Tuesday, May 23, 2017



Super Domestique, Rolling Cone, Dr. Math,
Headwinds, Sharkman and Elwood.
(Yep, these guys are now MInions!)




Belo News
May 20, 2017

Vassar, MI. - As dawn broke bright over Grace Lutheran Church in Vassar, Michigan....wait, what?!?

Yes, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, awoke on the floor of the Social Room of Grace Lutheran Church in Vassar. He had been enjoying pleasant dreams while bundled up in his Shark Sleeping Bag on his Thermarest  camp pad. 

Sharkman was taking part in the Pedal for a Purpose Michigan 2017 World Hunger Ride. The team of riders visited 10 Lutheran Churches in the Midland area, presenting on World Hunger and the ELCA World Hunger relief ministry. The Team has raised over $5,700.00 and donations are still coming in. 

Sharkman wants to also thank those Minions who contributed to this great cause.

The Team rode over 230 miles in the four days, but visiting 10 Lutheran churches in 4 days, with their historic "Lutheran Pot Luck" meals, may have been counter productive on the riders waistline. Even though Sharkman's computer recorded burning 8721 calories, everyone felt fatter after the ride ended on Sunday afternoon. So much for the riders hunger!

Sharkman had a great time while the Minions did as well. Though Belo News was covering the Sharkman, reporters Dreamboat and Hoosier Boy were on the job!

First, from Dreamboat:

I went out of my way to bring my nice new camera and get some pictures for your blog at this week’s Minion Ride.  I endured ridicule for having so much junk in the back of my jersey.  I had pictures of the crew at the start, virgin minion Alexa (who will be joining us on the Kashi bike tour, and was nicknamed “Rose Between Two Thorns”), all of us at the Gilmore Auto Show, and even of the picture of the sign on the antique store in Galesburg that some late night drunkard customized the lettering to read “cock”. 

That being said, I went home to pull off the pictures and send them too you and I accidentley deleted everything off of my camera.  I clearly am not worthy of being your protégé.

Please extend my apology to the team and feel free to roast me.  I think some others have the same pictures on their phones so hopefully you will get some.
Virgin Minion Kiwi!
Welcome to the Nation!

Also I was hoping you could pass along our Kashi tour info.  The poster attached has the links to our social media (Blog – www.kashibiketour.com, FB & Instagram – KashiBikeTour, Strava – KashiBikeTour).  Hopefully I won’t delete all the pictures from that trip!  Farewell for new and see you all in July.


And then from Hoosier Boy:
Photos courtesy of Hoosier Boy
How is the sleeper sofa treating you?  A couple of updates and pics - hope someone provides more details. Two new minions - Alexa Smolinski is one, the other they were calling kiwi but was unclear if he was from New Zealand or South Africa.  One important detail you don't want to miss - I won the squeaky sprint. Also, Gazelle Girl, always on the lookout for signs of depravity, spotted an off color sign at grant's antique market in Galesburg, ironically right next to the Galesburg meat market.

Your faithful cub reporter
Virgin Minion Alexa!
Welcome to the Nation,
Rose Between Two Thorns!
(too long, the Nation will work on that name!)

Hoosier Boy

Thanks Dreamboat, even though you erased the photos, and to you Hoosier Boy! 

Great, compelling, riveting writing! Where else can you find this award winning journalism?!?

Minions won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG even though our hero will be gone again!

Memorial Day Weekend KK-TdG!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Red, White and Blue Jersey Day! 

Yes, get out that red, white & blue kit and ride in memory of our veterans!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be There!

The Nation at play!

Belo News
May 23, 2017

Mattawan, Mi. - Minions have been reporting in and it looks like the Nation will be represented at the Tour de Taylor by a number of "Big Wigs" of the Nation! Oh, the humanity!

So don't wait, sign up now and join the Nation for the 100k, (62 mile for those Minions like Sharkan, who can't convert kilometers) ride. More information on time and meeting place in a future Belo News. Here is the latest news and link from Team Taylor:

Dear Riders!
Can you believe we’re only we’re 18 days away from Tour de Taylor??  Click Here to register. Registration closes June 8th at midnight.  Sooner if you want a shirt.  Day of registration will be available for $40 a rider.
  • Free Lunch catered by Latitude 42
  • Soft tee's with new design for 2017
  • Beautiful routes with aid stations, including water, Gatorade, snacks and the best volunteers in the area
  • Maple Hill Tent City
  • Music
Date:            Saturday June 10th, 2017
Location:     Mattawan Middle School
                     56720 Murray St Mattawan, MI 49071
Soft T-Shirts: Free with registration.
You must be registered by May 28th to guarantee a Tour de Taylor 2017 Soft T-Shirt.
Please refer to link for more event details and updated information.


Belo News
May 23, 2017

Kalamazoo, Mi. - The Kashi Transnational Bike Tour has kicked off with a few Minions on board for this very special ride across America! Is this a great country or what.  You can follow the ride on Facebook and also in a blog that Dreamboat will be updating from time to time.

The poster attached has the links to the social media (Blog – www.kashibiketour.com, FB & Instagram – KashiBikeTour, Strava – KashiBikeTour).  Hopefully Dreamboat won’t delete all the pictures from that trip!  The mighty Minion Nation wishes Team Kashi the best of luck and hope the wind is at your back and the sun warms your face! See you all in July when you get back!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Nation at the start!







Belo News
May 13, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright and a bit warmer, our intrepid hero bounced from his bed wondering who would be riding to the start with him? Mad Dog, again left a message the previous evening stating that he had "stuff" he had to do, followed by a text from Reb stating he had to be a soccer Dad, and Yeti Boy was working, baking break for a fund raiser! Oh, the humanity!
Nikeboy in his Strava kit!
Does this guy style or what?!?

Only Nikeboy was left and thinking he had not heard from him, there was a chance he would show!

Like clockwork, at exactly 7:30 - SHARP!, Nikeboy pulled up in style! Wearing his Strava Kit with matching orange shoes and helmet, he was "styl'in!"

The ride over was uneventful, with calm winds and comfortable temps, the two rolled past the Klutch to waves from the Early Morning Koffee Group and were it was later learned, Zyckmann was enjoying a kup with the Early Morning Group and helping the barista figure out the count of riders on the day!

As Nikeboy and Sharkman rode into town they came up behind Brewman and Wishbone riding into the start, where a truck was setting up to sell flowers! The start was jammed with riders, cars, flower trucks, people looking for flowers....it was a mad house!

Sharkman counted approximately 24 riders for the start but several jumped on after the ride started and it is estimated there were 27 riders in attendance for the ride.

To every one's surprise, Stryker Guy was back and brought Bissell Boy, Tow Truck, and Boatman, who was making his season debut, were with him. He was riding a, for lack of a better name, cargo bike for some reason but the legend had returned to the Nation and a might cheer went up at his arrival!
"Gazelle Girl!"

Iceman, of Team Taylor fame was also making his season debut and at one point stated he hadn't been on the bike in some time, though he rode like he was in mid season form.

There was also a virgin Minion named Jeff, here forth known as Gecko (Iceman thought of the name) for the green Landshark bike he was riding! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Gecko! Sharkman had never seen a Landshark Bike and was seen taking photos of the lime green bike.

After welcoming Styker Guy back to the Nation and Gecko, as the newest Minion Virgin, Sharkman led the train out to that beautiful sound of shoes clicking into pedals!

Game on!

As the Nation went by the Klutch, it looked like the Early Morning Koffee Group had left and the riders train was so long it was hard for everyone to get through the intersection in one light change.
The Legend, Stryker Guy was back!
On a cargo bike, no less.......

As the train headed north, Sharkman worked the crowd like he was running for political office! Trying to determine if there was an A Group on the morning, he finally waited until the A route split, where a handful of riders turned off while the vast majority of Minions stayed in the B Group.

Gazelle Girl and Toesetter went to the front and led the Nation to just short of the first sprint, where Wildman took over and led our hero out to his honorary win.

At the G Ave. crossing, Sharkman shed his jacket and Gazelle Girl decided to do the same, stating to hole on. Meanwhile, Sharkman got his jacket off and seeing no cars shouted out to go, as Gazelle Girl said wait! Sharkman shouted out to have riders sit up, but Gazelle Girl was set and latched right back on while Sharkman had to hustle to catch back on.

The train headed through the next sprint and the col de Twin Lakes and while waiting for riders at the next sprint point, the A Group was already back on the back of the train and pushing the pace! Oh, the humanity!

It was very quick through the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner, the Kountry Klub and on to the Rt. 43 Sprint. At this point Stryker Guy and Bissell Boy dropped off and the riders headed to the col de Norte, where they again gathered up for the assault on the east side of the KK-TdG course.
Zyckmann, Gazelle Girl, Wishbone and Toesetter
at the start!

Speeds picked up in the Holy Rollers and into the feed stop at Frona's and at the Digital Divide the Nation sat up for anyone left behind in the torrid pace. Skittles decided to strip some clothing and for a moment was bare chested. Easty commented that perhaps the names of the A & B Group would now be the "skins" and the "shirts." Ha ha!

Fortunately, Nikeboy had the Nation's back, so the train pulled out at full steam into a very comfortable pace line taking speeds up to around 23 mph.

As the GGG Spot loomed, Gazelle Girl, the perennial winner of this sweet spot sprint, was not in a good position to make a move to achieve her reward!

Oh, no!
Iceman made his debut, with Easty's welcome back!

As the Nation bunched up, the momentum was carrying them at light speed! Everyone began looking around for the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" who was around 15 or 16 riders back in the pace line.

As the Nation crossed the GGG Spot Sprint line, Gazelle Girl could be heard from the back shouting, "I got this! I got this!" Of course, she didn't, but was given the sprint anyway. After all, she is the "Sweetheart of the Peloton!" Nice win, Gazelle Girl!

As the final sprint loomed, Gazelle Girl and Toesetter went to the front and put in a strong pull until Wildman, Iceman, Ironman, Bounty Hunter, Brewman, Wishbone and a cast of thousands came around at the base of the ascent to the finish.

Wishbone was almost taken out when a rider came out of his line and it is a good reminder that in the finish sprint, and actually, any sprint, everyone needs to be aware if riders are around them and in their blind spots. Holding lines are important and if a rider needs to come out of their line, they need to make sure there is not a rider in their path. If you are boxed in, you are boxed in and cannot move. It is all a part of sprint finishes and we not only want to keep everyone safe, we really can't afford to take out Wishbone!
Dreamboat on his last ride before his
Kashi ride across America!

Back to the finish!......

The fast moving train bore down on the finish and the old Shark was worried as he watched things unfold, as there was a lot of bunching up for the finish!

Wildman swooped to the front with Skittles on his rear wheel and Ironman and Bounty Hunter fighting it out for third place! Ironman and Bounty Hunter were so close, it could not be determined who had taken the third spot on the podium, but Ironman conceded that it was the Team Taylor rider, Bounty Hunter!

Wildman took the tape with Skittles right behind him.

Average Speed was recorded at 19.5 mph!

The Nation sat up like good Shark Minions, so that the paparazzi and tofosi could cheer them all as their hero's rode down the Champs le Galesburg, zipping up their jerseys for the sponsors and on to the press conference at the Klutch.

Wildman, again worked his way to the front, and laid down his credit card for the Koffee!
Virgin Minion Jeff, herin known as
Gecko! Welcome to the Nation!

Thanks Wildman! Is this a great country or what?!?

The Klutch was rocking as the a good crowd of Shark Minions took the place over!

Even PJ stopped for koffee! Is this a great country or what!?!

Sharkman headed out to the Shark Cave solo, but was pleased he had a tail wind. As he got to the top of the Galesburg hill, another rider was turning on to Michigan Ave. The rider called out and asked if the old Shark wanted to tag on. It is only assumed that the Shark looked pretty beat up after some 43 miles.

Sharkman said, "Sure!" and the rider took him up to speeds of 23-25 mph! Unfortunately, the rider turned off at 44th Street, but the old Shark was grateful for the fantastic pull part way home!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition, when the weather looks like it might be warmer!

Unfortunately, the Sharkman, will not be on the ride for the next two weeks! He is riding in the Pedal For a Purpose - World Hunger Bike Ride this week, and then will be out in California visiting his Sharklet's for Memorial Day Weekend. But the ride goes on!
Gecko's Landshark bike!

Saturday, May 20, 2017

New launch time - New launch time - New launch time!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

A gathering of the klan!

Nikeboy taking care of business!
Thanks Nikeboy! You rock!

Boatman made his season debut!

The Klutch was rocking!

Wildman, PJ and Dr. Dave checking
their electronics?


Belo News
May 17, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - Sharkman has just signed up for the TdT and is looking for Shark Minion Nation to follow suit! This has been a yearly event for the Nation, when the KK-TdG is suspended and the Nation rides the 100k (62 mile) route together in our Shark Minion Jersey's. Think of it, .....20-30 Shark Minions in their jerseys riding in a pace line! Oh, the humanity! What about 50-60? Double the humanity!
Don't let the Sharkman ride alone!
So hopefully the Nation can come out in force to assist our friends from Team Taylor for this great cause. More below!


Belo News
April 19, 2017

Mattawan, Mi. - The date for the Tour de Taylor 2017 has been announced and here is the information you will need to enter. This has been a great annual event for the Nation and helps our Team Taylor Minions earn even more dollars for their Make A Wish ride in July! So let's all get entered to ride! Here are the details:

Hey Tour de Taylor Riders!
Tour de Taylor 2017 registration is now OPEN! Click Here to register.
Saturday, June 10th.
As always, we're working hard on creating an even better event this year. With your feedback and support, we've been able improve on an already great event. With your help, ALL net proceeds will be donated.
Below are highlights and details.
  • Free Lunch catered by Latitude 42
  • Soft tee's with new design for 2017
  • Beautiful routes with aid stations, including water, Gatorade, snacks and the best volunteers in the area
  • Maple Hill Tent City
  • Music
Date: Saturday June 10th, 2017
Location: Mattawan Middle School
56720 Murray St Mattawan, MI 49071
Soft T-Shirts: Free with registration.
You must be registered by May 28th to guarantee a Tour de Taylor 2017 Soft T-Shirt.
Please refer to link for more event details and updated information.


Belo News
May 10, 2017

Galesburg, Mi. - This just came into the Belo News news room! Our own Dot Dot Dash is working on this ride for June 7, 2017. Our own Wishbone is one of those who was injured in this tragic accident, so let's show our support! All the details follow:

Renee Code's photo.

Chain Gang "Finish the Ride" Memorial Ride
 · Hosted by Renee Code

Finish the Ride Memorial Ride

Register: https://www.bikereg.com/chain-gang-finish-the-ride-memorial-ride

The Chain Gang would like to invite all cyclists, and the greater Kalamazoo community, to join us Wednesday, June 7, 2017, as we Finish the Ride that nine of our friends began last year and couldn't finish. June 7 is the anniversary of the tragic accident that killed five and injured four cyclists during our weekly Chain Gang ride. We would like cyclists to join us on bicycle, and the greater Kalamazoo community to show support along the routes. We will Finish the Ride to honor and remember our friends and family, as well as to raise funds for a memorial near the crash site.

We will have two routes available for cyclists to ride, a 28.5 mile route and a 12 mile route. Both routes will offer police escort and roads closed to motor vehicles. The rides will depart from the Kalamazoo County Health Services parking lot located at 3299 Gull Rd, Kalamazoo, MI 49048. We will ride in silence on N. Westnedge from G Ave to the memorial site to honor those lost and injured. The 28.5 mile route will depart at 6pm with an average speed of approximately 16mph, and the 12 mile route will depart five minutes later, around 6:05pm with an average speed of approximately 12mph. Both routes will return to the same location. Please plan to arrive no later than 5:30pm, as parking could take some time and some area leaders would like to say a few words prior to departure. Helmets are required and road bicycles are recommended, especially for the longer route. We are asking for a minimum recommended donation of $20 to participate in the ride. All donations will go through Kalamazoo Strong and will be used toward building a physical memorial near the crash site; any remaining funds will be used toward promoting cycling safety and advocacy. A link to pre-register can be found on our website,www.thechaingang.club, or you can donate and register at the start venue before the ride. Please join us after the ride at Bells Brewery in the outdoor beer garden for fellowship.

We would love the support of the non-cycling community of the greater Kalamazoo area as well. Please help us honor our friends and family lost or injured in the accident by standing along the route waving and cheering as we ride by. Maps of the two routes can be found on our website atwww.thechaingang.club. Be sure to arrive to your spot along the route early, as roads will be closing along the routes.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Team Rapha/Giro!
Nikeboy and Easty "Styl'in!"





Belo News
May 6, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke, yet again, cold and bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero lay in his Shark Bed pondering the mornings ride.

Mad Dog had sent a very cryptic email the night before stating "Not riding tomorrow - figured I wouldn't be getting any more swag so no reason to show up" (not even a period at the end of the sentence!).

Sharkman replied, "Ha ha....see you in the morning...but great fodder for Belo News!"

Yet it had Sharkman wondering......

Nikeboy texted early, stating he would ride over to the finish when the weather warmed up a bit!
Toesettter, holding court with
Yeti Boy & Reb.

What the......

Again, it was difficult for our hero to figure out what to wear. These cold mornings with warming temps later in the ride made choosing the right clothing from his wide haberdashery of cycling attire (the man owns a million jersey's!) very difficult.

Deciding he would wear a heavy, long sleeve jersey rather than a jacket, along with tights, seemed to the perfect choice as he and Yeti Boy headed out of the Shark Cove at 7:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Watching for Mad Dog on the route, they came across Reb on Watkins Road, but no Mad Dog?

It was later learned that Ironman was not at the ride either?  What could that be about. Belo News reports, you, the reader, decide.......
Gazelle Girl holding court with
Brewman, Toast, 10-4 & Wishbone.

At the start, the riders were pouring in. Belo News has had a long standing policy of not naming all the riders when the number gets over 15, however, the Editors think we did well all this past Saturday but we worry we are missing one rider!

In addition to Sharkman, Yeti Boy and Reb, Brewman, 10-4, Squeaky, Gazelle Girl, Toesetter, Toast, Hoosier Boy, Easty (decked out in his Rapha/Giro colors and looking quite dapper), Wildman, and Greyhound where all in attendance to head out on that field of dreams all Minions know as the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull!

As the Nation rode past the Klutch, they found Dr. Dave, Zyckmann and Dot Dot Dash ready to jump on the fast moving train.
Squeaky doing his stretches, sand
red and white handlebar tape!

As the Nation headed up 36th street there was a discussion about the names of the groups. Last season, as Sharkman was recovering from his surgery, he created the B Group (with B standing for "Better.")

It appears that there is somewhat of an "elitist" connotation to the name, "A group", when in fact, and as at least the Minions in the "B"etter Group know, they are the more fun riders to be with. After all, they wait at Stop Signs and generally laugh a lot more on the rides than does the "A" group.

Therefore, the Commissioner of Cycling has announced a contest to name the A group! That's right Bunkie, submit your ideas for the naming of the A Group along with a check for $50 made out to Sharkman, Shark Cove, Michigan, 49015. The winner will be named in three weeks and will win a free kup of koffee at the Klutch!

Is this a great country or what!?!
Toast, 10-4 and Wishbone waiting
for the start!

As the A Group cut off approached, only Reb and Yeti Boy turned off. Not to be a part of the A Group, but to check out the property that Reb owns, as both riders were competing in the Fort Custer Stampede in the morning and were heading back to the Creek.

Wildman and Squeaky led our hero out, who took his honorary sprint with a bit of flare, as he thrust his bike over the line to take the win.

Squeaky kept the pace up to take the next sprint, sans his, now famous, red and white tape! What happened, you ask? Though most, if not all of the Nation love getting mentioned in Belo News, Squeaky, the "Style Guy" didn't like the special attention. To be honest, we at Belo News missed the tape!

Though on this day, some sprints (the ones the Editors can rememeber) were getting reported, and the speed was up (avg. speed on the ride, 18.0 mph) the nation was pretty mellow on the sprints.
Hoosier Boy, waiting for the bill!
Thanks Hoosier Boy!
Don't know what Gazelle Girl was telling Zyckmann?

As the Nation crossed the Digital Divide, 10-4 got the pace line going and though not a work of precision, it worked nicely to bring speeds up to around 21 mph and also set up Gazelle Girl to take her coveted GGG Spot Sprint.

As the Nation headed south to the finish, the train got a bit clumped up as they approached the final ascent tot he finish.

Wishbone and Wildman did a huge pull just behind the lead group, dragging most of the Nation behind them.

Just before the ascent, Wishbone took a flyer and went out to the front and actually opened up a gap over the gasping Nation.

However, the fast moving train moved to close the gap quickly as Wildman, Zyckmann, Dr. Dave, Brewman and others came around for the down hill finish.

This move brought the Nation back together for the battle to the tape, where Zyckmann, mounted on his wooden bike, pulled ahead of Wildman and Dr. Dave to take the tape!
Nikeboy (Style Guy) arrives to cheers!

The group sat up on the ride to the Champs le Galesburg so that all could catch on, so that the tofosi and paparazzi could see the mass of riders all together for their triumphant ride to the Klutch.

Hoosier Boy had gotten ahead and laid his credit card down for the Koffee! Is this a great country or what?!? Thanks Hoosier Boy!

Nikeboy arrived at the Klutch, not only for koffee, but to escort our hero back to the Creek, decked out in HIS Rapha/Giro like Easty! Oh, the humanity!

The Klutch was rocking and even Floyd Holmes, who many know and Sharkman worked with at Kellogg, was in the mix! Welcome Floyd!
Dr. Dave makes his season debut,
and does with a podium finish!

Unfortunately, Sharkman had to head back, as he was going to Illinois after the ride. Fortunately, he had Nikeboy to pull his sorry dorsal back the Shark Cove!

You won't want to miss this week's edition of the KK-TdG!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

The forecast is for sun, but still a bit cool. So launch time will remain the same

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Nikeboy was looking good!


Belo News
May 10, 2017

Mattawan, Mi. - The date for the Tour de Taylor 2017 has been announced and here is the information you will need to enter. This has been a great annual event for the Nation and helps our Team Taylor Minions earn even more dollars for their Make A Wish ride in July! So let's all get entered to ride! Here are the details:

Hey Tour de Taylor Riders!
Tour de Taylor 2017 registration is now OPEN! Click Here to register.
Saturday, June 10th.
As always, we're working hard on creating an even better event this year. With your feedback and support, we've been able improve on an already great event. With your help, ALL net proceeds will be donated.
Below are highlights and details.
  • Free Lunch catered by Latitude 42
  • Soft tee's with new design for 2017
  • Beautiful routes with aid stations, including water, Gatorade, snacks and the best volunteers in the area
  • Maple Hill Tent City
  • Music
Date: Saturday June 10th, 2017
Location: Mattawan Middle School
56720 Murray St Mattawan, MI 49071
Soft T-Shirts: Free with registration.
You must be registered by May 28th to guarantee a Tour de Taylor 2017 Soft T-Shirt.
Please refer to link for more event details and updated information.



Belo News
May 10, 2017

Galesburg, Mi. - This just came into the Belo News news room! Our own Dot Dot Dash is working on this ride for June 7, 2017. Our own Wishbone is one of those who was injured in this tragic accident, so let's show our support! All the details follow:

Chain Gang "Finish the Ride" Memorial Ride
 · Hosted by Renee Code

Finish the Ride Memorial Ride

Register: https://www.bikereg.com/chain-gang-finish-the-ride-memorial-ride

The Chain Gang would like to invite all cyclists, and the greater Kalamazoo community, to join us Wednesday, June 7, 2017, as we Finish the Ride that nine of our friends began last year and couldn't finish. June 7 is the anniversary of the tragic accident that killed five and injured four cyclists during our weekly Chain Gang ride. We would like cyclists to join us on bicycle, and the greater Kalamazoo community to show support along the routes. We will Finish the Ride to honor and remember our friends and family, as well as to raise funds for a memorial near the crash site.

We will have two routes available for cyclists to ride, a 28.5 mile route and a 12 mile route. Both routes will offer police escort and roads closed to motor vehicles. The rides will depart from the Kalamazoo County Health Services parking lot located at 3299 Gull Rd, Kalamazoo, MI 49048. We will ride in silence on N. Westnedge from G Ave to the memorial site to honor those lost and injured. The 28.5 mile route will depart at 6pm with an average speed of approximately 16mph, and the 12 mile route will depart five minutes later, around 6:05pm with an average speed of approximately 12mph. Both routes will return to the same location. Please plan to arrive no later than 5:30pm, as parking could take some time and some area leaders would like to say a few words prior to departure. Helmets are required and road bicycles are recommended, especially for the longer route. We are asking for a minimum recommended donation of $20 to participate in the ride. All donations will go through Kalamazoo Strong and will be used toward building a physical memorial near the crash site; any remaining funds will be used toward promoting cycling safety and advocacy. A link to pre-register can be found on our website,www.thechaingang.club, or you can donate and register at the start venue before the ride. Please join us after the ride at Bells Brewery in the outdoor beer garden for fellowship.

We would love the support of the non-cycling community of the greater Kalamazoo area as well. Please help us honor our friends and family lost or injured in the accident by standing along the route waving and cheering as we ride by. Maps of the two routes can be found on our website atwww.thechaingang.club. Be sure to arrive to your spot along the route early, as roads will be closing along the routes.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.
