Monday, June 8, 2015


The Nation pass the Klutch in





Belo News
June 6, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke crisp and cool over the Shark Cove, we find our intrepid hero fussing over his wide haberdashery of Team Taylor/Wam Jersey's, trying to determine which one he will look best wearing on this very special jersey day. Of course, as his loyal Minion Nation is fully aware, he looks damn good in all of them, but he is a fussy Shark, to
Almost all the riders with WAM/Team Taylor/
Eaton Jerseys. Couldn't fit them all in!
say the least. After all, one of the well known credo's of the Nation is “if you can't be good, look good!” And the old Shark wants to look good!

His first Saturday text was from Mad Dog stating he would see his hero on the roads, so Sharkman pulled on his arm warmers, got his bike ready and as he launched noticed Rainman's garage door open. Rain had not been forecasted until at least Sunday afternoon, so it was a sure bet the young Minion would be along for the ride!

As Sharkman waited, Nikeboy rode up and the three headed to the start.

As they crossed Helmer, they saw Mad Dog approach and he mentioned that there was a rider coming up from behind the threesome. Thinking it was Reb, the group slowed to allow
Minions everywhere! They just kept coming!
the rider to latch on. However, it was not Reb but a Tri rider, dressed in sleeveless “tri” jersey that, to the four Minions, looked a bit chilly. Apparently he was training for a tri, as he said “good morning....” and rode on past the four Minions.

The start was abuzz with activity as the four rode in. Riders just kept piling in as singles but also in large groups like the Gull Lake contingent, followed by quite a crew from Team Taylor who were bringing several “virgin Minions” to the ride! Even “the Promise” was there without promising to be there!

An assortment of WAM jersey's!
Dragon fly in one from last year!
In the mix of Team Taylor virgins were, TJ Seiwert (aka MC Slammer), Matt Gunderson (aka Sparkles) and Meg Zapalowski (now known as Zippy's Wench which Iceman just made up – hey, it's better than some of the names Team Taylor suggested!). Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Minion virgins!

Though Sharkman asked Minions to let him know should Gazelle Girl ride in behind him, they once again missed her entrance as she approached the start with Toesetter, riding in with the warm, rising sun at her back.

Belo News did it's best to get photos of new and virgin Minions as they came in, as well as some returning Minions, but there were just too many riders to keep up!

After the WAM jersey riders posed for photos, which Ranger Rick was kind enough to take, Sharkman acknowledged Team Taylor and the Eaton's Teams involvement in the ride, as well as the upcoming Tour de Taylor next weekend.
Virgin Minion Zippy's Wench!

After some safety instructions (as the Nation knows, Sharkman frets over safety and large crowds!) Sharkman lead the Nation out and gave up attempting to take a count, knowing other riders might jump on anytime before and even after the first sprint.

B-Rod led the Sharkman out for the first part of the run up to the first sprint and then Ranger Rick took over. After taking the speed up, Ranger Rick started to pull aside and Sharkman told him he had to pull the whole way if he wanted to get his name in the blog!

Sharkman took the sprint with Toesetter breathing down his dorsal in support of our hero's effort.

Sharkman took the “Official Count” at the first G. Ave crossing and the number was 41! Oh, the humanity! Belo News could not confirm rumors that other riders joined on after the Official Count was taken, however suffice it to say, it was a major turnout and close to a record!
Another virgin Minion, but we don't know
which on he is!

At the G. Ave crossing, Gazelle Girl decided to take off her jacket to remove the sleeves to make it into a vest. She suggested that Sharkman hold the Nation but it was too late as they began crossing and the old Shark started counting. Sharkman waited with Gazelle Girl before launching after the peloton had left and the two had to fight to get back on the tail end of the fast moving train.

The two did catch on at the base of the Col de Twin Lakes, but then had to struggle to get up the hill after their chase effort.

The nation came together at the top, where Mad Dog made a breakaway to take the sprint.

With the large number of riders, the speed picked up considerably in the Kountry Klub section with two of the Team Taylor riders leading through Kellogg Korner and then Airman and Sharkman taking over for a while. At the turn after the Kountry Klub the speed picked up again and a cast of thousands came around to contest the sprint where Mad Dog and Skittles in the grips of an epic battle that saw them cross the finish sprint too close to call (at least from where Sharkman was!)!
Yet another unknown virgin
Minion! They were everywhere!

At the top of the Rt. 43 sprint, Sharkman noticed a new Minion and welcomed him to the Nation. It turned out that he had was from Australia and was in town doing work for General Motors for a couple of weeks and learned of the ride from Dreamboat! So, amongst the Minions was an International Celebrity Rider who was quickly named “Croc!” Yeah, the Nation isn't very original at times though it may have been due to oxygen depletion after the Rt. 43 sprint......

The nation rode under the “Caution Flag” on Rt. 43 to the Col de Norte, where again, the Nation was great about staying to the right.

Sharkman made sure (as best he could) that everyone was on and/or accounted for and gave the go ahead. With so many Team Taylor Jersey's and riders it was hard to know who was and who wasn't still there!  He then entered a discussion about his upcoming trip to Alaska with Tow Truck and before he knew it, he was a bit off the back. Again, he had to ride his little dorsal off to get back on the train! It ain't easy being responsible for the Nation!
B-Rod in his WAM jersey with
neon green socks! Oh, the humanity!

The Nation rode through the Holy Rollers, Frona's Feed Station and on to the Inlet and across the Digital Divide.

The Nation formed up several pace lines as they moved down to the GGG Sprint Spot. A group of Minions took Gazelle Girl to the front early with many Minions shouting, “don't get her too excited to fast!”

However, just before things really picked up, Dreamboat came by with a group behind him, including Zippy's Wench and it was moving fast. On the inside, Yeti Boy and others hit some errant rocks, causing Yeti Boy to have a blow out, and slowing the group that included Gazelle Girl. She hates being stopped in mid effort!

Meanwhile, Dreamboat and some of the Team Taylor riders took Zippy's Wench to the take the sprint!  

Luckily, the Nation had Team Active Mechanic, Skittles in the mix and he made very quick work of Yeti Boy's tire as the Nation waited at the GGG crossing. It gave Sharkman time to make, yet another appeal to the Nation to be safe on the finish.
Wildman and the Great Dane showing off their
Eaton WAM Jerseys!

As the fast moving train headed south, Sharkman was fretting again about the group. This week the Nation was so fast from the get go that Sharkman was unable to ride up to the front to caution everyone. Mad Dog, throwing himself on his sword, went forward and stretched out the peloton as everyone held on as best they could.

As the Nation crested the final hill before the finishing sprint, Rainman took a flyer and shot from the peloton with two Team Taylor riders responding to the attack!

Rainman fought to hold off the counter attack to take the tape and because there were
Style Guy, Squeaky with his two
different colored and kinds of gloves
and, multi colored shoes! The man
so many Team Taylor Jersey's, it could not be determined who the second and third place finisher were, other than they Team Taylor riders!

So Sharkman declared himself the second and third place finisher! Is this a great country or what?!? Hey, he had a Team Taylor Jersey on!

As the Nation slowed down and headed towards the Champs le Galesburg, Sharkman had yet, another flat rear tire. Again, Skittles was right there and it was actually fun to watch him change our hero's tire in less time than it takes for a Minion to down a beer! Which is pretty damn fast!

Rainman, feeling good after his win, bought our hero's koffee and celebrity guests Cloud Girl, Airman and their daughter, Maddie and Tardette and her and Rainman's daughter Lauren, aka Rain Drop, were in attendance for Koffee! 

Sharkman sat with the International Celebrity Rider from Australia who had been named Croc and then led the Nation in a roaring verse of Happy Birthday for the Sweetheart of the Peloton, Gazelle Girl. After the very moving rendition of the old favorite, Tardette mentioned it was also Rainman's Birthday, so the Nation again sang for the day's winner! The Klutch was rocking and little Maddie took a particular liking to the Pirate (yeah, we know, hard to figure) who entertained her as her Mom and Dad signed autographs for the tofosi.

As Sharkman had stated earlier, “it was a magical day in the kindgom!”
International Celebrity Rider from
Australia, Croc! Welcome to
the Nation Croc!

Thankfully, the Old Shark had young Rainman to pull him home to the Cove as the wind came out of the east at a pretty good clip. It was a very good day, indeed and the Sharkman gave thanks for all of his mighty Nation as he reflected on a great morning of riding with friends!

Big thanks to the Team Taylor riders who have come out in numbers this season, as well as all of the Nation that makes these rides so much fun. Special thanks to Nikeboy and Hoosier Boy for helping keep watch over those Minions who fall behind (with this many riders it can be difficult to keep track of everyone!) and to Skittles for his amazing mechanical skills! What a mighty Minion Nation!

All for one and all for the Sharkman!

As announced on Saturday, Sharkman will be gone for the next two weeks but the Nation will ride!

Cloud Girl, Maddie and Airman at the Press Conference!
Next Saturday, the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull is suspended (yes, we advised Andrew) while the Nation rides the Tour de Taylor! The Nation should wear their Shark Minion kit and meet near the start between 7-7:30 a.m. for a group launch!

Hopefully, someone will get a photo!

Saturday, June 21, 2015 the Nation returns to the KK-TdG with an 8:00 a.m launch!

The Sharkman will not be in attendance (oh, the humanity!) but expects the Nation to ride safe and watch out for one another!
Tardette, Lauren (Rain Drop) and the day's winner,
Rainman! Tardette was showing no side affects after her
Marathon at Traverse City!

Saturday, June 28, 2015, the Sharkman returns for the 8:00 a.m. launch! Is this a great country or what?!?

Be there!

Good luck to all the Tour de Taylor riders and be safe!

The Pirate met his match with Maddie, who
made sure he wasn't talking!



Belo News
June 8, 2015

Mattawan, Mi. - The KK-TdG will be suspended on Saturday, June 13 as the Nation will be riding the Tour de Taylor in Mattawan, Michigan that day. If you haven't entered, you need to do so now, though you did miss the deadline for the cool Tech T Shirt!

Team Taylor is a huge part of the Nation and we would like to encourage the Nation to be a part of this ride! Last year the Nation fielded a pretty good size group and rode the 100K ride as a team. So get your registration in as soon as possible!

The Nation will meet between 7-7:30 a.m. at the start to group and take any photos. 

Launch at 7:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Register at:
It is for the kids and families!

Be there!

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