Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tony the Tiger Jersey Day!












Belo News
September 24, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke slowly over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, launched from his Shark bed and quickly looked out the window!

No Rain! YES!

Nikeboy was "Stylin" in
his M-22 glow in the
dark kit! Oh, the humanity!
The old Shark was just downright giddy to be getting back to his beloved Nation and was excited as he donned his Tony the Tiger jersey and added arm warmers to his kit on this cool Fall morning.

In fact, the Sharkman was so excited that he was ready to roll a couple of minutes early and after putting the light on the front of his bike and clicking his helmet light on, he was off in the dark to meet Mad Dog.

True to form and at 7:00 A.M. SHARP, Mad Dog met Sharkman as he was exiting the Cove, lights flashing and reflecting off Mad Dog's shining eyes! It was good to be back in the Nation!

As the two riders headed down Watkins, they saw a bike light approaching, which can only mean Reb was making the trek to the start. As he came up on the two riders he asked if they had seen Nikeboy, who was supposed to be in the mix on this fine morning. After stating they had left a couple of minutes early, the three headed back in search of the “Style Guy” of the peloton.
Please note the matching accessories.
Those shoes rocked it!

The three made it back to the entrance to the Shark Cove, but no Nikeboy. Reb volunteered to continue to look for Nikeboy while Sharkman and Mad Dog headed west to the start.

Within a few miles, the two riders caught back on and true to form, Nikeboy was living the creed that if you can't be good, look good! Though Nikeboy is a great rider, there is no way he could be as good as he looked! Decked out in his new M-22 kit with “glow in the dark” rear pockets, this rider was “stylin” like no other rider!

As the four riders pulled into the parking lot, the Nation stared in awe at the Nikeboy kit! 

Mad Dog and Reb stand in awe of
Nikeboy's kit!

He had certainly out done himself this time and this morning would go down in Nation history as one for the “Style” Record Book! Is this a great country or what?!? Easty and Brewman gawked at the Style Guy as the got their bikes ready.

Riders started to pour in! All wondering who would be on the rumored new ride with Sram eTap!

 Minion Leslie was back for her second ride and waiting to be named by the Nation and wearing a Tri Kat Jersey (as she didn't have a Tony the Tiger Jersey) indicating she actually read the blog! Oh, the humanity!

Soon Gazelle Girl rode in to shouts of “Gazelle Girl,” along with Tow Truck, coming back after being gone so long he had grown a beard!
Gazelle Girl arrives to shouts, with
Tow Truck, well, in tow!

However, right after Gazelle Girls arrival, a huge entourage behind Bissell Boy, slowly approached the start.

It the Bissell Boy on his new, jet black, Trek Domine, complete with Sram eTap! The paparazzi went wild along with the entire Nation! The Nation gathered around the totally awesome bike, staring at the Sram eTap, as well as the disc brakes and sleek design. Yet another great Minion living the code!

Sharkman got a quick photo of those wearing Tony the Tiger jersey's.... at least those that you could actually see because some riders had jackets and/or vest on due to the cool Leslie in her Tri Kat Jersey.

As the Nation began to “toe the line.” Dragonfly arrived late!
Bissell Boy on his new Trek Domine!
We think there is a Tony Jersey
under that jacket!

With heckling from the Nation, Dragonfly got his gear together and the Nation, 18 strong, headed down the main drag into downtown Galesburg.

Andrew came out of the Klutch in his MSU sweatshirt, as the early morning koffee group waved to their hero's in the Nation! Andrew got his count as the train rambled by, waving to the adoring paparazzi and tofosi! Mean while, Reb had to get back for soccer and broke off, leaving 17 riders on the day. However, that would change soon......

Sharkman worked the crowd and new Minion, Roger, rode up and asked if he was new to the ride? Ha ha, Sharkman thought, though nervous he might be serious. Gazelle Girl was there at the time and mentioned that Roger should be named 10-4! Get it, Roger? Roger and out? 10-4? Therefore, Roger will now be known as 10-4!

As the Nation headed north, Sharkman shouted out that the A Group should move right as the B Group stayed left for the split. It was then that Sharkman overheard Mad Dog giving a different route direction to Hossman as they turned right followed by Leslie and Ironman.
Close up look at the Sram eTap!

Sharkman was working the crowd and completely forgot the first sprint, but quickly sprinted (well, as quickly as Sharkman is capable of) to the front and may have been a bit late, but was giving the first sprint going away!

Shortly after the first sprint, more riders began to jump on like Falcon, Boatman and Zyckmann. Zyckmann complained about not wanting to ride in the dark and waited for the sun to come out. Speaking of darkness, Sharkman commented that so many riders are now riding with flashing lights on the back of their bikes/helmet's that from the rear looks like a landing strip and he is worried that they are going to have a 747 land on the road behind them!

Sharkman only had to remind the B Group that they were the B Group a couple of times and the Nation was able to stay together, though the Kountry Klub section was a bit fast.
Bissell Boy had trouble keeping the
Nation at bay!

However, not fast enough to stay ahead of the A Group! As the Nation pulled up to wait at the Rt. 43 sprint, all of a sudden the A Group was back with the B Group! What the …....

An investigation was immediately demanded to determine how they had caught back on so quickly and they way they attempted to just “blend into the crowd.” As they pulled up, they quickly dispersed and said things like, “hey, great ride, eh?”

The A/B Group climbed the col de norte, headed through the Holy Rollers and gathered up at Frona's, where all the riders, now 20 strong, were back on.

As the Nation went through the Inlet, they thought all rides were on but when they got to the Digital Divide there was no Dragonfly!
Leslie was back and had read Belo News!
Is this a great country or what?!?

Bissell Boy and Nikeboy went back to try to find him, but to no avail! Sharkman hates when the Nation loses a Minion and leaves one behind! It was later learned that when the Nation had turned down 37th, north of the Digital Divide, Dragonfly went straight, got lost and didn't get back to the Klutch until everyone had left. He reported having a great ride and Sharkman apologized profusely for the oversight!

As the Nation headed south, some of the A Group went to the front and pushed the pace. Gazelle Girl, riding on Zyckmann's wheel with Sharkman in tow, realized that there was no way to get the GGG Spot Sprint, but Sharkman declared that this small group was battling it out as the B Group riders and immediately went to the front and with Easty and Zyckmann, pulled Gazelle Girl to the Sprint win! Sharkman declared it a victory for America and the hell with the A Group!

As the Nation lined up for the final assault on the finish, the pack began to come apart and Sharkman wasn't anywhere near the front to determine who took the final sprint, but suffice it to say, it was a spirited run to the line!

Riders arriving at the start!

The riders headed into Galesburg on M-89 and the Editors would like to remind the Nation that it is important to ride well to the right and on the right side of the white fog line and no more than two abreast until the Nation can get back to the Champ le Galesburg!

The Klutch was rocking as the Nation pulled in for Koffee! All concluded it was a great day for a ride and with so few Saturday's left in the season, the Nation revelled in yet another great day in the saddle.

You won't want to miss this Saturday's ride, though Sharkman will yet again, be gone! Oh, the humanity!.
Zyckmann in his "Pops" Jersey.

But to honor his absence, it has been declared “Shark Minion Jersey Day!” With all the new jerseys out there, there are Minions waiting to wear them in pride.

With the darker, cooler mornings, the ride will begin to move back later as Fall goes on!

This Saturday! Shark Minion Jersey Day!

Launch Time – For both A & B Groups – 8:30 A.M. - SHARP!


The koffee was flowing!


Belo News
September 28, 2016
Hoosier Boy rides off into
Lucky Ones Division!

Battle Creek, Mi. - Hoosier Boy has announced that after 28 dedicated years at Kellogg Company, he will be retiring, changing his status from working Minion to “Lucky One” Minion! Congratulations and well deserved, Hoosier Boy!

Yes, that bike riding, mud running, coffee swilling, legend of the peloton is moving to the Lucky Ones Division!

Hoosier Boy also would like to invite the Nation to help him celebrate at a gathering for him on October 6, 2016 from 4:00 p.m. To 6:00 p.m. at the Cricket Club in Battle Creek. As Sharkman says, "Be there!"

Come on over and help Hoosier Boy celebrate this special status change in his life!


The mighty Dirt Dogs!

Belo News
September 24, 2016

Chelsea, Mi. - Both Hoosier Boy and Mighty Monk were making the Nation proud this past weekend as they competed with the Dirt Dogs (Sharkman was a member of the first 5 seasons the Dirt Dogs did this event) at the Dances with Dirt competition in the Pinkney State Park area north of Chelsea.

As many in the Nation are aware, this is a 65 mile, 5 person relay race through woods, rocks, mud, barbed wire, hills and generally gnarly “stuff.”

Hard to believe they did so well when you look at how clean they are in the attached photo!

Congratulations Dirt Dogs Hoosier Boy and Mighty Monk and Team Dirt Dogs!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


The Nation all knows where this was taken. But
who was crazy enough to take it?










Belo News
September 17, 2016

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was shaking of the aftermath of his Banjovi Concert the previous evening. A bit groggy and knowing the electricity had gone out over night, he quickly checked his shark alarm clock with the theme from Jaw's on it, to see if he had overslept. Our hero had awaken to the sound of lightening and rain falling on the Cove and immediately realized he was supposed to be back in the peloton this morning.

Darting from his shark bed, he clicked on the shark radar as his saddened face reflected the multi colors of the rainbow from the screen. It was like the storm of all storms!

The old Shark always hates making the call on the ride early, but if he doesn't get the word out by 7 a.m. some riders (including him) begin to head to the start hoping for a ride. Sharkman doesn't want anyone to get hurt either from a bad down pour or more concerning, lightening.

As soon the Nations leader saw the lightening warning he knew he had to make the call.

He immediately texted both Mad Dog and Yeti Boy who were going to ride over with him, to break the news. Mad Dog's only response was “OK.” Sharkman simply assumed Mad Dog would not ride.

Sharkman continued to watch the radar, always worried that by start time, the sun would be out and it would be a wonderful day for a ride. 

But as 8:00 a.m. approached it was pretty obvious the our hero had made the right call.

At 8:04 a.m. the first text from Mad Dog arrived along with the photo above:

Yea I'm not the only one!”

Sharkman, in shock, replied:

You are insane! Who else showed? You must be soaked......any lightening? I see you took the photo from under the protection of the school entrance.....ha ha!”

Mad Dog immediately responded:

No lightening and not a rider, couple meeting in secret. I was sure the rain would stop.”

Sharkman went on to warn Mad Dog about the possibility of lightening and that he  was going to riding home in the worst of what was going to fall for the remainder of the morning!

The Nation is very concerned with Mad Dog's mental condition and immediately  announced that they would be taking up a collection to pay for some counseling for his overly optimistic sense of the weather, causing him to ride in hopes, “it will get better...”

Please make your checks out in any amount, to Sharkma c/o the Mad Dog Psycho Fun, Shark Cove, Mi.

But the Nation will be back at it this Saturday!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Tony the Tiger Jersey Day! Get you Tony Kit out and ride!

Launch time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!



Belo News
September 21, 2016

Late Breaking News!
Reporting/ Gazelle Girl & Zyckmann

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - It is only a week away, and for those who have been deemed, “The Lucky Ones” because they have made it to retirement, (and though you don't need to be retired to participate) we're doing a Retiree's Lunch Ride!]

Meet at the Zyckmann Estate for a 20ish mile ride to Hasting for lunch and return.

Date: Thursday, September 29, 2016
Time: 10.30 am
Place: 4106 East Gull Lake Dr., Hickory Corners

Please RSVP to Gazelle Girl by Wednesday morning on September 28 so we know how many to expect. / 269-665-4555


Belo News
September 21, 2016

Late Breaking News!

Shark Cove, Mi. - In our ongoing effort to supply the mighty Minion Nation with the most up to date, late breaking news, Belo News has just learned that a "legendary" rider of the mighty Shark Minion Nation, just took delivery on a new ride!

Not only is it a new ride, but subsequent investigative efforts have revealed that this bike has what might be the FIRST ever eTap shifting system in the Nation!

The good news is that, weather permitting, this legend of the peloton may be debuting this hi-tech bike at this weeks Tony the Tiger Jersey Day Ride on Saturday!

Oh, the humanity!

So you won't want to miss Saturday ride!

Where else can you get this kind of in-depth, hard hitting, investigative reporting?

No where, Bunkie, but Belo News!

This IS a great country!!!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Oh, the humanity!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Easty & Hutch take it for WMU!








Belo News
September 10, 2016
Reporter: Gazelle Girl

Triple Nasty Rancho, Mi. - Under misting skies a dozen Minions gathered at the usual meeting spot. In no particular order, those present were Brewman, Easty, Falcon, Gadget Guy, Gazelle Girl, Hutch, Justin (who will here forth be known as Road Kill for his propensity for darting into oncoming traffic), Mad Dog, Squeaky and Squeaky's Kid who will here forth be known as Pipsqueak (unless he already has a nickname?), The Uni-bomber and Toast.

The Nation at the Feed Stop.
What is Gazelle Girl hiding behind her back?
A handful of Minions came to the ride dressed to participate in College Jersey Day. The special apparel day prompted a conversation about football and its fans which lead to Easty throwing down a humorous - and spot on - rant about football and its fans that was worthy of a stand up routine. Rah, rah, Easty!

The day's jersey mix included two Broncos, two Spartans and a Wildcat. As you can imagine, the battles were fierce and the fur and flesh were flying. Unfortunately, due to the high humidity and misting rain, the flying detritus didn't fly far. It simply went airborne and immediately clung to riders' faces and glasses... taking visibility to an even lower point.

Throwing caution to the wind (well, actually, to the soupy, still air) the riders struck out for the geographic region known as the Field of Dreams. As the riders headed north there was talk of sunny skies and 70 degrees ahead with the peloton's approach to the extra special ecozone known as Gull Lake. Although that was not to be the case this trip. However, the mist did let up a bit and the roads began to dry out some as the adventure continued. At least by the time the ride was three quarters finished the riders could see. Sort of.

Sprints were won but this correspondent can't remember crap like that so suffice it to say battles ensued, men trampled upon other men, egos were boosted and bruised, and everyone went home content to prepare to fight it out another day.

HOWEVER, when it came time for the GGG Spot Sprint which is - typically - the domain of the Sweetheart of the Peloton.... well, there was no help to be had today. Through simply the luck of the draw, the Sweetheart wound up in the back of said peloton as it passed by Mill Pond. This is the place (the wet spot) where - typically - those who truly care for the Sweetheart of the Peloton begin to rally to get her into position to help her get her GGG Spot Sprint on. Not today. No heads turned to look for her whereabouts as the Sweetheart begged for some attention from behind. No heads. None. Nada. The deflated Sweetheart took it in stride, chalking it up to the average age of the men present (can you really do much at 60?) and hoped for better luck next time.
A wet, but joyous victory for WMU!
Wait...was Gadget Guy serving?

Meanwhile, at the Klutch, Bronco Hutch bought the koffee. Is this a great country or what?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Thank you Gazelle Girl for this rivetting account of what happened as well as your well place come uppence of those who would disregard your comfort at the GGG Spot Sprint!

Also, with such a great showing by WMU AND the fact that one of them bought koffee, while one of the MSU riders did not even show for Koffee, the Commissioner of Cycling has given the jersey award to WMU! Easty was quoted as saying, “it was a victory for America!” If time permits this season, one more College Game Day might be put on the Calendar so the appropriate Colleges can get back on the winning side of the ledger!

This Saturday! The return of the Sharkman! (Ya, …..who is he?)

That's right Bunkie, break out the Tony the Tiger kit and join the peloton! Not too many weekends left!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Launch Time – still 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!




Belo News
September 14, 2016
Your hosts, Zykmann

Late Breaking News!
Reporting/ Gazelle Girl & Zyckmann

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - In late breaking news, and for those who have been deemed, “The Lucky Ones” because they have made it to retirement, (though you don't need to be retired to participate) we're doing a Retiree's Lunch Ride!

Meet at the Zyckmann Estate for a 20ish mile ride to Hasting for lunch and return.

& Gazelle Girl!

Date: Thursday, September 29, 2016
Time: 10.30 am
Place: 4106 East Gull Lake Dr., Hickory Corners

Please RSVP to Gazelle Girl by Wednesday morning on September 28 so we know how many to expect. / 269-665-4555


Belo News
September 16, 2016

Battle Creek, Mi. - If you missed your chance to see Banjovi live on the Patio at Riverside Golf and Banquet Center in July, well here is your second chance to catch this unique, and we do mean unique, style of music!

Back by popular demand the minstrels of the mighty Minion Nation will be back at it with beer, barbecue and banjo music, with a bit of ukulele and guitar mixed in!

So get some of your friends and family together for great food, drink and song on the Patio at Riverside. The Minions who came out in July had a great time and over a 100 people actually showed up! So get there early to get a seat!

Let's hope our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, can get his sorry dorsal out of bed on Saturday morning to make the start! He does party hard with his Banjovi Witnesses!

Oh, the humanity!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.