Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Sharkman & Lava Girl rock the Klondike!



Belo News
June 24, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - Your intrepid hero, the Sharkman, has returned from Alaska and the Yukon territory where he is rumoured to have conquered the North! The man, the myth, the legend rocked the Klondike, mostly with a demonstration of his drinking and eating skills! He has lots to tell the Nation! Suffice it to say, he had a freaking BLAST!

Sharkman drinks his "Sourtoe Cocktail!"
You'll need to ask him about this!
However, our hero also returned with one kick ass cold he has been fighting all week and it can only be hoped he is back to his beloved Nation this Saturday! The old Shark has stated he will be there to ride or drink koffee and hopefully both. He will surely be leading a B group this week that might actually start earlier (we can only see if that works).

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - Sharp!

Due to the Gull Lake Tri, Sharkman will be leading the Nation on his famous "Tour of Central Kalamazoo County" complete with all the sights and sounds of this scenic country.  This year, the Nation will pass through the epicenter of the now famous, Earth Quake of 2015! And for this weekend only, Sharkman will only charge $1 to see this, now famous landmark! Is this a great country or what?!?

Be there!

What has gone on since our hero left town, you ask?

Belo News, which never rests from in-depth reporting on the cycling scene, and in particular, the Nations adventures (or misadventures) received two write ups from investigative reporters this past week, though the first reporter asked to remain anonymous (reasons will be obvious to the readers of the story).


Belo News
June 13, 2015
The "on time" Minion Nation at the Tour de Taylor!
(those not photographed were late!)

Mattawan, Mi. - (Note to Belo News): The group agreed not to admit to some of the following, so the writing skills as an editor will be needed to protect this Minion's anonymity as the source. And no matter what any other reporter submits, this report is much more accurate and reliable. I think they try to protect her reputation since she's the sweetheart of the peloton and all.)

She still reads a map like a girl!

The power and sway of the Sharkman was evident from the beginning of the day as the Sweetheart of the Peloton made her driver, Mad Dog drive all the way to her house to pick her up, where last year, not wanting to burden our leader, she rode over to the highway to meet Sharkman.

After being derided for arriving a few minutes early (Sharkman never complains when Mad Dog is early) and receiving extensive instruction on how to greet Gazelle Girl's Cujo like dog (not as issue at the Cove), Mad Dog was quickly wishing Sharkman present and driving.

Ironman was joining them on the drive over and was a tad bit late (tardiness seems more rampant when Sharkman is absent) due to an excessive evening, however, it should be noted he was the only one with the clarity of mind to remember the group photo.

Only 13 minions made the photo, but the group included a couple more who arrived late. (more late Minions! Where is Sharkman when you need him?)

The group headed out on the muggy, misty morning, confident that between Gazelle Girl's map and the well marked course, an uneventful ride awaited them. Now no one is sure if the problem was with Gazelle Girl's map reading skills, or the misting and fogging of the glasses resulting in a missed marker, or the nation riding without their leader (probably), but not too long into the ride Easty mentioned the Nation was heading back into Mattawan. Sure enough, after being assured by Gazelle Girl to just follow the arrows, the Nation ended up back at the start after only fifteen or so miles.

Oh the humanity!

After some discussion, it was decided to take a short cut over to the first sag, pick the 100k route back up, not allow Gazelle Girl to navigate the rest of the day, and not speak of the inability of the Nation to function without it's leader.

The nation made it back to the last sag realizing they didn't need to complete the last loop of the 100k route (which was ridden earlier in the day) to reach their 100k goal. With Easty's directional discernment once again on display, he quickly devised a route back to the start which would allow the Nation to say they completed 100k.

At the post ride meal it was decided the only ride the Nation is capable of completing correctly, without their leader, is the KK-TdG.

Editors Note: Nice write up, completely anonymous reporter! Hopefully the Sharkman will be back next year to insure punctuality AND direction! Well done Minions, you made the Nation proud.....well, sort of........


Belo News
Dr. Dave Rocks the M22!
June 13, 2015
Reporter Dr. Dave

Glen Arbor, MI. - Options abound for those who choose to be active on the 2nd Saturday of June in Michigan. The Tour de Taylor, Michigan Mountain Mayhem, North Country Trail relay and of course the M22 Challenge.

Close to 900 participants this year enjoyed a scenic run, bike, kayak totaling 22 miles on and around Big and Little Glenn Lakes.

The event begins with a quick 2.5 mi trail run that includes the main dune climb at Sleeping Bear. Word to the wise - pretend to be special and go with the first wave rather than the 4th or 5th as age would have it.

From the transition area riders pedal 17 miles Clockwise around Big and Little Glenn lakes. Passing through the heart of Glenn Arbor before heading South and the half mile climb to Inspiration Point. If the dune climb did not separate the wheat from the chaff, here was another opportunity. Road bikes tended to do better than tri bikes in this section, but the descent evened things back out.

49 minutes on the bike completed this leg and it was time to paddle. By this time winds out of the East were raising 1-2 ft chop. Some of the typically fast Epic surf skis had difficulty in
Kayak's at the ready!
the rougher conditions. One of the Team Hagerty boys who beat me last year went swimming. He was able to gather his paddle and life jacket but by then his boat was blowing away. His misfortune and my wife's seaworthy 18'6" Wilderness Systems Extreme combined with the only Inuit blade on course carried me through the chop and surfed me home to finish the 2.5 mi paddle in approx 24 minutes and first in my age group.

Total time 1:28:00
19th overall. 1st in the 45-50 age group.

I would recommend this destination race to anyone looking for a reason to visit Leelanau or do a Tri sin swim.

Dr. Dave

Editors Note: Great job, Dr. Dave, you did the Nation proud! Seriously!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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