G Ave., the Great Dane, making his first appearance of the year and looking slightly over dressed, and Kid Doster jumped on.

The Nation moved through the col de Norte and Sharkman noticed that it was getting more difficult to keep track of riders and was counting on his Minions whenever he asked, "everybody on?"

As the Nation made the turn after the Yorkville Church and before Kellogg Korner, the shout of "Mechanical" went out!
High Yield was back and took third!

High Yield had a flat tire and did not have a spare tube! Oh, the humanity!

But Hutch was on hand, as well as another rider with a CO2 cartridge and within a few minutes got the train back on track as they headed to the Rt. 43 Sprint.

Sharkman was up front as the Nation made the turn north towards the Rt. 43 Sprint and watched as the pace picked up and Shark Minions began to make their moves to the front for a very spirited sprint with Zyckhmmaann leading out.

Again, the Nation was ready to ride and headed out almost immediately upon reaching the Rt. 43 Stop Sign.

Up the col de Norte and through the Holy Rollers, the fast moving Nation was enjoying the moment and picking up the speed.

As the Nation got to the Dandelion, Sharkman was sure he was missing a rider. He did a count and someone mentioned someone dropping off near the Klutch.

Near the Klutch? At the start? Wait, what?

Sharkman noticed Rocket Man was missing and was concerned, but he was not to be found.
New Pappa Sasquatch was all over the place
on most of the sprints AND bought koffee!
Today's hero!

It had been so long that the Nation numbered more that 8 riders, the old Shark was having difficulty keeping track.

The Nation barreled through the Inlet section with Zyckkhcmaaan making, yet another attempt on the sprint, only to be reeled in by Skittles and a cast of thousands.

As the Minions gathered up at the Digital Divide, riders told Sharkman they were dropping off and he also found Rocket Man! Apparently he had dropped his water bottle and had gone back for it and said, "had to ride like hell to catch back on!"

Sorry Rocket Man!

The Nation got into a nice pace line as it crossed the Digital Divide and immediately took the speed up. Sharkman tucked in behind Greyhound and he described it as being "at warp speed!" like in a Star Trek movie in the USS Enterprise! Trees blurred as he caught the draft of the fast moving bus known as Greyhound!

Skittle had mentioned he would lead Gazelle Girl out at the GGG Spot Sprint, but she was behind our intrepid hero as the sprint loomed near.

Skittles was at the front, but then Boatman went out and took a major pull. Sharkman told Gazelle Girl he would try to pull her to the front but as he came out from behind Greyhound and started to make a move, the pace line picked up speed and the wind hit him in the face like a brick wall!

Oh, the humanity!
Roadie Toadie takes the GGG Spot Sprint!
Rocket Man was back for his
debut of the season!

After the curve before the sprint, Sasquatch came out and grabbed Gazelle Girl and took her to the front, as other riders were holding on to the pace line like Wolf King holding on to a Doritos someone was trying to take from him.

The speed picked up as Sasquatch fought to get Gazelle Girl to the front!

But just then, it was noticed that Roadie Toadie, Gazelle Girls handlebar companion, was actually out in front of her! Oh, the humanity!

Roadie Toadie stole the sprint by the piece of dirt on her nose! Or is that her tongue sticking out? Either way, Gazelle Girl missed her chance for a climactic finish, but felt satisfied that her friend Lurleen had taken the honor.

After the Nation crossed the GGG Spot Sprint, Sharkman went to the front to pull, but not for long.

The Nation moved the speed up, and Skittles was at the front pulling like a man possessed!

Sharkman and a cast of thousands were hanging on as the Nation approached the final ascent.
The Padre also making his debut!

Skittles was doing most of the pulling but dropped back to second, then third just as Zyyckhmaaan made another move!

Skittles was all over it as the Nation started to jump on their wheels!

Sharkman was shouting for everyone to hold their lines as Skittles broke away with Stroker making a strong challenge and High Yield and Sasquatch fighting it our for the third spot on the podium.

And that was the way they finished, with an average speed of 19.1 mph! It was a victory for America.

The Nation gathered up after crossing the railroad tracks and road together down the Champs le Galesburg as the paparazzi and tofosi waved in adulation at their hero's as they zipped up their kit!

Sasquatch was first in line and offered to buy! And what Minion ever says no to that!?! Is this a great country or what! Thanks Sasquatch.

Gazelle Girl had photos of the jerseys and it was also learned that bike shorts would be available for purchase as well! This is a great country! (see jersey article below).
Gazelle Girl riding in!

The Klutch was jumping for the press conference where winner Skittles comment that he had never worked so hard for a sprint finish!

What will happen this week?

Well, Sharkman has out of town guest for his Banjovi concert at Bowmans on Friday night so he will not be in attendance, but the ride goes on!

Saturday, June 24, 2018

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

The "Pops Twins" making their grand entrance at the start!

The Press Conference was "lively."

Talk of jerseys AND shorts! This is a great country!


Belo News
Join Sharkman on the 4th!

July 4, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - Since the 4th falls on a Wednesday this year, it gives the Nation (the Shark Minion Nation that is) and opportunity for a mid week ride!

And since the Nation has not done the south route in some time, Sharkman has again, graciously volunteered to do the ever popular, "Tour of south central Kalamazoo County!" Yes, you heard that right. New this year, some of the roads, including Qman Hill, have been freshly paved. That means the greatest down hill finish in cycling will be even BETTER!

Is this a great country or what?!? And on the 4th of July!

If the Klutch is closed, the celebration, like last year, will be at the McDonalds where riders have the choice of coffee OR a McFlurry!

Oh, the humanity!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018 - Wear your Red, White & Blue kit to celebrate!

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP! (and you better be at the start as the Nation head south!)

Happy 4th of July!


Belo News
June 27, 2018
30th Anniversary shorts & bibs available!

Triple Nasty Ranchero, Mi. -The male version of Giordana's fit kit has arrived!

Men's and women's jerseys and shorts/bibs will be available for try-on at the Klutch following this Saturday's ride. Gazelle Girl will also have the samples at the 4th of July ride.

Although we weren't planning to order bottoms - the pricing's not bad. $65 for shorts / $75 for bibs. See Giordana's suggested design here... Kinda fun. We need to order a minimum of 10 bottoms to get this pricing. Zychmann could for sure use some NEW bum covering to replace his (bad idea) peek-a-boo Lycra® shorts.

If you need to make other arrangements to try on the apparel, please contact Gazelle Girl at 269-665-4555 (telephone - not a texting machine!) or (old fashioned e.mail).

Ordering will be done via Giordana's order web site. More on that soon...

30th Anniversary Jersey!


Belo News
Sharkman and the Great Moultini after
a mountain bike ride!
Yep, 6'2".........

June 27, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - The Sharklets will be invading the Shark Cove on July 8 for the week and son in laws the Great Moultini and MK will be on hand. As a matter of fact, the Great Moultini is hoping to ride as a celebrity rider on Saturday, July 14. MK, may also be riding and possibly Sharkman's daughter, Nicole!

Though Sharkman has MK and Nicole covered, he is in need of a road bike for the Great Moultini who is 6'2". Obviously the old diminutive Sharkman does not have a bike in that size. So if you can lend a large road bike to the Sharkman for that week, please let him know asap at


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